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Chapter 1 notes


Scalar & Vector quantities:

Scalar quantities possess magnitude (size) only. For example distance need
magnitude irrespective of direction. Vector quantities, however, possess both
magnitude and direction. For example displacement need magnitude and
direction as well.



Mass, Time, Distance, Speed, Volume,

Density, Work, Energy, and Power.

Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration,

Force, and Weight.

Examples below:

Newtons first law in mathematical terms:

If a body has number of forces F1, F2, F3 Fn acting on it, it will remain in a
state of constant motion only if the total force or the resultant force sum up to 0.

Newtons second law of motion:

F= resultant force,

m= mass,

a= acceleration.

F and a are directly proportional. a and m are inversely proportional.

F=ma, SI unit for resultant force is in newton (N).

Newtons third law of motion:

If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts a force of same size on
body A, but in opposite direction. It is vital to realise that the third law pairs of
forces (which are of the same type) act on different bodies.

Circular motion:
In a circular motion, if an object is moving at some steady speed its speed
remains constant at all positions but the velocity keeps changing because it is
moving in circles and its direction is changing.

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