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MIS 427 Syllabus

This course covers the main aspects of IT security from a manager's point of view.
Managers in any field need to be aware of security and have a grasp on what can be done
to monitor and improve it. This is a field that literally changes on a daily basis and as the
world becomes more and more interconnected there isn't a business or government on
earth that doesn't have some sort of electronic entry into their private infrastructure. We will
examine how these resources can be protected in both a proactive and reactive way. The
Course addresses the key aspects of security including the following as well as others:

Identifying targets- Who is attacked and why

Examining outcomes- Lost revenue, repair costs, reputation, law suites, etc
Challenges implementing security- Cultural, lost functionality, Freedom
Policy Creation and enforcement- When is Big brother too much?
Auditing and Forensics- Monitoring for attempts and breaches and then tracking
them down
Business Continuity- Keeping things running
Entry points into your network- both physical and virtual
Latest methods of Attacking

This course takes a managers approach in dealing with the planning and implementing from
a high level. There is some technical information covered but deals more with general
information instead of vendor specific settings. The assignments will revolve around
identifying targets and how they can be exploited.
This course is not only for MIS students but any student who wants to be in a manager's
role in any company and is involved in maintaining and increasing revenues as well as
reputation. Technology is everywhere and even if you think you are not a target you can
become an easy way into bigger and better targets. Managers need to be aware what has
to be done to ensure the successful securing of technology in business today.
Supplementary resource materials: URL: with articles, software,
case studies, and exercises, etc.
You must have completed the introductory information systems course MIS 311 and have
some experience with using computers. If you lack such pre-requisites, you should discuss
your situation with the instructor prior to enrolling in this course.
The format of the course will consist of lectures, group discussions, case studies, webcasts, scheduled lab sessions, a final exam, several small assignments, 2 larger
assignments and class participation.

Week 1 & 2- Introduction and Group Organization

Week 3- Identifying Targets, who and why(Industries, specific companies, size of
companies, terrorism, government, backdoors or zombies to attack other targets and the
fun and challenging hack)
Week 4- Examining the outcomes of successful attempts (Repair costs, Lost Revenue,
Reputation, Law suites, physical damage chain reactions with other businesses)
Week 5- Challenges implementing security (Cultural changes, training, Cost, Lost
functionality, Balancing Security with easy of Use)
Week 6- Policy Creation and enforcement (big Brother)
Week 7- Auditing and Forensics (creating reports for either internal use or outside
authorities, auditing running systems and finding the trail of compromises)
Week 8 - Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning (How to plan and prepare for
after a physical or cyber threat has affected your Business)
Week 9 - Points of Access (ways to penetrate systems e.g. Online monitoring, monitoring
network traffic wired and wireless, scanning computer network Ports, server penetration)
Week 10 -Detection & Protection (which general tools can be used to detect and protect)
Week 11- Updates on the latest attempts and what they look like (examination of recent
breaches and attempts that affect different industry's, Should include recent Case studies.
Week12- Presentation (Revolves around address a security IT plan for a business from
Policy to training to implementation to maintaining)
Week 13 - Used to balance out over run or guest speakers


Sept 8


Text Additional
PP Resources


Jim Kiddoo

-Group Setup

Jim Kiddoo

Identify Targets

Jim Kiddoo

Policy Creation
Oct 4,6 and
Auditing and
Oct 11,13
Disaster Recover
Oct 18,20 and Business
Oct 25,27 Points of Entry
Detect and
Nov 1,3
Nov 8,10 Latest Attempts
Nov 15,17 Presentations
Nov 22,24 Review
Nov 29,
Dec 1


Instructor/Guest Comments/Notes

GradingSeparate Assignments -10%

In class exercises- 20%
Assignment #1- 20%
Term Assignment #2-20%
Final Exam- 30%

Jim Kiddoo
Jim Kiddoo
Jim Kiddoo
Jim Kiddoo
Jim Kiddoo

Jim Kiddoo
Jim Kiddoo
Jim Kiddoo
Jim Kiddoo
Jim Kiddoo

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