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TITLE :- Supermarket billing

Prepared by :Ankit Chandora
Second year
Computer science
ROLL NO :- 06


This to certify that the project
report entitled SUPERMARKET
BILLING SYSTE Msubmitted by
CHANDORA during the academic
year 2016 2017 is a bonafied piece
of work conducted under my
supervision and guidance. The data
sources have been fully
acknowledged. I wish his success in
all his future endeavours.

Guided by:- miss rupali mam


2.Work flow
3.Description of project
4.Proposed system
5.Technology and tools used
9.Header files
10.Classes and objects
12. Output

The project is on Supermarket Billing.
Supermarket is the place where customers come to
purchase their daily using products and pay for that.
So there is a need to calculate how many products
are sold and to generate the bill for the customer.
In our project we have 2 users.
First one is the administrator who will decide the
taxes and commissions on the products and can see
the report of any product. He is the one who will
decide the products available for customers.
The second one is the customer or the billing
manager who can purchase the items available or
can make the bill for customers.
This project can also be used for online purchasing
as the customer can access it easily.
The supermarket billing system is built to help
supermarkets calculate and display bills and serve
the customer in a faster and efficient manner.

This software project consists of an effective and

easy Guide to help the employee in easy bill
calculation and providing an efficient service.

Work in the Supermarket will be done in the following
1. The product will come in the store.
2. The Administrator will enter the information of the
product in database and price and discount available
for each product.
3. The customer will come and take the basket with
him/her and choose the product and take it to
4. The bill calculating operator will enter the product
number then it will show its information and price and
the bill will be calculated and total payment will shown.
5. Customer will pay for the products.
6. All the products will be packed and delivered to the

Many Supermarkets use this type of billing system for a
decade. It is also improved many times according to
requirements of sellers and customers. It does the same
work that is calculating the bill, gives it to the customer
and maintain proper database. They are accurate in
calculation and printing, they also generate records.
A new concept is also added in the billing system is
that they also maintain relationships with the customers
who purchase more products from the store regularly.
System also concerns their requirements and gives them
more commission. It also shows the overall profit and
profit on a particular product and give repots which
items are required and which have cross their expiry

Proposed SYSTEM
To overcome all these problem we are developing a
solution that is,
instead of go the
This remove burden on the customer. home and search

items in wreck shopping mall, we can search for the items

using our mobile.

Payment also can be done through mobile.

Technology and tools

Programming language C++ Software Used :windows
8.1 or fedora


Saving in labor due to self-service system.
Supermarket has large turnover.
Low cost of operation.
Freedom of selection.
Shopping is very easy and quick.

The system reduces much of human efforts in

calculating bill especially for huge products.
Saves money and resources of organization and
of use of paper or sheets in making bill.
It can detect the product information and their price
instantaneously using RFID(Rfid tagging products
allows for directly scanning products and their data
is added to the system automatically..) technology.
Saves time.
It provides accuracy and faultless in billing
The system is designed having attractive GUI and
with detailed description.
It is flexible and user-friendly.
It also notifies customers through sending an
electronic bill via email.

There is lack of personal attention.
It require large and extensive premises.

Goods which require explanation by

salesman cannot be sold in such markets.
Requires large database.
Cannot track the product information if RFID
tag is abraded.

#include<conio.h>Functions used: getch( ) ,
getche( ) , gotoxy(X,Y).
#include<stdio.h>Functions used: puts( ),
gets( ), rename( ), remove( ).
#include<process.h>Function used: exit( ).
#include<fstream.h>Functions used: open( ),
close( ), seekp( ).

Classes and objects


product: The object declared for this class is pr.

This class stores the product number
name,price,quantity,tax and discount available on it;
which are declared as private members so customers
can notmodify them.Functions of this class and their
a. create_product(): This function is to be used by
theadministrator to add new products to their list.
b. show_product(): This function is used by
theadministrator to display the details of all
c. retpno():It returns the product number.
d. retprice(): It returns the price of the product.
e. retname():It returns the name of the product.
f. retdis():It returns the discount available on
2.fstream: The object declared for this class is fp
. It is the predefined class used for both FiletoMemory/Memory-to-File linking

write_product(): This function writes the
informationabout the product in the file Shop.dat.

display_all(): This function displays all the records

of products saved in the file Shop.dat.3.
display_sp() :This function displays some specific
records based on the product number entered by the
modify_product():This function modifies the produ
ct details by entering the product number.
delete_product(): This function deletes the product
by entering the product number.
menu(): This function the product number, its name
andits price.
place_order():This function places order and
generates bill for the products bought.
intro(): This function displays the project name and
the developers.
admin_menu(): This function displays a list of
function to be operated by administrator to
modify/update products details .the function uses
above user-defined functions.
10.main(): This is the main function which just the
MAINMENU from where the control is transferred to
other functions.

Our project and implementation is on
supermarket Billing System. We have
successfully completed it.
We take this opportunity to express our sense
of indebtedness and gratitude to all those
people who helped us in completing this project
and implementation .
This project and implementation has
contributed a lot to our knowledge that has
proved to be a value addition for us.


End of project ---------------------------------------

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