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jkpH; e hL kp; ; d ; d q epWtdk;

tpsf;ft[ i u
I.cs; s lf; f j; i j vg; g o miltJ.?
1.fzpdp cUtj;jpw;F (Icon) bry;
2. rp td;tl;il (C- Drive) njh;e;bjL
3. Customer Media Dump- I milit (folder)njh;e;bjL
(I).Tamil Virtual Academy milit njh;e;bjL
m. jpUf;FwSf;fhd ,izg;gpid cUthf;fp jpwe;J ghh;.
M.mfuhjpf;fhd ,izg;gpid cUthf;fp jpwe;J ghh;.
,. fiyr;brhy; ngh; mfuhjpf;fhd ,izg;gpid cUthf;fp jpwe;J ghh;.
(II).School Edu-NIC milit njh;e;bjL
Text book,Books,11milit njh;e;bjLj;J ,izg;gpid cUthf;fp jpwe;J ghh;.
Text book,Books,12 milit njh;e;bjLj;J ,izg;gpid cUthf;fp jpwe;J ghh;.

II. vg; g o jkpH; jl; l r; R bra; t J?

1.jkpH; tpirg;gyiff;fhd ,izg;gpid cUthf;f - Start, All programmes,TN Govt Keyboard
Interface, (4 tJ)) of TN Govt Keybord Interface-I njh;e;bjL
2. cUs;epWj;jpia (Scroll lock) braypHf;f bra;.
3. ,UKiw jkpH; tpirg;gyif cUtj;ij jl;L (click)
4. tpirg;gyif jpiuia jl;L.
5. Unicode ,UbkhHp jkpH;-99 tpirg;gyifiaf; fhzyhk;.
6. Keyboard Layout; gl;oaypy; ,Ue;J Tamil-99 my;yJ Tamil typewriter- I njh;e;bjL.
7. tpirg;gyif fPH;gof;F ,wf;F.
8. g[jpa Word Mtzj;ij jpw.
9. vGj;J tifapy; TAU tifia njh;ebjLj;J Enter bghj;jhidmGj;J.
10. ,g;bghGJ jl;lr;R bra;ayhk;.

III Word my; y J Excel-f;F vg;go bry; t J?

1. Windows bghj;jhid mGj;jt[k;.
2. gl;oaypypUe;J All Programmes-I njh;ebjL
3. gl;oaypypUe;J Microsoft-Office-I njh;ebjL
4. ,g;bghGJ Microsoft word my;yJ Excel- I njh;ebjL
IV. cUs; e pWj; j pia vg; g o braypHf; f bra; t J?
Fn bghj;jhida[k; F12 bghj;jhida[k; xnu neuj;jpy; mGj;jt[k;.
gl;oaypypUe;J Window, All Programmes, Ease of Access,On screen keyboard, gpd;dh; Scrlk
lock-I jl;lt[k;.

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