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Scott Mandelker PhD

Why and how do we create our own reality?

To fully understand why we create our own reality,
We must understand why we now live as a human being.

To fully understand why we now live as human being,

we must consider who we truly are, what we are,
and what is the ultimate purpose of our existence.

These are very deep questions, and many teachers have many answers.
These are questions whose answers cannot be proven by human science.
And so, only you yourself can find answers that feel right and true.
And, as we grow in wisdom, these answers will also change

Seeking these core truths, science cannot provide material proof -They are spiritual questions and metaphysical truths, only known by inner mind.
What is meta-physical and spiritual, is beyond the proving of current human science.

But in the future, scientists will understand subtle energy, that which is invisible to physical senses.
The study of quantum physics and the powers of consciousness will lead humanity to this reality.

But right now, we can only know these truths internally, by intuition, by self-awareness.
You will discover a subtle and delicate feeling that says, yes, I really believe this is so
With time and further seeking, questioning, and listening, understanding will naturally grow.

As Jesus said,
Seek and you will find, ask and it shall be given.1

And so, what are we really?

Are we just a physical body with five senses and a thinking brain only?
Modern human science, biology, psychology, and medicine say, yes, that is what you are.
But all spiritual traditions East and West, including Seth, say we are much more than that.

Seth teaches that we are an outer ego, an inner ego, and an essential timeless personality.
This essential self is also called the Oversoul, the Higher Self, true Self, our Source.
In Indian religion it is called Atman, and in Buddhism it is called Buddha Nature.
All metaphysical teaching begins with this vision and view of our greater identity.

A great German mystic, Meister Eckhart said,

"The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me;
My eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love."2

This means, by knowing God or Ultimate Being we truly know ourselves

It means that who we really are is one with God, the One Infinite Creator.
Do you feel shocked to hear this, or do you feel a certain kind of joy?

Some religions say it is heresy, a great mistaken arrogant pride, to say I am God.
But all mystic traditions of meditation, East and West, claim to lead us to this realization.

This realization tells us:

Who we truly are, our essential personality or Oversoul, is one with the Creator of all.

The Creator is reveals itself in infinite forms and faces, but its essence is formless.
Your essence, my essence, and Gods essence are one indivisible life.

Yes, there is no proof of this, but I think we should consider it very carefully

And so, if our essence is one with God, the ultimate Creator of all -Why is it we often feel so small, so weak, and have so many personal troubles?
Why do we get sick and feel sad, with all sorts of painful emotions and limited understanding?
Its hard to accept we are one with all, one with God our experience certainly isnt that way.

Why would the Absolute Creator choose such difficult experience as a human being?
We have such limited mind, so many troubles, so much confusion, so many personal challenges.
Its a great question, but again, there is no proving the answer but you can know it by yourself.

A French Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, wrote:

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience;
we are spiritual beings having a human experience.3

This idea brings us a lot closer to understanding why we create our own reality.
So even if you dont believe it, just consider the possibility: your essence is one with all.

Wouldnt it be a great challenge for the One Infinite Creator to experience a human life?
To progress from great limitation, confusion, and suffering to complete self-remembrance
What a supreme test, a strange drama of cosmic plan -- living a life-journey back to ourselves!

More than just brain and body, we can be called soul a non-physical formless essence.

As Seth says, the outer ego we consider ourselves to be is just a tiny portion of our total being.

This path back to ourselves is called soul evolution, the path of return, the way of unity.
It is the Tao of Lao-Tzu and Chuang-Tzu, the middle way of Buddhism, the spiritual path Home.

This is the idea:

Our essential being seeks to know, explore and experience itself fully.
The purpose of life is the development of awareness, the self-understanding of being One.

Soul evolution is the way of spiritual cultivation, developing our total self-equipment.
This equipment is also called body-mind-spirit.

In the Law of One series, the entity Ra said,

The purpose of incarnative existence is [the] evolution of mind, body, and spirit.4

And so, the purpose of living in human body is our total self-development.
Actually, this is the purpose of all life mineral, plant, animal, human, and divine; visible and
invisible, in form and formless; great and small, long and short, joyous and suffering.
The purpose of all life, from a spiritual perspective, is the eternal development of all that we are.

So we play the greatest game, the game of Oversoul Creator exploring itself through happiness
and sorrow, clarity and confusion, light and dark a great and amazing journey.
We are more than just body and brain, we never die, and essence continues onward endlessly.

This essence projects itself as a human being, free to make choices according to minds desire.
These choices are made in each moment of consciousness in thought, word, and deed.
Actually, we make choices again and again, and again by each moment of decision.

Some choices are made consciously before birth as part of Oversouls life-plan.
Other choices are made during human incarnation some with deep understanding and selfawareness, others by confused thought and conflicted emotional process.
All those choices act as causes, leading to particular results as consequences which then act upon
us as further causes, to which we respond yet again, and on and on.
By this, we create our own reality according to the law of Karma and law of Attraction.

Again, these ideas cannot be proven, yet they are the basis of most spiritual teaching East & West.
Many teachers, including Seth, say just the same thing.

And so, answering the question, why we create our own reality is simple:
We, as formless essence one with All, wish to know ourselves fully and better than simply
remaining as formless essence one with All, we take physical form as a human being.
As a human being, we then make endless choices and reap the consequences and thereby taste a
range of experience in body, mind, and spirit all made by ourselves.
This process proceeds through reincarnation in time and space, in the human realm and higher
dimensions, and eventually beyond time-space consciousness itself.
This is the path of soul evolution: the full development of body/mind/spirit by steady progression
through exploration of consciousness, via karmic law, expanding awareness and self-integration.

We create our own reality as a mirror in which to know ourselves better, fully, more intimately.
The laws of creation are established to help us find ourselves in the here & now, again and again.

Another Christian mystic, Thomas a Kempis, said:

Wherever you go, there you are.5
I would clarify that:
Wherever you go, here you are.

Whatever reality we have created all returns to our living experience in the present moment.
And so, an American spiritual teacher, Ram Dass taught us long ago:
Be here now.6

We create our own reality by the law of Karma, the law of Attraction, to discover ourselves again
and again, more and more fully, in the present moment of awareness.
But it only works if we seek to grow in love-wisdom, balance, understanding and inner power.
And if we seek spiritual growth, our experience of life in the present moment also grows knowing
and expressing ever more of our total being.

The law of karma is not only a mystic teaching the Roman orator, Marcus Cicero also said:
As you have sown, so shall you reap.7

The Buddha, the ancient Hindus, and Seth all spoke of it: that the law of karma, a universal
principle, operates in human life so we do make our own reality, then experience what weve
created. As energy follows thought, how we think directs energy to create our personal life.
The purpose of the law of karma, the law of attraction, is to know ourselves better by experiencing
the results of our choices. By this, hopefully we will learn to make better choices, more filled with
love, wisdom, in greater balance and inner-outer harmony.
Personal reality is self-created because all we think, all we say, all we do ripples out into the world,
effecting the environment, our relationships, and all levels of body-mind process.

Another way to say it:

What goes around, comes around as the call, the echo.8
All we create by thought, word, and deed is expressed and sent out to make the life we live.

Seen this way, every person and situation we meet, every emotion and thought of mind is a mirror
of just how and what we are choosing a very personal mirror self-created for self-reflection.

Experiencing this life, we experience ourselves more fully to know ourselves more fully, and learn
to choose what supports a fulfilling, meaningful, joyous, loving and balanced life.
All the ways in which our mind and relationships are not in peace and well-being these are all the
many aspects of self that need greater love and understanding, acceptance and balance.

And how do we learn by creating our own reality?

By making choices we create personal experience in body, mind, spirit and by doing so, we know
ourselves more fully as a creator, and learn to create more perfectly.
By learning to create more perfectly we expand consciousness and by doing so, self-awareness
and spiritual self-integration increases.
With increased self-awareness and self-integration, we progress towards greater experience of all
we are our true spiritual identity, the reality of our being at-one with All There Is.

By operation of the Law of Karma -- by creating our own reality through many incarnations over
time and space we come to know the Law of One, that:
All things are one -- there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity.
All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.9

Knowing this Law of One is awareness of unity, experiencing unity with All There Is.

And so, our universe is one great Life, and we are not separate from it.
Personal reality is created by the self for the self, to develop greater awareness of our total being.
When we experience suffering and find problems in body-mind, conflict in relationships, and
confusion in our life-expression these are areas of self needing greater love and healing, wisdom
and clarity, balance and harmony.
By careful self-reflection, by knowing and accepting the lives weve created for ourselves, we can
shift our attitudes and way of being with self and other and gently learn to create the freedom
and joy we seek. As we develop greater self-awareness, we develop the powers of creation.

Scott Mandelker // May 6, 2010
4 [Law of One; session 54, question 23]
9 [Law of One; session 4, question 20]

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