Everyday Responses

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Everyday Responses

Which is the most appropriate response in each of these circumstances? (There

may be more than one possibility):

1. You approach a door at the same time as

someone else. One of you is going to have
to give way.
2. You bump into someone in a shop/ the
3. You see someone drop something and
you pick it up for them

A. Im so sorry to interrupt but...

B. Im so sorry. Is there anything I
can do?
C. Im so sorry. I lost track of the
D. Yes, isnt it?

4. A stranger in a queue addresses you and

says lovely weather
5. You need to interrupt someone with an
urgent message
6. Someone in a wheelchair is trying to
reach something off a high shelf in the

E. Excuse me, can you tell me

where to find...?
F. After you
G. Congratulations. Thats great
H. Can I help you reach that?

7. You cant see the product you want in a

large store and need to ask an assistant

I. Sorry

8.. Your colleague tells you that his mother

is seriously ill

J. Excuse me, I think you dropped


9. Someone at work announces they have

got engaged
10. You get a phone call asking why you
arent at the meeting which started 10
minutes ago



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