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Name: John Pangilinan______________________________

Date: _________________

Teacher: NICOLL

Santiago & The Heros Journey

Mod: 1, 3, 4

(Circle One)

The heros journey outlines the steps that a character will likely take when becoming a hero. Please use the table below to
take notes and document Santiagos journey in The Alchemist.
Heros Journey

Examples & Notes (Bulleted List)

Santiagos Journey (Full Sentences)

Part 1
The Departure
1. Unusual birth/Early

2. Call to Adventure

3. Crossing the Threshold

born to be a priest
Became shepard

He dreamed about treasure in

A gypsy and an old man
encourage him to look for the

He sells his sheep

Starts going to Egypt

Santiago was born to be a shepard, but

became a shepard instead.

He dreams about a treasure and is near the

Pyramids in Egypt

Santiago heeds his dream. He talks to an old

man and a Gypsy who both encourage him.

Part 2
The Initiation
Heros Journey
4. Challenges or Trials

Examples & Notes (Bulleted List)

Santiago has his money stolen
The tribal war
Cant turn into wind

Santiagos Journey (Full Sentences)

The challenges that Santiago are numerous,
they include; his money getting stolen, the
tribal war in the desert, his fear of failure,
and that he cant turn into wind.

5. Supernatural Helper or
Special Weapons

Gypsy woman
King of Salem (old man)
The Alchemist
The Englishman
The wind

The Stones from the King

6. The Abyss or Temptation

7. The Transformation

He felt like going back to

He wanted to become a
shepard again

Santiago finds the gold

He becomes wind

There are many helpers and mentors as well

as weapons that Santiago recieves help
from. They are; the Gypsy woman, the King
of Salem, the Alchemist, the Englishman,
and the supernatural beings, wind, sun, and
Creator. Santiago recieves two stones, one
black and one white, which Santiago used to
read omens on rare occasions in the book.

The temptations that Santiago faced

included; the want to return to Spain, the
feeling of becomg a shepard again, and his
love interest Fatima.

The transformation was achieved when

Santiago finds the gold and becomes wind in
the desert.

Part 3
The Return

8. The Return Home

9. The Mastery of Two


Santiago finds the treasure

when he returns home

He learns to have peace with


Santiago returns home briefly to dig up his

treasure. Shortly after, he sets out again to
see Fatima.

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