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1>Which types of the border style can looks as though it were embedded in the

2> In regards to the CSS box model,where is the margin property located?
Outside the box
3>Which Represents a line that acts as a boundary?
4>Which properties does not have a background color,it is completely transparent?
5>Elements can be floated top and bottom true or false
6>Relative size is
Sets the size relative to surrounding elements
7>Grouping Css is used to
Minimize the code
8>Internet Explorer uses....................... Property to create transparent images.
Filter: alpha(opacity=x)
9>Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
10>Which of the following are list-style property
list-style-type and b) list-style-position
11>The ________ property is used alongwith position property to create an effect of
12>Which of the following is used to represent unvisited hyperlink.
13>Which of the following is/are the possible values of CSS pseudo element
property? i): first line ii): last-line iii): before iv): after v): between
a) i,iii and iv only
14>Which part of the box,where text and images appear?
d) Content

15>p.outset{border-style: outset; } In the code snippet above,which part

represents the property?
c) border-style
16>Which of the following is the correct HTML is for making a text area
17>Which of the following enables an extra set of restrictions for the content in
a) sandbox
18>Which of the following is a form event attribute that fires the moment that the
element loses focus ?
c) onblur
19>Which of the following is a mouse event attribute that fires when the mouse
pointer moves over an element ?
20>Which of the following is a mouse event attribute that fires when the mouse
pointer moves out of an element ?
c) onmouseout
21>Which types of the border style can looks as though it were embedded in the
22>The box model applies to
a) block-level elements
23>Which Represents a line that acts as a boundary?
c) Border
24>The overflow property in CSS can take one of the following values. i)visible
ii)hidden iii)scroll iv)non-scroll v)auto
b) i,ii,iii and v only
25>If an image is floated to the right,a following text flows around it,to the
a) right
26>Font size with  ___________ allow users to resize the text(in the browser
a) em
27>Which of the following is  Adjacent Sibling Selector

d) plus
28>Which of the following is the correct HTML is for inserting a background image ?
d)body background="bgimage.gif;
29>The link tag goes inside
the head section
29>Which of the following specifies the type of list-item marker
c) list-style-type
30>The element needing multiple borders should have its
c) own border and relative positioning
31>We write single ______ before the pseudo-class property.
a) Colon
32>The  ___________ pseudo-element is used to add a special style to the first
line of a para or text
a) ::first-line
33>Which is the correct CSS syntax?
d) body{color: black;}
34>p{ width:220px; padding:10px; border:5px solid gray; margin:0px; } The total
width of an element is calculated like this:
b) Total element width = width + left padding + right padding + left border +
right border + left margin + right margin
35>Which of the following is the correct HTML is for making a text input field ?
d) input type="text"
35>You can add names to each frame window using which setting ?
a) name
36>Which of the following is a keyboad event attribute that fires when a user is
pressing a key ?
b) onkeydown
37>Which of the following is a mouse event attribute that fires when the mouse
pointer moves over an element ?
38>Which of the following is a window event attribute that fires once a page has
unloaded ?

39> Block elements can be center-aligned by setting the left and right margins to
a) 0
b) center
c) top
d) auto
Ans:d) auto
40> State True or False for CSS outlines properties. i)An outline does take up space
ii)Outline do not have to be rectangular. iii)Outline is always the same on all
sides.</span></legend><div class="qm_QUESTION_mc">
a) i-True,ii-True,iii-False
b) i-False,ii-False,iii-True
c) i-True,ii-False,iii-True
d) i-False,ii-True,iii-True
Ans:d) i-False,ii-True,iii-True
41> In regards to the CSS box model,where is the margin property located?
a) Inside the box
b) Outside the box
c) It could be inside or outside the box,depending on where you place it in your code
d) None of the above.
Ans:b) Outside the box
42> The_____________ property indicates whether a cell without any content should
have a border displayed.
a) blank-cells
b) empty-cells
c) nocontent-cells
d) noborder-cells
Ans:b) empty-cells
43>Elements after the floating element will flow around it. To avoid this,we use the
___________ property.

a) clear
b) reverse float
c) float
d) None of the above
Ans: a) clear
44> Font size with&nbsp; ___________ allow users to resize the text(in the browser
a) em
b) px
c) Both
d) None of the above
Ans: a) em
45> Grouping Css is used to
a) Old style coding
b) minimize the code
c) readable code
d) None of the above
Ans: b) minimize the code
46> Which of the following is the correct HTML is for inserting a background
image ?
a) background img href="bgimage.gif"
b) background img="bgimage.gif"
c) img src="bgimage.gif" background
d) body background="bgimage.gif"
Ans: d) body background="bgimage.gif"
47> Which states whether the text is underlined or not?
a) text-decoration:
b) text-transform:
c) text-spacing:
d) text-shadow:

Ans:a) text-decoration:
48> A list which is provided with a bullet(a black dot)is called an
a) Ordered List
b) Unordered List
c) Definition List
d) None of the above
Ans: b) Unordered List
49> In which position it will be calculated from the upper left corner of the parent
a) position:absolute
b) position:relative
c) position:abs
d) position:rel
Ans:a) position:absolute
50> Which of the following is used to represent unvisited hyperlink.
a) :nonvisited
b) :link
c) :unvisited
d) :fresh
Ans:b) :link
51> ::selection is used for
a) used to define class for select box
b) Selects the portion of an element that is selected by a user
c) used to define class for options in selectbox
d) None of the above
Ans:b) Selects the portion of an element that is selected by a user
52> Which is the correct CSS syntax?
a) {body:color=black;}
b) {body;color:black;}
c) body:color=black;

d) body{color: black;}
Ans:d) body{color: black;}
53> p.outset{border-style: outset; } In the code snippet above,which part
represents the property?
a) outset
b) p
c) border-style
d) None of the above
Ans: c) border-style
54> Which of the following is the correct HTML is for making a text input field ?
a) textfield;
b) input type="textfield"
c) inputtext;
d) input type="text"
Ans:d) input type="text"
55> You can add names to each frame window using which setting ?
a) name
b) src
c) ur
d) frameName
Ans:a) name
56> Which of the following is a form event attribute that fires the moment that the
element loses focus ?
a) onlosefocus
b) onunfocus
c) onblur
d) ondeactivate
Ans: c) onblur
57> Which of the following is a keyboad event attribute that fires when a user is
pressing a key ?-- careful when answering(Ambiquious question)
a) onkeydown

b) onkeypress
c) ondown
d) oneventdown
Ans: a) onkeydown
58> Which of the following is a keyboad event attribute that fires when a user is
presses a key ?-- careful when answering(Ambiquious question)
a) onkeydown
b) onkeypress
c) onpress
d) oneventpress
Ans:b) onkeypress

59>Which property is used to change the background color?


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