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Liceul Teoretic "Nicolae Iorga"

Disciplina: Limba engleza

Profesor: Oana Vladila
Clasa:a IX-a A, C (2h/sapt)
Manual: Going for Gold Upper-Intemediate, Pearson Longman

Avizat Director
Avizat Sef de catedra


AN SCOLAR 2016/2017


Unitati de invatare si continuturi


Competente specifice
All skills


S1 12.09- 18.09

Unit 1 Changing world
Present simple and present continuous
Future forms
Word families (nouns/adjectives) Looking after the environment
(e.g.recycling bank, ozone layer)
Machu Picchu (multiple matching: headings)
Antarctica (multiple matching)
Working and non-working holidays
Article (1) What can tourists see and do in your town or area?
Word formation The Thames Barrier

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui

1.3.Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
2.1 Descrierea (oral / n scris) a unor
activiti cotidiene, obiceiuri;
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de

Unit 2 Turn up the music

Expressing purpose (e.g. in order to, so that)
Questions (subject/object and direct/indirect)
Music Expressions with bring and take
Is there music on Mars? (multiple choice)
Options Pop Idol (true/false)
Song: Anything is possible (Will Young)
Talking about yourself (general

1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje

orale / scrise (autentice)
1.4 Selectarea de informaii din mai multe
texte n scopul ndeplinirii unei sarcini
structurate de lucru
2.1 Descrierea (oral / n scris) a unor
activiti cotidiene, obiceiuri
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o


S2 19.09-23.09


S3 26.09 -30.10
S4 03.10- 07.10

S5 10.10-14.10
S6 17.10 -21.10

1h test

conversation) Making different types of questions

Transactional letter (1)
Letter to a friend asking for information

Unit 3 With friends like these

Present perfect simple (for, since, ever, just, yet, already) So and
such Relationships
Describing personality
A small circle of good friends (multiple matching: questions)
People close to you (multiple choice: unrelated extracts)
Ways of keeping in touch with people (discussion)
Informal letter (1)
Letter to a friend telling recent news
Open cloze Likeness of a person

Unit 4 Dream on
Like and as
Narrative tenses Adjective forms (e.g. hopeful, useless)
Interesting vocabulary (e.g. to glance,
to wander) A dream come true? (gapped text)
Personal information (general conversation)
Linking expressions of time (e.g. finally, after that)
Error correction Hothouse children
Focusing on type of words missing

Unit 5 Things that matter

Time expressions (e.g. during, while, by the time) Ability (can,
could, be able to, manage to) Word families (e.g. invent,
invention, inventor) Materials (e.g. leather, wool)
100 years of gadgets (multiple matching: questions)
Your favourite things (multiple matching)
Things that are important to you (collaborative task)
*Communicating interactively
Article (2) I couldnt live without it
Word formation Living the simple life Focusing on nouns,
adjectives, verbs and adverbs

tem de interes
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de
1.1. Identificarea sensului global al unui
1.2 Anticiparea elementelor de coninut ale
unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul
2.2 Relatarea coninutului unui film pe
baza unui plan de idei dat
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de
1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui
1.2 Anticiparea elementelor de coninut ale
unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul
1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
2.1 Descrierea (oral / n scris) a unor
activiti cotidiene, obiceiuri;
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui

1.4 Selectarea de informaii din mai multe
texte n scopul ndeplinirii unei sarcini
structurate de lucru
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de

S7 24.10- 28.10

S8 31.10-04.11

S9 07.11-11.11

S10 17.11-21.11

S11 21.11- 25.11

S12 28.11-02.12
S13 05.12-09.12

Unit 6 My hero!
Countable and uncountable nouns and
Quantifiers Reported speech and reporting verbs
Making uncountable nouns countable
(e.g. piece of luggage) Body and health
The rise of the superheroes (multiple
Multiple choice: unrelated extracts
Christopher Reeve (sentence
Hospitals, first aid and wheelchair access (discussion)
Report (1) Facilities for the disabled
Multiple-choice cloze French Spider- Man reaches top of oil

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui

1.2 Anticiparea elementelor de coninut ale
unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul
1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
2.1 Descrierea (oral / n scris) a unor
activiti cotidiene, obiceiuri;
2.5 Redactarea de texte funcionale simple
3.2 Adaptarea formei mesajului la situaia
de comunicare n funcie de stilul formal /
informal folosit de interlocutor
4. 1 Transformarea unor mesaje din vorbire
direct n vorbire indirect

Unit 7 Moving on
Used to (do) or be used to (doing)?
Making comparisons Verbs related to leaving (e.g. to set off, to
move house) Expressions with get (e.g. get to know)
Rites of passage (gapped text)
Song: The Power of Goodbye
(Madonna) Multiple choice (unrelated extracts)
Saying goodbye (comparing photos)
Transactional letter (2) Letter to a friend
Paragraphing, letter layout and what to include Key word

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui

1.2 Anticiparea elementelor de coninut ale
unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul
1.4 Selectarea de informaii din mai multe
texte n scopul ndeplinirii unei sarcini
structurate de lucru
2.1 Descrierea (oral / n scris) de
2.5 Redactarea de texte funcionale simple
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de
4. 2 Transformarea unor mesaje din vorbire
direct n vorbire indirect
1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui
1.2 Anticiparea elementelor de coninut ale
unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul
1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
2.1 Descrierea (oral / n scris) a unor

Unit 8 Land of the Pharaohs

Articles Relative clauses
Measurements (e.g. tall, narrow, deep) Phrasal verbs A resting
place for the gods (multiple
matching: headings)
How the camel got his hump
(comprehension questions)
The curse of the Pharaohs (true/false)

S14 12.12-16.12

S15 19.12-23.12

S16 09.01-13.01

S17 16.01-20.01

S18 23.01-27.01
S19 30.01- 03.02

1h test


Personal conversation
Expressing doubt and uncertainty
Story (2) Story from a title(e.g. so, therefore) Word formation
Stargate a review Endings for nouns and adjectives

activiti cotidiene, obiceiuri

2.5 Redactarea de texte funcionale simple
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de

Unit 9 Talk to me
Giving advice (present) and criticism (past) Intensifiers
Speaking expressions (e.g. speak up, talk shop) Newspapers and
television17,000 school students probably now hate my name!
(gapped text)
ideas Oprah Winfrey (note taking)
Mass media (discussion)
Ways of summarising and reporting a decision
Article (3) Most people dont read
Paragraphs Open cloze
Interactive television

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui

1.2 Anticiparea elementelor de coninut ale
unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul
1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de
4. 3 Traducerea unor texte funcionale
scurte din limba englez n limba romn
cu ajutorul dicionarului

Progress check Units 7-9

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui

1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
1.4 Selectarea de informaii din mai multe
texte n scopul ndeplinirii unei sarcini
structurate de lucru
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes
1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui
1.4 Selectarea de informaii din mai multe
texte n scopul ndeplinirii unei sarcini
structurate de lucru
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de



Unit 10 More, more, more

Obligation (present and past)Too and enough
Money and shopping Prepositions with nouns, verbs and
adjectives (e.g. famous for, spend on)
Shop till you drop! (multiple choice)
Key words in questions and text Feng Shui (multiple matching)
Focusing on the main message What makes you happy?
(collaborative task)
Discursive composition (1)
What is important for a happy life?

S20 13.02-17.02

S21 20.02-24.02

S22 27.02- 03.03

S23 06.03- 10.03

S24 13.03 - 17.04

1h test

Linking phrases for organising your ideas (e.g. first of all, in

Multiple-choice cloze
Name your price




Unit 11 Water, water everywhere

Question tags Present perfect simple or continuous?
Verbs and nouns of using Adjectives describing feelings
The power of dolphins (gapped text)
Water: fascinating facts (multiple choice)
Listening for key words
Water sports (multiple matching)
People enjoying themselves in water
(comparing photos)
Story (3)
Story ending with the words
Time phrases (e.g. during his teenageyears, only a year later)
Error correction
Five Olympic Golds!
*Ordering stages for dealing with task type
Unit 12 Give us a clue
Modals of deduction (present)Modals of deduction (past)
Crime and evidence (e.g. fingerprint, suspect)
Word families (e.g. life, lively, lifeless)
Crime scene (multiple matching: headings)
The life and death of Marilyn Monroe (note taking) Witness to a
crime (describing what you saw)*Noticing elements in a picture
Informal letter (2)
Describing an unusual event
Multiple-choice cloze (vocabulary)Multiple-choice cloze
Frozen in time

Unit 13 A long way from home

Gerund or infinitive?
Future perfect and future continuous Travel

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui

1.2 Anticiparea elementelor de coninut ale
unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul
1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes
2.5 Redactarea de texte funcionale simple
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de
4. 3 Sintetizarea sub form de schem /
notie a coninutului unui text scris
1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui
1.2 Anticiparea elementelor de coninut ale
unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul
1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
2.2 Relatarea coninutului unui film / al
unei povestiri, pe baza unui plan de idei dat
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de
3.2 Adaptarea formei mesajului la situaia
de comunicare n funcie de stilul folosit de
1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui
1.2 Selectarea de informaii din mai multe

S25 20.03 - 24.03

S27 03.04 07.04

26 Scoala

S28 10.04-14.04

S29 02.05-05.05

S30 08.05-12.05
S31 15.05-19.05

1h test

Phrasal verbs and expressions with make

Get away from it all! (multiple matching: questions)
The time machine by H G Wells The most travelled man in
Making questions to help you listen Song: Proud (Heather
Small) Deciding what to put in a time capsule
(collaborative task)Sounding interested and involved
Transactional letter (3)Choosing a holiday with some friends
Focusing on appropriate content and style
Key word transformations




Unit 14 Just an act

Comparative and superlative adverbs
Passives TV, cinema and theatre (e.g. audience,
subtitles) Spoken phrases (e.g. Theres no point,
We may as well) A man for all time (multiple matching:
Two extracts from the play After
Liverpool Dressing for a night out (comparing
photos)Ways of comparing and contrasting Discursive
composition (2)
Cinema or video? Linkers of contrast Organising paragraphs
Open cloze Moulin Rouge a review

Unit 15 Giving something back

Verbs with two objects (e.g. give
something to someone) Conditionals (alternatives to if)
Phrasal verbs and expressions with give Extreme adjectives (e.g.
tired/exhausted) Spending a year abroad (multiple
matching: questions) Finding key words and parallel
Expressions Multiple choice (unrelated extracts)
Bill Gates (sentence completion)
Moral dilemmas (discussion)
Report (2)
Recommending a charity
Something for everyone? Focusing on what kind of word
is missing
Revision, portfolios

texte n scopul ndeplinirii unei sarcini

structurate de lucru
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes
2.4 Completarea de formulare
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii/n mesaje de
4.3 Sintetizarea sub form de schem /
notie a coninutului unui text scris / mesaj
1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui
1.3 Identificarea de detalii din mesaje
orale / scrise (autentice)
1.4 Selectarea de informaii din mai multe
texte n scopul ndeplinirii unei sarcini
structurate de lucru
2.1 Descrierea (oral / n scris) a unor
activiti cotidiene, obiceiuri;
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes
2.4 Completarea de formulare/texte
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de

S32 22.05-26.06
S33 29.05-02.06

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unui

1.4 Selectarea de informaii din mai multe
texte n scopul ndeplinirii unei sarcini
structurate de lucru
2.3 Redactarea de paragrafe / texte pe o
tem de interes
3.1 Formularea de idei / preri pe teme de
interes n cadrul unei discuii / n mesaje de

S34 05.06-09.06
S35 12.06-16.06

All skills

S35 12.06-16.06

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