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Co Education

Co-education means the education of boys and girls

together. In recent years some of our colleges have
adopted this system. Some people favor this system and
want to introduce it in all schools and colleges. They say
that this system is very useful. They give many arguments
in support of their views. Their main argument is that in a
poor and backward country like Pakistan it is impossible
to maintain separate institutions. Therefore, co-education
should be adopted and the existing colleges and schools
should be opened to girls.
The supporters of co-education also say that in a
progressive society, men and women should come closer.
Co-education would provide an opportunity to the young
men and women to understand each other. This would be
very helpful to them in their future life. It would also be
good for the progress of the country. Another argument is
that co-education would raise the standard of education,
because it will promote competition among boys and girls.
In fact, the supporters of co-education talk of its benefits
in such a manner as if it were the only road to heaven.
A little thought would expose the hollowness of their
arguments. Everyone who has visited even a couple of
colleges and schools knows that all of our institutions are
frightfully overcrowded. The girls schools and colleges,
too, are overcrowded. Hundreds of new educational
institutions are needed. If some of these are reserved for
girls, it would not then the consideration of economy
could have been partly valid.
The second argument, too, is false. If young men and
women cannot understand each other in their homes and
families, then they would not be able to do so in the

college. Why is it that one feels that one can understand

the fair sex only if one meets ones neighbors daughter?
The system of co-education will not raise educational
standards. Temptation of flirting is stronger than the urge
for reading textbooks. Co-education will create many
problems not only for the students but also for the
teachers. A temptation does not distinguish between the
students and the teachers.
The real reason why some people support co-education is
that they like western culture. They want to be more
English than the English. Because the west has coeducation, they must have it, too. But we have to consider
whether our religion, our culture, our circumstances allow
us to adopt co-education. Certainly not.
If co-education were inevitable, one would agree to it. But
it is not a necessary evil. And there is no reason that we
should patronize everything with a foreign name. our
young men and women need education, and not coeducation.

My best Teacher
A good teacher should be punctual, hardworking, honest and kind
The Mother is first who brings up a child but a teacher
instructs him which gives him senses.
The character of the child is build up by a teacher. The teacher
enables him to face the difficulties of life and to defect them.
Teaching is a profession of prophets. Teachers are responsible for

the betterment of whole generation. In our society, the teacher

has a respectable personality.
In my school there are about fifty teachers. They are intelligent
and kind to the student. I respect all of them but my favorite
teacher is Miss Zohra. She has also those qualities which I have
mentioned above I had heard.
A good teacher is one who gains trust of her students in
her first lecture.
She has done _________. Her method of teaching is very good.
She has very command over her subject his subject. She explains
each and every thing in simple words. She discusses common
mistakes in the class and corrects them in our presence. She
pays full attention to all the students. She is so punctual and
dutiful that she never misses her periods.
She never comes late to school. She is a good teacher. She offers
her prayers five times a day. She advises us to pray and to be a
good Muslim. She loves children. She is kind hearted.
She is very popular among her students for her loving and good
manners. In short, she is going successful in the field of teaching.
May God Bless Her

My Favorite Book
Books are considered to be the best companion of
a human being that provides support and strength
to the individual in all the phases of life and never
betray them. People do have different likes and
dislikes in the regard of books same is the case
with me as I dont like all types of books but do like
the books which are based on facts and figures,
which provides an individual with the awareness of

the entire world related to the discoveries and

inventions which are being made throughout the
In this regard there is one book which is
considered to be the most popular one that is
Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia is considered to be the
book which has all the secrets exposed of the
world and have all the significant information
regarding the various countries and not only this
universe but several other universes where the
scientist have made their mark.
The best source of getting the entire awareness
regarding the modern technology, the facts and
figures regarding the countries, the economical
conditions and at the same time the records and
the natural assets available in all the countries are
available in Encyclopedia. This book is not being
just compiled by one man but it is the group

effort of several competent people which have

contributed their bit in the establishment of this

unique product.
Another very attractive feature of this book is that
it is neither very much expensive nor it is rarely
found. This book is available in almost all the
books shops and not only in any specific city or
country but can be easily purchased from any part
of the world. This tells the popularity and the
appreciation made by the people for this book and
that is why it is one of my favorite books.
Encyclopedia is most beneficial for the youngsters
because the knowledge and the information

available in it is more for the use of the young

generation, at the same time young generation
have the ample time for the survey of this book
and can go through this anytime. One of the most
appreciating aspects of this book is that it catches
the attraction of the reader very quickly through
the eye catching punch lines and at the same time
very attractive and colorful pictures. These are the
main reasons which have made Encyclopedia as
one of my favorite book.

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