Fall 2016 Newsletter

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Karin Richter Fine Art

Fall 2016

Gone are the lazy days of summer, isnt that how the saying
goes? That means fall is in the air, harvest season is upon us and
kids are back in class. Artists return to their studios with newfound
energy and creativity. Reflecting on this past summer, the places I
saw and the experiences I had, I can only say that it was
bountiful. Artists are like squirrels, using the summer months to
travel and gather reference material and new ideas for a long
winter of artmaking. My recent travels to wonderful places in
Canada have yielded many images for my work and made me
ponder how I want to approach my artmaking this fall.
It appears water was a major element in my travels this year,
going either to the East or West coast and vineyards in-between!
A wonderful time was had while teaching a 5-day workshop in
Gibsons, BC on the sunshine coast where a lovely group of artists
gathered to have me teach them how to Have a Plan Then

Paint with Abandon, a theme that seemed to evoke a lot of

laughter and teasing! Gibsons is a wonderful spot with an
interesting harbour and of course home to Mollys Reach, used as
a backdrop for the Beachcombers TV series many years ago.
After a long day of artmaking, it was good to hang out and have a
beer with fish & chips!

Lots of roaming and walking the planks produced some great

photos, the artsy variety I particularly like:

Abstract patterns

or intimate harbour scenes

Following my coastal adventures, I taught another 5-day

workshop, this time in the interior of BC in Naramata, on the East
shore of Okanagan Lake, the heart of wine country. What a lovely

place to unwind away from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives!
Here you find orchards, beaches, boats, quaint places to eat and
shop and of course beautiful vineyards.

This is the life!

Only a few weeks later I embarked on another trip to the East

coast, to Newfoundland where I had never been. What I found

was a beautiful part of Canada, way out in the Atlantic ocean

where history is all about the great wars and the immigrants who
landed on these shores. A colourful and relaxed place and of
course all about COD and lobster which was not in season!

St. Johns is of course known for its jellybean houses which I loved photographing:

Newfoundlanders, the people, are the most friendly and

humorous bunch. While in a small fishing village walking around
taking pictures, I came across an interesting shed, being invited in
by a local who showed me his fish boil in the oven and taught me
how to make music Newfoundland style:

Most of all, Newfoundland is a wild place which can be witnessed

at Cape Spear, a breathtaking experience:

I will certainly return here to experience more of Newfoundland &


Those who did not travel this summer got to admire our incredible
Alberta skies caused by this summers unsteady weather:

On the subject of skies, this year, after a long time of taking

evening or night flights, I flew across this country during the day
and was fascinated by the incredible views from the air.

The North from the air

Abstract Farm Patterns from the Air

It made me realize again that there is truly much to be inspired by,

no matter where you are. After all the collecting and gathering
there is nothing left to do than practice the advice I have been
handing out. I have talked a lot about preparing for painting in my
recent workshops and I do strongly believe that a good plan
makes for a great painting and allows you to paint freely well,
with abandon! It is the quickest way to success! Be passionate
about your subject matter and as Robert Burridge says: If it does
not make you come alive, it is not worth doing!
So here we are, back to work, ready to relive our experiences
through our paintings. I will surely see you, either in class or a
workshop, at a show or an art event.
For those of you interested in my workshops, I teach an About
Town Acrylics Workshop at Impact Framing & Studio in Calgary
October 15. My Art-at-Sea holiday onboard the MS Swell Nov. 16, the historic tugboat is almost full and there are spaces left in
my Portugal/Spain/Morocco trip in the spring of 2017. For all
these contact me directly.

I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday and much

creativity this fall.

All the best in life and in art!




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