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Tristan Stockford

Math Journal Entry: The Problem Solving Process
I easily see myself using all parts of the problem solving process. To me, problem
solving is an invaluable tool in all forms of learning, whether it be before, during, or after a
lesson. Problem solving has places in all sub-topics described in the chapter, namely creating
cognitive challenge, problem solving as instructional means and ends. Although I dont plan on
using problem solving as my main instructional tool all the time, I do see myself using it in these
situations not infrequently. As for the problem solving process itself, I plan on heavily using
technology in my classroom, and I think that the current way that the majority of mathematics is
taught does not effectively utilize what we are capable of through the use of modern day
technological advances. The tools that we have for teaching just about any subject, such as
Geogebra, are far greater instructional tools than simply going to the board and lecturing. This
doesnt have to be solely for instructional use either however, as I think the way to go about
solving a problem needs to be more expressly taught to students. We teach students how to
solve specific problems, but we dont teach students how to analyze questions, how to utilize
the question and sort through it in order to find only what is necessary information needed to
solve the actual problem. Its a lack of teaching how to solve problems and not in what way to
solve problems that is the real problem, and I intend to make that less of an issue in my future
classroom with the aid of better instructional tools and strategies.

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