Panca Sila

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Indonesian unity value implies a united effort toward the determination of

the people to foster a sense of nationalism within the unitary Republic of

Indonesia. Nationalism values was contained in this precept is a religious
nationalism and uphold the human dignity as a creature of God.The big
difference is not as cause strife but it can create togetherness. Unity of Indonesia
recognize and appreciate the diversity of the Indonesian nation.
Indonesia belief that in dealing with various issues, especially in maintaining
the unity that is needed is the nation's existence and unity.Unity that binds all
the strength and potential of the nation should always be nurtured and
developed for the preservation of the nation.
Examples of unity contained in Indonesia :

Political unity

That Pancasila is the only philosophy and ideology of the nation and the
State underlying guiding and directing the nation towards the goal.

That Indonesia composed of different tribes and languages to believe

and embrace different religions and belief in God Almighty is the nation's
unity is intact.

Social and cultural unity

That Indonesian society is the life of a nation which is living in harmony

with the same level of development of society, balanced and equitable.

That Indonesian culture is essentially one while various shades of

various cultures describe the nation's cultural richness.

Economic Unity

That the riches contained within the area of jurisdiction of the

archipelago is the capital and property of the people.

That the level of economic development must be appropriate and

balanced across regions, without leaving the characteristics possessed by
each region in the development of economic life.

Unity of the Defense and Security

That the threat to an island or region is essentially a threat to the entire

nation and the State.

That every citizen has the same rights and obligations in order to fulfill
their respective responsibilities in the context of the defense of the State.

1. Examples of application in the life :

2. Placing unity, interests and safety of the nation and country above
personal interests.
3. Willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation.
4. Proud as a nation of Indonesia.
5. Mutual Cooperation (work together or help each others) in everyday life.

6. Does not discriminate








7. Develop mutual respect.


Live in harmony with others who come from different ethnic groups.


Not to demonize the tribe or culture of other regions.

Globalization does have many positive effects, but not least also the resulting
negative impact. In an age of globalization, there are some bad influences that
could cause a sense of self-centered on the individual. For example,
technological advances sometimes keep people busy with themselves. The times
with all the sophistication of information and communication technology should
not make us easy to follow cultures from outside. We must be good at selecting
foreign cultures that suits the personality of the nation. However, with the
principle "unity of Indonesia" can make people aware that the togetherness and
unity is important in life.

Understanding Unity and Integrity

Unity is a combination (bond, collection and so on) of several parts that
have been united, while Unity is the One, the single trait or keseutuhan (WJS.
Poerwadarminta, 1987).
Indonesian Unity and National Unity is embodied in the motto on the
emblem of the Republic of Indonesia which is "Unity in Diversity" whose
existence is based on PP 66 In 1951, implies diverse but one (General
Encyclopedia, 1977). The motto according Supomo, illustrates the basic idea is to
connect regions and tribes throughout the country into unity Kingdom (ST
Munadjat D, 1928). The full Unity Unity reads Tanhana Dharmma Mangrva. It is a
condition and a destination ideal life in a pluralistic environment paced society.
In community life which is too pluralistic nation and state, differences exist
as in ethnic, religious, racial or sectarian, is a reality that must be utilized to
advance the state and nation of Indonesia, to the ideals of our National is just
and prosperous society based Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in the
Republic of Indonesia.
B. The Meaning and Importance of Unity and National Unity
Unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation we feel at this time, it happened in
the process that is dynamic and long lasting, because of national unity is formed
from a process that grew out of the elements of social culture of Indonesia itself,
which is forged within the reach of a very long time.
Social and cultural elements, among others such as the nature of kinship and
spirit of mutual assistance. The second element was the principal properties of
the Indonesian nation guided by the principles of humanity and culture.

Stages of formation of national unity of Indonesia's most prominent are the

1. Feelings of Kinship.
2. National Revival
3. Youth Pledge
4. Proclamation of Independence

C. Meaning and Meaning Sila Association of Indonesia

Essentially meaning of unity is one, which means round not split. If the
unity of Indonesia associated with today's modern sense, it is called nationalism.
Nationalism is a feeling one as a nation, one with all citizens in society. Therefore
sense of one that was so strong, it arises from her love of nation and homeland.
But keep in mind that the love of the nation and the homeland that we have in
Indonesia is not that lead to chauvinism, which exalts the nation's sense of itself,
to degrading other nations. If this is the case, then it is contrary to the principle
that a just and civilized humanity. Although written love the nation and
homeland, not intended for chauvimisme. Thus it is clear that further
consequences of both of these things is the unity and integrity of the nation,
which at the end - the end is actually showing symptoms of disintegration. This is
in line with the sense of unity and cohesion. Overall value and meaning of the
third principle of Pancasila, is:
1. Nationalism
2. Love of the nation and the homeland
3. Promote national unity
4. Eliminate protrusion of strength or power, ancestry and skin color differences,
5. Fostering a sense of kinship and sepenangungan
6. Ensure the population to embrace each and worship according to their
7. Do not force citizens to religion.
8. Ensure developing and flourishing of religious life.
9. tolerance in religion, in this case the tolerance is emphasized in worship
according to their own religion
10. Keeping the unity of the Republic of Indonesia
11. Being willing to sacrifice for the nation.
12. Take pride as part of Indonesia.
13. Promote the association for the sake of national unity Air-Unity.

D. How to Achieve Unity and National Unity

Build Unity and oneness include efforts to improve the human condition better
than yesterday. Zeal to continuously improve the quality of self is very consistent
with the need to prepare themselves to face the challenges of an increasingly
competitive future. To be able to pace yourself, to foster unity and there are at
least ten things that need to be done:
1. Oriented to the front and have a perspective of progress;
2. Be realistic, appreciate the time, consistent, and systematic in their work;
3. Willing to continue to learn to cope with the ever-changing environment;
4. Always make a plan;
5. Have confidence, all measures must be the consequence;
6. Be aware of and respect the dignity and opinions of others;
7. Rational and believe in the ability of science and technology;
8. Upholding justice; and
9. Oriented to the productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.

Unity comes from a word that means the whole or undivided. Unity / unity
means "coming together of the various shades of diverse be a determination is
intact and harmonious."
Indonesian nation unity means the unity of the nation that inhabits the
region of Indonesia. Unity was driven to achieve a free life in a container that is
independent and sovereign state. Three aspects of the Association of Indonesia:
1. Aspects One Nusa
2. Aspects of One Nation
3. Aspects One Language
To Foster unity and at least there are nine things you need to do:
1. oriented to the front and have a perspective of progress;
2. be realistic, appreciate the time, consistent, and systematic in their work;
3. willing to continue to learn to cope with the ever-changing environment;
4. always make a plan;
5. have confidence, all measures must be the consequence;
6. aware of and respect the dignity and opinions of others;

7. rational and believe in the ability of science and technology;

8. uphold justice; and
9. oriented to productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.

Samples attitude that fit together sila 3rd

Sila 3rd Pancasila reads: Association of Indonesia. Sila is associated with
our character who is resident in the State Indonesia For united to build this

Samples attitude that reflects the precepts:

- Love of the homeland and the nation
- Maintain good name of the nation and the State
- Not boasts pride of other nations and degrading the nation itself
- Participate also in world order
- Upholding the unity of the nation
- Giving priority to the needs of the nation and the State above personal and
group needs

Pancasila Juara MEA

Sila 1: Use local advantages to kick the Competitions
I refer to the SME players who run this strategy as: Local Champion. Here
we have to be smart SMEs utilize local uniqueness, can form a deep
understanding of the consumer market and local, use local materials, the use of
traditional and local knowledge, or it could be a relationship (relationship) with
local partners and stakeholders.
Players like Dian Pelangi build unique experiences through in-depth
understanding of the Muslim market in Indonesia. Ny restaurant. Suharti or Mbok
Berek, Anomaly Coffee build local uniqueness by using local ingredients and

Sila # 2: Create local innovation to the make competition irrelevant

I called the players who execute this strategy as: Creative Master. They
are players panorama creative-Abis, harness innovation to be able to avoid the
competition and create new markets is minimal competition (blue ocean market).
These types of players generally do not have a local uniqueness, so he had to
turn the brain to create a strong differentiation and a selling point in the global
market. Radio Magno made by Singgih Kartono is an ideal example of Creative

Sila # 3: Boost Excellence to Beat the Giant

I called the players who execute this strategy as Quality Challenger. Why?
Because of their all-out attempt to boost the quality to beat competitors. Quality
Challenger rely more on the primacy of the quality of products and services
obtained through continuous improvement. Eiger is an example of a series of
apparel products that represent this group. The long experience of producing
products ranging from bags, shoes, jackets, T-shirts, to watches, making it reach
prime quality not only locally but also globally.

Sila # 4: Build bigness through Mass Partnership

I called the players use this strategy as a Longtail Collaborator. Longtail
words I took from Chris Andersen, the small players who play in the niche
market. If the small players is compiled into a single unit, they will have
incredible strength. Wholesale Center Trusmi Batik Cirebon build bigness by
empowering the local batik village Trusmi. They created a partnership with
approximately 400 local batik (by providing materials, provide guidance design
and quality, to buy) to produce batik global quality.

Sila # 5: Global Best Practices to Achieve Win Foreign Market

I called the players who employ this strategy as: Global Chaser. This kind
of special player, because the focus of their strategy is to enter into foreign
markets particularly ASEAN. It means that they must excel in terms of capital,
technology, management, and human resources world standards.
Niluh Djelantik is brand shoes, high-heels from Bali successful premium
becomes Global Chaser. Shoes Niluh Djelantik-crossed the globe in more than 20
countries in Europe and America. How Niluh Djelantik achieve global best
practices? First, quality without compromise. Secondly, craftmanship through the
touch of skilled hands of Bali. Thirdly, the exclusivity of the works that make it
unique and high-end.

Yuk Indonesian SMEs set your intentions. Choose the option that fits Panca Sila.
Indonesia must become the champion MEA !!!

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