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English 3305

Technical Writing

Class Meeting
11:10 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
Denney 312

Kaitlin Clinnin

Office Hours
12:30 p.m. 2 p.m.
Denney 324 (DMP)
*other times by appointment

Photo: Grids by doodlecarll (Flickr, 2005)

What is technical communication?

Technical communication is the transmission of complex
information from one party to another. Technical
communicators create documents that explain ideas
and present arguments for both specialist and nonspecialist readers.
Technical communication encompasses a variety of
written genres including memos, letters, manuals,
proposals, policies, procedures, documentation, and
work logs. Technical communication also includes
spoken forms of communication: speeches, briefings,
consultations, knowledge-transfer sessions, etc.

What will I learn and do in this class?

You will learn to
Evaluate the rhetorical context of a social or professional writing situation
Analyze and assess the effectiveness of existing documentation using technical
communication principles (plain language, information design, genre
Solicit feedback from users and stakeholders by conducting usability tests
Collaborate with peers and other stakeholders to design multimodal documents
using plain language and information design principles
Produce, revise, and edit documents in a range of genres and modes
Practice ethical intercultural communication

You will write

All projects will be related to the common goal of representing our class as a
viable technical-services consultancy. Our "firm" will produce technical
documents for a real client ( These documents will demonstrate your
technical, rhetorical, and critical-thinking skills.
Working individually, in small groups, and as a class, you will produce documents
that demonstrate your credentials (such as rsums) and documents that
demonstrate your technical and rhetorical proficiencies (such as reports and
instructions). Throughout the semester, you will produce a variety of other
documents, including training materials and usability testing plans.
Detailed descriptions of all assignments will be posted on our Carmen site.

You will read

Expect to read a fair amount of material from our assigned texts and from your
peers. The majority of your reading will be self-directed and related to your course
projects. If slides are posted to Carmen before class, they are considered part of
the days reading.
Readings and homework assignments for each class will be posted on Carmen.

English 3305 Autumn 2016

resources and
tools will I

Photo: abstract textures by bm.iphone (Flickr, 20011)

You will need to buy

Alred, Gerald, Charles Brusaw and Walter Oliu. Handbook of Technical
Writing. 11th edition. Bedford/St. Martins, 2015.
USB flash drive (optional)

You will also use


Computer Files

Access readings, slides, notes, and other


Submit all work using standard Microsoft

Office file types (.doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx)

Check course schedule, daily readings

and homework, and submit assignments.

Note: Microsoft Office 365 is available for

free through Ohio State


Classroom Technology

Correspond with instructor and group


Use provided computers and other

devices responsibly for class-related

Data Backup
Back up all digital files; technological
mishaps are not excuses for late work.

Note: Off-topic use of technology will

result in a reduced professionalism grade.

English 3305 Autumn 2016

What will I write, and how will I be graded?

Individual projects
Information Design Exercises (5 x 3% each)
Fact Sheet
Application Package
iFixit Document Analysis Report


Group projects
Usability Training Presentation
iFixit Instructions Documents (2 x 5% each)
iFixit Usability Portfolio


General responsibilities
Professionalism memos


Note: You must complete all major assignments to pass the class!



Revision Policy
You may revise the individual projects (fact sheet,
application package, and/or document analysis report) for
a higher grade. I will average the grade for the revised
document with the grade for the original document. To be
eligible for revision, a project must be turned in on time and
at least meet the minimum standards of the project.

English 3305 Autumn 2016

I am late to class?

What do I do

I need to miss class?

Regularly attending class is important for
you to practice technical
communication skills and to contribute
to collaborative projects. However, life
happens. You will have 2 unexcused
absences for the semester, although
you are still responsible for class work,
major assignments, and other deadlines
during your absence. Any additional
unexcused absences after 2 will result in
the lowering of your final grade by 1/3 of
a grade (for example, B+ to B). Excused
absences, including documented illness,
family tragedy, religious observance, or
travel for inter-collegiate athletics, will
not affect your grade. It is your
responsibility to contact me as soon as
possible if you miss class for an excused
absence. Seven or more unexcused
absences will automatically result in a
failure for the course.

Tardiness is disruptive to the classroom

environment, prevents you from fully
participating in class discussions and
activities, and demonstrates a lack of
professionalism. You will be considered
tardy if you do not arrive within 10
minutes of class starting. Consistent
tardiness will negatively impact your
professionalism grade.

I turn work in late?

Student Work should be turned in at
the time indicated on the syllabus and
assignment sheets as indicated by the
instructor. An assignment is considered
late if it is submitted after the specified
due date and will lose one full letter
grade at that point (ex: from a B+ to a
C+); every subsequent 24 hours from
the original due date will result in
further loss of one full letter grade. If
you know ahead of time that a
particular deadline will be difficult for
you, please contact me at least one
week in advance. I can work with you
to accommodate alternative
deadlines if appropriate given enough
time. The grade will also not be
affected if an assignment is late for
reasons that would result in an
excused absence. Unexcused
absences or technological misfortunes
are not acceptable excuses for failing
to meet a deadline.
English 3305 Autumn 2016

What do I do

class is cancelled?
In the unlikely event that class must be
cancelled, I will contact you via email
and request that a note be placed on
the door. I will contact you as soon as
possible following the cancellation to let
you know what will be expected of you
for our next class meeting.

I need help writing?

University Writing Center, located in
4120A Smith Lab, provides one-on-one
tutorial assistance for all writers. You can
schedule a session online at Students may
schedule one consultation per week in
the Writing Center and students may also
opt for on-line synchronous tutoring in
addition to (or as an alternative to) the
more traditional face-to-face session.

I use someone elses work

Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of the
words or ideas of another person. It is a
serious academic offense that can result in
referral to the Committee on Academic
Misconduct and failure for the course.
Please remember that at no point during
the writing process should the work of
others be presented as your own. Feel free
to research the material we discuss, but
please be in the habit of crediting your
sources. In short, dont plagiarize.

I have a concern about this

The Ombudsman of the Writing Programs,
Debra Lowry (,
mediates conflicts between instructors
and students in Writing Programs courses.
Her Autumn 2016 walk-in hours are
Mondays 1-3pm and Thursdays 9-11am in
Denney Hall 441. All conversations with the
Ombudsman are confidential.

...I need help with a personal issue?

What do I do

OSU Counseling and Consultation Service: Students

experiencing personal problems or situational crises
during the semester are encouraged to contact the
OSU Counseling and Consultation Service (614-2925766; for assistance, support
and advocacy.

Student Advocacy Center is committed to assisting students overcome obstacles to

their growth both inside and outside the classroom, and to help them maximize their
educational experience while pursuing their degrees at The Ohio State University.
The SAC is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM 5:00 PM. You can visit them in person
at 1120 Lincoln Tower, call at (614) 292-1111, email, or visit their

...I need an accommodation to be successful in class?

The University strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you
anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including
mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let me know
immediately so that we can privately discuss options. You are also welcome to
register with Student Life Disability Services to establish reasonable
accommodations. After registration, make arrangements with me as soon as possible
to discuss your accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely
Student Life Disability Services contact information:
Phone: 614-292-3307
Location: 098 Baker Hall, 113 W. 12th Avenue.

English 3305 Autumn 2016

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