English Time 2

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Classroom Language Do You Remember? — vi Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 - Review 1 3 Unit 4 Unit S Unit 6 1s Review 2 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Bike s 33 37 Review 3 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 43 s1 Review 4 Songs and Chants My Picture Dictionary Checklists 1-4 Word List 37 67 Rael ents ‘Unit| Unit Title | Topic Conversation Time Word Time | Practice Time Phonics Time 1 | AtHome Family Haw old are your: mother Who'she? Jacket «| with Annie members | I'mten, Howald ore yal? | father He's ry father, fom Vim se. sister Jot brother who's she? Vy vet ‘grondooiiar | She's my mother. yogurt grondtashor verve 2 | tnthe Adilors. | Is totay Monday? vite \'merawing, Uta ‘Classroom No, \t's Tuesctay, valk Ven nat writing, jeg Yay My binhday'san | draw lemon Wednesday! 0d He's/She's droming, Rr rabbit ‘Coot! sissp ‘He/She tent welling. rar vot fun @ | Acrthday | Actions — | Thisis for you ov |Were/You're/Thayte | Ge ont Party Happy bith. sing singing. Qq que Thanks shout tk duck YYou'te weladme: Open. | fun WervouTtavxen' = |x box aah tying. y Hello? What's eshe/t ding? Window Holla. Mey I spt 16 ‘at broadest Ha's/Ste's N's vain ‘Sam, please? walk o-sehoot | walking Ye schoo, ‘ako ‘Sure. Hood on shudy Engi poy ‘No prablem, water TY ‘Whar are you “they doing? Paint Yoko 9 showar | We'reyThay'ce ake | wore to school, 5 | tthe Airport | Nummbars | Whine are you from? thirteen What tim st? Jong ® tise ondtine | Um romrratoe. fourteen Itsons o'clock, fee! Oi. You speck English teen Itstwotitioen sleen ‘ory wa sixteen meat ‘Thank you vory much. ‘seventeen read ‘igniter tea ninetesn Twenty twenty five ‘hiny: ory, itty: 6 | AilheFiower | Colors | Where do you ve? ‘00 This is Thot’'s red. longi pike ‘Sno | ive in Oasis, yellow ‘This That's ated five Oh, really? Me, 40, lus flower tite {ket 1's:6 ni2e place, iv Syllabus Topic Conversation Time | Word! Time | Practice Time Phonics Time Coming | What colorist? shoes What are theso/ihooe? long © deat It's blue. Blue is my 500k They'teshows. | snow, faverite color} shirts name Blue lsrice, put LiKE red, | shirts enh ears ‘widow shorts oie 8 | Hamessy Glossioom | Oh, na! Whota rresst ‘compte Where'sthe book? | tong u blue Gassraom ‘Ohjeris: | Yeoh, you're rat shel I’sin/env under” sue Los clean up. ‘cupboard ror tothe dash Sue ; | Okay, Get's gat the broom, | sable desk Where ore tte books? ho ‘They're n/n /under’ june hex! to the deh, Inthe Store Food nest candy WNourWeThey | shot a cap ‘Whe's wrong? ‘vio hove cand, ‘man We're le. Pease hury! | soda pop sad Oh. can't decid ‘person’ | 1/You/We/They Jong'a day popeote don't have juice gone chips | Arne Cini ‘Aiments | Hay! Thot's minal stomochoche | He/ She hos @ faver. | No. it ett. ffs mine, rash wie deck Qops! Sorry, sore throat | doesn") That's ony, fever rave rash snaies set 7 green — ‘see! “AtHorho‘win Ted | An Supplies. | Mi. Lee, may Tuneithe | fone Dees Haste hone | short 1 ply ‘bathroom? ie tco8? ‘sick i seh Nateese era ‘ir Wnero 81? a“ Sissel Seat me Me everthae Le He/She nesghe, |"°8! see i Thos. Lol right 2 On dPitnic Food Poss the coke. please. chicken ‘He/She! It lies: short © hop Which one? ‘cheno chicken, pot aes fa ‘Hie /SHe?1aéioen't ao Help youre 2711 d008n' ong 0 bow Thorles. treed he lod, ee = roas! syllabus v vi Classroom Language Classroom Language vil = Listen and point. (Rp | can ride a bike, 1 can climb a tree, wy ee — ae fh viii 5am = I can sing d song =" Bye-bye! See you on page 1) aX eo Ail = SQ Do You Remember? ‘\\ At Home with Annie ‘A. 531 Listen'and repeat. B. © Listen and find the speakers. = C.. Role-picy the conversation with a partner. How old are you? I'm ten. How old are you? | > gig? I'm six. | A. 5 Listen ond repeat, B. °° Listen and write Pp 9 the letter, 1. \gF mother 2. 2" father , C. Point and say the words. 3, UG sister 4. Q brother D. Bi Listen and point. | 5, $% grandmother 6. £2 grandfather | E. Write the words ' pa ° ! (See pages 63-66.) A. i Listen and repeat, ee he? He's my father. Who's ——_—___—_ she? She’s my mother, Who's = Whois | He’s= Hes | B.S Listen and repeat. Then practice with « partner. |. Who's she? ») 2. Who's he? She's my sister. He’s my father. : #1 . | 3. Who's she? 4 Who's he? i She's my grandmother. | He's my grandfather. UF “Who's he? He's my brother. teat B. = Does it begin “ or y? Listen ond write. = Ge || C. Read the words. ts 2. a 4, 6 jab | j jug yap | yam yen yet yum ee, 3 a J © a — oO g = D, Lookat ¢. Listen and point. E. - Doesit begin with g, h, J, ory? Listen and circle. ——— ‘A. % Listen and repeat. B® Ts today Monday? ©» No, it’s Tuesday. ep Yay! My birthday is on Wednesday! Cool! In the Classroom eed B. -%8) Listen and find the speakers. . Role-play the conversation with two other students. 8B Listen ond write repeat. B, - the letter. a = talk C, Point and say the words. Bs toad D. Listen and point. aw 6. 2 E. Write the words. (See pages 63-66.) A, Listen ond repeat, rm I'm not He’s drawing. He isn’t writing. She's She isn’t [Tim=Tom|/He's=Heis| She's = Sheis isn't = isnot B. -*= Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. |. “She's talking. 2. / He's sleeping. 3. Tm reading. She isn’t sleeping. He isn't talking. She's writing. She isn't drawing. 4° Pm eating. ’ | 5. T'm not reading. C. Look at page 6. Point fo the picture and practice with a D. fd Listen and chant. (See "He Isn't Reading’ on page 57.) I'm not eating. 6. “He's drawing. \ He isn’t writing. partner, Liddbeebib hh A. %i Listen ond repeat. I 2. 3. 4 &. lap led lip lot — lug | rap red rip rot | rug D. % Look at C. Listen and point. E. % Does it begin with j, |, r, or y? Listen and write. — 2, 3. 4 5. 6, Unit 2 %) At a Birthday Party A A. “J Listen and repeat. B. °2i Listen and find the speakers. €. Role-play the conversation with wo This is for you. PD & ; Happy birthday. a Thanks, You're welcome. A, ‘© Listen ond repeat. B. °° Listen ond write f *b the letter I Pa cry 2. Ge sing C.. Point ond say the words. 3. & shout 5 * laugh D. %i Listen ond point. E. Write the words. (See pages 63-66.) A. % Listen and repeat. We're We You're singing. You aren't — crying. They're They We're = We ore || You're= Vou are | aren't = are not | | They're = They are | B. @ Listen and repeat. Than practice with a partner. '. You're crying. ~ 2. “You're singing. You aren't singing. You aren't crying. 4. We're laughing. We aren't shouting. 5. They're running. Tey. aren’t walking. C. Look at page 10. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. D. im Listan and sing along, (See “We're Singing’ on page 58.) Unit 3 A. @ Listen ond repeat, HH C. Read the words. ; 2. Z 7 i cat cut ° lack " sick : tack quack quit lax six tax D. ©! Look at C. Listen ond point. E. i Does it end with -ck or -x? Listen and circle, a ik “oe “ck -x 12 Unit 3 To be continued... B. 23 Look at A. Listen ond point. C. Role-play these scenes, A. "32 Listen and find the picture. Write the number. B. @ Listen and circle. Vs jet yellow 2. fox duck 3. cat queen 4, leg red 5. yo-yo jam 6. rabbit ~~ lamb (C. @ Listen ond find the picture. Write the number. 14 Review 1 \\ At the Store Window =) Listen and repeat. b« “I Listen and find the speakers. oO ©. Role-play the conversation with a partner. Ae Hello? ih, 1@ Hello. May I speak to | oI Sam, please? | = = 4 4 Sure. Hold on. ay No problem. = —— ) A. © Listen and repeat. B. “i Listen ond write eM, the letter, 1. (SE getdressed 2. eat breakfast C.. Point and soy the wards. 3. ty walk to school 4, & study English | 1, 43 Listen and point. | 5, wily watch TV 6 No take a shower) E. Write the words. —_ (See pages 63-66.) A. i Listen and repeat. fF he He’s | What's | she | doing? She’s walking fo school, it It's What's = What is | He's =Heis |/She’s=Shee [Ti'e—tils iu We're What are teil oe fn i They're walking to school. We're = We ore || They're = They are B. 3 Listen and repeot. Then practice with a partner. 1. What's he doing? \ 2. " What are they doing? He's getting dressed. They're studying English. - / What's she doing? ‘4. What are they doing? She's taking a shower. They're eating breakfast. Q 5. / What's it doing? 6. / What are you doing? It's walking to school. We're watching TV. 3 AS™ C.. Look at page | 6. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. gs DD. 23%) Listen and sing along. (See ‘What's He Doing?” on page 58.) Unit 4 w7 A. % Listen and repeat. C, Read the words. Le 2. 3. 4. day laid fame date pay maid game gate ray paid name late say raid same rate D.. i Look at ©. Listen and peint, E. % Listen and circle. 1. 2. cope tape moin vain 2 bay lay “ bake make 18 Unit 4 At the Airport ae Conversation Time _ — “A. °) Listen and repeat. B.. -%= Listen and find the speakers. Br wnecocve . Role-play the conversation with o pariner: Where are you from? } ae T'm from France. 9° Oh. You speak English very well. es Thank you very much. A, 2 Listen and repeat. Ss WwW 6 ww WwW thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen 9 20 25 ge 46 §0 nineteen twenty twenty-five thirty forty fifty B. $i Listen and write the letter. | 20 17 50. 40 1S 13 25 (8 D. write the words, (See pages 63-66.) « ‘3 Listen and point. A. Listen and repeat. one o'clock. What time is it? It’s two fifteen. B.. -%3 Listen ond repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. What time is it? \ 2. What time is it? It's ten fifteen It's eleven forty-five. e ZS | 3. What time is it? He What time is it? It’s twelve twenty-five. | It’s one thirty. 5.“ What time is it? 8. “ Wnat time is it? T It’s two o'clock. It’s three fifty-five. C, Look at page 20. Point to the clocks and practice with a partner. D. g Listen and sing along. (See “What Time Is It?” on page 59.) A, © Listen and repeat, B, Do they both have Jong e? Listen and write ¥ or X. Beas sia ag C. Read the words. "feed 2 deep % bean beat reed jeep dean heat seed keep Jean meat weed peep mean seat DB. -925 Look at C. Listen and point, E. -%! Listenand match, wees Unit 5 \\ At the Flower Shop \. i Listen ond repeat. B. © Listen and find the speakers. & Cc. Role-play the conversation with a partner. ey ae Where do you live? g. T live in Oakville. a @ Oh, really? Me, too. | | i g 1 like it. It's a nice place. | >. a Review. Listen and repeat. ) .. $2 Listen and repeat. B. 92 Listen and write the letter. ‘ a red : . BR blue C. Point and say the words. BD. “Listen and point. . BRE orange E. Write the words. (See pages 63-66.) A. 2 Listen and repeat. These | ee | yellow. - © 8 ow | ae orred . Those yellow flowers. | That's = B. 2 Listen and repeat. Then practice with o partner. '. - That's white. 7 2.” Those are orange. ‘That's a white flower. Those are orange flowers. | e a 3. “These ore yellow. \ 4. This is red. - These are yellow flowers. | This isared flower. | 5.” These are blue. as “| Those are green. | These are blue butterflies. | C. Look at page 24. Point to the picture and practice with a partner, D. = Listen and chant. (See “The Color Chant” on page 59.) Unit 6 2s A. -%S Listen and repeat. B. -% Does it have tong i? Listen and write ¥ or X. B79 : _ iF C. Read the words. hide =? fine > bike = fight ride line hike might side pine like right wide vine Mike sight 1D. i Look at C. Listen and point. E. “G8 Listen and match. bobbes Unit 6 Digger? This is Doc. What are you doing? To be continued... B. © Look at A. Listen and point. , Role-play these scenes. 27 B. -% Listen and write the time. Ine BH 6. 3 4. (C.- Listen and citele. he toil teal 2. tray tree 3. fight feet 6 main mine Review 2 In the Department Store . “2 Listen and repeat. B. °% Listen and find the speakers. C.. Role-play the conversation with a partner. What color is it? ) ~\ It's blue. Blue is my favorite color! A. $i Listen and repeat. 1, ES shoes 3. a shirts } al 5. Ww jeans Word Time Ss Z, = socks u, OFF skins 6. RR shorts B. © Listen ond write the letter. C. Point and say the words. D. %2 Listen and point. E. Write the words. (See pages 63-66.) ea A. Listen and repeat. these? What are They're | shoes. i those? er B.. Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. |. Whatare these? , 2- What are those? 3. What ore those? They’re socks. They're skirts. | They're shorts. L | | | 1 | q 4. What are these? >, 5. What are those? They're jeans. C. Look at page 30. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. DB. = Listen and sing along, (See “What Are These?” on page 60.) Unit 7 31 A. Listen ond repeat. coat gos wee? C. Read the words. goad a: bow * hole bone load low pole cone road row role tone toad tow | sole | zone D. “S Look ot ©. Listen and point. E. “$31 Listen and circle, |. ripe rape 2. Kate kite 3. need night 4, make Mike 32 Unit 7 In a Messy Classroom Chee ils ids = 5 Listen ond repeat. B. Listen and find the speakers. Reise — 7% C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. ! ae Oh, no! What a mess! | 6 Yeah, you're right. ea, «Let's clean up. B. -%) Listen ond write A. 2 Listen and repeat. 7 the letter. 12 computer 2. == shelf > ©. Point and soy the words. — D 3. CA cupboard T table D.. ° Listen and point 5. <== desk 6. Ed char E. Write the words. Re nal (See pages 63-66.) A. 3 Listen and repeat. Where's the book? It's | x — —— | onder the desk. Where are the books? They're riext' to’ Where's — Wheres W's = Ins || They're — They are | B, % Listen and repeat, Then practice with o partner. |. Where’s the guitar? ~\ 2.” Where are the bananas? "It's on the table. & re under the chair. | 3.” Where are the books? * Hee basketball? | They're under the shelf. re next to the desk. 5. Where'sthekite? “Where are the birds? It's in the cupboard. i They're on the computer. | C. Look at page 34. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. D. 5; 2 Listen and sing clong. (See “Where's the Pen?” on page 60.) Phonics Time A. %3 Listen and repeat. wes) /e él | \ C. Read the words. Ne 2: 3. due blue Sue clue DD. $21 Look at €. Listen and point. E. % Listen and circle. fs 2. 3. boat bow home cape sea day tight tube seed 36 dune tune rake bike June duke Luke mail mine note Unit 8 In the Store k. "5 Listen and repeat, B. 21 Listen and find the speakers. ee, — —— C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. Uh-oh. What's wrong? We're late. Please hurry! Oh...1 can't decide. D. \%@& Review. Listen and repect. ) A. % Listen and repeat. B, 5 Listen and write e ay the letter |. 3 candy 2. Wi juice _ a C. Point and say the words. soda pop 4, 5 Icecream | BD, 3 Listen and point. popcorn 6. => chips E. Write the words. i = (See pages 63-66.) i cS Sic % fae) Be. Z z i = ; — oS || = Raa So 6278 5 = 3) Cp SS | A. “i Listen and repeat. 4) I I -_—i \" aa jn | candy. yeu | don’t have Juice. Ee a don't = do not B. i Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 2. “You have ice cream. You don’t have candy. '. “You nave popcorn. You don’t have chips.) 3. We have juice. ~~ 4s They have candy. We don't have soda pop. | E Seay 5. “Thave soda pop. \6 They have chips. I don't have ice cream. They don't have juice. | (22S i C. Look at poge 38. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. D. gs Listen and sing olong. (See ‘We Have Candy" on page 61.) A. “@ Listen and repeat. 3. / 4 ic, «| short a short a short a short a short a longa longa long a long a longa C. Read the words. I ra z. 4, back man) pan | wax | bake mane pain way lack can ran Max | | lake cane | rain | May DD, -% Look at C. Listen and point. E. “2 Listen and circle. '. man main 2. mad made 3. map May 4. mat mate 40 Unit 9 we a ere late, Max! Please hurry! Fi aS “Sao i nil Bui It's on the shelf. rash C. Point and say the words, 3. Shove throat 4. S fever D. © Listen and point. 6. ae cough | E. Write the words. F (See pages 63-66.) doesn’t have | arash. i doasn't = does not B. %i Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. I ( Hehasastomachache. =) 2 She has a cold. He doesn't have a cold. = She doesn't have a stomachache. 5. She has a cough. He has a fever. — She doesn’t have a fever. | He doesn’t have a cough. S38 | C. Look at page 44, Point to the picture and practice with a partner. | | :*. p. Listen and sing along. (See , Lit Ad AA. 3 Listen and repeat short e| i=, Apt os —<<—— eat green =—S—s seal B51 Do they both have the same vowel sound? Listen and write / or X oy \ sf 4 % ele ae V*E, yy KJ na C. Read the words. I. net a fed ue bed *: Ken neat feed bead keen set wed red ten seat weed read teen D, 2 Look ot C. Listen and point, E, “8 Does it have short e or long e? Listen and circle. '. shorte 2 shorte 3 shorte shorte 5 shorte longe long e long e long e longe 46 Unit 10 \, At Home with Ted A ibeieeia cad) ‘A. % Listen and repeat. B. % Listen and find the speakers. C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. 6 Ms. Lee, may I use & the bathroom? A Of course. Where is it? Q It's over there. I see it. Thanks. 4 7 | B. -% Listen and write A. Listen ond repeat. x. a the letter. L. © <7) tape 2. {mp glue = SL = ©.. Point and say the words. me scissors 4.* paper D. -%i Listen and point. | y 6. 2 crayons E. write the words. oF (See pages 63-66.) end aeLubind veo, | Me | ane - No, a | doesn't. is | has glue. A. %4 Listen and repeat. [ doasn't = does not B. -% Listen ond repeat. Then practice with a partner. '. “Does she | e glue? | Yes, . 3. ‘Does she have scissors? ) 4. Does he have scissors? No ), he doesn't. He has paper. Does he have crayons? No, he doesn’t. He has paint. ay Does he have crayons? 6. Yes, he does. C, Look ot page 48. Paint to the picture and practice with a partner. | | D. eg Listen and sing along. (See “Does He Have Paper?" on page 62.) 49 A. 5 Listen and repeat. shorti = 2 a 3 long I bike 9 & B. %) Listen and circle. | Bes 2. i? pi 3. at ~ kite pine sight lick E it win like light wine C. Read the words. gt bit it tick file bite fight like pill sit mit Mick pile site might Mike D. -%21 Look at C. Listen and point. E. =! Doesit have short or long i? Listen and circle. shorti 2 shorti 2 shorti + — shorti. 5 short long | long i longi longi longi 50 Unit 17 _ le ae! CUCU eee On a Picnic é A. -% Listen and repeat, B, -%S Listenand find the speakers. om = C.. Role-play the conversation with a partner. Pass the cake, please. 2 Which one? The chocolate cake, ; —_ ————= D.. Gy Review. Listen and repeat. eS Heyl That's mine (Cops! Sorry.) 7 > A. % Listen and repeat. B. % Listen ond write the letter. Be chi ome. I. » chicken 2. 47 cheese . Se co C. Point ond say the words. | * 3. es salad 4. we fruit | D. % Listen ond point. y 5. © aR bread 6. RS tice E. Write the words. NM Ff BR | ) } (Sea pages 63-66.) Practice Time A, i Listen ond repeat. Sw ; es chicken. doesn’t ie salad. = | | dosn't = does no! | B. % Listen ond repeat, Then practice with a partner. She likes cheese, She doesn’t like rice. She likes fruit. 2) ""/ He likes salad, She doesn’t like chicken. ” He doesn’t like bread. 5. He likes breod. He doesn't like fruit. _ CC. Look at page 52. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. D. 8 Listen and chant. (See “He Likes Chicken" on page 62.) A, 5 Listen and repeat. short ort o- daw B, = Doesit have short 0 or long 0? Listen and circle. short 0 long o C. Read the words. me cot coat got goat D. 8 Look at C, Listen and E. 4 Listen and circle. I. jog 2. cot 3. jock code joke coat short 0 long o rod road Todd toad point. short o long 0 & hop hope mop mope sock 4. sob soak t rd rope toast @ fim short 0 long o not note tot tote cob cope Unit 12 A over there. aS “aah - [I have a stomachache.) gasps oe : a A ‘We're late, Max. ¥g Please hurry! 34 t a e = 6 See you in Level 3! B. %2 Look at A. Listen and point. C. Role-play these scenes. S. 2 Listen ond circle. 1. 2 meet met pick pike a hope hop 56 Review 4 e The Family Song © He Isn’t Reading (Melody: Skip to My Lou) tHe isnt reading, He isn't reading, He isn’t writing. He isn’t writing. He isn't reading. He isn’t writing. He's drawing! He's drawing! She isn't eating. She isn't eating. She isn't talking, She isn't talking. She isn't eating. She isn't talking, Who's he? She's sleeping! She's sleeping! He's my brother. Who's he? He's my father. Who's he? He's my grandfather. This is my family. Who's she? She's my sister. Who's she? She's my mother. Who's she? She's my grandmother. This is my family. wre si (Melody; Old MacDonald) We're singing! La, Ia, la! You're singing now. We're singing! La, la, la! You're singing now. You're crying. We aren't crying. You're shouting. We aren't shouting. We’re singing! La, la, la! You're singing now. We're running, Run, run, run! You're running now. We're running. Run, run, run! You're running now. You're walking. We aren’! walking. You're laughing. We aren't laughing. We're running. Run, run, runt You're running now. om (2 whats tsbaingt (Melody: Clementine) What's he doing? What's he doing? What's Ted doing now? He's eating, He’s eating, He's eating breakfast now. What's she doing? What's she doing? What's Annie doing now? She's watching, She's watching, She's watching TV now. What are they doing? What are they doing? What are Ted and Annie doing now? They're studying, They're studying, They're studying English now. Songs and Chants (5) wh time ts 2 (Melody: Mary Had a Littl Lamb) What time is it? * T's three o'clock. Three o'clock, Three o'clock. What time is it? It's three o'clock. Tt's three o'clock right now. What time is it? It's four forty-five. Four forty-five. Four forty-five. What time is it? It's four forty-five. Tt's four forty-five right now. What time is it? T's five fifteen, Five fifteen. Five fifteen. What time is it? T's five fifteen, It's five fifteen right now. Songs and Chants This is white. This is a white dog. This is white. This is a white dog. That's black. That's o black bird. That's black. That's a black bird. These are orange. These are orange flowers. These are orange. These are orange flowers. Those are green. Those are green trees. Those are green. Those are green trees. 59 (2) wet Are Theset (Melody: If You're Happy and You Know Ii) What are these, these, these? They're shoes, Whol are those, those, those? They're socks. What are these? They're shoes. What are those? They're socks. What are these and those? ‘They're shoes and socks. What are these, these, these? They're shirts. What are those, those, those? They're shorts. What are these? They’re shirts. What are those? They're shorts, What are these and those? They're shirts and shorts. 60 (5) wheres the Pont (Melody: Hush Litle Baby) “Where's the pen? It's on the book. Where's the book? It's on the chair. Where's the chair? It's on the desk. Oh, no! What a mess! Where's the desk? It's under the chair. Where’s the chair? It's under the book. Where's the book? It's under the’ pen. Oh, no! What a mess! Where are the socks? They're in the shoes. Where are the shoes? They're in the shorts. Where are the shorts? They're in the box. Oh, no! What a mess! Songs and Chants ©) we Have candy (Melody: Three Blind Mice) We have candy. We have candy. We have soda pop. We have soda pop. We don't have ice cream. We don't have ice cream We don't have ice cream. We have soda pop. They have juice. They have juice. They have chips. They have chips. They don't have popcorn. They don't have popcorn. They don't have popcorn. They have juice. Songs and Chants (10) Oh, No! Poor Ted! (Melody: Down by the Station) He has a fever. He doesn’t have a sore throat. He has a fever. He doesn’t have a rash. He has a fever. He doesn’t have a cough. Oh, no! Poor Ted! She has a rash, She doesn't have a stomachache. She has a rash. She doesn't have a cold. She has a rash. She doesn’t have a fever. Oh, no! Poor Annie! 61 ese Have art (Melody: La Cucaracha) Does he have paper? Does he have poper? Yes, he does. Yes, he does. Does he have crayons? Does he have crayons? No, he doesn’t. He has paint. Does she have scissors? Does she have scissors? Yes, she does. Yes, she does. Does she have glue? Does she have glue? No, she doesn'!, She has tape. 62 @ He Likes Chicken He likes chicken. @ He doesn''t like salad. He likes chicken. 2) He doesn’t like salad. Please pass the chicken. Here. Help yourself, He likes chicken. He doesn't like salad. She likes fruit. She doesn't like cheese. She likes fruit. She doesn't like cheese. Please pass the fruit. Here. Help yourself. She likes fruit. She doesn’t like cheese. She likes rice. € She doesn't like bread. She doesn’t like bread, e She likes rice. Please pass the rice. Here. Help yourself. She likes rice. She doesn't like bread. © Songs and Chants My Picture Dictionary Write the words. I {I i al eee II li *: £ Ff ve =P a My Pleture Dietionary | le jevenstaund etal a Ph € s Gm gf , a sXe My Picture Dictionary Mat ea A i a 2 A. 1 can say these sentences, Who's she? She’s my sister. %, Who's he? He's my brother. You're running. You aren't walking. 1 They ‘re laughing, They aren’t crying. B. 1can say these words. 1. mother o 2. shout 3. write aD 4. grandfather ! o QO r oO OH 5.drow * 6. grancmotner 3) 7. sing ® 8. father 2 a oO o Oo C. I can talk about this picture. D. Icon read these words. jet run cat jam leg duck box red QO oO oO 8 oO Oo Oo Oo rae te ee ee ed A, Icon say these sentences. tala What's she doing? She's toking a shower. What are they doing? They're eating breakfast. What time is it? It's two twenty. That's red. This is white. Those are blue. These are green. B. Icon say {hese words. 1. yellow 2. fifty EA) 3. brown we 4. forty-two ug a & o 50 Oo o 5, walk to schoo! & 6, block «game 7. study English py 8. thiny-six By o a ers @o5 , C.. 1.con talk about this picture. D.. 1 can read these words. May tea bike feet cake night rain bee oO Oo i) —] Dy 0 QD Oo a scien he de A. Ian say these sartences. What are these? They're jeans. What are those? They're socks. Where's the guitar? It's under the chair. Where are the books? They're next to the desk. We have popcorn, We don’t have candy. | [have juice. I don't have soda pop. B. I can say these words, 1. shoes 2. ice cream 3. table Bu 4. computer ae Peo eee ey 5. shorts 6. shelf xq 7. chips 8. shirts Yih Gj @® Oo oO D Cy 1 can talk about this picture. D1 D. I can reed these words. snow June home cap window coat game Sue Cl Oo Oo oO oO oO a oO 69 Checklist 4 (Units 10-12) A. Icon say these sentences. She has a rash. She doesn't have a cold. He hes a'cough. He doesn't have a fever. Does he have scissors? No, he doesn’t, He has crayons. She likes chicken. She doesn't like rice. If likes fruit. It doesn't like cheese. B.. 1 can say these words, |. paper xy 2. bread 3. tape D 4. glue & oO Oo i G@ a =e throat = paint ea’. 7. salad 8. stomachache te C. I con talk abou! this picture. C1 DD, Icon read these words six desk foast hop _ seal elbow tight eat o Oo a) Q ul iB Qo O 70

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