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Few tips about sleep,nutrition and timing during day

Best part of sleep is between 10 PM and 2 AM(22-2 by Serbian).

Pineal gland producing melatonin which is mighty tool against cancer. So sleep to
stay healthy. Secretions of melatonin starts at 9 PM(21 by Serbian) and stops at
7:30 AM. Biological clock is near hypothalamus.
Sleeping bed and pillow should support spine as in when we stand. In first aid
support for spine is always hard. I wonder why they make beds so soft.
Magnetic wave of the Earth put at 9PM everyone in sleeping mode.
In the evening we should not be in front of the computer because blue part of
spectrum awake us. Similar alertness we could have after coffein, garlic,
mushroom(germanium good for immune system, but also for alertness).
Dont drink coffee after 2 PM. And no smoking cigars! Drink it at 9 AM or around 2
PM, because cortisol level is high at that time.
Be away from pet. Leave him to rest.
We move between 60 and 80 times during sleep.
During sleep calcium makes our motor nerves. Calcium is connection between
nerves. Kinestetic or psychomotor IQ is higher after good sleep. Memory too.
American basketball teams skip morning training at day of competition. But good
sleep is on must to do list!
Babies are taller because of sleep.
Do not sleep on the trampoline because You will lose the delta phase of sleep and
one that will sleep up to us will feel it too.
Good advice for better sleep is grounding. Walk barefoot not by grass(isolator), but
by rock, pebbles, or sand, ground of any kind. Stress produced by electrosmog is
lower. Also made orgonite
with spiral solenoide around SiO2 quartz(ametist and rosenquartz have similar
formula, but white ordinary is the best). Put it on the earth or in water to make it
work better. In such way it has more bovises.
( )
Zeolit can cleanse the body and nature from radiation. In nature mushroom do

Silence is most desirable when body is going in state of sleep. Darknes too.
(Because of melatonin.) And it is good if it is cold, not too cold or headache cold.
About 16 to 18 degrees of Celsius. (Half of body temperature which is 33 degrees.
Water boils at 33 degrees by Newton scale. Earthquake has it p and s waves as
exponential of 33 on 33 on 33 every next is 33 times further of epicenterand so
on..). Turn off all electrical devices. Not just less electrosmog, but silence is greater.
Less sleep implicate heavier weight.
Put under bed or under feet magnetic litter or floorcloth made of ryes (any grain is
suitable,but rye is hardest fibers) to block bad geopatogen radiation from Mother
Earth. Water disrupt geopatogen radiation, can be its carrier, and it is easy for
water to get anywhere possible.
(In astrology You can learn whether You are night type or day type of person.)
Best time for learning is between 5 AM/PM and 9 AM/PM.
Best time for running is at 4PM.
Most strokes are in the morning at 7 AM. Body in that specific time generates high
pressure. Also fastest metabolism is in the morning. Running without morning meal
is good for weight loss(no more then 3 or 10 km or miles because heart and internal
organs , as well as brain, suffer - brain is more selfish then internal organs, because
it consume more calories/joules). My advice is slow, then faster walk with yoga and
stretching exercises. We are taller in the morning. Also one spoon of honey at night
is good for weight loss.(which is opposite to chrononutrition which say anything we
eat after 7 PM make us heavier, less ensymes work to make energy)
Best time for exercising is after noon (12 AM) and most efficient is between 5 PM
and 7 PM. In the morning quick walking is the best. Walking activates brain (sitting
opposite ancient people when danger is near they werent sitting). And yoga as
well as stretching - are good for morning wake-up . Our heart and blood vessels
need at least 3 hours to reach full capacity.
We should not drink alchohol 3 hours before sleep. Destroy REM phase of sleep. Also
not eat anything 4 hours before sleep. Maybe water or honey.
We can eat banana, nuts (peanut,walnut,hazelnut,almond,Indian nut,Brazilian
nut,pistachio) and drink a lot of water in the evening and in the morning after sleep.
I find it is good combination to eat peanuts with radishes. Or in various salads..Be
creative! Some have habit to eat honey in the morning because selfish brain
demands it (selfish because heart,liver etc are not as demanding as brain is).
By chrononutrition insuline is generated by body around 4 PM. Eat sweets,
chocolate in that specific time or fruit. Sweet is not good before sleep (like alchoholit can destroy REM phase of sleep). Some take dark chocolate in the morning to
faster loose weight.
Morning is time for break( ing )fast( ing ). From 6 PM to 6 AM we should drink water
and nothing more. The best is if water is hot. Hot lemonade in the morning with
honey and cinnamon is the best possible what Your body can get in the morning.

Breakfast should be at 8 AM,

lunch between noon and 3 PM,
sweets, chocolate, fruits at between 4 PM and 6 PM,
and dinner around 6 PM to 7 PM.
Last meal should be 4 hours before sleep.
Breakfast: oily things. Coconut oil is best. Eggs, bacon, butter, cereals,
Some new research and one old saying (bread and games )
suggesting that grains , cereals are bad for humans because they block pineal
gland, hypothalamus in proper work.
A part from this:
The population of this planet, for the most part has been socially conditioned to consume wheat,

grain and cereal products, unaware of the disasterous effects on the body .
During the reign of the Egyptians and Sumerians, beer (liquid bread) was served to the slaves to
keep them in line and also to make them sleep at night. Just as today people consume enourmous
amounts of beer and other wheat based bervages, on top of eating bread based products
whereever they are served; they suffer the effects of which will be discussed shortly.
So one must understand the ruling classes utilize food stuffs to control their populations in ways
the populace are ignorant to, and completely unable to grasp
If You like bread, use then in the morning integral bread, toasted. Toaster kill yeast
(which is good ).
Hot lemonade with honey and cinnamon is good start of day. Also linseed oil with
young low-fat cheese.
The Sun is the best source of energy. Like Superman we are solar batteries. At the
moment we dont know why all 64 codons are in function but only 20..Some day..
Vitamin D is product of being on sunlight. Black people should be 2 times more on
the Sun. Many broken bones or sports injuries of black man and woman statistically
proves that point. Beside walking and Sun yoga or sungazing, very important
exercise for muscles of pectoral thorax is breathing. 20 minutes at the morning and
in the evening exercise muscles that cant be built in fitnes gym by adding weight.
Deep breathing is essential. Also learn more at pranayama yoga.
Lunch should be proteins and vegetables. Dont mix proteins with carbohydrates!
Proteins can slow process of digestion of carbohydrates. Because of that slowing
carbohydrates are not digest well in stomach and their decomposition can make
damage to colon.

Pasta, pizza, potato is not food for dinner at the evening, last before sleep! Unless
You want to get cancer of colon.
Cow milk is bad for humans. Humans dont have a way to digest it. It is the reason
of lesser imunity, less iron in blood. Milk in abdomen makes balls of casein, very
sticky stuff that block humans gut by blocking resorption of important minerals.
Calcium from milk cant be resorbed. Cheese and acidly milk can be ate. Dont
drink yogurt. Parsley and sesame can be used as Calcium source (9x more parsley
has calcium then milk! Sesame 8x!)
Calories are not important. But time when we eat them is very crucial.
2 hours after lunch dont eat desserts!
On years scale ordinary man eat 5 kilos of toxins. And one year is time to
completely remove that from body, with all new cells.
Lunch is meal for meat. But meat can be replaces with beans or peas (also protein
source). Dont mix peas with meat. Effect is similar as in potato/meat combination
or banana/yogurt or meat/lasagna. All salted menus with dessert or fruit at the end.
Acidical salad with rice is bad combination. As well as one glass of vine at meal
where we eat carbohydrates.
Fruits and sweets dont eat during meal or after it.
Pasta should not be eaten 2 days in a row!
Only one protein vareity humans should eat. So dont mix fish with eggs, or meat
with chesse, or fish/ cheese. In morning whole egg is good, but in evening only
People with diabetes should know that cooked vegetables actually want insuline..
they are sweet and people can gain weight on it.
Dinner fish with salad and linseed oil. Chicken on grill with salad and balsamico is
another good combination.

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