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Affecting Change from Daily Practice to Congress:

Legislative Advocacy and Case Management
By Jan DeRoche, RN, LCSW-C, ACM

The past decade has seen healthcare legislation significantly impact the daily practice of hospital case management. Initiatives such as
the Medicare Important Message (IM), Condition Code 44 (governing how a patient’s admission status may be changed from inpatient to
observation), and the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program have required case management departments across the country to
evaluate and revise many of their current processes to adapt to this constantly evolving regulatory structure of healthcare.

In the midst of such initiatives and proposals, it is imperative – and demanding schedules often prevent many case managers from
perhaps now more than ever – that case management is represented allotting the time necessary to monitor legislative resources and
in the legislative process and case managers have an active voice in updates. This lack of time makes it difficult to stay abreast of
the creation and implementation of regulations that will affect legislative changes and the issues that will impact case management.
patient care and organizations throughout the continuum of care. Another barrier to case managers’ involvement in legislation is a lack
of knowledge of the legislative processes and procedures. For most,
ESTABLISHING A VOICE it has been years since learning about these processes in a high
To serve as an advocate in legislation, case managers must have school or college civics class, and without periodic use this
a voice that speaks for and represents those involved in the practice. knowledge fades. To engage actively in healthcare legislation, case
Without a legislative voice, the profession is left in a reactive management professionals need to (1) actively track legislation that
position, responding to regulatory changes rather than contributing affects healthcare and, specifically, case management, and (2)
a unique operational perspective to their creation. formulate responses to those issues and regulations that warrant
Case management is not a profession with a history of a strong action. The volume of legislative updates and information available
advocacy role at the legislative level. However, its influence in to case managers can be overwhelming, and the challenge is to
certain, targeted initiatives has led to positive outcomes. Examples discern what information is relevant and warrants action. A number
of effective advocacy – case managers having a voice in the of resources such as websites, e-newsletters, and email lists can
legislative process – include the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid serve as valuable resources for staying current with legislative news
Services’ (CMS) proposed revisions to the IM. When CMS and updates (see sidebar on page 9).
determined that Medicare patients must be issued a second written
notice, case managers across the country voiced their opposition to
the proposed change, and effectively saw the second IM reduced
from a written document to a verbal notification. Case managers have a unique and
Case managers have a unique and valuable perspective to valuable perspective to contribute
contribute to policy making decisions. Serving as an advocate and
liaison for both patients and hospital administration uniquely
to policy making decisions. Serving
positions case managers to accurately reflect what the actual impact as an advocate and liaison for
of a particular initiative is going to be, and what the outcomes will be both patients and hospital
for both the patients and the organization. The relationships that
case managers form with the various parties involved in care
administration uniquely positions
delivery – patients, families, medical and nursing staffs, case managers to accurately reflect
administration, downstream providers and payers – provide them what the actual impact of a particular
with insight into the impact of regulations on patients, the hospitals
in which they are treated, and the care delivery system.
initiative is going to be, and what
As patient advocates and proponents of patient rights, case the outcomes will be for both the
managers also have a duty to serve as the patient’s voice when patients and the organization.
influencing legislation and decisions that may ultimately affect
patient care. Interpersonal relationships and experiences create the
credibility and voice of authority for legislative influence and action.
Perhaps the greatest barrier to engaging in legislative initiatives
BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY is that many individuals in case management lack a feeling of
AND INFLUENCE empowerment. Due to the nature of the practice, those who work in
A number of factors often present challenges to effective case management are typically outcomes-driven individuals
legislative advocacy. The first of these is time. Large daily caseloads accustomed to producing outcomes very quickly. Legislative
continued on page 8

w w w . a c m a w e b . o r g

Affecting Change from Daily Practice to Congress: Legislative Advocacy and Case Management (continued from page 7)

processes, however, are often counter to this disposition. For Consistent, Incremental Approach
example, the ultimate goal of an initiative may be to ensure the Another key component of legislative advocacy is consistency.
passing of a particular bill. This important goal, however, may Working within the legislative process often involves a system of
require months of work – even years if it is postponed until later trial and error – finding that the first method attempted to influence
congressional sessions – and may be achieved at a much later date. legislation is not the best approach and exploring other methods to
In order to stay motivated towards this goal, one should recognize achieve the same goal – until the desired outcome is achieved. It is
milestones, such as the first meeting with a congressional aide to an important to develop a consistent approach that continually strives
influential representative, or phone calls made on behalf of your to achieve the ultimate goal of affecting change and that is a
cause or organization. Recognizing that these are milestones and sustainable strategy long-term, as affecting change often takes
major steps towards reaching the ultimate goal will help maintain multiple sessions of congress and may stretch over multiple years.
the energy necessary to affect change. Such an approach recognizes incremental changes and evaluates
the small steps necessary to reach the ultimate goal, rather than
KEYS TO EFFECTIVELY INFLUENCING LEGISLATION abandoning the cause in the face of resistance or difficulty.
Relationships with the Key Figures Engage Others in the Effort
One important component of case management advocacy at
There is power in numbers – the more people who show their
the legislative level is establishing relationships with key legislative
individual support for a particular legislative effort, the stronger the
figures. Who the key figures are may vary based on the issue
voice of the cause. Individuals build the strength of their voices when
involved – for example, CMS officials when dealing with RAC or IM;
their professional associations support legislative initiatives, and
congressional representatives regarding the “Three-Midnight Rule”
associations attempting to influence legislation often grow their numbers
(the Medicare rules that defines the length of a qualifying hospital
by forming coalitions with other associations. Two or three associations
stay for a patient to be covered for placement in a Skilled Nursing
speaking out in support of, or opposition to, a certain regulation or
Facility); or state legislature when addressing issues within the state,
bill is far more powerful and influential than one association because
such as Medicaid coverage policies. With all, however, the key to
the numbers of supporters, real or implied, are magnified further.
forming such relationships is demonstrating the value of the case
ACMA demonstrated this approach by partnering with the
manager’s expertise. Accurately conveying one’s expertise builds
National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) in 2007 to support the
credibility and positions one as an expert resource on the topic.
expansion of Medicare benefits for home infusion. ACMA added its
Provide Relevant Data and Patient Stories voice by supporting NHIA’s lobbying day in Washington, D.C. and
It is important to be equipped with sufficient, relevant data to building contacts in Congress. ACMA also used its membership to
influence key policymakers. The ability to provide this information seek patient stories that supported the initiative and
may determine whether a particular initiative passes or is defeated communicated these to key figures in Congress.
in its early stages. Considering RAC as an example, tracking the One of the associations that has been most successful in
amount of successful overturns and producing data outlining FTEs influencing healthcare legislation is the American Association of
and their relation to cost provides valuable, factual input. Retired Persons (AARP). AARP was instrumental in the initiatives
Combining and analyzing this data to create a cost benefit analysis targeted at securing subscription and benefit coverage for Medicare
also provides strong support to the position of placing limits on recipients. To achieve this feat, AARP established relationships with
RAC activities to ensure the resource costs to hospitals are not some of the most influential congressional members and
unmanageable, and that the ultimate impact of the program is to candidates. The association also leveraged their extensive network
decrease the cost of providing healthcare to patients. of members, and engaged them in the legislative goals and efforts of
Though data can be a powerful tool and resource, patient the association. By doing so, AARP’s members helped craft the
stories also play an important role because they put a human face public response to the prescription drug benefit plan.
on the data and facts – reminding policymakers of the real AARP’s approach to legislative advocacy differs from the
individual patients who are the intended beneficiaries of policy. approach best employed by case management. AARP leveraged its
This is a particularly powerful tool when a policy has a negative large membership base and employed a populist approach to
impact on patient care because first-hand accounts appeal to legislative influence. Case management lacks such a vast
emotions, and may trigger empathy for the situation in question. population. The most effective model for case management
These stories convey a deeper, underlying meaning behind the advocacy will leverage case managers’ unique expertise and
position one is supporting, and are often more powerful in helping experiential knowledge of healthcare policies. This allows case
policymakers understand processes and “real life at the bedside” management professionals to become valuable knowledge partners
that they otherwise know only in the abstract. to policymakers – unique experts in healthcare policy.


Equipped with the Proper Tools and Skills

Perhaps the most important consideration when lobbying for
change in any area is that in order to most effectively influence
change, a reasonable solution must often be presented. While some Resources for legislative
groups, such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving – have found news and updates:
success advocating for an abstract concept such as safety – with the
complex challenges in the healthcare arena, it is not enough to • The Centers for Medicare
identify the flaws in a current process or program. In order for and Medicaid Services –
legislators to consider a position, a reasonable solution or alternative
plan must also be presented and outlined. To revisit the RAC • Fierce Healthcare –
example, approaching CMS and legislators with complaints about –
the program’s cost to hospitals is not a sufficient case to sway their offers legislative news and updates through
opinion and bring about reform within the program. Though it is a number of email lists and e-newsletters
important that case management professionals voice their concerns
during the comment period, to be effective advocates they must
• National Conference of State Legislatures –
approach CMS with an alternative solution in order to agree upon
a compromise that will satisfy those in the hospital setting, and will • U.S. Department of Health and
still allow CMS to achieve their desired outcomes. Human Services –
Individual case managers will rarely have access to key political
lobbyists and representatives, or the funds necessary to travel to
Capitol Hill. However, these factors need not limit their influence in
ACMA’s Public Policy Committee). Such groups engage
the legislative sector. There are a number of resources available and
your energies with others who have a similar passion for
actions which can influence change and effectively advocate on
public advocacy.
behalf of the practice of case management, healthcare provider
organizations, and patients.
• Develop and maintain contacts with state and congressional As power in Washington, DC shifts more to one party and a
representatives – These individuals are the connection between new administration begins its first term, healthcare legislation is
your local area and the legislative and regulatory bodies. more prominent on the national agenda than ever before. New
Contacts with congressional aides often lead to effective inroads legislation will be developed and implemented in efforts to
as well, as many lawmakers have limited availability due to their improve our nation’s healthcare system, and this legislation will
tight schedules, and depend on congressional aides to be assuredly continue to affect case management. While case
experts in various areas. Visit to locate state and managers will undoubtedly have various views about the best
congressional representatives and access a variety of solutions to common challenges, it is important in this crucial time
government information. that the unique perspective and experience of case managers is
• Maintain awareness and knowledge – Maintaining knowledge represented as new legislation is developed. Case managers have
of legislative happenings, agendas and pending decisions is proven their effectiveness to take on key challenges and produce
requisite to legislative influence. It is important to remain positive outcomes within their own healthcare organizations. It is
informed of what committees are influential in healthcare time for case managers to extend these solutions outside hospitals
legislation and reform, and what bills are on the agenda and and into the legislative process that will shape healthcare reform
may have some bearing on case management and patient care. for years to come.
There are also several resources available online to summarize Jan DeRoche, RN, LCSW-C, ACM, is the current ACMA National
information and provide links to further information, such as President and Director of Case Management for Kaiser Permanente
reviews and updates available from CMS ( and Health Foundation of the Mid-Atlantic States in Rockville, MD. She
the Federal Register ( was previously Director of Case Management at Holy Cross Hospital
• Join a group involved in legislation – Many professional in Silver Spring, MD. She earned a BSN at Fitchburg State College in
associations have committees and groups specifically focused Fitchburg, MA and her MSW at the University of Maryland at
on monitoring and influencing legislative initiatives (such as Baltimore. She has over 25 years of healthcare experience.

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