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What is competitive
exclusion? (L1)
What are the seven
pieces of evidence for
evolution? (L1)

Name: Caroline Fulton

Class: Period 4 Biology
Competitive Exclusion is when the least fit of the species loses to the fittest and then
gets excluded from the habitat.

Geographical Distribution
Comparative Anatomy
Vestigial Organs

How do genetics help

scientists do new things
today? (L3)

Scientists can use genetics to find new cures to different diseases that have to do with
blood work by possibly finding a way to get rid of the gene that is causing the

How could antibiotic

resistance affect how
medicine will work on
somebody? (L3)

If bacteria causes one person to get sick and that person goes to the doctor to get a
certain antibiotic that they should take for 12 days and the patient only takes it for 7
because they start feeling better then the sickness can come back but the medicine
wont quite work the same because the disease now has an antibiotic resistance

Whats an example of a
species going through
punctual gradualism?

A species of butterfly is yellow and black in color. However, a butterfly is born that
happens to be orange and yellow in color which makes it difficult to see. Over a long
period of time, the yellow and black butterflies die out, because the orange and
yellow color combination makes the butterflies less visible to predators.

Whats an example of a
species going through
punctual Equilibrium?

A species of birds exists in stasis for many thousands of years. Suddenly, a bacteria
causes their primary tree of sheltering choice to die. The birds must adapt within the
environment to trees that are much higher requiring more wing strength. Some birds
die. The remaining birds' bodies adapt as necessary and they return to a state of stasis.

Summary: Competitive Exclusion determines if a species is fit enough to survive in their habitat against
other species. To get fit, they evolve over time. Pieces of evidence that prove evolution are fossils, genetics,
geographical distribution, comparative anatomy, embryology, homology, and vestigial organs. Genetics
prove evolution and they can also help scientists find new ways to help cure certain diseases. Antibiotic
resistance makes it harder to get the sickness out of multiple people because the disease learns to fight
against the medicine. Punctual gradualism is a species evolving over time to become more fit and survive.
Punctual Equilibrium is a species environment changing and then them quickly either adapting or dying
until the whole species is able to adapt to the change in their habitat.

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