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Copyright, Fair Use and Social Media Instruction fro

September 30th 2016
Elizabeth Joan Kelly
Copyright and Me
ACRL Framework- copyright, fair use and open access, public
Help students to move from comfort level of social media to true
information literacy
Advocates for great accessibility of scholarly resources
Loyola- Courses
Copyright law gives rights to use and reuse creations and
authorize others to use their creations
CREATIVE COMMONS- license created to increase sharing of
media- some will allow anyone to use anything, or noncommercial purposes
Public domain- created before 1923, or you can release things
now under public domain
Determining copyright- rights statement all rights reserved,
check creation dates and use the digital copyright slider
Fair Use- allows you to reuse copyright things, you do not need
permissions from owner
Ellen selfie- Ellen doesnt own it- Bradley Cooper does because
he took it
Wikimedia commons
Google search- usage rights- label for results with modification
Read through plagiarism scenarios
-Social Media Strategies
-What about Memes?
-May be OK to reuse copyrighted work if
1. The work isnt be used to make a profit
2. The copyrighted work the meme is based on comes from broadcast
Know your meme- WEBSITE
Social Media- personal social media platforms- copyright

-Richard Prince- screen shot people photos- blew them up and

sold them for
$90,000. Instagram would only intervene if he had
reposted his photo to his
Digital Media Law Project
Broadcast media ruse advice from the American Bar Association
When in doubt-Get permission and credit copyright originals
-link back to originals
Center for Media and Social Impact- scenarios
-Copyright Instruction Good Practices- find out what students will be
doing with copyrighted materials. Find out where it will live when
theyre done.
-Use real-world examples (music, art, film, etc.)
- Know my institutions IP policies
Helpful resources
Center for Media and Social Impact
The Scout Reports: US Copyright and Intellectual
Wikimedia EDUWiki Campaign Lesson Plans*******
Lawyer/ Librarians to follow
Kyle K. Courtney
April Hanthcock
Nancy Sims
Images Used- Fair use for educations
*Only use approved images
- Images used page- name of creator, where it came from, type of
creative commons, if edited or not
4 terms of fair use
Integrating Fair Use in Literacy: Perspectives from the Georgia
State University eReserves and HathiTrust Copyright
Infringement Cases
-Information as a commodity, means of education, through a legal lens
-Fair Use- an exception to the exclusive rights of copyright holder
-Fair use allow others to make use of a copyrighted work without
permission or payment

-Fair use is a legal response to the need to balance the rights of

the owner with the constitutional purpose of copyright to promote
progress of science
-Fair Use Statute1. The purpose and character of the use
2. The nature of the copyrighted work
3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the
copyrighted work as a whole
4. The effects of the use upon the potential market for or value of the
copyright work
Fair use is qualitative
-Case law- fair use is heavily affected by the courts- Cambell v. AcuffRose Music, 1994 Supreme Court decision
-Transformative Use- The enquiry focuses on whether the new or
merely supersedes the objects of the original creation, or whether and
to what extreme it is transformative altering the original with new
expression, meaning or message. The more transformative the new
work, the less will be the significance of other factors like
commercialist, that may weigh against a finding of fai *computer died

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