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Who is Hussain?

The revolutionist whose sacrifice shook the roots of humanity

I have not come to stir emotions, to play with oppression. I want to bring the people back
to the path of enjoining good and forbidding evil
We have all firmly acquainted and primed
ourselves with information concerning the
successive uprisings undertaken by the
esteemed personage we identify as
revolutionists. Each humanitarian
espouses a similar message that hitherto
echoes within us. By studying the
consecutive events in history, we learn that
being docile and silent to repressive
authorities is never an option, and that
rebuffing the very thought of being
silenced is, in
itself, coming
to terms with
our inner
Needless to
say, the
tenacious need
for an
Source: Unidentifiable
corpus of laws
and authorities
to enforce them is an innate concept and
the source of our enduring quest for a
scrupulous, stalwart personality to guide
us in our endeavours. This relentless unrest
is the thrust of revolution and the purpose
of dislodging any despotic regime that
pays but lip service to the rule of law.
While each renowned activist possesses
a unique story, they all draw their
inspiration from the leader of noble revolt,
Imam Hussain (peace and blessings be
upon him).

He was the goliath of his time and the

cream of mankinds history. Being the
beloved grandson of the Messenger of
Islam (peace and blessings be upon him
and his progeny), Imam Hussain (p) was
familiar with the peaceful teachings of
Islam from a very young age.
Source: Unidentifiable

His precocious character and overall

clemency and poise is manifested in the
teachings he spread in his lifetime. He
knew that the only means of achieving
peace was by creating peace. He was, by
virtue of his wisdom and benevolence, the
backbone of the orphaned, the heartbroken
and the downtrodden.

I learnt from Hussain how to attain

victory while being oppressed.
Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Indian Nation
Source: Unidentifiable

He was unflinching in his faith and sought

to achieve justice at every nook and corner
of Arabia. Upon legions of pleas
beckoning Hussain (p) to come to Kufa,
Iraq and save the people over there from
the crafty manoeuvres of their dissipated,
tyrannical leader, Yazid, son of Muawayia
(may the eternal wrath of God be upon
them both), Imam Hussain (p) took it upon
himself to reinstate the justice of Allah and
His Messenger on this tarnished earth.
The opposition was blatantly afraid and
repined at this erratic decision and went to
absolute extremes by rallying troops to
fight Hussain (p), so they can repose on
their unmerited thrones at the expense of
the masses.
The stoic Hussain (p) had foreseen his
fate, en route to Kufa, on the soil of
Karbala to be soaked in his own blood
while the foes of Islam rejoiced; though
this did not preclude him from leaving
behind his indelible legacy. His family
traversed the plains of Madina shoulder-toshoulder and had collectively borne the
travail of restoring justice with Imam
Hussain (p) at whatever cost.

mercy they exhibited on the battlefield

reinforce the very rules of war that
soldiers, to date, abide by.
Imam Hussain (p) was slain ruthlessly,
although his blood did not spill in vain.
Those who accompanied him endured
lethal privation, with the enemies
mercilessly depriving water to even the
youngest of Imams kin. Notwithstanding
all this, they braved sorrow with utmost
valour and relentlessly sought to preserve
the untainted principles of Islam.
There is much to derive from the battle
of Karbala. Hussain (p) teaches us that
human rights take precedence over all
fallible authority, and if humanity is
clamped down by hirelings and merciless
leaders, it is our job to speak out, even if it
costs us our lives. He told us that living in
humiliation is far worse than dying a
freeman. Moreover, we learn that any
sacrifice made to God will reach Him, and
it is His appeasement we must desire.
And its no wonder that after so many
years, millions of people from all walks of
life circumambulate his shrine every year,
reciting eulogies and dirges in praise of
Source: @ayatalz (Instagram)



Top left: Artwork of child

sporting a headband which
translates, We are here, O
Right: the sacred shrine of
Imam Husain in Karbala
Bottom left: pilgrims
visiting the hallow site of
Imam Hussain in Karbala
Source: @insta_ashkanani


By bringing his family, Hussain (p) reveals

to us his sacrificial conscientiousness to
preserve and uphold human rights, namely
ones freedom to express without fear of
persecution. His companions, who had
come to his aid without hesitation upon
hearing about the oppositions plans, had
stood alongside him in his revolt.
Although a paltry lot, the prowess and


Source: Unidentifiable

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