How To Study Like Hermione

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Study Like The Brightest Witch

of Her Age
If youre a Potterhead you must be familiar with this brilliant witch. Yep! Hermione Jean

Known as The brightest witch of her age Hermione is always on the top of her
class. She even brewed a difficult potion in the second year, solved Prof. Snapes riddle,
and the coolest of all, punch Draco Malfoy on the face! (Sorry, I just cant help it)
In this article, I would like to share how we could be The Brightest Student in
The Class just like Hermione. Okay, lets start!

1. Prepare yourself before school

Well, back to the first time The Golden Trio meet at Hogwarts Express, Hermione
confidently said that she already read all her books and practice some spells. Preparing
yourself before school is really important. You will be step ahead from your friends. Take
your books a week before the school start and take a look at chapters you will learn
during semester. I always do that before I start school. I usually read the first chapter
from each subjects that I will learn that semester and make a summary from what I
read. It help you, really. Especially when you have 14 subjects that you have to take at
school *huft*
2. Pay attention to your teacher
If Hermione didnt pay attention to Herbology, Ron would be dead because of devils
snare.If she didnt pay attention to Prof. Flitwick, We wouldnt see her make a feather fly.
Pay attention to your teacher! You may find some information that you cant get in your

textbook but it come out during the exams. I have this kind of teacher, so whenever she
say something important, I always write it down. And thats why the next step would
3. Take a note!
Yes! Remember although some of the class are really boring, it wont kill you if you take
a note. And beside, taking a note make you stay awake during class. During Prof. Binns
class, Harry and Ron started to play Hangman but Hermione keep writing down on her
book, and when the exams start, the boys have to borrow Hermiones note. See? You
never know when you gonna need it. It doesnt have to be clean and neat at the time,
just write it as long as you understand what you have written. Then at home, you could
take out your note and write it all over again.
4. Dont hesitate to ask
Hermione asks when she wanted to know more about Chambers of Secrets. She even
arguing with Umbridge because of that-kindergarten-DADA-Textbook. By asking and
think critically we could understand what we learn better. You dont have to shy, just ask
your teacher, they wont eat you anyway. I found this phrase that say Just ask; you may
look stupid for 10 seconds but better than look stupid for your whole life and I agree
with that.
5. Speak it out
Dont hesitate to answer the question or aguing some facts with your friends or teacher
during discussion. It helps you in many way. Especially in critical thinking, elaborate
argument, speaking, and etc. And the bonus is, some teacher will pay attention to you
and watch your back in the class and may give you some points in the end! Ten points
to Gryffindor!
6. Practice, practice, practice!
Yep! Your knowledge have no value if you havent practicing. In the fifth year, Harry, Ron
and Hermione along with DA members practicing their skills in Defense Against the Dark
Arts. The results? an happy O.W.L report card! You dont have to push yourself so hard.
Just like them, start from small step. For example, you could practice math by anwering
five question everyday. and after a week, you could adding to 10 questions/day. No need
to study overnight for exams and you dont have to be startled if your teacher suddenly
said Okay! Today we are going to have a quiz because you always ready!
7. Reading
Its hardly to miss during this series, but we always see Hermione with books, even
when theyre on the run! Thats why Ron said this, Thats Hermione, when in doubt, go
to the library Reading makes you smarter and I think everyone agree with this. Your

memory will improve, more knowledge, vocabulary expansion and many others. What I
mean with reading in this is NOT reading your textbooks. Reading your textbooks is a
good thing, but better to touch books outside your textbooks. If youre not a reading
person, you could start by picking some classic children fairytale or magazines. If youre
into reading already, I dare you to try genres that 180degrees different from your shelf
now. Im going to give you links to reading list that I suggest you to try in another post.
8. Enjoy it
Last but not least is to enjoy the process of studying itself. Hermione could survive her
third year because she considering studying as a fun activities. She even take Muggle
studies and still get excited about it! My online tutor said The highest achievement of
studying is when you found yourself enjoy it Because when you enjoy it, you could
understand it better and take you to the highest level of knowledge.

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