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10/6/16 sha Stnte Hegitnture aC, SENATOR ERNIE CHAMBERS comurrees Distit 1 arte North ath Steet, Autre omaha, Nebraska 68110 usin an abr “osclay Lepiltive Adsross: exezue ord State Capitol Reference Po Boe sien Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4604 (402) 471-2612 ‘A MIXTURE OF PROSE & POETRY COLLEAGUES & INTERESTED PARTIES: 23RD IN A SERIES OF "KINTNER-GRAMS' This is my MAGNUM OPUS "Kintner-Gram." Do I seem boastful? Well, maybe I am, After we've proceeded from "A" to "Z", When it is done, we'll see what we shall see. World-Herald, 8/6/16 WORLD-HERALD, 9/2/16 ‘Lincoln Journal Star, 8/10/16 According to a State Patrol Constituents havecirculat: __Kintner has xepeatedly 10: Kintnet has admitted to report distributed on Fri- piatitions suelo yicrmacr {used calls toxesign, seying he the act but said he believes day, Kintner and the. immediate resignation, though was being abédient to Gad. unis him to stay put conducted a se i ‘those can’t force out Kintner. ho conversation on. ins zie resulted in engaging in. a SHAY Je’kyll, Dr., a doctor in Robert Louis Steven- son's story Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, who dis. covers drugs that enable him to change back and forth between his own pleasant person- aity and a vicious, brutal one named Mr. :AEKYLL/HYDE_ METAPHOR Literalists are, by all METAPHORS, pained, For them, all METAPHORS must be explained. JEKYLL is Kintner-with-CHRIST-at-his~sides When in the throes of dark LUST, Kintner's HYDE. Kintner, like a pendulum, swings back and forth "Twixt SATAN/HYDE (south) and CHRIST/JEKYLL (north). "Tis Poets' duty, the plain Truth, to speak; When Kintner's "HYDE," then I must be "SEEK, One word there is which, like snug glove does fit JERYLL/IYDE Kintner, The word? HYPOCRITE. Dan Wiles Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 3:34 PM To: Paulhammel@owh.com; zpluhacek@journalstar.com; chris@kfab.com; 8@kikntv.com; desk@101Inow.com; news@kmtv.com; news@fox42kptm.com; kevint@klin.com; scott@kfab.com; news@kfab.com; bmartin@nebraskaradionetwork.com; cbrogan@threeeagles.com; dwalton@journalstar.com; fknapp@unl.edu; Schulte, Grant; martha stoddard@ owh.com; aozaki@hearst.com; citydesk@journalstar.com; Jreding@hearst.com; ketviincoln@aol.com; kvnonews@gmail.com; dpiersol@journalstar.com; news@owh.com; jyoung@journalstar.com; nebpress@nebpress.com; bkellogg@netnebraskaorg; fknapp@netnebraska.org: _mtobias@netnebraska.org; joe.duggan@owh.com; emily.nohr@owh.com; news@ketv.com; sixonline@wowt.com; news@klin.com Subject: From Sen. Bill Kintner's Office / Press Release Below is Sen. Kintner's response to Sen. Chambers' latest writings to senators regarding Sen. Kintner's wife on 9-6-16. (U120H_KINTNER-GRAM] Kintner Statement 9-8-16 “It was absolutely inappropriate for Ernie Chambers to attack and make fun of my wife and her serious medical condition. | have said nothing about Chambers’ vile attacks on me, but my wife has done nothing to him. Using her to try and score political points is a new low, even for Chambers. "lexpect Chambers to be a man and apologize to my wife. (NOLE: Never delivered or sent to Sen. Chambers, ]é.¢. NOTE: Never delivered or sent to Sen. Chambers. FRI. LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR, 9/9/16 Bi Page 3 Kintner demands apology from Chambers is, ‘wity? It polite! spouses who “play the Ernie's latest ‘Kintner- also ay to role of ‘Forgiving Wife)” allude to’ nn —_Lauren Kintner is chief poli gram’ brings up Kintner’s stmg- rPetgRetete wD Bill's wife ale with ined leaders in the Legislature SEDGE ag Saline fos Bi Kintner to step ‘ZACH PLUHACEK ‘BilKintnerac- down after the cybersex scanc coin Journal Star cused Chambers_wasmade pubic, he Embattledstate Sen. BillKint- Kintner and Kintnerhas refused, saying) ner is accusing Omaha Sen. Ernie mae apologized to Gad and his wie, Chantenatngsinghistiisis wifeandber tion, and ater to his ators Seen Ee mene che "Thobpewadtwopolticans and semttyanta lated around the Capitol. ngaing oR Daly o penoeal Hisdeaeies bpemsinin office Chambers has authored a differences,” Kintner told the has vexed many fellow lawmak- dozen such “Kintner-grams” in Journal Star on Thursday. “This ers. lature’s the weeks since Kintner admit- isapoliticiangoingafter another Board has held two pu ‘ted usinghis state-owned politician's wife." ings to weigh respontes ranging witha stranget —_“Lexpect Chamberstobeaman from punishment to impeach~ juring 4 trip to Boston last year. la ize to "hesaid ment, andlast week; ia} But the latest writing, dated inthe news,elease. {eng Kinnerto relay St Chambers could not immedi-2or face consequences. ately be reached for comment, "He again refused to step down, Thethiee-pageriemoincludes sltboughhehassadhis goal with before th deadline, atthe Ex ecramatztonof inte’ the memo was to peta Lauren lective Boar as responded, counter anda Ther hus- gland canceled a meeting set for photo of iis wie, ae Tis refusal this week to discuss the issue, a Ee ie keane neces Chambers, a member of the te tomer Chai Senator engaged withthestanger jrscom- Ewecutive Board, has said. he ‘causes was Uosatshedwith pared Lauren Kintner to otbet_would be ynaatisted with any FRI. WORLD-HERALD, 9/9/16 6B ‘STATE SENATORS CLASH Kintner seeks an apology from Chambers for poem Legislator who ref “as abot iappro BS Hses priate for Ernie Chambers to: "Lauren Kintner, who is Gov. gotion short ofremoving Kitna from the Legislature. Tce te spoken personalities from op- saan feat ae Kintner was a regular target of erence a things! Or acct Cl ers last oat ae mii Se ae SERS pee head using a copying machine at ea ‘That complaint cites the same pr fined $1,000 on Aug. 5formisus~ ing his state laptop for cybersex. ‘Now, Kintner said, “I’mbeinga anes aaa aperingiguae Reach the writer at 402-473-7234 or pluhacekalouralstarcom, On Twitter @zachan. Last month he reached a Se Thy ad Rebresen Accintbity and Disclosure Commission over ls misuse of state equipment, to quit after cybersex and make fun of ms Pete Ricketts’ policy research ‘As partol the sgreement, Kao scandal says writing ender pans office director, was diagnosed ner was assessed a $1,000 fine. Cetin te Papen seme i belittles his ailing wife ssid, “Lhave. Bee ‘Ricketts, slong with umes. ‘Chave sald nothing qusmemibers of the Nebrasi about Chambers : gusmembersof the Nebasié ame tut ny wither done MMB ROSAS Beitr roomy SURE PAR « Bes = Vonounapsnae "EEN yades athe Meat upliad'» Lea Leach LINCOLN — Embattled willnot apologize because he pot meeting his needs. request for his resignation. State Sen, Bill Kintnercallea is ot the pers ‘inter has been under ites reed step on Omaba Sen. Ernie Cham poem titled su. Smaings admitting het Re down, saying that his decision Berson Thur pdsidihepocm tteds- SStggafineyberce whuein ost in hogar a apologize tw his wife for a recent poem: jean Gace” Bastin 2015 He anda ‘The poem, distribu Wifey — Odd Woman Out", woman conducted sexually Weinesday, aid Kinmers use Rab aatanatiaek on inte Sci convereation on SIGPE, ‘God. He said he has gized for sinning against ‘wile and she has forgiven, of. state compater to have iG orher medical condos hich resulted in bothengee- him. cybersex with a woman he met tyquestions that others have ‘ing in masturbation ‘On Thursday, he said he nln has falsed- speculation raised inthe wake of the cy- _,‘Kintner reported the inci, stands by the decision to stay about whether Kintner's wife Persex incident. dent to the Nebraska State Pan. ‘was satisfying him at home. : he _tolafter the woman attempted “Nothing else has changed ‘The Papillion senator shot, ,;tRexsanects tie Wee” to extort money from him. except my anger about this,” back with a statement calling Chambers seid. “Het ving hessid the posm “anew low even for : BE Chenbers ‘so hide behind his sick wife's poe Page 4 As noted at the outset, this "OPUS" was "inspired" by Kintner's "statement" in a press release attacking (without articulating a single supporting fact) my "latest writings" (a particular poem) as “attacking” and "making fun of his wife and her serious medical condition.” ‘The poem did not mention any medical condition of anybody. As a matter of fact, the publicizing of her condition by Kintner was nothing less than the mindless disclosure oF srtvates intinates deeply pereonal medical information which vas none of the public's business, Why did he do such an inconsiderate, insensitive thing? It was a coldly calcu- lating diversionary tactic’ designed to deflect attention away from himself and his despicable, shameful misconduct and to garner some sympathy for himself — at the expense of his wife. Obviously, he has been so stung and mortified by my on-target "writings" that he was willing to tO gush his wite ("serfous medical condition” and all) front~ and-center so he could seck refuge behind her skirts. WHAT A GUY! My "writings" consist primarily of poems. Such being the case, some basic facts about "poetics" should be understood: po-em (pd’im), n. [Fr. potme; L. poema; Gr. poiéma, anything made, poem < poiciz, to make], 1. an ar- rangement of words in verse; especially, a rhythmical composition, sometimes rhymed, expressing facts, ideas, or emotions in a style more concentrated, imaginative, and powerful than that of ordinary speech: some poems are in meter, some in free verse. 2. a composition, whether in verse or prose, having beauty of thought or language. 3. anything beautiful in a way suggesting @ poem, po-et (pdt), mn. [ME. & OF r, poete; L. poeta; Gr. poidtes. one who makes, poet < poisin, to mai h A person who writes poems or verses, 2. a person who writes or expresses himself with imaginative power and beauty of thought, language, etc, pG-et’ic li/cense, a poet’s or artist’s right to deviate, for pitastic effect, from literal fact and strict rules of form, grammar, etc. Page 5 The particular poem about which Kintner gripes, employs a "literary device" routinely used by playwrights (from Shakespeare to Robert Bolt) and writers of all stripes to make their point: they contrived or invented "dialogue" (derived or drawn from the circumstances surrounding the case in point) to adavance their “message Does anyone believe that Shakespeare actually was present and overheard the co- pious dialogue found in his plays about various kings; e.g., Richard II and ITT? Henry IV, V, and VI? Or Julius Caesar? Or Antony and Cleopatra? Or Pericles? Neither did Robert Bolt hear any of the sparkling, insightful dialogue in his play about Sir Thomas More: A Man for All Seasons which was made into an award- winning movie of the same title, starring Academy Award winning Paul Scofield. What we have here are superb instances of "poetic license” in full and glori- ous flower. The overarching purpose of my poem -~ far from “attacking” or "making fun of" Kintner's wife — is to graphically portray her victimization by exposing Kintner as her conscienceless and remorseless, self-seeking yictimizer. The title of the poem is: ‘SUPERMAN AND WONDER WOMAN WIFEY -- ODD WOMAN OUT (MISCONDUCT FUELS SPECULATION) ‘The driving engine of the poem —- SPECULATION ~~ IN ADDITION TO BEING EXPLICIT LY STATED IN THE TITLE, is fleshed out in the eight opening lines which set the overall tone by means of (yes) dialogue (poetic license) between a randy Kintner and his "smoking hot dream girl" (his characterization) revealing his disregard and disrespect for his wife which, in turn, predictably fuels speculation. And such speculation is being noised abroad. The dialogue, not unreasonably, can be derived from the nature of, and circun~ stances surrounding, their salacious "relationship" and exemplified by their mi tual-masturbation "performance" on camera on Skype on purpose. Kintner's infantile ploy to exploit his wife in a bid for sympathy (since no one extends to him empathy) provides the opportunity, not only to "reissue" the poem, but to analyze and elaborate further on the disdain and disrespect he con— tinues to manifest toward his wife whom he continues to victimize by remaining the target of public scorn and disgusted contempt by refusing to resign ~~ the course any real man would take for the sake of his family. This "OPUS" contains somewhat extensive excerpts from the transcript of his SKYPE ENCOUNTER with his "smoking hot dream girl" set forth in the State Patrol Report delivered to the Accountability & Disclosure Commission which released to the public pursuant to the Settlement signed by Kintner. Page 6 per-ver-sion (par-var’zhon, -shan) n. 1. The act of pervert- ing or the state of being perverted. 2. A sexual practice or act considered deviant. —perver'sive (-siv, -ziv) adj. per-vert (por-vart’) /r.v. -vert-ed, -vert-ing, -verts. 1. To cause to turn from what is considered morally right; corrupt: One who practices sexual perversion. If the pervert is still a member of the Legislature in January, I shall read from this, other Kintner-grams, and the State Patrol Report. As I wrote in the second Kintner-gram:'"It remains mind-boggling how any man whose wife has been diagnosed with cancer can be so selfish, small~minded and Jacking in ordinary common decency as to drag his wife through the public meatgrinder of a pornographic scandal." ‘And also: Kintner's free to masturbate on his own time, But not free to masturbate on the Taxpayers’ dime. My resolve is rock-solid firm//The public can watch the worthless WORM squirm. THE OPENING EIGHT LINES TO THE POEM Stuck ate home with WIFEY, he's CLARK KINTNER, flaccid to the touch; On the other hand(s), with SKYPEMATE who excites him 0! so much, He tells her, "I'm Superman! because of how you make me feel!" "Tf so, take your pants off," coos she, "show me you're a man of steel.” (She's his Wonder Woman, with her super powers, hot and stacked; Could it be Clark Kintner sought from her the OOMPH! that WIFEY lacked...? Such the speculation when a man in midlife starts to roam, Questing for some smoking-hot stuff he could not procure at home.) (Do you want see my wares? Horny Kintner pants, drools, stares...) [7/30/15, 4:38:42 PM] Frimousse: Hey [7730/15, 4:38:44 PM} Frimousse: iam here [7/30/15, 4:38:50 PM] Frimousse: you receive me ? [7/30/15, 4:38:55 PM] Bill Kintner: So am I [7/0/15, 4:40:54 PM] Frimousse: look just open cam and masturbates with me [7/30/15, 4:42:59 PM] Frimousse: i know you ar horny lol [7/30/15, 4: PM] Frimousse: show mee now _ {7/30/15, 4:43:56 PM] Bill Kintner: I cannot do this.. [7/30/15, 4:46:12 PM] Frimousse: you want see more ? [7/30/15, 4:46:15 PM] Bill Kintner: You are smoking hot [7/30/15, 4:46:42 PM] Frimousse: show me a bit babe 48:23 PM] Bill Kintner: I am so sorry, I just don’t feel right about doing this, even though you ate a just can’t Page 7 [7/30/15, 4:50:30 PM] Bill Kintner: I just can’t do this, it would break my wife’s heart if she knew I did this. If he does not wish to rue it, Then he simply ought not do it. Would a man invoke his Wife As he treads the trashy side of life Tf — at all —— he does respect her? Does it show he does reject her? Obviously, it's not to protect her. . « From his life, does he wish to eject her? Only a reprobate, dopey NUT Would wallow so, in ropy smut. Especially should he be adverse, Given that he and GOD do converse. (7/30/15, :5 PM] Frimousse: how can she know you do this with m? (730/15, ‘you will tell her? [7B0/S, 4:51:47 PM] Frimousse: i don't know your wife and nobody can't see us on this chat [7/30/15, 4:51:53 PM] Frimousse: why you worry ? Let the "WORD OF GOD" speak to the "MAN OF GOD"(?). . . ST. LUKE, 8 2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. 3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. ST. LUKE, 12 17 For nothing is secret, that shali not be made manifest; nei- ther any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. ST. JOHN, 7 4 For ti is that doeth JOHN, 7 sins oleh ad he Mims seeketh to be known openly. 1 CORINTHIANS, 4 5 Therefore . . . the Lord, will bring to light the... hidden things of darkness, DID THE CREATOR TELL THE Mi ore _ AND, THEREFORE, ALL SUCH SCRIPTURES ARE JUST A PACK OF LIES? Page 8 [7/30/15, 4:52:26 PM] Frimousse: i think that you trought iam a bad woman maybe ? [7/30/15, 4:52:42 PM] Bill Kintner: It not that, it is about doing the honorable thing, the right thing. I don’t want to sneak behind my wife's back. It is not about you, it is about me. You are smoking hot: (In_the context of mentioning his WIFE.) JOSHUA, 24 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lorp, choose you this day whom ye will serve. COMPARISON . . . CHOICE Does the PERVERT have any care For his WIFE? Or does he compare The two of then his "DREAM GIRL" and HER, Deciding WHICH he does PREFER? Of the TWO, ‘tis finally reckoned: "DREAM GIRL" wins -- WIFE places second. (Returning to the poem: "j IAN. "If you need to take a break from Wifey every now and again, "Let your mind and conscience be at ease; it’s not the greatest ‘sin.’ "I she were attentive and was on her job, then she would heed "Telltale signs that indicate, she's not supplying what you need. "Women of the world -- like me —- spot men Like you -- it's plain as day —~ "Bored at home, you have a yen to sneak into our yard to play.” [7/30/15, 4:53:13 PM] Frimousse: i am so homy [7/B0/15, 4:53:53 PM] Bill Kintner: Iam sorry, I let you get so horny. [7/30/15, 4:54:22 PM] Frimousse: aree you shy about your body ? (7/30/15, 4:54:32 PM] Frimousse: you think i will not like your dick ? You can look Like the MICHELIN MAN Or the little PILLSBURY DOUGH BOY; You only need to TAKE YOURSELF IN HAND ‘And follow me -~ and go! Gol! GO!!! boy! (730/85, :45 PM] Bill Kintner: | don’tknow to say, other than this is not the right thing. DON'T BE AN IDIOT -~ Just say: boy! ttt ‘no! Nol! NO! The Pervert, in his hotel room, reflectd on his Company, he wished he had. What about his WIFE? As his lonely heart sought solace (in it was an empty slot) — Farthest from his thoughts was his WIFE; he yearned for something "HOT"! As he cogitated, lewd lust seized his mind and did mingle With the loneliness that he felt; straightway, he went a-tingle. MUSIC has a certain Magic (from the Dawn of Creation), Which could soothe the most "savage breast" in any situation. Lurid FANTASIES filled his mind -- pounding like frantic drumers; Suddenly, entering his mind unbidden — a song sung by DONNA SUMMERS. Tt was a TORRID tune; in his head, it ran its course -- he perspired. In his loins, he felt a quiver ~~ some "HOT STUFF," he desired. (Ere that FATEFUL NIGHT was over, there'd creep into his life, A WOMAN -- his "smoking hot" "DREAM girl" -~ but a NIGHIMARE to his WIFE.) (EUREKA!) lifes HOT STUFF, by DONNA SUMMERS Sittin’ here, eatin’ my heart out waitin’ ‘Waitin’ for some lover to call — Lookin’ for some hot stuff, baby this evenin’ need some hot stuff, baby tonight I want some hot stuff, baby this evenin’ Gotta have some hot stuff Gotta have some love tonight (7/30/15, 4:56:02 PM] Frimousse: we are not in hotel room [7/30/15, 4:56:09 PM] Frimousse: just online you and me [7/30/15, 4:56:18 PM] Bill Kintner: No, there are just things that are not right and this is one of them. Lam ina hotel room Jol You know what I want to see, Be a man; "stand up" for me! Jack was nimble; Jack was quick, Let me see your “candle stick"! (7/30/15, 4:56:40 PM] Frimousse: just show mee a bit and i will think about it and masturbates my self and hav a good night this night [7/30/15, 4:56:53 PM] Frimousse: just a bit (7/30/15, 4:57:07 PM] Frimousse: please dont worry (7/30/15, 4:57:29 PM] Bill Kintner: I am sorry, I do worry about this. In order to persuade the Godly PERVERT To unhitch his britchs, She must overcome his weak Ambivalent Conscience's twitches. . . (Returning to "After we have 'done the do’, T Tinklingly, she lightly laughed "Marriage vows and such torment "ALL it does is bring you guilt SUPERMAN AND WONDER WOMAN...) : also think of Wifey -- and. . ." and said to him, "I understand-~ you, Just ignore that. Let it drop. = but not enough to make you stop. be honest with yourself; enjoy the 'push-pull', to the max; "Neither God nor Wifey overshadows this, so face the facts." ALTHOUGH HE INVOKED HIS WIFE, DISDATNFULLY, ASIDI , HE SHOVED HER; NOT ONCE DID HE SAY THAT HE RESPECTD HER OR THAT HE LOVED HER, " ‘EVEN HAD THE PERVERT DONE SO, THERE'D HAVE BEEN SCANT SATISFACTION INSINCERE WORDS WOULD HAVE BEEN DROWNED OUT BY OBSCENE, VULGAR ACTION (7/30/15, 4: [7/30/15, [7/30/15 4: 01 PM] Frimousse: you don't like me ? to do with you. i iknow you like my sexy body 8:38 PM] Frimousse: let have fun now (730/15, (7/30/15, [730/15, [7/30/15, 4:59:04 PM] Frimousse: i am going to go hard [7/30/15, 4:59:16 PM] Bill Kintner: You have a great body...that is not in question [130/15; 4:59:26 PM] Frimousse: show me juste Bie (730/15, PM] Frimousse: keep cam on dick babe [7/30/15, 5:00:22 PM] Frimousse: tak cam small down on dick [7/30/15, 5:00:38 PN4] Bill Kintner: Look now I ama getting aroused and we better end this. (730/15, PM] Frimousse: show me a bit please [7(30/15, 5:03:01 PM] Bill Kintner: Let's end this, before I get in trouble When Little children, Often we sai You take "let's" And go ahead. ‘The PERVERT Cannot be defended; He possessed The power to end it. [7/30/15, 5:06:53 PM] Frimousse: ok you don't like this ido for you? [7/30/15, 5:07:04 PM] Frimousse: look i will not sleep this night (730/15, 5:07:50 PM] Bill Kintner Okay, I cannot watch any more, [7/30/15, 5:07:57 PM] Bill Kintner: so let’s end this [7/30/15, 5:08:41 PM] Frimousse: sorry but i think you got me [70/15, 5:08:49 PM] Frimousse: you see all about me Having He wanted to "cut a trail” like a Cad, Having feasted with lecherous eyes On her pulchritudinous Merchandise, The PERVERT hastened to call it a day —~ (To "pleasure himself" (?) in a different way.) [7/0/15, 5:09:02 PM] Frimousse: Thank you [7/30/15, 5:09:20 PM] Bill Kintner: We can chat later. [7/30/15, 5:09:27 PM] Frimousse: with cam ? [730/15, 5:09:31 PMI] Frimousse: or on FB? (7/30/15, 5:09:50 PM] Bill Kintner: we'll see. [7/30/15, 5:09:55 PM] Bill Kintner: Call ended 28 minutes 11 seconds For a "God-fearing," "Christ-led" man, ‘Twenty-eight minutes is no small span, With Godly eyes to be lustfully gawking, With Christ-guided mouth to be dirty-talking — All the while (for all we know) Intending later, to go! Go!! GO! ‘At any rate, The PERVERT made clear, He held neither WIFE nor MARRTAGE VOWS dear. By his PERVERSION on Skype, he made plain, He, toward his WIFE, holds’ a shocking DISDAIN. Thon <- depth of gall —- he did try to stoke strife Alleging that someone "made fun of" his WIFE. Tt is ironic he used the word, "FUN;" "PUN" he did seek when, on SKYPE, he had done With “smoking hot" "dream girl" ~~ for gross titillation, K shameful performance of MUTUAL MASTURBATION. Clearly the PUBLIC SCORN heaped on him hurts; ‘The PERVERT seeks shielding BEHIND HIS WIFE'S SKIRTS. What man would, thus, like a SCARED VARMINT, crawl? Objectively speaking, HE'S NO MAN AT ALL. . Rather than raising a COWARDLY WHINE, Let him “man up" LIKE A MAN ~~ AND RESIGN. Though it may not bring, from SCORN, an exemption, It would comprise the FIRST STEP TOWARD REDEMPTION Page UL Page 12 Shades of night fell, and The PERVERT grew glum, Waxing more anxious for morning to come. He was in turmoil, with loneliness creeping Into his mind -- there was scant chance of sleeping. ‘Tangled emotions did slash like a knife; HE_KNEW_HE OUGHT 70 REAC 1 He needed only to pick up the phone, Call her and tell her felt so alone, We had to hear her voice, else he'd not sleep. (He knew MARRIAGE VOWS, he ought to keep. One said he'd be hers, all others forsaking — Yet, here he was —~ being untrue and faking.) ‘There was no chance, such call he would make, We feit a thirst only "DREAM GIRL” could slake. Once again, MUSIC exerted its power. ‘As time approached the Midnight Hour, Mused he: "This way, there comes something Wicked... ‘The DEVIL's own Song, sung by WILSON PICKETT. Just Tor aainstant” he felt consternation, That song fit perfectly, his situation. Maybe from GOD, it was actually a "SIGN" —~ Letting him know he had feelings, condign. (DENIAL, of all things, is passing strange, DENIAL, the strongest of minds, can derange.) IN THE MEDNIGHT HOUR, by WILSON PICKETT {'m gonna wait ‘til the midnight hour That's when my love come tumbling down I'm gonna wait ‘tl the midnight hour When there’ no one else around 'm gonna take you, girl, and hold you ‘And do all things I told you, in the midnight hour 'm gonna wait til the stars come out And see that twinkle in your eyes 1'm gonna wait ‘til the midnight hour That's when my love begins to shine You're the only girl | know Can really love me so, in the midnight hour I'm gonna wait ‘tl the midnight hour That's when my love come tumbling down t'm gonna wait, way in the midnight hour That's when my love begin to shine, just you and | ‘Oh, baby, just you and | Nobody around, baby, just you and | (MIDNIGHT is known as the "witching hour: It is the time, some say, when the Power Of all that is Evil, is given free hand To range as it will and stalk through the land.) Having partaken of Sweet Fruit, forbidden, There was no longer a way to keep hidden, Raging, hot lust that has set him aflame —- Gone was all Decency, Conscience and Shame. Inside, he knew that no stinging, cold shower Offered salvation in this stressful hour. Seemingly, he — as a God-fearing man —~ Knew of s0ue Prayer that a poor timer can Offer to God when he needed assistance, Fighting off SATAN, with Christian resistence. Bh — but The PERVERT had one thing in mind: Only the PLEASURE he knew he could find With his new "DREAM GIRL" whose "SMOKING HOT BODY" 0! — could intoxicate more than — hot toddy. She had confided that he was her type ~~ Hormones a-raging, he slunk back to SKYPE. [7/31/15, 12:20:08 AM] Bill Kintner: Call started (7/31/15, 12: [71/15, 12:217 [7/31/15, 12:21:41 AM] Frimousse: don't worry [7BV15, 12:21:49 AM] Frimousse: iam not_a devil [7/31/15, 12:22:53 AM] Bill Kintner: | know you are not the devil [71/15, 12:23:20 AM] Frimousse: you won't show me ? [71/15, 12:23:30 AM] Frimousse: you just want watch me ? [7B1/15, 12:23:53 AM] Frimousse: Ok let talk like this if you won't do it with me (71/15, 12:24:10 AM] Bill Kintner: I_enjoy seeing you .08.AM] Frimousse: show me a bit of dick now ‘AM] Frimousse: please [7B1/15, 12:27:14 AM] Frimousse: let go_go babe [7 1/15, 12:27:41 AM] Frimousse: do it don't worry [7/B1/15, 12:27:49 AM] Frimou: is just for pleasure [7B1/15, 12:28:25 AM] Frimousse: babe 2? [7/B1/15, 12:28:36 AM] Frimousse: let me see [71/15, 12:28:39 AM] Bill Kintner: gh boy 17/31/15, 12:28:54 AM] Frimousse: keep cam on dick :47 AM] Frimousse: i watch you [7/31/15, 12:31:36 AM] Frimousse: i don't know you [7/31/15, 12:31:42 AM] Frimousse: anid you don't know mee too :48 AM] Frimousse: but i like you :55 AM] Frimousse: and i think you like me too :07 AM] Frimousse: babe do it and i will bee happy (7/31/15, 12:32:13 AM] Frimousse: i need it (7/1/15, 12:32:19 AM] Frimousse: i want do it with you ENCORE (HOW APROPOS -= ONE SIZE FITS BOTH) HOT STUFF, by DONNA SUMMERS Sitti’ here, eatin’ my heart out waitin’ ‘Waitin’ for some fover to call Lookin’ for some hot stuff, baby this evenin’ Ineed some hot stuff, baby tonight Iwant some hot stuff, baby this evenin’ Gotta have some hot stuff Gotta have some love tonight Lookin’ for a lover who needs another Don't want another night on my own Wanna share my love with a warm blooded lover Wanna bring a wild man back home Gotta have some hot love baby, this evenin’ need some hot stuff baby tonight want some hot stuff baby this evenin’ Gotta have some lovin’ Got to have a love tonight How's ‘bout some hot stuff, baby this evenin’ need some hot stuff baby tonight Lookin for my hot stuff baby this evenin’ | need hot stuff baby tonight (7/31/15, 12: [781/15, 12: (731/15, 12: idon't care about your age i don't just like young people ‘57 AM] Frimousse: i want you for now :57 AM] Bill Kintner: why is my cam and not yours 06 AM] Frimousse: i told you 21 AM] Frimousse: keep it on dick and i will open mine Page 4 [71/15, 12:34:41 AM] Frimousse: my cam is on my pussy [7B1/15, 12:34:45 AM] Frimousse: playing (7/31/15, 12:34:53 AM] Frimousse: i wait your now [7B1/15, 12:35:01 AM] Frimousse: my fingeer is in pussy [7B1/15, 12:35:16 AM] Bill Kintner: j am waiting for you [7/31/15, 12:36:04 AM] Frimousse: show me now (781/15, 1 AM] Frimousse: you see m now then show mee now AM] Frimousse: mmmmmmmm AM] Frimousse: OMG ‘AM] Frimousse: j like it AM] Frimousse: keep it on cam AM] Frimousse: mmmmmmmm. [7/31/15, 12:37:31 AM] Frimonsse: show mee full dick babe and kiss me on cam (731/15, 1 ‘AM] Frimousse: you like it [731/15, 12:39:03 AM] Frimousse: show me your ass [7B1/15, 12:41:44 AM] Frimousse: kiss me on cam babe [7BV/15, 12:41:49 AM] Frimousse: i like this dick [7BV/15, 12:42:53 AM] Frimousse: you like me? I7BI/15, 12:43:02 AM] Bill Kintner: yes (7/31/15, 12:45:39 AM] Bill Kintner: wow Kintner's own conduct and participation in the vulgar, explicit sexual conver sation with his "smoking hot," "dream girl" necessitate no elaboration. My poem was not off the mark, NO APLOLOGY WILL BE GIVEN. I stand by what I wrote. Four "Epilogues" which wrapped up the poem, follow. They underscore the vic— timhood of his wife, Kintner's lack of remorse, the misguided "defense" provided By his "feckless friends," and the expansion of the poem to embrace similarly situated wives of similar miscreants, and a call for "women of the world to unite” against such yictimization and disrespect. EPILOGUE IT When his Escapade was found out (such was an inherent risk), Sympathetic Women looked at Wifey (shamed) and said: "Tsk! Tsk!" This bald, hypocritical ruse (so disgusting) does reflect Absolutely no remorse -- and toward The Public, disrespect. Cruelty unimaginable to drag his Wife through PUBLIC SCANDAL — Such a heartless SCOUNDREL mérits thtashiy with a stout ax handle, Page 16 Tts beneath contemptible when dirty, low-down, nasty men Do commit a CRIME then blithely euphemize it as MERE "SIN. Tt's FAR WORSE than merely some "religious notion" they forsake; Rather, it's THE LAW that they INTENTTONALLY and KNOWINGLY break. Even when their wives "forgive" them, such wives usually have no choice, For, if viable choice they had, they'd speak with quite a different voice. What sane, self-respecting Woman would not, white-hot fury feel Tf humiliated, publicly shamed, and ground beneath some SCUMBAG's heel? So — with brave face -~ stoically, they play the role of "Forgiving Wife,” Swallow pride and inwardly weep -- and struggle to go on with life. As for crime-committing SCUMBAGS, they just strut, with beaming face, Totally oblivious of consequences. of DISGRACE. EPILOGUE TTT Anyone whose Trust was fractured end was put to public shame, Well-knew (all trust gone) that things could never, ever be the same, WOMEN OF THE WORLD, UNITE! The Flag of Truth should be unfurled, Blazened with truth undeniable: "IT'S A CURSED, MALE-SCUMBAGS' WORLD!" EPILOGUE IV The SCUMBAGS' feckless friends, among whom there is not a lick of sense, Swarm like fetid Flies to dung to offer up a stupid "defense" "These are good men who've done nothing worse than others who have stumbled; "Sorry are they for their missteps, and they have been duly humbled. "Castigated, have they been, as well as subject of the taunt; "Yoo — they have apologized; what more could anybody want? "It is not for us to judge them; each has made peace with his Wifes "We should get back to our work and let them go on with their life!" EPILOGUE V WHEN CRIMES ARE COMMITTED, PUNISHMENT, FROM SUCH CRIMES, ISN'T DIVORCED; MINAL LAWS ARE NOR, BY ANGRY GOD OR INJURED WIVES, ENFORCED. ‘loving" wife can't shield a Scofflaw; LAW, to her, does not defer -- Tf the cowardly Lout were a MAN, he would be a shield to her. IE the SCUMBAG had scant Dignity (considering his DISGRACE), He'd bow out of Public Life and cease to flaunt his tainted Face. But like TICKS attached to VARMINTS (and which, dread Diseases, spawn) Selfish, Stupid, Simpleminded SCUMBAGS Shamefully HANG ON. . . «

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