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Kacee Sommerfeldt

Grade 7

Lesson Plan




Numbers all around the world

Order of operations

6 October, 2016

Outcomes: Upon this lesson students will be able to

1. Identify rules for order of operations.
2. Solve questions applying rules for order of operations.


9. Explain and apply the order of operations, excluding exponents, with and without technology
(limited to whole numbers). [C, CN, ME, PS, T] [ICT: C62.4, C62.7]

Whiteboard marker/eraser
Crossword Puzzle print out

Instructional Strategies:
- Reinforcing effort & providing
- Setting objectives & providing
- Cooperative learning.
- Summarizing and note taking.


Objective: Upon completion of this lesson students will identify how

to use order of operations to solve problems.

Solve individually 20+8/4. Share your answers with the class. Did
everyone get the same answer? How do you know who is right?
Should have 22. Wrong answer is 7.
RULES OF OPERATIONS: BEDMAS notes: brackets, exponents,
divide or multiply left to right, add or subtract left to right.
Example: 11-6+8=13, 6+8-11=3, remember work left to right when
you have both + and- in the question, it will change your answer, do
not change the question order, work left to right. 18-8/2=14,
remember order, / before -. 7+3*2-4=9. Break down and solve each
order in steps so students can visually see. Have them solve
9/3+7*2=17. If all get it, show on board and move on, if not, have
student explain how they solved it. Watch BEDMAS song
BEDMAS song, can pause video and have students solve
example with it, or just use as review and have them visually
watch steps
Puzzle: (help individually for those who need it, when finish they
can check their answers with my answer key).
Homework time to work.


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Kacee Sommerfeldt
Grade 7

Exit slip: solve 22/2+5*4=31

Bowling dice game. Draw bowling pins
on whiteboard, number 1-9 in each circle. Using addition/subtraction///*
try to knock all pins down with one roll of two dice. Work in partners, 1
person write while other does math, take turns, can help each other.

Due today: 2B.2 #2, 2B.3 #1-3 odd letters.

Homework due next Wednesday: Exercise 2B.4odd numbers page 37,
exercise 2C all letters, Exercise 2D 1-5 (odd letters) page 39, Exercise 2E
1-6 (odd letters) page 42.
Self-Evaluation / Reflection:
I skipped the song, most have seen it before as PEMDAS, but it is the same thing as BEDMAS. Students will need
more practice with this. We did questions on the board, some would get right, others not. Using the individual
whiteboards for formative feedback was quite helpful, the students enjoy using them and I can see what they are
doing. For more practice they worked on the crossword for the rest of class. They get some correct and others not.
I need to figure out a better system for collecting in homework. Not all of them check their answers in the back of
the book. I will keep emphasizing check your work so you can solve it correctly. Show your work, if you cannot
figure it out I will be able to help you find the mistake. At the start of class they can hand in their homework and
work on the start of class problem while I mark down who has it completed. If they have already checked their work
I can do this faster. I do not want to keep their exercise book because they will need it to work from and take notes

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