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and the
Samaritan woman
at the well
Jesus and His disciples were traveling. It’s long
hard work to walk from town to town, and today
they’ve stopped by a well in Samaria.

Now, Jews don’t like Samaritans. They think

Samaritans are bad people and they try really
hard not to talk to them.

But today, Jesus stopped a Samaritan woman to

ask her for some water while his disciples went
to get food.
“You are a Jew and you would ask me for
water,” she asked confused.

“If you knew who I am you would ask me for

the living water,” Jesus answered.

“Sir, you have no vase to get water, how would

you give me this water? Are you better than
Jacob who built this well?”

“If you drink this water, you will be thirsty

again,” said Jesus, “But if you drink the water I
have you will never be thirsty again.”

She started to look excited, “Sir give me this

water, so I do not have to come to the well every
“Go get your husband and I will tell you,” said

“I have no husband,” she said.

Jesus looked at her with compassion, “That is

true, and you are not doing what God wants you
to right now.”

She hung her head in shame, because Jesus had

seen the truth.
To hide what she didn’t want to talk about, she
asked a question, “Where should we worship
God? You Jews say we should go to the temple
in Jerusalem. But, our fathers worshipped God
on this mountain. Who is right?”

Jesus shook his hand, “Someday you will not

worship on the mountain or in the temple. You
worship what you do not know, and soon you
will worship the way God really wants. God
wants someone who worships Him with their
whole heart.”
“I know someday God will send the Messiah,
and He will explain everything to us,” she said.

“I tell you the truth, I am He,” Jesus answered


She got so excited that she ran to town to tell

everyone what had just happened.

“I met a man who knew everything about me,

and I think He is the Christ.” Everyone ran to
follow her out of town.
Many came out to hear what Jesus had to stay,
and they were amazed at His words.

They said to the woman, “We don’t believe now

because of what you’ve said, but because of
what we’ve heard.”

They begged Jesus to stay longer and teach

them. So, Jesus stayed for two more days.
Jesus heals the
Nobleman’s Son
After two days Jesus traveled up to Galilee, and
stopped in Cana, where He had turned the water
to wine.

There was a Roman official whose son was very

sick. He was very worried his son would die.
He heard Jesus was back in town and hurried to
beg for his son’s life.

“Please,” he begged Jesus, “Please heal my son.

He will die if you don’t.”

Jesus looked at him, and then over at the other

people and sighed, “Unless you see a miracle,
you will not believe.”

The man continued to ask Jesus to heal his son,

“Please sir, he is very sick.”

Jesus answered, “You may go, your son will


The man thanked Jesus and went to go home.

The man was very excited to get home and find
out what Jesus had done, if he had healed his

As he was walking on the road home, he was

met by one of his servants.

“Sir, I have good news,” the servant announced,

“Your son is better. The fever is gone.”

“When did this happen?” the official asked.

“It happened about 2:00,” was the answer. The

official shook his head in amazement, this was
when he had been talking to Jesus.

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