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Creating A Virtual Table

Many times, a database table has more information than we want to
display. Or, perhaps a table does not have all the information we want to
display. For instance, in Example 8-1, seeing the Title and ISBN of a book is
not real informative - we would also like to see the Author, but that
information is not provided by the Titles table. In these cases, we can build
our own virtual table, displaying only the information we want the user to see.

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We need to form a different SQL statement in the RecordSource property.

Again, we wont be learning SQL here. We will just give you the proper
Quick Example: Forming a Virtual Table
1. Well use the results of Example 8-1 to add the Author name to the form.
Replace the RecordSource property of the dtaTitles control with the following
SQL statement:
SELECT Author,Titles.ISBN,Title FROM Authors,[Title Author],Titles
WHERE Authors.Au_ID=[Title Author].Au_ID AND Titles.ISBN=[Title
Author].ISBN ORDER BY Author
This must be typed as a single line in the Command Text (SQL) area that appears when you click the ellipsis by the RecordSource
property. Make sure it is typed in exactly as shown. Make sure there are spaces after SELECT, after Author,Titles.ISBN,Title, after
FROM, after Authors,[Title Author],Titles, after WHERE, after Authors.Au_ID=[Title Author].Au_ID, after AND, after Titles.ISBN=[Title
Author].ISBN, and separating the final three words ORDER BY Author. The program will tell you if you have a syntax error in the SQL
statement, but will give you little or no help in telling you whats wrong.
Heres what this statement does: It selects the Author, Titles.ISBN, and Title fields from the Authors, Title Author, and Titles tables, where
the respective Au_ID and ISBN fields match. It then orders the resulting virtual table, using authors as an index.

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- Tim e r C ontrol
- ListBox & C om boBox
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- C ontrol Arrays in VB6
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- Form s in VB6
- Me nus in VB6
- MDI Form in VB6
- InputBox
- Me ssage Box
- Mouse e ve nts
- Mouse Move
- Error Handling
- Error Handling (2)
- VB6 Database

2. Add a label box and text box to the form, for displaying the author name. Set the control properties.
Caption - Author
DataSource - dtaTitles (select, dont type)
DataField - Author (select, dont type)
Locked - True
Name - txtAuthor
Text - [Blank]
When done, the form should resemble this:

3. Save, then rerun the application. The authors names will now appear with the book titles and ISBN values. Did you notice you still
havent written any code?
I know you had to type out that long SQL statement, but thats not code, technically speaking. Notice how the books are now ordered
based on an alphabetical listing of authors last names

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