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Scenes breakdown of Jack and Marcel {you can take a look from YouTube:

Scene Image Time/Duration Cam/Trans/Description

1 00:03 (3s) Cam: Pan left

Two main characters Jack(orange) and

Marcel(black) jump out from the screen.
They get ready to eat and very happy.

2 00:06 (3s) Cam: Zoom in

Introduce another character Mosquito.

It’s hiding behind the plant.

3 00:09 (1s) Cam: follow the Mosquito’s action

It flies towards the two main characters.

Scene Image Time/Duration Cam/Trans/Description

4 00:10 (3s) When Jack and Marcel open their mouth

and want to eat their meal, Mosquito takes
their food away.

Then it flies back to the plant.

5 00:13 (1s) Jack and Marcel chase the mosquito, and

they look very angry.

6 00:14 (3s) Find that the mosquito stands on the plant.

Mosquito eats the food.
Scene Image Time/Duration Cam/Trans/Description

7 00:17 (1/2s) Drop down the slip onto the table.

8 00:17 (4s) Two characters get angry.

They turn back to eat the rest of meal.

9 00:21 (3s) But this time, the Mosquito come again; as

usual it takes away the food!
Scene Image Time/Duration Cam/Trans/Description

10 00:24 (1s) (Reuse of 00:14)

Mosquito is going to eat the food again.

11 00:25 (2s) The two characters are burned.

They chase the mosquito again.

12 00:27 (4s) Cam: Zoom in slowly

Marcel (black one) jump onto the plant.

It wants to punish the mosquito.
Scene Image Time/Duration Cam/Trans/Description

13 00:31 (1s) But Marcel falls down.

And it beats the pair of chopsticks.

14 00:32 (3s) The rice shoots from the bowl and hit the

15 00:35 (5s) Mosquito is hurt and falls down.

It drops into the bowl of soup.

Cam: Zoom in
To see their facial expression clearly.
Scene Image Time/Duration Cam/Trans/Description

16 00:40 (3s) They put the Mosquito onto a leave.

They try to wrap it up and make a
vegetable roll.

17 00:43 (2s) Cam: Pan right

They use chopsticks to hold the roll, and

put it into the soup.

18 00:45 (4s) In the end, two characters Jack and

Marcel hide behind the screen then enjoy
their meal.

The end
I choose this cartoon for my reference animation scenes breakdown, as the following reasons:

 Duration of this animation is just right; I need to create a 1 min long animation, so it’s easy for me to follow.
 Content is suitable for the target audiences
 The characters are interesting, appeal kids to watch.
 It can express ideas or messages as simple as well.
 Children can easily understand the meanings.
 Style of drawings are simple that I can handle well in flash.
 The structures of this animation are matched with my story.
(E.g. Opening  Developing  Funny Ending)

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