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Lecture No.1-2
Ms. Asma Hussain Khan

Word Deen

Indeed! the number of the months with God is twelve months by God's
ordinance in the day that He created the heavens and the earth. Four of them
are sacred: that is the right Deen. [Ch 9:36]

12 months and the sacredness of four of them be referred to as Deen

Then he (Joseph) began the search with their bags before his brother's bag,
then he produced it from his brother's bag. Thus did We contrive for Joseph.
He could not have taken his brother according to the king's law (Arabic:
Deen) unless God willed. [12:76]

The system of law speciQic to the King of Egypt is also deQined as Deen.

"Pharaoh said: "Leave me to slay Moses; and let him call on his Lord! What I
fear is less he should change your religion / system (Arabic: Deen), or less he
should cause mischief to appear in the land! [Ch 40:26]

Pharaohs 'system', 'law' or beliefs are also expressed as 'Deen'.

Say: "Verily, my Lord has guided me to a way that is straight, a deen of right,
the path (trodden) by Abraham the true in Faith, and he was not from the
idolatrous (Arabic: Mushrikeen) .

There are those from the followers of previous scriptures that have also created
their own system Deen- even though they were given the correct Deen.

This presents us with a better understanding of Deen, that


1. The Arabic word Deen is better described as a belief-

oriented system and does not necessarily have to be of

tawhidic nature.

2. It can consist of any set of principles, law and in effect

describe some particular belief system practiced by a

community or people.

Allah has commended the same 'system' of law or practice

to the Muslims and through them to mankind that He
commended to all the Prophets and their followers before
them. This system is called 'Islam.

Word Islam

Islam is derived from the Arabic root s-l-m means peace,

submission and obedience.

1. s-l-m = silm meaning

to surrender
Certainly, the only acceptable Deen which Allah will accept is Islam.
[Quran 3:19]

to submit
It is not Qitting for the believing man nor for the believing woman, that
whenever Allah and His Messenger have decided any matter, that they
should have any other opinion. [Ch 33:36]

to give one's self up in obedience

And obey Allah and His Messenger. [Ch 3:132]

2. s-l-m = Salam meaning peace

He is Allah beside Whom there is none worthy of worship, The King, The Holy, The
Peace, The Watcher, The All Mighty, The Compeller, The Supreme. Glory be to Allah!
He is above all that they try to associate with Him as partners." [Holy Quran 59:23]

To attain Salam peace and tranquility- in ones life here and

after, the other three conditions have to be met. Once
achieved these conditions submission, surrender, giving
oneself up in obedience to Al-Salam, salamah is the
inevitable result.
Hence, technically the term Islam confers entire submission
to Allah. When someone declares himself as Muslim, he in
fact submits his whole self to Allah.

1. islam: The submission of whole creation to the Creator.

Do they seek other than the religion of Allah while to Him submitted (arabic: aslama) all
creatures in the heaven and the earth willingly or unwillingly, And to Him shall they all be
returned. [Quran Ch 3:83]
Everything and every phenomenon in the world -other then man- is administered totally to
divine laws, they are obedient to Him and submissive to His laws. In simple they are in state
of islam.

2. islam: The Submission of all human beings to the guidance of God as revealed through
all His Prophets.

And when I revealed to the Apostles [of Jesus], Have faith in Me and in My messenger, they
said We have faith, and we bear witness that we are muslims. [Quran Ch 5:111]

3. Islam: The Submission of human beings to Gods revelation as revealed to Prophet


Today I have perfected your Deen for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you, and I
have approved Islam for your religion. [Quran Ch 5:3]

4. Islam: The submission of followers of Muhammadb to the Gods practical instructions.

Whosoever obeys the Messenger, thereby obeys Allah. [Quran Ch 4:80]

Islam The primordial Deen

Islam The Deen of All Prophets

The system instituted for mankind by Allah was Islam. Islam predates Prophet
Muahmmadsb ministry and Qinds its initiation from Adam(pbuh) through great patriarchs
such as Prophet Abraham, Moses and Jesus(pbut). Allah sends His messengers to revert
people back to this system especially when they have been led / gone astray or have
lacked true guidance.
Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim Hanifa (Islamic
Monotheism - to worship none but Allah Alone) and he was not of Al-Mushrikun (the disbelievers
in the Oneness of Allah, idolaters, polytheists, pagans, etc.)" [Ch3:67]
And this (submission to Allah, Islam) was enjoined by Ibrahim upon his sons and by Ya'qub
(saying), "O my sons! Indeed Allah has chosen for you this Deen, so do not die except while you
are Muslims." [Ch 2:132]
Or were you witnesses when death approached Ya'qub? When he said unto his sons, "What will
you worship after me?" They said, "We shall worship your Ilah, the Ilah of your fathers, Ibrahim,
Isma'il, Ishaq, One Ilah, and we are Muslims to Him. [Ch 2:133]
Yusuf said: "My Lord! Cause me to die as a Muslim and join me with the righteous." [Ch 12:101]
Then when 'Isa felt came disbelief from them, he said: "Who are my supporters in Allah's Cause?
The disciples said: "We are supporters for Allah; we believe in Allah, and testify that we are
Muslims. [Ch 3:52]
And when I (Allah) inspired to disciples (of 'Isa) to believe in Me and My Messenger, they said:
"We believe. And bear witness that we are Muslims." [Ch 5:111].

this day I have perfected your religion / system (Arabic: Deen)

for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you
Islam as your religion / system (Arabic: Deen). [Ch 5:3]
Islam was not perfected per se, but the existing system was
perfected through our Final Prophetb by removing alien
doctrines, blasphemous practices and those ways incongruent
with tawhidic system Islam.
By whom my soul is in His hand, if one, Jew or Christian,
heard of me, then died and he/she did not believe in that
which I was sent with, then they are from the dwellers of Hell
Kire. (Muslim)
Hence, Din-e-Islam is a divine system, based on total submission
to Allah alone, purifying worship to Him alone by adopting all that
is authentic from the Prophet Muhammadb.

Deen-e-Islam is not mere religion

Often, a very casual

use of the term deen
is made which is
usually translated as
religion in English
w i t h a g e n e r a l
understanding that it
comprises a set of
beliefs and practices
of a religious nature.

This restrictive understanding Qinds little support from

the Quran. However, study of the Quran presents the
reader with a wider deQinition of what is actually
referred to when it refers to Deen.

System / laws

~ Hadith Gabriel ~

1. bear witness that there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God
2. perform the prayer
3. pay zakat
4. fast Ramadhan
5. perform Hajj to the House if you are able
Iman (belief)
1. belief in Allah
2. belief in His Angels
3. belief in His Books
4. belief in His Messengers
5. belief in the Last Day
6. belief in destiny-its good and bad
7. Belief in being raised after death
It is to serve Allah as though you behold Him; and if you dont behold him, (know
that) He surely sees you.
It was Jibril. He came to you to teach you your Deen.
[Sahih Muslim]

Deen-e-Islam is composed of the three fundamentals:

1. Islam, or external compliance with what Allah asks of us

2. Iman, or the belief in the unseen that the prophets have
informed us of

3. Ihsan, or to worship Allah as though one sees Him

Deen-e-Islam is composed of the three fundamentals:




1. Islam, or external compliance with what Allah asks of us

2. Iman, or the belief in the unseen that the prophets have
informed us of

3. Ihsan, or conscious worship of Allah

System / laws

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