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Chang, Daniel C.

Prof Rishirl Alberto- Cuario


May 13, 2016


1. Political System

The main form of government is monarchy.
The structure of Assyrian society was militaristic in nature. Their ruler
was not just a king but also a chief commander of the military forces,
and the male were subject to obligatory military services.
Political leader:
Assyria was ruled a king. He then selected officials to govern parts of
the empire called provinces.
There are three officers under the king, namely: the turtannu or the
field marshal; the ummanu, the vice-chancellor; and the rab sa muhhi
ekalli, the major-domo who have the direct access to the king.
The officials made provinces loyal dependent territories to the king.

2. Social Structure

How it is developed?

The Assyrian social hierarchy was very similar to that of other

Mesopotamian cultures.
The only real difference is in this highest category. The Assyrian
people were a very warlike people so prestigious warriors were
set at the top.
Job create social classes and ranking.
3. Social Class

4. Economy/Trade

a) Upper Class :King, Nobles, Generals, Scribes

b) Middle Class: Merchants, Artisans, Poets, and Musicians
c) Lower Class: Farmers and Slaves

Their economy was based on agriculture and herding.

They used silver as a form of payment.
Assyrian traded for metal, timber, and stone.
Merchants transported goods along water routes with the help of the

They also pay taxes and tributes in the form of food, goods, gold, labor,
military supplies, and citizens for the military. If people refuse to pay
the king, then the city would be burned down and the people exiled.


Dagger, Arrowheads, Armour Scales and Agricultural tools like hoes

made of Iron

6. Knowledge/
Invention/ Writings

Invention of spoke wheels

Lock and Key
Developed the first plumbing and flushing toilets
First Library
First Paved Roads
Postal system
Assyrians have practiced two religions throughout their history:

The first religion of the Assyrians.
The very word Assyrian, in its Latin form, derives from the name of

Ashur, the Assyrian god.

Assyrians continued to practice Ashurism until 256 A.D, although by
that time, most Assyrians had accepted Christianity.


- Had a deep and all-embracing belief in signs and omens
- The gods, they felt, were always wishing to communicate their wishes to
men, and did so through the movements of sun, moon or stars, the flight of
birds, the state of chicken livers and so on.
- They always consult their decision to the priests on whether it was in the
will of gods.

First nation to accept Christianity,
Assyrian Church was founded in 33 A.D. by Thomas, Bortholemew

and Thaddeus.
Two great rivers run through Assyria, the Tigris and the Euhprates, and

many lesser ones

Upper Zab and Lower Zab, both tributaries to the Tigris. Strategically


7. Religious Belief

surrounding the Tigris and the two Zabs are the Assyrian cities of
Nineveh, Ashur, Arbel, Nimrod and Arrapkha.

8. Arts & Architecture


Artists and craftsmen reached a peak of perfection in their work by

using fabulous jewels

They use huge amount of gold and precious stones
Superb sculptures, lifelike and detailed sculptures
Produce sculptures in the round, but friezes


9. River System

They built themselves magnificent palaces, temples and other public

buildings, and laid out beautiful royal parks

Art of landscape gardening to a new level
Laying out vast parks and gardens near their palaces and diverting

whole rivers to water them.

Two great rivers run through Assyria, the Tigris and the Euhprates, and

many lesser ones

Upper Zab and Lower Zab, both tributaries to the Tigris. Strategically
surrounding the Tigris and the two Zabs are the Assyrian cities of
Nineveh, Ashur, Arbel, Nimrod and Arrapkha.

10. City-State

The kingdom of Assyria

- Assyria was divided into the Assyrian homeland, the kingdom of
Assyria, and a much larger area.
- At the centre stood the Assyrian homeland. Here was located the
Assyrian capital, with its magnificent palaces, parks and temples.
- Nineveh - the capital of the Assyrian empire and was certainly
one of the largest cities in the world at that time.
- In earlier times this was covered by vassal kingdoms, but later
much of it was governed directly from the Assyrian court through
provincial governors.
Vassal kingdoms
- Most of these vassal kingdoms were small states.
- One of the largest vassal kingdom is Mesopotamia
- As it, the small vassal kingdoms were abolished, their kings
being replaced by officials appointed by the Assyrian king.
- These provincial governors were supported by new garrisons of
Assyrian troops, stationed in the provinces on a permanent basis.

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