File-1340882782 Elin Zamrzivac

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Instruction manual

Safety measures
If this freezer is intended for replacement of old having the lock at the door, before throwing out the old device, break or
remove the lock. It is necessary to secure your or anothers children against the opportunity to be closed inside the device.
Attention! To maintain fire safety:
- do not connect the refrigerating device to the electric system with faulty protection from circuit overloads;
- do not use for connection adapters, additional sockets and extension cords;
- do not make replacement of elements of wiring with the help of experts who dont have sanctions on that ;
- do not assemble in the refrigerating device an electrolamp of illumination with capacity more than 15 W;
- do not operate the refrigerating device over service life (further operation is possible only after replacement of all
elements of wiring of the refrigerating device).

Refrigerators-freezers running with R600a refrigerant (natural gas, which is

environmentally friendly but
inflammable substance) must be operated with extra cautions:
Attention! To avoide dehermetisation of refrigerating system do not use mechanical devices not recommended by the
manufacturer, and sharp metal subjects for acceleration of process of defreezing!
Attention! In case of dehermetisation of refrigerating system do not use open flame!
Attention! In case of dehermetisation of refrigerating system aerate the premises well. Do not block up the ventilating
backlash behind the refrigerating device!
Attention! Do not use electrodevices, not recommended by the manufacturer, inside departments for storage of products!
Disconnect refrigerating device from electric system, having taken out plug from socket at:
- Switching-off of voltage in electrical circuit;
- leaning it inside and outside, thawing of the freezer compartment;
- Washing the floor under it;
- Elimination of malfunctions, replacement of the lamp of illumination.
These appliances comply with the requirements of the following directives:
- Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and further modifications;
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC and further modifications

The manufacturer does not carry responsibility in case of wrong installation and
absence of reliable grounding. After removal of packing the freezer should be washed
inside. For this purpose it is recommended to use baking soda dissolved in warm water.
Wash up a freezer with warm water and wipe dry. For washing of freezer outside use
dissolved or liquid washing agent. Place the freezer as further as possible from sources of
heat in a place with good ventilation, at distance that is no less than 50 cm from electrical,
gas cookers and furnaces. It is not good to put the freezer in niches and other limited
spaces. Install complecting items in the freezer.
Before connection of the freezer to an electrical circuit be convinced, that the voltage
of an electrical circuit corresponds to voltage specified on label, containing besides it other
characteristics of the product.
WAIT APPROXIMATELY 3 HOURS before connecting the refrigerator-freezer to the
circuit to be sure, that the coolant was distributed properly after transportation .
Insert the plug into the socket with serviceable grounding. The socket should have contacts
of grounding and maintain the current 10 A. If the socket has no contacts of grounding or
the plug does not suit to the socket, address for help to the electrician.


Tokom korienja zamrzivaa ispariva biva prekriven ledom koji treba
da bude uklonjen. Ne koristite metalne predmete za ienje leda jer oni
mogu da otete zatitni sloj na isparivau ili probue isti. Koristite
specijalnu lopaticu koju ste dobili sa zamrzivaem.Otapanje zamrzivaa je
bitno, i treba da se vri sa vremena na vreme-ovo e poveeti efekasnost
vaeg zamrzivaa i doprineti tedni energije.
Preporuljivo je da odmrzavate Va zamrziva 1-2 puta godinje .
Najbolje jeodmrzavati kada u zamrzivau ima to manje namirnica.
Da biste otopili zamrziva, iskljuite kabal iz struje, otvorite vrata i
saekajte da se led sam otopi. Namirnice izvadite, i dok traje otapanje
odloite ih na hladno mesto. Da bi ubrzali otapanje sklonite unutranja
vratanca i korpe,stavite posudu sa toplom vodom unutra i zatvorite vrata.
Da biste uklonuli unutranja vrata pratite sledee korake:
- otvorite unutranja vrata u vodoravnu poziciju;
- izdignite desnu stranu unutranjih vrata lagano na gore i izvucite
vrata iz leita,
- ovim ste skinuli vrata.
Da bi uklonili korpe povucite ih napolje dokle god moe, zatim dignite
prednji kraj na gore i lagano povucite korpu prema vama.
Molimo Vas da obratite panju ako doe do poveanja temperature
namirnica pri procesu otapanja. Rok upotrebljivosti namirnica moe biti
skraen, zato iskoristite ovenamirnice to je pre mogue posle ponovnog

Namirnice smestite u zamrziva tako da obezbedite nesmetano
cirkulisanje vazduha.
Nemojte stavljati listove papira ili vreice na police friidera.
Vrata drite to manje otvorena.
Ukolliko ureaj prestane da radi, pre nego to pozovete struno lice
proverite sledee :
- kontakt utikaa i utinice,
- da li ima struje u utinici ,
- da li je moda dugme termostata iskljueno
Ukoliko ureaj proizvodi buku, proverite sledee :
- da li je ureaj smeten na ravnoj podlozi ,
- da li sunamirnice ravnomerno rasporeene po policama,
- da li suzapalipredmeti iza ureaja.
Ukoliko je hlaenje namirnica slabo, neki od moguih razloga mogu
biti :
- previe namirnica se nalazi u skladitu;

Table 1


Total (gross) volume of freezer, dm3

Storage volume of freezer, dm3
Temperature in freezer, C, not higher than
Daily energy consumption at ambient
temperature 25 C,kW/h and the tempetature
of freezer 18 C
Capacity of freezing, kg/daily
Total area for storage, m2
Overall dimentsions, mm:
height, not more than

minus 18


Table 2
Component parts

1. Upper surface*
2. Inside door
3. Case*
4. Shelf of the evaporator*
5. Small basket
6. Big basket
7. Door*
8. Grid
9. Puddle
10. Control board*

(see figure B.1)



* - it does not concern to comonent parts


- vrata nisu dobro zatvorena;

- kondenzator je pun praine



Koristite zamrziva za zamrzavanje i skladitenje zamrznutihnamirnica.


Correct use of the freezer

Use your freezer for freezing and storing frozen food.

Control board
The control panel is located outside the freezer in the upper front part of it, i.e. you dont have to open the
freezers door to adjust the operating mode or temperature. The temperature control knob, mode switch and
signal lamps: red (warning), green (power), orange (freezing mode indication) are placed on the control panel.
After connection of your freezer to the power socket the green lamp (power on) lights up. Simultaneously,
the red lamp lights up indicating that the storage temperature in the freezing chamber isnt achieved yet. As
soon as the storage temperature is achieved, the red lamp will be down automatically.
The temperature in the freezer is adjusted by turning the temperature control knob clockwise from the left to the
right position. The sign m indicates the gradual temperature adjustments.

Use of freezer compartment

Set the mode switch to the freezing mode position. The orange lamp lights up. After 2-3 hours you can
start to load the food you want to freeze to the shelves of the two upper compartments. When freezing food, try
to wrap it and placed it in the freezer so that it could touch the freezing surface with as much surface as possible.
The special grids on the shelves will prevent the food from freezing to the evaporator. The food will be frozen
completely after 24 hours.
If you have no more food to freeze, distribute the frozen food to the different crispers and switch your freezer to
the storage mode. The orange lamp will be down; the temperature in the freezer will be automatically
maintained at not higher than -18C.

During operation of this freezer, the shelves of the evaporator get covered with frost, which must be
removed. To do this, dont use any metal things, as they can scratch the protective coating or damage the
hermiticity of the cooling system. Use a special plastic trowel delivered with your freezer. It is important to
timely defrost this freezer this will increase efficiency and energy saving.
It is recommended to defrost this freezer one or two times per year. To do this, you may use the moment,
when the freezer is not very loaded with food. To defrost it, disconnect the freezer from the current supply, open
the door and leave it open until the frost has melted. Remove the food from the freezer and store it in a cool
place. To accelerate defrosting, remove the inside doors and crispers from the freezer and place a bowl of hot
water into the freezer.
To remove the inside doors, follow these steps:
- open the inside door to the horizontal position;
- lift the right side of the inside door slightly up and take the doors axel out of the holder;
- remove the inside door.
To remove the crispers pull them out as far as they will go, lift the front part of the crisper slightly up and

Kontrolna tabla se nalazi van zamrzivaa u gornjem prednjem njegovom

delu, tako da ne morate otvarati vrata zamrzivaa da bi podesili radni
reim ili temperaturu. Na kontrolnoj tabli se nalazi i dugme za podeavanje
temperature, dugme za odreivanje reima rada i signalne lampice: crvena
(upozorenje ),zelena (ureaj ukljuenu struju) narandasta(pokazujeda
je zamrzivau operaciji brzogzamrzavanja).
Nakon ukljuivanja zamrzivaa u struju upalie se zelena lampica.
Istovremeno se pali i crvena lampica koja pokazuje da radna temperatura
u zamrzivau nije jo postignuta.Kada temperetura u zamrzivau postigne
zadatutemperaturu crvena lampica se gasi automatski.
Temperatura u zamrzivau se podeava okretanjem dugmeta termostata
sa leva na desno, u smeru okretanja kazaljki na satu.


Podesite dugme za odreivanje reima rada na poziciju za zamrzavanje.
Upalie se narandasta lampica. Nakon 2-3 sata moete poeti da
ubacujete namirnice koje elite da zamrznete u gornja dva odeljka
zamrzivaa. Kada zamrzavate namirnice, upakujte ih i stavite u zamrziva
tako da to veom povrinom dodiruju plou koja zamrzava. Specijalne
reetke na policama e spreiti da se namirnice zalepe za ispariva.Hrana
e biti potpuno zamrznuta nakon 24 sata.
Sada moete namirnice ravnomerno raspodeliti po ostalim fiokama i
okrenite dugme za podeavanjereima rada na normalnu poziciju.


pull it towards you out of the freezer.

Please note that if a rise in temperature of the frozen food occurs during defrosting, the storage life may be
shortened, therefore try to use this food as soon as possible, even if it was placed in the freezing chamber again
after defrosting.

Place food in the freezer so as to provide air circulation. Do not place paper sheets or bags on the shelves.
Keep the door open as shorter as possible.
If freezer does not work, before calling for a specialist, please check the following:
- reliable contact of plug and socket;
- availability of voltage at socket.
- is the thermostat handle in the position of switched off .
If freezer operates with an excessive noise, make sure of:
- proper adjustment of freezer;
- even distribution of load on holdbacks;
- absence of foreign items behind the freezer.
If freezer cools foodstock badly, the probable reason may be:
- too many food is stored;
- door is closed untightly;
- condenser is clogged with dust.- too many food is stored;
- door is closed untightly;
- condenser is clogged with dust.

Ukupan kapacitet zamrzivaa, dm3
Kapacitet skladitenja zamrzivaa, dm3
Temperatura zamrzivaa , 0C, ne vea od
Potronja energije na optimalnoj temp. 25 0C
i pri temp.zamrzivaa od -18C, kW/h.
Kapacitet zamzavanja , kg/dan:
Ukupan kapacitet skladitenja namirnica, m2
Dimenzije (mm):


TABLICA 2 (Slika B.1)


Gornja ploa
Unutranja vrata
Polica isparivaa
Mala korpa
Velika korpa
Kontrolna ploa


1 - red signal lamp;

2 - green lamp (indication of power supply);
3 - modes switch;
4 - orange lamp (signal of the freezing);
5 - thermostat handle.

crvena signalna lampica;

zelena lampica (indikator koji pokazuje da je ureaj pod naponom);
dugme reima rada;
narandasta lampica (brzozamrzavanje);
dugme termostata;

Slika B.2 Spoljna kontrolna tabla i signalne lampice

negotoga izbacite.Ukloniteilipolomitebravunavratimailinanekidruginain
Panja : zatita od poara
- ne prikljuivati rashladni ureaj na viestrukeilineispravneutinice.
- nemojte koristiti adaptere ili produne kablove za dovod stuje;
- ne menjajte kabal rashladnog ureajaveseobratiteovlaenomservisu;
- nemojte koristiti el. sijalicu snage vee od 15 W ;
- ne koristite ureaj nakon vremena eksploatacije (dalja upotreba je mogua
samo nakon zamene kompletne instalacije).
Friider je napunjen sa R600 rashladnim gasom (u pitanju je prirodan gas koji
ne teti okolini ali je veoma zapaljiv) koji zahteva posebnu panju pri upotrebi.
Panja: Da biste izbegli oteenja na rashladnom sistemu ne koristiti alate koji
nisu preporueni od proizvoaa kaoni otre metalne predmete kakobiste ubrzali
proces odmrzavanja. Panja: U sluaju oteenja na rashladnom sistemu ne
koristiti otvoren plamen. Panja: Ukoliko se ustanovi da rashladni gas izlazi iz
sistema, provetravajte prostoriju. Panja: Ne blokirajte reetku za ventilaciju na
gornjoj ploi rashladnog ureaja. Panja: Ne koristite elektrine ureaje koje nije
preporuio proizvoa unutar prostora za uvanje namirnica.
I s klj u i t e u r e a j i z u t i n i c e u s l e d e i m s l u a j e v i m
- U sluaju nestanka struje;
- Pranja unutra i spolja ili otapanja zamrzivaa;
- Pranja poda ispod ureaja;
- Popravke kvarova ili zamene sijalice za osvetljenje;
Ovi ureaji ispunjavaju zahteve sledeih propisa:
- Propis o niskom naponu 73/23/EEC i dalje modifikacije;
Propis o elektromagnetnoj kompitabilnosti 89/336/EEC i dalje modifikacije.


Slika B.1 Opis friidera i njegovih delova

Proizvoa ne snosi odgovornost u sluaju nepravilnog rukovanja ili

odsutnosti uzemljenja. Nakon uklanjanja zatitnog pakovanja rashladni
ureaj treba oprati iznutra toplom vodom i sodom bikarbonom.Za spoljno
ienje dozvoljeno je koristiti i blaga sredstva. Rashladni ureaj smestiti
to dalje od izvora toplote,na mestu dobre ventilacije,ne blie poretu od
50 cm.Rashladni ureaj nemojte smetati u limitiran prostorukomezimi
Pre nego to ukljuite rashladni ureaj proverite da li visina napona u
vaem domainstvu odgovara naponu friidera. Tehnike karakteristike


moeteproitatinanalepnicina zadnjem zidu ureaja.

Na k o n t r a n s p o r t a sa e k a j t e o t p r i l i k e 3 s a t a p r
e n e g o t o u k lj u i t e
u r e a j.
Ukljuite rashladni ureaj u utinicu sa uzemljenjem .
Utinica treba da je uzemljena i da moe da podnese jainu struje od 10A.
Ukoliko nemate uzemljenje potrebno jedase obratite elektriaru.


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