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Task2 -> With the development of social media, more and more youngsters

are being allowed unsupervised access to the internet in order to meet and
chat with friends which can lead to potentially dangerous situations. What
solutions can you suggest to deal with this problem?

Social networkings
Over the past few years, more and more technology has been being present
in our lives. Unfortunately, there are some people with bad intention who
are enjoying this situation. This problem has become one of the most
significant issues that people are facing in the 21st century. In this essay I
will discuss how children are being affected and how this may be resolved.
First of all, there are several ways to get in touch with a kid on the
Internet. One way is using social
networkings such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+. In addition, online
games, which is one of the softwares that children most use is another
option. Last, the criminals can use some mobile applications and pretend
that they are a friendly person.
Second of all, there are already many scientific studies affirming the
marjority of people who use social media expose important information
about their lives. This was pointed out by a reporter from BBC last week.
In my opinion, one sugestion to overcome this vulnerability is parents
having control of what their sons do on Internet. Despite seeming a rigorous
act, it would avoid that children be kidnaped or until they be killed. Perhaps,
instructive talks would be enough, however it should be done in at least the
first moment.
In conclusion, the foreign discussion propounds the view that
youngsters are vulnerable to be target of guys with detrimental intentions.
Thus, parents should be aware of this fact and monitore what their sons do
on social networks to prevent them from tragedies.

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