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Chapter 62: Girkmann Problem using Axisymmetric Shell Elements

Girkmann Problem using

62 Axisymmetric Shell Elements

Summary 1178

Introduction 1179

Problem Statement 1179

Modeling Details 1179

Results and Discussions 1182

Conclusion 1184

Input File(s) 1184

Video 1185
 References 1185
1178 MD Demonstration Problems

Title Chapter 62: Girkmann Problem using Axisymmetric Shell Elements
Contact Features • Use of axisymmetric shell elements
• Use of MPCs

Material Properties E = 20.59 GPa ,  = 0 ,  = 3335.71 kg\m 3

for sperical shell subjected to gravity loading.
Same material properties except density is used for the stiffening ring not subjected to
gravity loading.
Analysis Type • Use of axisymmetric shell element (CAXISYM)
• Use of MPCs
Boundary Condition Boundary conditions of axisymmetry, Uy = 0 at the free end of the sperical shell.
Applied loads • Gravity loading for the axisymmetric shell
• Uniform normal pressure of 27.306 KPa is applied at the base AB of the stiffening ring
Element Type • 2-node axisymmetric shell element CAXISYM
• 4-node axisymmetric solid quad element CQUADX
FE Results 1. Interface shear force per unit circumference length between spherical shell and solid
2. Interface bending moment per unit circumference length.
3. Meridional angle at which maximum bending moment occurs and the value of maximum
bending moment per unit circumference length.
CHAPTER 62 1179
Girkmann Problem using Axisymmetric Shell Elements

This example showcases the capability of CAXISYM elements. The problem demonstrated here was first discussed
by PitkÄaranta et al. (References). The FEA solution of the Girkmann problem was obtained and compared with the
solutions obtained by classical methods.

Problem Statement
A spherical shell of thickness h = 0.06m , crown radius Rc = 15.00m is connected to a stiffening ring at the meridional
angle  = 2  9  40  . The dimensions of the ring are: a = 0.60m and b = 0.50m . The radius of the midsurface of the
sperical shell is Rm = Rc  sin  .
The notation is shown in Figure 62-1. The z axis is the axis of rotational symmetry.

Figure 62-1 Girkmann Problem

Consider gravity loading only. The equivalent (homogenized) unit weight of the material comprised of the shell and
the cladding is 32.69 KN\m3 . Assume that uniform normal pressure PAB is acting at the base AB of the stiffening ring.
The resultant of PAB equals the weight of the structure. Assume that the stiffening ring is weightless. The goals of the
computations are as follows:
• To find the shear force at the interface between spherical shell and stiffening ring.
• To find the maximum bending moment.
• To find the meridional angle at which the maximum bending moment occurs.

Modeling Details
The spherical shell was modeled with axisymmetric shell element and stiffening ring with axisymmetric solid
elements as shown in Figure 62-2.
1180 MD Demonstration Problems

Figure 62-2 FEA Model

Element Modeling
The spherical shell was modeled with 2-node axisymmetric shell elements CAXISYM. The properties for CAXISYM
were entered as given below:
PAXISYM 2 1 0.06 prop_axi
The CAXISYM elements were defined as given below:
CAXISYM 769 2 830 831
CAXISYM 770 2 831 832
CAXISYM 771 2 832 833
CAXISYM 772 2 833 834
CAXISYM 773 2 834 835
The solid stiffener was modeled with axisymmetric solid element CQUADX. First, the properties PLPLANE for the
CQUADX were defined:
PLPLANE 1 2 prop_axi
PSHLN2 1 2 +
+ C4 AXSOLID L prop_axi
The CQUADX elements were defined as given below,
CQUADX 1 1 1 10 11 2
CQUADX 2 1 2 11 12 3
CQUADX 3 1 3 12 13 4

Material Properties
The material properties were modeled by using MAT1 entry as given below:
MAT1 12.059+10 0.0 3335.71 0.0 mat_axi_
MAT1 22.059+10 0.0 mat_axi_
As Nastran applies gravity over the entire model by default, two material cards were defined. The material without
density was used for solid stiffener modeled with CQUADX so that the gravity load does not get applied on it.
CHAPTER 62 1181
Girkmann Problem using Axisymmetric Shell Elements

Transformations and MPCs

To ensure the compatibility of rotational degrees of freedom between axisymmetric solid and shell elements, MPCs
were used. For the convenience of defining MPCs, transformations using local coordinate systems were defined for
the node at the junction between axisymmetric shell and axisymmetric solid elements,

Figure 62-3 Local Coordinate System

CORD2R 1 0 15. 17.8763 0.0 15. 17.8763 15.+

+ 15.0193017.89930 0.0
Then MPCs were defined between the node at the junction and the other nodes at the interface as given below:
MPC 1 187 2 1. 1185 2 -1. +
+ 1185 6 0.03
MPC 3 186 2 1. 1185 2 -1. +
+ 1185 6 0.02625
MPC 17 91 2 1. 1185 2 -1. +
+ 1185 6 -0.03

Loads and Boundary Conditions

For CAXISYM and CQUADX elements, the axis conventions for axisymmetry are: Y-axis is the axis of symmetry
and X-axis defines the radial direction. The symmetry boundary conditions of the axisymmetric problem was defined
constraining the axial degree of freedom  Uy = 0  of the node which lies on the axis of symmetry.
SPC 1 830 2 0.0
Gravity load was applied on the axisymmetric shell elements as given below:
GRAV 3 1. 0.0 -9.81 0.0
Pressure loading was applied at the bottom face of the solid stiffener. Pressure value was multiplied by 2 as per the
Nastran convention for the application of the pressure edge load on the axisymmetric problem.
PLOADX1 4 353 171425. 386 387 0.0
PLOADX1 4 354 171425. 387 388 0.0
1182 MD Demonstration Problems

Analysis Parameters
Subcase corresponding to the loadcase that contains above loads and the boundary conditions were defined and
analysis was carried out by SOL 400 by using following parameters:
$# NASTRAN Control Section
$# File Management Section
ASSIGN OUTPUT2 = 'girk_fo_s400.op2', UNIT = 12, FORM = FORMATTED
$# Executive Control Section
SOL 400
$# Case Control Section
$ Subcase name: DefaultLoadCase
SET 10 = 769 THRU 1123
SET 20 = 830 THRU 1185
MPC = 33
SPC = 1
LOAD = 6

Results and Discussions

Figure 62-4 Results

The f06 file generated out of the analysis was studied carefully and the STRESS-XY for the axisymmetric shell
element CAXISYM 1123 were noted as
CHAPTER 62 1183
Girkmann Problem using Axisymmetric Shell Elements

Shear Stress-(sig-xy) for element CAXISYM 1123 is -1.577151E+04

Interface shear force/circumference length = sig-xy * shell thickness

Interface shear force/ circumference length = -1.577151E+04 * 0.06
= 946.3 KN/m

The grid point force balance for the interface element CAXISYM 1123 is as given below,:

So the bending moment/circumference at the interface i:

= 3475.662*2*π*r
= 3475.662*2*3.14159*15
= 36.878 N.m/m
In order to calculate the maximum bending moment and its location, we need to find the maximum bending stress and
its location. Now in order to calculate the bending stress one must know the stress distribution for the shell element.
The f06 file reports the stresses for upper layer and lower layer (i.e., LAYER I and LAYER 2) for the CAXISYM
elements. For example, the bending stress for the CAXISYM element 1123 is calculated as given below:

The bending stress can also be calculated as

Bending stress = [Total stress (LAYER 1) – Total stress (LAYER 5)]/2

= [(-4.711647E+05) – (-3.562409E+05)]/2
= -57461.9 N/m2
1184 MD Demonstration Problems

The bending stress values for all CAXISYM elements are calculated like this and the node where the max. bending
stress occurs was noted. At that particular node, the bending moment would be maximum. Figure 62-5 shows the
variation of bending moment/thickness (N.m/m) with meridional angle.

Figure 62-5 Bending Moment vs. Meridional Angle

The maximum bending moment of 255.126 N.m/m occurs at the meridional angle of 38.15° as shown in Figure 62-5.

The following table shows the comparison of the results obtained from FEA modeling with that of theoretical one,

Results MD Nastran Theory % Error

Moment (Nm/m) 36.878 36.81 0.18%
Q1 (N/m) -946.291 -943.6 0.29%
Max. Moment (Nm/m) 255.126 253.97 0.46%
Angle (degrees) 38.150 38.08 0.18%

Input File(s)
Files Description
nug_62.bdf MD Nastran input for Girkmann problem using axisymmetric shell and solid elements.
CHAPTER 62 1185
Girkmann Problem using Axisymmetric Shell Elements

Click on the image or caption below to view a streaming video of this problem; it lasts approximately 20 minutes and
explains how the steps are performed.

Figure 62-6 Video of the Above Steps

PitkÄaranta, J., Babuska, I. and Szabo, B. The Problem of Verification with Reference to the Girkmann Problem.
IACM Expressions. 24, January 2009, 14-15.

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