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Back to the Titanic

When the Titanic was built, people said it was unsinkable. But on the night of 15 th
April 1912, on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, the Titanic hit
an iceberg and sank. Of the 2,224 people on the ship, only about 700 survived.
Captain Smith ordered all women and children to be saved first, but there were
not enough lifeboat spaces for all the women and children aboard.
You can go back in time with one lifeboat. There are 6 spaces. Who will you save?
Dominique is a young, single, independent Frenchwoman from
Bordeaux. She believes she may be six weeks pregnant. The
would-be father of the child is her brother.
(1 space)
James, a fit young man from Bournemouth, found work on the
Titanic as a lifeguard. He is an excellent swimmer and was
celebrated in his hometown for having saved a drowning child at
an outdoor swimming pool. He does, however, have a reputation
for being a womaniser and has an uncontrollable temper which
at times can make him unpredictable.
(1 space)
Frank is a 72 year-old, working-class, senior citizen from
Belfast, Ireland. He is a kind and charitable man who has fifteen
grandchildren back home. He previously worked as a careers
advisor and now works voluntarily helping young people find
(1 space)
Pete is a 21 year-old disabled student from Thornhill,
Southampton. He is highly bright and received a scholarship to
study biology at Harvard University in the US. Petes disability is
that he is morbidly obese. He uses a walking stick. Because of
his weight and size, he will take up two spaces in the lifeboat.
(2 spaces)
Max is a golden retriever found hidden in a storeroom on the
boat, the day of departure. It is unknown how a dog got on board
the boat. As far as we know, he does not have an owner.
(1 space)
John and William are 13 year-old twin brothers. John, always
active and full of joy, brings a smile to everyones faces and his
laugh is infectious. William is extremely antisocial and often has
problems with the police. Their mother left them and saved
herself in an earlier lifeboat. Their father cannot be located.

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Mary is a middle-aged nurse from London. She has never

been married and is emigrating to the U.S to live with her elderly
brother who needs care and attention.
She is seriously
committed to her nursing vocation.
George and Elizabeth are a young and recently married
couple. Neither will take a space on the lifeboat if they are
separated. They hope to start a family together in the New
World. George, a very friendly and intelligent man, is looking to
embark on a medical career having recently become a qualified
doctor. He gets stressed, takes to the bottle and reportedly hits

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Elizabeth, however
Captain Edward John Smith, born in Staffordshire, England in
1850, had a difficult life. His father died when he was aged 14. At
the same time, he left school to work. He is a husband and a
father. In 1912, his daughter was 14. He is reported to be a
hardworking, motivated, selfless man who bravely took
responsibility for the catastrophic collision and chose to go down
with his ship.

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