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ChE 440 / 640

Homework assignment #6 is due Friday, October 7, 2016

For full credit, be sure to follow the prescribed format given in the homework format
requirements, as described on WebCampus.
This assignment must be turned in at the beginning of class!
When you get your graded homework back, be sure to read the comments from the grader. It will
probably help you next time!

1. Example 5-6 describes a solution to produce ethylene oxide (EO) from partial oxidation of
ethylene, with FA0 = 136.21 mol/s. In this assignment, consider the following two alternative
scenarios with the same reaction and feed rate. I recommend that you use the Polymath program
and equations given in the text as a good starting place.
a. Instead of 1000 tubes of length 60 ft, suppose we reconfigure the reactor, with 500 tubes
of length 120 ft, with the same mass of catalyst (20 kg). Find the conversion of ethylene
and the outlet pressure.
b. In this scenario, we consider smaller catalyst particles of diameter 1/8 in. Because they
have reduced mass transfer resistance, the rate constant increases to 0.0055 mol/(atmkg
cats) at 260 C. All other conditions are the same as given in the example. Note: youll
have to recalculate the parameters 0 and . The extra surface area will result in an
increased pressure drop, so the inlet pressure is given as 25 atm. First, determine if the
inlet pressure (25 atm) is sufficient. If it is not, determine what inlet pressure is needed.
Find the conversion of ethylene and molar production rate of EO.
2. Solve problem 6-6, parts (a) and (b) only. In your solution, show the equations solved in
polymath, and show how you found those equations. Both parts (a) and (b) require a paragraph of

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