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April 26th 2016

Choose the best answer
1. He refused to give up work ________ hed won a million pounds.
A. despite
B. however
C. as though
D. even though
2. Check the bottles carefully to make sure they have not been ______
A. broken into
B. taken out
C. touched up
3. The Continental United States is _____ that there are four time ________ zones.
A. so a big area
B. very big
C. much big
D. so big an area
4. If you hadnt lost the pieces, we _____a game of chess.
A. cant have
B. may have
C. could have
have had
5. Kelly wanted to have a live band _________ at her wedding.
A. to be played
B. play
C. played
D. been playing
6. _________, he couldnt finish that test in 60 minutes.
A. As the boy was intelligent
B. Intelligent as the boy was
C. As intelligent the boy was
D. Intelligent as was the boy
7. I understand you dont like opera. _________, I go at least once a month.
A. In contrast
B. On contrast
C. In the contrast D. On the
8. _________ of half-starving wolves were roaming the snow-covered countryside.
A. Herds
B. Flocks
C. Packs
D. Swarms
9. They discussed it for a while and then they ______ an agreement.
A. decided
B. had
C. approach
D. reached
10.John: May I come in? Peter: _________
A. Feel free
B. Yes, no problem C. Youre welcome D. Sorry, lets wait.
11.______ the airport, I was very worried to find that no one ____ for me.
A. On arriving at / had waited
B. On arriving at / was waiting
C. On arriving in/ had waited
D. When arriving at/ was waiting
12.________, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol.
A. When using antiseptic
B. How an antiseptic is used
C. An antiseptic when used
D. When used as an antiseptic
13.I think you must be _________ me for someone else.
A. confusing
B. reminding
C. mistaking
D. considering
14.He is not very _______ of his sons passion for loud music.
A. tolerated
B. tolerable
C. tolerant
D. tolerantly
15.He never ______ his word.
A. goes back on
B. puts up with
C. makes up for
D. does down
16.We decided not to travel, _______ the terrible weather forecast.
A. having heard
B. we hear
C. having been heard
D. being heard
17.________ of the students know the answer to that question.
A. Most
B. Almost
C. Mostly
D. The most
18.More coffee?, anybody? - ______
A. Yes, Id love to B. Its right, I think C. Yes, please
D. I dont agree, Im
19.We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are ______
A. out of stock
B. out of work
C. out of order
D. out of
20.I feel terrible, I didnt sleep ______ last night.
A. A jot
B. a wink
C. an inch
D. an eye


Choose the word(s) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in

each of the following questions.
21.If we had taken his sage advice, we wouldnt be in so much trouble now.
A. willing
B. sturdy
C. wise
D. eager
22.When their rent increased from $200 to $400 a month, they protested against such a
tremendous increase.
A. light
B. huge
C. tiring
D. difficult
23.The drought was finally over as the fall brought in some welcome rain.
A. heatware
B. harvest
C. summer
D. aridity
24.The doctor was sued for bad treatment.
A. mistreatment B. malpractice
C. misdemeanor
D. maltreatment
25.This tapestry has a very complicated pattern.
A. obsolete
B. intricate
C. ultimate
D. appropriate
Choose the word(s) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in
each of the following questions.
26.Mr. Smiths new neighbor appears to be very friendly.
A. hostile
B. amicable
C. futile
D. inapplicable
27.There has been no discernible improvement in the noise levels since lorries were
A. clear
B. obvious
C. thin
D. insignificant
28.The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.
A. explicit
B. implicit
C. obscure
D. odd
29.Synthetic products are made from chemicals or artificial substances
A. man-made
B. unusual
C. natural
D. made by machine
30.She wrote me a vicious letter.
A. helpful
B. gentle
C. dangerous
D. healthy
Rewrite the following sentences
1. The two paintings look identical to me.
I can see____________________________
2. It was foolish of her to stand in a queue.
She made __________________________________________________
3. Im always inviting him for a weekend with us but hes always too busy.
No matter _________________________________________________
4. As no one has disapproved of the scheme, I suggest we go ahead.
As no one has raised _______________________________________
5. She was just as good as they had thought.
She quite definitely came _______________________________
6. The outcome of the election was never in doubt.
At no time ____________________________________________
7. Doris thought the woman in front of her was her sister in law.
Doris mistook ________________________________________
8. The cost of living has gone up considerably in the last few years.
There _______________________________________________
9. We will stop off in France on our way to Germany.
We will break _______________________________________________
10.Because there was a late frost, much of the fruit crop was spoiled.
A frost, ____________________________________________________
11.John is very dependable.
___________________________________________________________ (LET)
12.His favorite breakfast is porridge and kippers.
___________________________________________________________ (WHAT)
13.After the scandal he was asked to resign.
___________________________________________________________ (HAND)

14.Thats got nothing to do business with you.

__________________________________________________________ (BUSINESS)
15.He has definitely agreed to accept the job.
__________________________________________________________ (COMMITTED)


READING : Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or

D best fits each space.
Passage 1:
Everyone has got two personalities the one that is shown to the world and the other that
is (1) ____________ and real. You dont show your secret personality when you are (2)
_________, because you can control yourself. But when you are asleep, your feeling position
(3) _________ the real you. In a normal (4) _________, of course, people often change their
position. The important position is the one you go to sleep in.
If you go to sleep on your back, you are a very (5) _________person. You usually believe
people and you accept new things or new ideas easily. You dont like to make people sad,
so you never express your (6) _______ feeling. You are quite shy.
If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You (7) ______ a lot and
you always easily become sad. You usually live for today not tomorrow. This means that
you (8) _________ having a good time.
If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very (9) ________ person. You have a low opinion
of yourself. You are shy and dont like meeting people. You (10) ________ to be on your own.
You are easily hurt.

A. important
A. awake
A. makes
A. room
A. independent
6. A. real
7. A. talk
8. A. regret
9. A. strong
10.A. pretend

B. serious
B. active
B. understand
B. bed
B. open

C. secret
D. particular
C. happy
D. honest
C. changes
D. shows
C. night
D. body
C. talkative


C. cheerful
C. relax
C. mind
C. nervous
C. refuse


D. gentle
D. worry
D. deny
D. careful
D. prefer

Passage 2
In developing nations, the (11) ___________ of food is the primary cause of malnutrition.
Famine, drought, war, and (12) _________ systems of food distribution contribute to the
(13) ________ problem of world hunger. Many countries have little or no reserves of (14)
_______ land of water: in addition, some, such as Bangladesh or other Southeast Asian
nations, cannot afford to buy food from other countries. Some countries have enough
resources to grow food but governmental (15) ________ of agriculture and poor policy
decisions have resulted in (16) ________ diets.
In addition to (17) ________ disorders, there are certain diseases that contribute to
malnutrition by (18) _______ with the bodys (19) ______ or utilization of (20) _________
11.A. availability
12.A. reliable
13.A. ongoing

B. available
C. inavailability
D. unavailability
B. unreliable
C. reliant
D. reliance
B. going
C. outgoing
D. gone




B. interfere
B. absorbed
B. nutrition

C. fertile
C. neglectfulness D.
C. unadequate
C. dietarian
C. interfered
C. absorption
C. nutritious

D. inadequate
D. being interfered
D. absorbent

IV . Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
The history of America could be said to have started in the 1600s which saw the beginning of
a great tide of emigration from Europe to North America. Spanning more than three
centuries, this movement grew from a trickle of a few hundred English colonists to floodtide of
newcomers numbered in the millions. Impelled by powerful and diverse motivations, they
built a new civilization on a once savage continent.
The first English immigrants to what is now the United States of America crossed the Atlantic
long after thriving Spanish colonies had been established in Mexico, the West Indies, and
South America. Like all new travelers to the New World, they came in small, overcrowded
ships. During their 6-to 12 week voyages, they lived on meager rations. Many of them died of
disease. Ships were often battered by storms, and some were lost at sea.
To the weary voyager, the sight of the American shore brought immense relief. The colonists
first glimpse of the new land was a vista of dense woods. These vast, virgin forests, extending
nearly 1,300 miles along the eastern seaboard from north to south, proved to be a treasure
house, providing abundant food, fuel, and a rich source of raw materials for houses, furniture,
ships, and profitable cargoes for export.
The first permanent English settlement in America was a trading post founded in 1607 at
Jamestown, in the Old Dominion of Virginia. This region was soon to develop a flourishing
economy from its tobacco crop, which found a ready market in England. By 1620, when
women were recruited in England to come to Virginia, marry, and make their homes, great
plantations had already risen along the James River, and the population had increased to a
thousand settlers.
1. The passage mainly discusses American _______
A. civilization
B. exploration
C. immigration
2. The word Spanning is closet in meaning to ______
A. combining
B. reaching
C. uniting
D. bridging
3. From the passage, it can be inferred that _______
A. most of the immigrants arrived in America in the 1600s
B. emigration to America became more and more popular
C. millions of English people emigrated to America
D. the Spanish were the first to emigrate to America
4. The word they refers to ________
A. Spanish colonists
B. Mexican travelers
C. West Indian voyagers
English immigrants
5. It can be inferred from the passage that English immigrants to America often _______
A. were half-starved on their sea voyage
B. died because the voyages were too long
C. traveled in ships which got lost on the voyages

D. were suffering from diseases when they started the voyages

6. The author refers to the forest as being virgin because _______
A. they were completely impenetrable
B. they had never been explored
C. they contained nothing but trees
D. they covered an enormous area
7. According to the passage, which of the following was welcoming to the exhausted
A. The shoreline B. Vast woods
C. The eastern seaboard
D. The
8. The word which refers to ____
A. region
B. economy
C. crop
D. market
9. The word ready could be best replaced by ____
A. waiting
B. perfect
C. chosen
D. total
10.According to the passage, English women traveled to America to ___
A. become wealthy
B. work on the plantations C. by employed as housekeeper D.
find a partner
V. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one in italics.
1. Some people will go any length to lose weight.
A. Some people will do anything to lose weight.
B. Some people havent lost any weight for a long time.
C. Losing weight is a long way for some people.
D. Some people find it hard to lose weight
2. Mary must have forgotten about our meeting.
A. Mary never forgets about our meeting
B. Mary had to come to our meeting.
C. Mary is not attending our meeting
D. It seems that Mary forgot about our meeting
3. Be sure to get me some newspapers.
A. Im not sure about some newspapers.
B. I certainly will get you some newspapers.
C. Surely Im going to get some newspapers.
D. Remember to get me some newspaper
4. Much as I admire her achievements, I dont really like her.
A. I dont really like her because I dont admire her achievements.
B. I dont really like her even though I admire her achievements.
C. Whatever her achievements, I dont really like her.
D. I like her achievements, so I admire her.
5. The coachs tactics was directly responsible for the teams defeat.
A. The team lost because the coach had no tactics.
B. The teams responsibility is to defeat the coachs tactics.
C. The coach directly guided the team but had no responsibility.
D. The team lost as a direct consequence of the coachs tactics.

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