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Weaknesses. Such a harsh word. Unfortunately for us, we did have some weaknesses. Lets
reword it into a gentle, kid-friendly term.

Room for improvement

In order to improve, we had to develop the abilitiy to critically reflect on ourselves and our
teammates. After each lesson, we grouped together to identify which areas we needed to
improve upon. We used the GROW system (developed by us!)

G- Get Feedback From the teacher, from eachother, and from the students!
R- Regroup We had to meet constantly to formulise ways in which to overcome our

O- Oil We had to oil the hinges of our lessons. Our goal was to ensure that the above two
steps transitioned into a well-oiled lesson that erradicated our previous weaknesses

W- Watch Watch the students and how the respond. Wash. Rinse. Repeat the steps of

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