2007-06-24: Psychological Healing, Life of Peace

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Sunday Message - Holistic Healing 2

<Matthew 11:25-30>
Psychological Healing, Life of Peace

• The Sabbath is the day where God wants to heal us

• It does not matter what weakness we have because God will heal us
• The result of spiritual healing is that we are able to see and hear God. And thus, we are
able to rule over all things
• If our spirits are not alive, everything we do has no relation with God
• The belief of Christian living is all about being submissive
• Spiritual healing will determine the rewards we will get in our lifetime
• Very often, we are able to see God in one minute, but forget about Him the moment we
face some problems. And this is happening everyday
• Therefore, we really need to guard our hearts and minds daily
• If we do not guard our hearts and minds, we are not able to see God’s infinite love. And
all we think of is how God is commanding and pressing us. Therefore, our hearts is the
most important
• <Proverbs 4:23> Our hearts is the wellspring of life
• It doesn’t matter how we live in the past. Now, we know how Satan works and we know
how the angels are convicting us everyday
• We are able to know how Satan is attacking us when our spirits come alive. Therefore,
we will quiet down to pray whenever we see quarrels happening in the family. If not, we
will end up in the quarrel itself
• We will know how to battle against the one who attacks us when we are able to see the
reality of our spiritual realms. Otherwise, we will have mental problems. Examples of
mental patients are those who always want to kill, are greedy, commit adultery,
worrisome, have inferiority complex to the extent of wanting to kill himself, etc
• God says that our heart is very important. Therefore, we must guard it. Our heart is the
reflection of the spiritual realms
• E.g. We start worrying and fear for our children even before anything has happened
• We cannot see the spirit. Therefore, God uses our hearts to discover the situation of our
• Are we able to feel that Satan is surrounding us now? Did we give thanks and get close
to God when the heavenly hosts surround us?
• A lot of people treat mental patients using psychology. However, psychology cannot link
a person’s heart with his spirit. Therefore, psychology can never help or heal a person
• Only the Bible talks about the heart and the spirit
• <Matthew 12:28> peace can enter our hearts only when the evil one is being chased out
of our hearts

Read <Matthew 11:25-30>

• v25Jesus Christ has no spiritual problem. Therefore, He is always able to see God. And
Jesus Christ doesn’t only like children. He likes those who want to rely on Him like little
• v27It is not about us having a choice, when it comes to getting healed
• Nobody can really choose when he wants to get healed or not, because everyone is
dead in the transgression of sin. Only the Lord can reveal Himself to us and heal us
• Therefore, healing comes from realization. What can we choose from if God didn’t reveal
Himself to us?
• A lot of healing services only provide the opportunity for people to “let go of their feelings”
• v28Only those who admit that they are weary and burdened will want to find peace in the

• Men will have worries and they will also feel guilty
• A person who feels guilty will always try to find a way to push the blame to others
• Men will have inferiority complex. Therefore, they will be very proud when they are a little
successful. A person with inferiority complex will look down even on himself. As such, he
has a lot of hurts in him
• A person with hurts in him will not able to stand it if someone is to tease him a little.
Therefore, he will end up quarreling with people
• A person with inferiority complex will think of a hundred problems that will make him
unbearable even though it may only be a small matter
• A person without any hurts will give in to others. He will not compare with others easily
• Some people will hide their psychological problem. Therefore, their behavior is very
different from their actual thoughts. Such person will “explode” one day. (e.g. he will
praise a person outwardly while cursing the same person inside)
• They are not able to speak the truth with love
• Some people say that they will just speak their mind. If they are not happy, they will just
say so
• However, this might not always be a good thing. They will express their anger towards
their children, spouse, etc in the public. They just cannot control themselves
• There are many forms of psychological problems: lustful hearts, greed, fear, etc
• This is the meaning of “weary and burdened” that Jesus Christ had mentioned
• Nobody will hate another person if he has a peaceful heart and nobody will joyful over
his inferiority complex
• We should rule and subdue all things on earth. We will have problems when we cannot
do it

1. God prepared the life of peace for those He loved [the result of psychological healing]
1) Absolute rest <Gen2:3; 11:28>
* Because of God’s complete sovereignty
• God wants all His created beings to rest with Him
• We can have rest in God because God has sovereignty over all things. This is the
foundation for us to have rest
• E.g. Paul will remain harmless regardless of the enemies he faced because God
is in control
• How many hours can we really rest (a peaceful heart) daily?
• We must live by breathing in God’s peace and rest

2) Discover and submit to God’s doing <Gen2:9; John 12:49-50>

* It is the greatest rest to do and complete what God wants us to do
• God didn’t prepare for us to accomplish great things or to earn great deal of
• We should just receive whatever the amount that God wants us to receive
• We are already the most successful in God
• Jesus Christ, who is the most successful, has already been born in a manger and
He could work just as a carpenter
• Therefore, we need not process very good condition in order for us to have rest
• If we are able to use and give thanks to God for all our conditions, we will use
those conditions with joy. This is the meaning of being able to have rest in all
• We should rest by acquiring God’s gift
• We will not be affected easily by others if we are able to enjoy God’s gift daily. In
other words, we have already surpassed others’ comment and our own
• Psychological healing is not about battling with our inferiority complex, guiltiness
or worries. We have already surpassed all these
• So what if we could really overcome our inferior complex or guiltiness? God’s
question for us is whether did we restore the most important factor of life?

3) The most important factor of life: seek first His kingdom and His righteousness
<Matthew 6:33-34>. In other words, Love God
* The absolute wins the subjective. The main factor wins the sub factors. The
unchangeable wins the changeable
• We will not quarrel, worry, feel stressed over small things if we’d restore the most
important factor of life
• God will take care of those minute things or problems for those who have
restored the most important factor of life
• If we continue to dwell upon the small problems, the small problems will become
big problems
• If we do not put our priorities on the important things, we will be tangled by the
small things
• In other words; we have these problems because we do not love God
• God is an uncomplicated God

4) There is an absolute purpose in life: Love men <John 13:24; Romans13:8>

* God’s standard: Love others like loving yourself. Therefore, have complete
respect, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and blessing
** Love God, love men has become the complete law for us. There is no fear in love
<1John 4:19>
• The result of those who could love God is they can love men
• Some people can spend lots of time and effort taking care of their pets, but they
cannot spend a minute with the people beside them
• Some churches always hold “thrash it out” sessions – for their co-workers to
speak up their minds towards each another. If there’s a need for “thrashing out”, it
shows that we have not loved one another
• Of course we will definitely face some problems whenever we need to interact
with others. However, we can also surpass all those
• We can accept one another in all things and give thanks for all things when we
have one Father, one Lord, and one Spirit. We would want our brothers and
sisters to have better jobs or a more blissful family instead of being envious of
• We will want to show our concerns, take care and help those brothers and sisters
who are in need
• Though this is good but God’s standard is that we are able to rejoice and give
thanks with our brothers and sisters when they posses something good. For the
purpose of loving God’s kingdom, we are able to love men without any selfish
5) When our hearts are blessed, our spirits will be strengthened <Matt12:28;
• Our hearts will feel comforted when our hearts have received grace. It is because
our hearts are linked with our spirits. The heart is a reflection of the spirit
• Therefore, we are also able to move God by our hearts
• A person will become lively when his spirit lives – able to love God and men. As a
result, they are able to control their lives, bodies, interpersonal relationships,
finance, etc

• These five points are the result and process of psychological healing
• Therefore, we need to examine our current psychological state
• We do not want to be healed unless we want to discover our current psychological
• E.g. some people think that as long as they didn’t kill others or commit adultery, they
have not sinned. However, God tells us that we sin with our hearts

2. Psychological operation [how to get healed?]

1) Foundation of healing: confirm that one self is loved, is receiving grace, and is
receiving blessings [do not add or subtract]
• The foundation of healing comes from assurance. We must realize, one day, that
there is one who loves us everyday. We will only be healed after realization
• We must have the assurance that we are being loved. Do we believe that God
has died for us while we were still sinners?
• Our Christian living is all about not adding or subtracting everything that Jesus
Christ has accomplished for us
• The common point for those with psychological problem is; they think that “the
whole world has done wrong to them (e.g. the husband, children, colleagues,
friends had all did wrong to them) thus, nothing is good. They perceive their
conditions and backgrounds are all bad
• We are loved and receiving. We came naked and will go naked
• In all his letters to the churches, Paul always started off by reassuring the people
how much they were loved, chosen and receiving
• We must know that even if we are disciplined, we are disciplined in God’s love.
E.g. David was disciplined, but he knew that God still loves him. Thus, he
received even greater blessings after being disciplined
• We will only be healed after we know that we had received great love in Christ
• God died for us while we were still in our hurts, bondage, inferior, guilt. God’s
great love is displayed through this. <Romans 5:8>
• It should be easy for us to follow God since we are receiving His love. We need
not use our efforts to gain God’s love
• The moment we are able to see that we are loved, we will be healed regardless
of the types of psychological illness we have
• We are no longer us since we are being loved <Gal 2:20>
• All along, we know ourselves from our conditions and situation. In fact, we must
know ourselves and all things based on God’s covenant

2) Establishing the Covenant: Four Gospelization [I was born, grow up and called by the
Lord for this purpose]
• We must view all things with the covenant that God has for us, and not based on
our own feelings
• The covenant that God has established with us is: Four Gospelization
• The covenant of God for us is that we are the father and mother of all nations,
and we are the source of all blessings
• We have to be responsible for doing or going after things that God has never
promised us. However, God will be responsible for us if we do everything in
accordance to His promises
• It is because, in God’s covenant (promise), there is God’s absolute purpose, the
power to overcome all things and His perfect will (purpose)
• We must be healed within God’s boundary, not our own boundary
• If we haven’t established the covenant with God, we will not be able to take it
when others treat us badly. However, if we have established the covenant with
God and people treat us badly, we will remember that Jesus Christ was badly
treated much worse than all of us
• The reaction and judgment of a person who has established the covenant will be
different. He will not frown while all others are worried. He will enjoy peacefulness
while all others get too excited
• Psychology will never teach all these

3) Use our background, conditions, relationships, and experiences to examine God’s

perfect will, plan and timetable for us
• A person who has established the covenant will examine
• Examine means to discover God’s perfect will, plan and timetable on us. Only
then, will we get healed
• Joseph did not get too excited or receive hurts for the things he experienced
because he was able to examine God’s perfect will and plan in all things. Thus,
he prospered in everything he did <Genesis 39:2>
• Otherwise, Joseph will only grumble against his brothers everyday. If that was the
case, how could he learn things properly?
• All of us will receive hurts one-way or the other. It might come from our parents,
or the hurts we get when we were bullied or cheated by others before, etc
• How can we recover from our past hurts? Getting hurt is like having our flesh
being cut by others. Only if we understand the reason and the benefits we will get
for losing that piece of flesh, will we get healed.
• If we receive healing without really understanding or accepting God’s purpose,
the healing we receive is false regardless how well it seems to be
• A lot of healing ministry could not really heal a person completely
• A person who always cries will cry no more if he has received psychological
healing because he has understood God’s prefect will
• A person who never cry will shed tears after getting healed psychologically
because of God’s conviction
• We will be different if we are healed through God’s strength and power
• The tears we shed after meeting God and getting healed is completely different
from crying while watching a drama serial
• A person who is truly healed will give thanks to God for his past hurts because he
has received God’s greatest plan for him

4) Therefore, a person can throw away his personal motives, purpose, contents,
method to live and to rebuild his life and live systematically in Jesus Christ
• We will only throw away after knowing God’s plan. This is the meaning of dying
with Jesus Christ
• Will a dead person receive any more hurts?
• We are easily hurt or affected because we have yet to throw away our own plans,
motives or expectations, etc
• We can’t just stop there after throwing away. We need to rebuild. Rebuild a
systematic life, systematic living and to live a Church centered life
• Systematic Life – knowing himself (he is really receiving grace) and God again
• Systematic Living – the day to day thoughts and operations
• The most important meeting of church is the Sunday service. We will definitely
please God and receive healings if we really prepare our hearts to worship Him

5) The end result is to restore the desire to “do all things because of our love for God”
• After we have received healings to a certain extent, the motivation of life would
be to “do all things because of our love for God”
• We can love those who are not adorable or to guard our hearts because we love
• We love our wives because we love God. We will please God if we do it this way
• If we only strive to love our wives, the wives will never be fully satisfied
• E.g., my dad asked me to go buy some food for him while I’m watching the TV.
We stopped watching and proceed to buy the food he wants because we love our
dad. Will not our dad love us doubly after seeing what we had done for him?
• Therefore, we will be healed deeper each time we do things out of love for God

• Though we should be able to do these points (1) to (5) in one second, there are also
a long process
• Nobody will be healed completely and stop having any psychological problem just by
listening to one healing message. Therefore, we need to sustain and develop on it

3. Guard the state of receive grace psychologically [sustain and develop healing]
1) Sensitive to the state of the spiritual realm. Thus, by the Spirit, we ought to put to
death the misdeed of the body and do not let the cravings of sinful man, the lust of
his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does to enter the body for a split
second [take reference from <Romans 8>]
• A person who understands the relationship between his heart and the spirit will
understand <Romans 8:13>
• We must rely on the Holy Spirit to put to death the misdeed of the body
• <Romans 8:1> God will not condemn us if we are in Christ Jesus
• We are able to distinguish what belongs to the body and what belongs to the
• <Romans 8:15> we are the most successful children of God who are being loved
• Therefore, all things work for our good <Romans 8:28>. We need to examine
God’s perfect will in all things
• We are already victorious <Romans 8:31-32>
• A person who has gone through an operation will not live a life of loss

2) The whole purpose of life and living: learn to live a life that is centered upon God’s
perfect will <Romans 12:1-2>
• We should not live our lives by centering upon resolving our problems. We will
never be able to resolve all our problems
• The method God gives us to resolve our problems is to know His perfect will
• We must learn to hear God’s voice and to know His perfect will when we live our
• We must become “men of God”. A “man of God” is a person who knows what
God is doing and will walk with God
• A lot of people lay their hands on a person and to pray for the healing of that
person without first understanding God’s perfect will and timetable for that person
• Sometimes, it might not be God’s timetable for a person to get healed.
Sometimes, it might not be God’s perfect will for a person to find a job
• God allows a person to have physical illness so that the person will get closer to

3) Experience training of godliness daily in our problems and temptations <1Ti 4:8>
• Counter attack all unrest, fears, worries, tiredness, greed, inferiority, guilt, etc
• Discover and flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love
and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart <2Ti 2:22>
• Physical training is of little value. Training on godliness is more important. There
are two types of training because there are two types of attacks: evil ones
(prosecution, pressures), temptation (always attract us into the worldly things)
• We must counter attack the direct attacks from the evil ones. Change our sadness
into joy. Change our greed into contentment. Pray and converse with God to get
• We must flee from temptations. The environment must be changed. We can only
overcome temptations when we always stay with the congregation, the main
streams or the Pastor. We cannot overcome temptation alone
• <The Lord’s Prayer> “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil

4) Reflect and clean daily <1John1:9>

• Even though we train and train, we will still fall down. Therefore, we need to self-
reflect and get cleansed daily
• Most important is not to get accused. God knows well ahead that we will fall. That
was why God has prepared Jesus Christ for us
• A person who wants to reflect and get cleansed will not be proud because he
knows that he will fall the moment he is not relying on God

5) The heart which loves both God and man will always prompt us to preach the Gospel
in season and out of season <2Ti 4:2; Acts 1:8>
• If we see the people around us are all suffering, we will want to bless them and
free them. In so doing, we will receive healings ourselves
• When we bless others, we are reaffirming how must we are loved by God

• A person will surely bless the whole world if he has acquired the answers for
psychological healing
• Not everyone will have problems with their spouses, illness, or financial problems.
However, everyone will definitely have fears (fear for illness, fear for their children, fear
of death, accidents etc)
• Therefore, we can definitely save and bless an era after we have become experts in
spiritual and psychological healings

Sharing and Prayer Topics

1. My heart is the reflection of the spiritual realms. Test: how is my heart convicted
by the activities in the spiritual world, and how should I react to it? What sort of
evidences will I see if I react correctly?
2. Has my psychological problem been through any operations? Please illustrate the
process of this operation. If I have yet to be operated, where should it be started?
3. Confirm it this week: how to sustain and develop my psychological healing? Do
you have any success or failed experience? Please share it with the SSG.

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