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Name: Adriana Cabanas_

Date: 09/14/2016_
Plan Rubric


Buying a house _

Background Information
1. What is your role? What are key pieces of background information about your role?
I am the seller of the house near Centennial Park in Centerville. I originally purchased the house
for $155,000. Asking for $240,000 to save on commissions.
2. What is the others / others role? What are key pieces of background information about their
The other role is the buyer who is asking for $220,000 and is willing to negotiate. Another thing
is that they probably have other options in mind since the houses around mine have offers with
less than $240,000.
3. What information about the situation is important to note?
After putting the price for $240,000 there wasnt and offer for a month so I decided to settle any
offer that yielded at least $225,000 but I would prefer to sell it as close as $240,000 as a possible.
The other houses havent exceeded $240,000 and they are two, which are bigger house than mine.
But the buyer was interested in my house so I will try my best to have the deal at $230,000$235,000 after explaining the gain the buyer will have.
4. Why is the negotiation happening?
The negotiation is happening because I have received an offer for the house and the buyer is
willing to talk about the options in the price since he/she liked the house.

Issues & Interests

1. In the table below, identify each issue up for negotiation, your interest with regard to each
issue, and what you surmise the others interest to be with regard to each issue.
Your Interest
Their Interest
There are houses with
Sell the house closest to $240,000
Buy the house at $220,000
bigger square feet selling
at a cheaper price
Sell it bellow my
Sell the house at least more than
To buy the house
reservation point
the price offer of the buyer
Not selling the house
Try to make the best offer trying to Have the house in a range theyll be
because of a disagreement explain the gain he/she will get by comfortable with
in price
buying the house



1. What is your BATNA? Why is that your BATNA?
My BATNA will be selling the house not less than $225,000 or keeping the house if I do not
make a deal.
2. In the table below, for each issue, identify your target point & reservation point, and why those
are your target / reservation points.
Not offers for $240,000
There are offers with better
price in neighborhood


/ 12


/ 25

This could be my target point since
the other houses have offered less
for square feet of 1875 and 1920
while mine is 1846

I cannot sell the house bellow this
price because I will lose my

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