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The meaning of



This Surah further develops the contrast between Light and Darkness, as symbolical of knowledge and
ignorance, righteousness and sin, spiritual progress and degradation. It closes with a definition of the deeds by which
the righteous are known in the environment of this world.
It is mainly an early Makkan Surah, but its date has no significance.
Summary Allahs highest gift to man is that He has furnished a Criterion for judgement between right and
wrong in His revelation, which teaches us the true significance of our eternal Future (25:1-20, and C. 161).
Those who do not use that Criterion will be full of woe when the Judgement comes, for Allah gave full
warning at all times (25:21-44, and C. 162).
In the contrasts of shade and sun, night and day, death and life, and the whole ordering of Allahs Creation,
men may learn of Allah Most Gracious; and the virtues of the righteous respond to Allahs care for them (25:45-77,
and C. 163).


C. 161.- Among the highest and greatest of the gifts of Allah
(25:1-20.) Is His Revelation, which is the Criterion
By which we may judge between right
And wrong between false and true worship,
Between the Message that comes from Allah
And the forgeries of men, between the Real
In our eternal Future and the Fancies
By which we are misled. The Prophets of Allah
Come as men to live among men and guide them.

Text from the Quran

Al Furqan (The Criterion)
In the name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

2.He to Whom belongs

The dominion of the heavens

1. Blessed is He Who

And the earth: no son

Sent down the Criterion

Has He begotten, nor has He

To His servant, that it

A partner in His dominion:

May be an admonition

It is He Who created

To all creatures

All things, and ordered them

* The Message of Islam, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 1939.
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Through the streets? Why

In due proportions.

Has not an angel

3. Yet have they taken,

Been sent down to him

Besides Him, gods that can

To give admonition with him?

Create nothing but are themselves

Created; that have no control

8.Or (why) has not a treasure

Of hurt or good to themselves;

Been bestowed on him, or

Nor can they control Death

Why has he (not) a garden

Nor Life nor Resurrection.

For enjoyment? The wicked

Say: Ye follow none other

4. But the Misbelievers say:

Than a man bewitched.

Naught is this but a lie

Which he has forged,

9.See what kinds of companions

And others have helped him

They make for thee!

At it. In truth it is they

But they have gone astray,

Who have put forward

And never a way will they

An iniquity and a falsehood.

Be able to find!

5. And they say: Tales of


The ancients, which he has caused

To be written: and they

10.Blessed is He Who,

Are dictated before him

If that were His Will,

Morning and evening.

Could give thee better (things)

Than those Gardens beneath which

6. Say: The (Quran) was sent down

Rivers flow; and He could

By Him Who knows

Give thee Palaces (secure

The Mystery (that is) in the heavens

To dwell in).

And the earth: verily He

Is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

11.Nay, they deny the Hour

(Of the Judgement to come):

7. And they say: What sort


But We have prepared

Of a messenger is this,

A Blazing Fire for such

Who eats foods, and walks

As deny the Hour:

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Or did they stray

12. When it sees them

From the Path themselves?

From a place far off,

18. They will say: Glory to Thee!

They will hear its fury

Not meet was it for us

And its raging sigh.

That we should take

13. And when they are cast,

For protectors others besides Thee:

Bound together, into a

But Thou didst bestow,

Constricted place therein, they

On them and their fathers,

Will plead for destruction

Good things (in life), until

There and then!

They forgot the Message:

For they were a people

14. This day plead not

(Worthless and) lost.

For a single destruction:

Plead for a destruction oft-repeated!

19. (Allah will say): Now

Have they proved you liars

15. Say: Is that best, or

In what ye say: so

The eternal Garden, promised

Ye cannot avert (your penalty)

To the righteous? For them,

Nor (get) help. And whoever

That is a reward as well

Among you does wrong,

As a goal (or attainment).

Him shall We cause to taste

Of a grievous Penalty.

16. For them there will be

Therein all that they wish for:

20. And the messengers whom We

They will dwell (there) for aye:

Sent before thee were all

A promise to be prayed for

(Men) who ate food

From thy Lord.

And walked through the streets:

We have made some of you

17. The Day He will gather

As a trial for others:

Them together as well as

Will ye have patience?

Those whom they worship

For Allah is One Who

Besides Allah, He will ask

Sees (all things).

Was it ye who led

Al Furqan: 1-20

These My servants astray.

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