Power Craft User's Guide

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Power Craft guide 3.4.

for 1.2.5

The new version for 1.3 and newer is DIFFERENT in some things.

(Display of all blocks in version 3.4.2.)

-------NEED HELP WITH WEASEL or MINERS? Read the Weasel guide
The most useful Weasel programs and library disks
can be downloaded from the Weasel program library.


To get inspiration for your factories, check the Inventions Gallery.

And also follow @MightyPork on twitter!

Table of contents
Power Craft guide 3.4.3 for 1.2.5
Table of contents
Information overview
If you get Black Screen
What is PowerCraft?
General info, block placing, redstone powering
Extra recipes added
Crafting Tool
Power Crystals
Power Dust
Activation Crystal
Spawner GUI
Ore Sniffer
Iron Frame
Steel Ledges and Stairs
Redstone Storage Block
Brewing support
Conveyor Belt
Speedy Belt
Item Ejector
Brake Conveyor

Item, XP & Mob Separator belt

Detector Belt
Automatic Workbench
Block Builder(and hoe + bonemeal machine)
Block Harvester [+ automatic shearing machine]
Harvesting minecarts
Extending harvesters range
Shearing sheep
Custom crops support
Nether field
Killer beam
Sensor beam
Transmitter and receiver
Mirrors for lasers
Optical prism - LASER SPLITTER
Coloured mirrors (v3.0)
XP storage
MILKING MACHINE (bucket in dispenser)
Automatic Animal Breeding
Block Replacer
Fishing Machine
Building fishing machine
All Recipes
Logic Gates
T, D and RS flip-flop gates

Special sensors (DAY, RAIN, Empty+Full Chest)
Buffered Delayer
Long Delayer
Special Controller
Programmable Gate
Motion Sensors
Signal lights (Control Lights)
MOBILE module
Mining Vehicle - Bulldozer or Miner
How to use Miner
Miners Keyboard Control
Miners levels and special powers
Programming GUI
Programming language for Miners
Using variables in loops
IF-ELSE statement
Example program - spiral mining
Factory ideas
Screenshots (older features)

Information overview
Basic information
Created by MightyPork (follow me on twitter!)
Minecraft version 1.2.5
Latest mod version: v3-4-9
Requires Modloader
Technical stuff (may be changed in the future versions)
Block IDs used 212-238
Item IDs used approx. 19256-19261
Terrain sprites 0 (terrain.png swapping used)
Item sprites approx. 5
Total classes approx. 280, excluding libraries
Lines of code 46.575, excluding libraries
Downloads over 70.000

Property files (for modules)

.minecraft / PowerCraft/ modulename.cfg

If you want to support me, you can

Donate! I will appreciate it.
Latest version can be found on minecraft forums.
This mod is also posted on PlanetMinecraft.com.

Requires Risugamis ModLoader
Make sure Minecraft works with modloader, before you try to install this
1. Download the ZIP file of this mod.
2. Place the file into .minecraft/mods (create if needed)
ModLoader will find it and load the mod from the zip, no need to
edit your jar.
3. Run Minecraft.

If you get Black Screen

Check ModLoader.txt and PowerCraft.log for errors. ID conflicts are
ID conflicts can be solved by editing the property files.
It is not recommended to use ID resolver!
Check the forums post at least once a week, updates are released
very often, and they are sometimes really important!

What is PowerCraft?
Intuitive yet powerful industrial mod
Ideal for automatic farming and mob spawners
Easier than other factory mods


PowerCraft is modular - consists of plugins, and one Core module.

Because the mod is becoming really complex, modules no longer
work separately.

General info, block placing, redstone powering

Hold CTRL while placing blocks to build in opposite direction.
I paid special attention to make it possible to build conveyors on
top of other blocks, even if they have inventories. thus: You cant
open GUI with conveyor, gate or machine in your hand.
All blocks that react to redstone can be powered from either side,
from above and even from below!
Some blocks use Tile Entities and items with metadata to hold extra
information. Thats why you cant cheat the from TMI.

Extra recipes added

PowerCrafts core module adds few useful recipes to the game. It
can be disabled using config file.
These let you craft wooden items back to sticks / planks, furnace
back to cobble and sandstone back to sand.
You can also craft spawner:
M - mossy cobblestone
S - iron ingot
Click spawner with activation crystal to set its mob type (pig is

==== 3.4.3 ====
* Fixed bug in XP bank which allowed infinite XP recyclation
* Added missing recipes to some lights
* STRONGLY improved weasel's math parser
* Syntax highlighter now recognizes strings and comments
- Removed programmable gates; break them to get the resources you used to craft them.
+ Block replacer now remembers direction of the last replaced block (torch's side etc.)
+ Block replacer can replace INVENTORY BLOCKS and their contents will be preserved!
+ Syntax highlighting colors are in config file
+ Weasel has it's own ID - all the new weasel devices share this one
+ 3 Weasel gadgets - external devices: Display, Port, Speaker
+ Display has support for formatting (just like in these new books), and colors.
+ Weasels can directly use radio signals, and share variables
+ Use activation crystal to connect weasel with it's peripherals (the gadgets it can use).
+ Each weasel network has it's own unique color, but you can change it, and also rename the network
+ Weasel has new amazing GUI with lots of functions and information.
+ Hacked water to store items to chests and work seamlessly with conveyors.
+ Hacked "splash texts", now they sometimes use our texts.
+ Update notification in splash text, and also ingame, as before.
+ Improved belts (a bit smoother)
+ Reduced some lag in weasel

+ Addition of strings works now.

+ Added simple functions to get current time:
hours(), mins(), secs(), time() - in seconds, ftime() - HH:MM:SS
all these with added "_r" for real time (eg. ftime_r())
Get moon phase: moon();
+ weasel now works correctly with deeply nested function calls in return statement.
+ update notification system should be more reliable.
+ Fixed many other bugs, but I can't remember them

Core contains various utilities and common systems to whole PowerCraft,
but also some blocks and items.

Crafting Tool

Gives you all blocks

Right click this device, and a chest-like GUI will be opened. You can then
take gates, redstone stuff, machines and belts out of this chest, and
the materials needed for their crafting will be taken from your inventory.
If you want to get negated gate, get first the normal gate and inverter negated gate will appear.

Its in creative, thats why everything is available.

In survival, only recipes you can craft of things in your inventory are

shown and ready to be take-crafted unless TMI mode is enabled,

Power Crystals
Power Crystals, created of crystallized energy, can be found below map
level 15. These crystals emit low jingle sounds when you are closer than
six blocks, which helps you find them. There are 8 colors in total:

All colors of power crystals can be found in small like-colored deposits.

Crystals can be broken by anything you want, and you will get them as

Natural deposit of purple crystals.

Crystals let you craft:

Power Dust

Power Dust is a strong fuel. You get 24 pieces by crafting one Power
Crystal. It lasts at least twice as long as fuel. You cant get it if you have
EasyCrystals cheat enabled.

Activation Crystal

Activation crystal can be used for these purposes:

Activating miner and fishing machine
Setting miner for keyboard control (and disconnecting from kb)
Changing spawners mob (see next page)
Editing sign text
Picking up storage blocks like chests

Spawner GUI
Shown after clicking spawner with activation crystal.

Ore Sniffer

If you want to mine safely, without risks from lava pools and monsters in caves, use this device. Right
click ore sniffer on a wall, ground or any other face of some block, and it will tell you what blocks lay
in this direction.
In 3.4.2, the Sniffer is much better!
Hold SHIFT for deeper (further) sniffing - this can reach bedrock from surface.

Deco module contains passive blocks, that means blocks without any
redstone functionality.

Iron Frame
Iron frames are decorative blocks, crafted of iron ingots. They give more
industrial look to your PowerCraft factories. You can put torches or
ladders on them with no problem, and they look cool under conveyors.

Steel Ledges and Stairs

Redstone Storage Block

Recipe: RRR/RRR/RRR - redstone.
Can be crafted back to redstone.
It is only decorative.


Provides Conveyor Belts that can move items and mobs.

Many types of conveyors let you separate, filter and sort items.
Chest and other Container blocks interaction is supported.
Automatic Crafting with Automatic Workbench.

Hold SHIFT (sneak) and you wont get moved by belts.


EDIT: Auto Workbench is now part of Machines module, and has different
recipe (redstone instead of ejection belt)

The blue thing in teleporter recipe is an OPTICAL PRISM. See machines module for recipe.

Basic belt can be crafted also from paper, but with fewer products.
Craft elevator with redstone in the middle -> DESCENDER. Goes down.

Brewing support
As of 1.4-A, conveyors can intelligently interact with brewing stand - fill it with
ingredients, water bottles, eject final potions and failed ingredients. Grey belts can
fill buckets from nearby water (since 1.4-C even on sides under the belt), fill nearby
cauldrons with these buckets, and finally fill bottles from cauldrons.

Experimental brewing lab.

Conveyor Belt
Moves items and mobs. You can build corners using two conveyors, one
leading from side into the other.

Basic Conveyor Belt can store items into all Container blocks - on sides,
above and under the belt. The only exception is Roaster, which cant be
filled from above (for a good reason). It can also fill furnaces: fuel goes
into fuel slot, and all smelt-able things go into the upper slot. You can
eject items with Ejection Belt. Clever insertion also applies to brewing
stands - ingredients to the top slot, water bottles to the bottom slot.
Belt can move MINECARTS! And store items into storage minecarts.
You can not pick up items from belts, except activated brakes.

Speedy Belt
Speedy belt works just like the basic belt, but is twice faster.
It cant store items, which is sometimes required.

Redirector is a bit harder to understand, but it isnt that complicated.
When it is not powered, it works just like the basic belt.
However, once you power it by redstone (even from below), it will try to
redirect items to a side.
If there is no conveyor on either side, nothing will happen. If there is one
side conveyor, items will be redirected there. And finally, if there are
two side conveyors, items will by default go to left, and when powered,
they will go to right. Nothing will go forwards in this case.

Item Ejector
When its powered by redstone, it ejects items from the nearby container
blocks (chests, furnaces, dispensers, roasters etc.). It needs an impulse
(button for example). Ejector cant store items.
Ejector can also work with brewing stand. It waits for potions to be

finished, and ejects all potions (not water buckets) and failed
ingredients. Since 1.4C, ejectors work also for chest minecarts!
Newly in 3.4.2, ejectors have a GUI screen where you can select the
numbers of ejected items and ejection order.

Brake Conveyor
This conveyor is very slow, and when it gets powered, it will completely
stop the moved stuff. It can be used when you have problems with too
high speed (from elevator, for example).
Brakes are very useful when your items keep falling off your belts.
Brakes are useful for conveyor-rail interfacing. It can store items into
passing by storage minecarts - these with chests, while not moving them.
Active brake lets you pick up items.

Item, XP & Mob Separator belt

Separator is a selective item redirector (for filtering).
Right click your separator to open its sorting GUI. It consists of two 3x3
areas: items in these areas will be redirected to the sides (left and right).
Not matching items will continue forwards.
NEW: Insert the same item in both halves to split stacks. 3 to left and 1
to right = of stacks to left, to right. You can chain multiple
separators to get finer fractions.
Mobs can be separated using their primary loot: gunpowder, bone,
slime-ball, raw pork, raw beef, feathers, rotten flesh, string.
Use diamond to separate XP orbs (obtained using laser on roaster).

Detector Belt
Works just like the basic belt, but it has a pressure plate on it. You can

use both pressure plate types in the recipe, it makes no difference.

Items and mobs are detected, and the signal goes to sides and

Automatic Workbench
AW is a machine, but since it requires conveyors for effective work, it is
packed in transport module.
AW has a GUI, opened by right click. It is divided into two 3x3 grids. On
left you can see a storage grid. What you want to edit is the right grid.
you know this type of crafting interface from Workbench.The difference
is that when you close AWs GUI, the items will stay inside.
You can then feed your AW by conveyor, and once the recipe you inserted
is recreated in the left grid, a product will be crafted and ejected
through the door. Your recipe grid wont be changed.
In 3.4.2, workbench has a checkbox to select whether it crafts
automatically, or only one item each redstone pulse. This replaced the
thing with stone bricks in versions prior to 3.4.2.

Item elevator is needed for vertical movement of your stuff. It can also
carry mobs and players. Items can enter elevator, only if the tube
continues at least one block lower, or if there is air under the lowest
Elevator will try to eject items if there is a conveyor attached to its
topmost block. If you want items and players to leave in the middle, you
have to power the middle blocks by redstone. This lets you build
intelligent elevators for your skyscrapers. Important: Conveyor belt is
needed in all stations. At least one brake conveyor.

Descender can be obtained either by crafting elevator with redstone in
the middle, or by crafting elevators with redstone on top. First option is
obviously cheaper.
Descender is an elevator, which goes downwards. It takes care of items
movements and forces them to stay inside while being moved down.
Bottommost descender wont let items go any lower, and it will try to
eject items to nearby conveyor. In fact, there is an invisible conveyor
belt in the bottommost descender, which moves items to sides.
Descenders reduce fall distance and remove fall damage.
This applies also for elevators.

Teleporters were added in version 2.7.
Crafting is as shown above. When you place a teleporter, you are asked
whether you want SENDER or TARGET. Always build output first, its

SENDER accepts entities, items, players and other entities, and sends
them to TARGET piece. Output needs some space for output, and dont
put it into a small room, mobs & players will suffocate (need 2 blocks
You can connect more SENDERS to one TARGET.
They are compatible with conveyor belts (and they work really well
together, for remote processing for example).
It is also easy to build a fast travel system of these - put one into your
home room, name it home, and then put home SENDERS to some
places on the map.
Teleporters look best with fast graphics.
As of 2.8, TARGET device renders with golden metal pad, which makes it
easier to distinguish them.
Also since 2.8, teleporters have some checkboxes in their GUI, and
because of this, old teleporters wont work at first. Make sure the
required teleportation functions are turned on in the GUI (right click

Piggies love teleporters ;)

This module contains 3 useful machines, compatible with conveyors.
Stone Brick is used to determine the borders. (or obsidian)
Machine placed on top of stone brick has range limited to one


EDIT: 3.4.0 and newer use IRON INGOT instead of PICKAXE in harvester recipe!

Block replacer

Place laser onto roaster for killer beam. Its detection beam otherwise.

Block Builder(and hoe + bonemeal machine)

Block Builder can build blocks. It will stop when it hits a Stone Brick or

Builder can use hoe and bonemeal, and some other items.
It can work together with harvester in a farm.
One dispenser can bonemeal a row of crops, not just one.
It can also place minecarts.
Its range is 150 blocks, so you really want to stop it by the limiter block.

Block Harvester [+ automatic shearing machine]

Block Harvester can break blocks and harvest crops. Harvested crops will
be replaced by the seeds.
The beam can be reflected by mirrors and split by prisms.
Trees will be harvested completely (whole tree with one harvester), and
replaced by sapling.
Mushrooms on grass will not be harvested, so you can bonemeal them to
get giant mushrooms. Giant Mushrooms will be harvested just like trees,
and replaced by a small mushroom. Mushrooms on stone or other
non-grass blocks will be harvested, making it possible to make a
mushroom farm.
Harvesting minecarts
Harvester can harvest minecarts, and it wont break rails / conveyors.
Extending harvesters range
You can extend harvesters range by placing POWER CRYSTAL in its
way. It will then reach a lot further, and it can be repeated infinitely. Or

Shearing sheep
Since 1.8B, harvesters can shear sheep. It is extremely useful, because
wool will regrow after some time.
Custom crops support
As of 3.0, harvester supports modded crops. The default crops config file
is generated in .minecraft/config/PC_CROPS .
The config files are XML files, and I think all important is explained in the
default.xml file. You can add more than one drop item to a crop
block, set mature and seed metadata, and also set rarity and random
count of the output items. It is really easy to configure.
<?xml version=1.1 ?>
<crop name='Gold in sand'>
<block id='12' metaMature='-1' metaReplant='-1' />
<item id='371' meta='0' count='1-3' rarity='150' priority='1' />
<item id='12' meta='0' count='0-1' rarity='1' priority='2' />
other crop
Legend: * = required attribute
Block: (can be only one)
id* block ID
metaMature* meta of mature (= ripe) crop, '-1' = harvest all
metaReplant* meta after harvesting, usually the seed stage of the crop. '-1' = do not
Item: (can be 1 or more)
id* dropped item ID
meta dropped item meta (damage value) - default 0
count number of items in stack. Use single number for fixed count, or range like 4-10 for
random count. 0-1 works too. default 1

rarity chance to get this item. If single number is used, the chance is 1/NUMBER, so 1
means every time, 2 means every 2nd time etc. You can also use fractions, eg. if you use
'2/3', you will get this item approximately in 2 of 3 times. default 1
priority First are dropped items with lower priority. If no items in a priority level are
dropped, items with higher priority have chance. You can use priorities from 1 to 20.

After you make some config file, please post it on forums.

Roaster can be used for grilling your chickens. You shouldn't think its
unfair. Smelting items consumes twice more fuel than the normal
furnace, and it consumes fuel even if it is just turned on (slowly). This is
the price for smelting instantly.
If you place a conveyor on top of it, it will work as an industrial furnace.
It is best to use brake for this.
Conveyor on top of roaster can smelt individual items, and 3 items from
each stacks. Brake can smelt up to 9 items in a stack.
You should get more roasters in a line, or use some loop with separator
on top of them if you want to smelt whole stacks. Conveyors cant store
items into roasters from above.
Right click your roaster to open its GUI. Stack size is limited to 16, thus
one Roaster can contain up to 16*8=128 pieces of fuel (two stacks). Fuel
can be inserted by a conveyor from side or from below.
It can set mobs on fire, so it can be used in grinders.
Roaster does not emit light, so it wont disturb mobs spawning.
Roaster with fuel inside is turned on by redstone (lever or wire for
example), and it can be extinguished the same way.

Nether field
When roaster burns netherrack, it emits red particles in a great range
(12x12x4). This area, called Nether Field, lets Nether Wart grow in the
normal world (overworld), and it also turns gravel into soulsand.
This, however, takes some time and costs some netherrack. Nether wart
has to be planted on soulsand.

Killer beam
Put laser on top of an active roaster, and you will get a killer beam.
This beam kills any creature almost instantly, but be careful, this
includes players and tamed wolves. If you turn the roaster off, the killer
beam will be turned off as well. If you combine killer laser with a mob
motion sensor from the Wireless module, it will turn on only if a mob
approaches. You can also for this purpose use Sensor laser.
Killed mobs will drop 75% of their XP orbs (compared to zero if killed by
lava). these XP orbs can be moved by conveyors. In separator, use
diamond to separate XP orbs. XP can then be stored in an XP bank, or
collected manually.

If you place laser somewhere else (not on roaster), this dialog will

Sensor beam
Sensor is the well known d
etection beam, which works like a tripwire - if
a mob or player enters the beam, the laser device will send a redstone
signal. It can be used to control killer beam in mob traps, watch sheep
movement or anything else. It can, of course, work with mirrors and
Transmitter and receiver
Transmitter sends a green signal beam, which can, of course, be
redirected or splitted by mirrors and prisms. When transmitter reaches a
Receiver, it turns this receiver device on and makes it output redstone

Mirrors for lasers

Since 2.6, lasers can be reflected by MIRRORS.

Once the mirror is placed, use right clicking to rotate it. Hold shift to
rotate it the opposite direction.
As you can see, laser going through Power crystal changes color, which

can be used to organise signal beams (good for very long distances, where
you may forget which of the many beams is which).

Also laser gains 100 extra blocks power when it goes through Power
Crystal, so it can reach further. However, total limit of 2000 blocks
applies here.
Optical prism - LASER SPLITTER

Prisms let you split the beam to more directions, and even upwards and
downwards. Mirror in the way of vertical beam makes it reflect to 45%
vertical angle and approximately the angle of the mirror, which is
sometimes useful.

Example of mirror-prism interaction - it does not have to be directly on top of a prism!

When you place a prism, it is empty, and does nothing. Craft yourself few GLASS
PANELS (thin glass), and attach them onto the prism from required output angles.
Laser cant go through the same prism twice, to prevent infinite loop and beam
Insane laser show at night.

Coloured mirrors (v3.0)

When you click a mirror with a Power Crystal, it will change color.
Coloured mirrors can reflect only beam of the same color, other beams
will go through. These can be used to separate beams combined by
prisms, as shown here:

XP storage
Compatible with conveyors. Laser on roaster kills some mob -> XP orbs
are moved by conveyor -> separator can separate XP orbs (insert diamond
in the separator - diamond means also XP here) -> This device will
collect XP points.
Right click to open a GUI for XP withdrawing and depositing.

MILKING MACHINE (bucket in dispenser)

Put bucket into dispenser, it will be thrown and milk a cow. Its a new
PowerCraft feature.

Automatic Animal Breeding

In 2.8, this item-throwing behavior was added to all kinds of food and
wheat. I hope it wont cause any troubles.
Anyway, the point is that thrown wheat can hit an animal, and activate
its love mode. Some animals need special food, like fish meat.

Block Replacer
Is a machine which swaps the block in its slot with a block in world.
left click it (must be in survival) to enable visual aid - particle frame around the target coordinate. Then get STICK. By right clicking with stick
on sides you move the target around, if you hold CTRL, it moves
Hold SHIFT to move it on the vertical axis up, CTRL down.

When redstone goes on, the block is swapped, when it goes off, it is
swapped back.
You can also adjust the offset using GUI, the axis directions are drawn on
top of the device (ugly, but there isnt much space in 16x16 image).
Works with water and any other blocks, and if silk touch works for
given block, it is used instead of storing harvested item.
This block has really lots of cool uses, from traps to hide-able houses.
It cant work with PowerCraft blocks, and inventory blocks, signs etc.

The particle frames. Each device has unique color.

Creeper face, toggle-able by Redstone signal.

Fishing Machine

Building fishing machine

Read the instructions:

Fishing machine will rotate the fish sucker and eject fish through the
wooden blocks. If there is a belt connected, fish will be thrown onto this
One fish costs approximately one c
oal, but the catch time varies from 15
to 30 seconds.
This works only if there is enough water under the fisher - 3x3x6 is
minimal, and if this area is filled by non-water blocks during operation,
the machine will break apart. The same will happen if you break the
fence or planks.
You can freely place torches or belts onto the Fishers blocks - they are
still normal blocks, but are chested by the machine all the time.
You have approx. 15% chance to get ink sac instead of fish.
Programming the fish sucking screw a the net was great fun, I hope you
like it :)

All Recipes

buffered delayer. Use only 2 stones and 2 repeaters, and you get the Long
REDSTONE CROSSING: cross of redstone. When placed, click to change
other gates

Angled 1-tick repeater,

Instant repeater,

one-tick repeater,

instant angled repeater

The Angled Repeaters can be clicked in order to change output side.

AND and OR gates can be clicked in order to change into a special
subtype with inputs on back and on one side.

These recipes were originally in a Wireless module, which no longer

exists. Thus these were moved to LOGIC.

Logic Gates
They are one-block chips, compact and powerful.
Red arrow is always output, purple are inputs.
D and RS flip-flops have two outputs, so you can use them in both
All gates have one tick delay, which is needed for technical reasons.

T, D and RS flip-flop gates

These three integrated circuits are flip-flops.
T gate divides clock signal by 2, and has two reset inputs on sides. It can
be used for counting, slowing down clock signal or other things.
D gate has 3 inputs and one output: RESET, DATA and CLOCK
CLOCK - when this turns on, DATA value is put to OUTPUT
RESET - sets output to zero and erases the memory
DATA - input data
It may look a bit complicated, but you can quickly learn how it works put 3 levers next to the gate, and a indicator to output, and play with it.
RS is one of the most basic circuits. It has two inputs (green and red),
which turn the output on and off. You can use it to control something by
two buttons - start and stop.
Example of part of a 7493 integrated circuit (binary counter) built of logic
gates: (next page)

One-shot circuit sends one short pulse once its input turns on. It lets you
convert lever into button.
Since flip flops are triggered by rising edge, you need these NOT gates at
output. Thats also why you need the zero filling. When T gates are
reset, they turn zero and all outputs (after NOTs) turn to ONE, giving you
the highest possible number. If you send one clock pulse to the input
(using the repeater here), counter will overflow and turn to zero.
You can also build linear counters and watchdogs with these circuits.
They were strongly improved in 2.2.

Pulsar sends redstone pulses. Right click pulsar to set period (Delay
time) and hold time. You can add one tick by right clicking pulsar with
a stick. Sneak while stick-clicking to make delay shorter.

Special sensors (DAY, RAIN, Empty+Full Chest)

These special sensors will turn on when the condition becomes true.
Empty chest detector is very useful for larger factories. Its on when the
nearby storage block is empty. Works also for roasters and machines.
Craft Empty Chest Detector with NOT gate (on top) -> Full Chest

Buffered Delayer

Buffered delayer uses a FIFO queue, into which current input state is
added each tick. The delay depends on the length of a queue.
Right click delayer to set this length.
Delayer has also RESET and PAUSE inputs.

Long Delayer
Long delayer has similar recipe to Buffered delayer, but its only 2x2,
with 2 stones and 2 repeaters. It works similar to normal repeater, but
you can adjust the pulse length using a GUI.

Special Controller
This redstone device can be crafted since 1.8A.

Pig spawner controller

Pulsar paused by controller

Special controller can force nearby spawners to spawn a mob when it

receives a redstone pulse. It also prevents them from auto-spawning.
Spawner wont work if there is too many mobs nearby.
Spawner can also PAUSE PULSAR, and then resume it.

Programmable Chip
Right click to open its GUI.
These gates now use Weasel. Read the latest changelog on forums to
understand it.
What is weasel? Look here.
You can use variables B,F,L,R,U,D to access the sides (ports) - back,
front, left, right, up, down.
Function update() is called when neighbor block changes.
Example programs:

Make animal sounds, each second different one.

sleep(20); # 20 ticks == 1 second.
# piggy
# cow
# sheep
# chicken
# wolf
sound("mob.creeper"); # creeper sound
function update(){}

Split input signal to all three other sides

function update(){
L = B;
F = B;
R = B;

T-gate remade using Weasel

global LAST = B;
function update(){
if(B && B != LAST){
F = !F;
global LAST = B;
function update(){
if(B && B != LAST) oink();

Right click radio block to set its channel (use whatever you want).
You can build more radio devices with the same channel, the signal will
be shared (OR gate).
Right click radio block with Remote to set the channel of remote. Each
remote can have different channel.

Motion Sensors
There are 3 of them - for items, mobs and players. Mob detector detects

all living creatures except Player - animals, monsters, NPCs.

Sensors send redstone signal when the entity approaches.

Signal lights (Control Lights)

Crafted of one redstone and one glowstone.
You can then dye them - with all dyes. Even black ;)
Lights can be placed on each side: on ceiling, on floor and on sides.
Light is almost as good as from torch.
Since 1.8B, they should be visible in TMI.

MOBILE module
Miners are using WEASEL. If you know only the old syntax, then :P
But weasel is not hard, you will learn it quickly.
This is one of the most modern and most complex parts of PowerCraft.

Mining Vehicle - Bulldozer or Miner

Miners are spawned in similar way to snowmen. You build 2x2x2 cube of
Iron Cubes, except one upper side, where you place double chest. The
whole structure is a 2x2x2 cube. You then insert some power crystals into
the chest, and right click iron cubes with Activation Crystal. The
structure will be transformed to Miner (entity).

How to use Miner

Miner wont move or do anything until you insert some fuel into its
chest. Power Dust is ideal, but doesnt work with some mods. You can
select one or more Miners for keyboard control - right click them with
Activation Crystal.

To really how to control and program miners, read Miners Guide.

Right click to open programming screen.

Miners Keyboard Control

Numpad keys:
Mine down.
Enable mining

Move forwards

Disable mining

Turn left

Turn around

Turn right

Turn into blocks

Move backwards

Mine up. Use
followed by

DEPOSIT into chest

O - Enable Bridge

P - Disable Bridge

DELETE - reset code buffer, align

and fix position, free allocated

ENTER Run program and

disconnect from keyboard.

Factory ideas
Most of these factories use Pulsar for timing. Wiring can be done under the
machines, it works too.

Cobblestone maker
Flint maker (dispenser and harvester, connected with belts)
All smelting and crafting recipes can be automated with belts (and
roaster, if you want).
XP farming is now possible with lasers and XP storage.
Automatic potion makers
Vending machine with automatic goods refill and paying by
Storage Minecart filling and emptying stations
Automatic sheep shearing farms with coloured sheep -> you will
save your dyes!
Automatic mining with programmed miners
Item transportation (Or player transportation!) between factories.
And, of course, fishing machine!

Screenshots (older features)

Experimental alchemy lab (since 1.4A)

Mushroom factory Mushroom is on dirt, bonemealed and harvested.

Ejection from minecart (since 1.4C).

7-segment display with radio control (with weasel itd be much easier,
but at the time I made this Weasel wasnt invented yet.
1-out-of-10 to 7-segment encoder, with the new types of gates.

TNT gun

Miner with chest full of cobble and a good program can build insane

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