2008-02-17: Could You Men Not Keep Watch With Me For One Hour

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Sunday Message – Today Jesus 140

<Matthew 26:36-46; Luke 22:39-46; Luke 14:32-42>
• Today’s scripture talks about how Jesus Christ went to Gethsemane and had concentration
prayers when faced being captured, suffered, killed and buried (a really important trial for Him)
• The Lord prayed so intensively that His sweat dripped to the floor like blood. He left the most
precious example for us. We must not forget the importance of prayers all our lives
• The easiest method that the Lord had given us is prayer. A person will live lively when he knows
how to pray. E.g. regardless of the tribulation a person faces, he will receive wisdom to handle it
• Before we work, date, live with our spouse, or do anything else, we must pray first. Only after we
know how to pray, our words will not hurt others or ourselves
• How can we be successful in our work, school or home? We must first bind the strongman in us
and our family
• Real blessings will only come after we’d prayed at least once and get freed from our spiritual
• The Lord didn’t ask to be spared when He prayed at Gethsemane
• Whenever we face a problem, all we need to do is to go to God
• God’s concern is not about giving us money or a blissful family. All our possession will be
snatched away if we didn’t know how to pray
• Lord Jesus Christ gave us the most triumphant answer as He faced the darkest hours

Read <Matthew 26:36-46>

• The Lord was waiting to be captured and killed after the Last Supper. We must see how the Lord
reacts to it. We will always have problems ahead of us that will make us suffer
• v37 There will also be times when we will be sorrowful and troubled
• v38 This is the time when death is better than to be living
• v39 The Lord may be praying for hours, but this verse shows the main content of His prayer.
This is the only method whereby we can triumph over all hardships
• It useless for us to be in agony all the time. When we are able to pray like this, “not as I will but as
you will”, all the problems will be gone
• v41 We don’t pray very often also. It is futile for us to work hard by our own effort. We must
pray with alertness
• v42 It is unavoidable for us to struggle, when we pray for the first time. We will gradually
understand the Lord’s perfect will when we pray the second time
• We must discover the Lord’s perfect will in order to be strong. “May the Lord’s will be
• v43 Very often, we are disappointed because of the people around us. However, it is no use
staying disappointed. We need to pray. The Lord returned 3 times and found all the disciples were
sleeping. He knew that it was useless even if He scolded them. Thus, He gave them space
• v44 Sometimes it is necessary for us to have 3 times prayers a day

1. The Lord did concentration prayers thrice at Gethsemane; His sweat was like drops of
blood falling to the ground <Luke 22:44>
In the most important moment, Lord Jesus Christ did the most earnest “concentration
prayers” because this concentration prayer will be answered and become the peak in
mankind’s history, fulfilling the “greatest (most difficult) task on the Cross” and bringing
forth the results that last from generations to generations till eternal…
• A lot of believers are bound by their problems or sins all their lives because they do not pray
• Although we are asleep, God will wake us up in His timetable
• The meaning of “sleeping” means that we always do not know the Lord’s will. Sleeping is not
talking about dozing off whenever we listen to the message
• During the Lord’s 33 years on earth, His most important prayer was the one did in
• If not for the Lord’s prayer in Gethsemane, He might not be able to face all the punishment,
whipping, sneering, etc because He was after all made of flesh
• All people will be weak as they are all made of flesh. Thus, people will be tired and they have
pride etc
• God’s love is really great! Not only was the Lord being insulted, all His disciples had left Him
too. Even God had turned His face against Jesus and cursed Him
• Lord Jesus Christ got to face all His problems and sufferings by Himself
• All the problems we face now cannot be compared with what the Lord had been through

1) All of Jesus’ work was carried out by relying on concentration prayers = at the start of His
ministry <Mt 4:1-11>, at the last moment <today’s scripture>, when He chose the 12
Apostles <Mk 3:13> and after He had performed the miracles of “5 loaves and 2 fishes”
<Jn 6:15>
• A lot of people say that Lord Jesus Christ is like “fairy”. Thus, He will not be afraid of pain or
the insults of others. Such thoughts are not correct
• The Lord could face all this because He had concentration prayers
• Before the Lord started His ministry, He had concentration prayers for 40 days. After 40 days,
Satan went to test and tempt Him immediately
• Are we able to have victory when we are tempted?
• The Lord prayed before He went to find the 12 disciples
• Even at the last moment, the Lord saved a robber whom He had met on the cross in order to
fulfill God’s will
• A lot of times, we will not want to care about others as soon as we face some discomfort. If
that’s the case, how would we go and save others?
• A person who has seen the whole world will not be troubled by minor things
• When we face the Lord, we are able to receive whatever big vessel we need

2) The power of Israel’s concentration prayer = the concentration prayer of the Passover; all
the firstborn of Egypt were killed; the concentration prayer of the exodus / crossing the
Red Sea; downing the entire Egyptians army / the concentration prayer before building the
tents of meeting; the concentration prayers of Moses in Mount Sinai for 40days and night /
the victory over the Amalekites <Ex 17:8-16>; the concentration prayers when Moses
raised his hands and they win / three days before they crossed the Jordon River <Jo 3:1-
17>; the concentration prayers that led to the stoppage of water of the Jordon River /
conquering the Jericho City <Jo 6:1-27>; the fall of the fortified Jericho walls
• Sometimes, we always think that God didn’t help us but still want us to go and help others.
We have such thinking because we didn’t pray
• When we have such thoughts, we will start to “settle bills” with God and gradually stop going
to church
• All the work that the Lord has done were done through concentration prayers
• The Bible is the evidences that the Lord’s worker received through concentration prayers
• Moses could lead the Israelites out of Egypt after having concentration prayers. God will only
work after we’d concentration prayers
• Moses could only face the Red Sea and had the Red Sea drowned those Egyptians after
concentration prayers
• After Satan had fled because of our concentration prayers, he will not be able to use the
same thing to deceive or attack us
• We will only use our own strength when we don’t pray enough or when we don’t meet / see
God enough
• The back flow of the Jordon River was only a show. So was the encircling of the Jericho Walls
• Members of the same family often quarrel with one another because the destiny of the family
has not been changed. In other words, there isn’t anyone in the family who know how to pray
• Why do we often not pray? Why we don’t pray first whenever we face any problem? It is
because, we are being accused
• We always think that even if we pray, it is useless. We always think that God isn’t pleased
with the things we are doing now. Therefore, it is useless even if we pray. We will feel that the
things we want now are not part of God’s will
• We will not be able to face God after we’d quarreled with others. In fact, at that time, only God
will understand us and have compassionate on us. Thus, the more we should pray
• We always think that the things we do are “dirty”. In fact, our lives are transparent in front of
God. Even when there are sins that we aren’t aware of, God knows and He will cleanse them
• Only when we go to the presence of God who created the whole world, will we receive
freedom. We will receive accusation when we don’t pray. Therefore, when we go to God, He
will untie the knot in our hearts
• The work of Satan is to make us dislike praying, do not anticipate prayers and do not want to

3) When Saints pray, the heavenly hosts will be mobilized

- Today’s scripture <Lk 22:43> An angel from heaven appeared to Him (Lord Jesus) and
strengthened Him
- <Re 8:3-5; Da 10:10-14; 2Kg 6:15-23; Ac 12:1-23; Mt 18:11, Mt 18:18-20>
- Things that happened during prayers (the work of angels): hearts and minds of the
Saints are changed → know the Lord’s perfect will → submit and entrust → receive
authority and power → see the change in people and fields → see the fulfillment of
God’s perfect will
- Apart from prayers, how can one open the Red Sea, destroy the Jericho walls, or open
the doors of prison? = Apart from prayers, how can the evil spirits be destroyed, how
can my heart and mind be changed, how can heart, mind and body be healed, how can
my future be changed and how to bless the people I love?
- Apart from the angels’ work, how can my prayers result in things that “transcend
space, natural and power”?
* Every time I pray, can I recognize “the work of angels”? Am I able to see them
working? Can give an example?
• When a believer really goes into prayer, God’s angels and heavenly hosts will be mobilized
• Before God works, all our problems and lacking will not be resolved
• The angels were working when Elisha proclaimed, “those who are with us are more than
those who are with them”
• Have we seen God’s angels at work before? Isn’t it the work of the angels when a person who
had stroke 3 times is still able to walk today? Isn’t that God’s protection?
• What is greater than physical healing or having the angels fight for us is this: when we lose
hope in all things, we are able to restore our faith and submit to God’s perfect will (to live)
• The angel’s work surrounds us everyday, but we cannot see
• We can “take things easy” when the angels work because the evil spirit that caused us to
worry has been driven away
• Saints can “take things easy” because they’d seen God’s perfect will. We can be strong and
courageous when we have thought it through
• When the eyes of saints are opened, all they see is God’s blessings

4) The time in need of concentration prayers

(1) The turning point <Ac 9:1-22> - receive the direction for blessedness and open great
• The direction of a saint’s life will only be changed when he/she concentrate in prayers.
We will only not be bound when our lives’ direction have changed
• Some people often say that only the preachers can do like that because they are stronger
and more courageous. In fact, a lot of preachers are living in agony. When they do not
have answers, all they give others are oppression
• Our lives are still not bad. When we see someone in need, we will temporarily put down
our things and try to help him/her first
• However, we will need to concentrate in prayers before we will have such a life

(2) Before we face an important event <Ac 13:1-3> - bind the slanders by the forces of
• We need concentration prayers before we face our relatives. We need concentration
prayers when we face with something important. Only after we’d concentration prayers,
we will receive “fruits”/results in those important things we do
• Before we find a job, find a spouse, have children or get married, we need concentration

(3) Problems, obstacles <Ac 16:6-10, Is 58:6> - Loose the chains of injustice, untie the
cords of the yoke to receive “the great and unsearchable” things
• When we, saints, faced some problems or face some obstruction, it means to say Satan
wants to devour us. He will make sure we meet something that makes us unhappy
• E.g. our children fall sick. Do we still not go into prayers when our children fall sick? A
couple will go into a quarrel most easily or complain the most when the child falls sick
• After concentration prayers, we will not be deceived by our children’s illness because we
can see God’s guidance and grace even when our children are sick. Therefore, our
children’s sickness have become our blessings instead

(4) Intercede for the people bound or disturbed by evil spirits <Ac 16:16-18; Mk 9:29> - The
heavenly hosts were mobilized to work
• It is like going to the battlefield when one needs to travel with 3 toddlers. It will make us
extremely busy and tired. However, when we concentrate in our prayers, we know that it
is a worthy trip. It is because we can bless our family and be joyful with them when we
travel together
• If we didn’t pray, how would our family members who didn’t know God accept Him? We
really must concentrate in prayers when we face the forces of darkness

2. “If it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will”
Concentration prayer is a spiritual battle. The secret for victory is to “submit to God’s
perfect will”…
• What is the most important content of prayers? It is to “submit to God’s perfect will”
1) The agony/suffering, submission and victory of Lord Jesus
(1) The agony of the Lord (received temptation): “if it is possible, may this cup be taken
from me”
- The suffering on the Cross: On behalf of the “body” (sheep, God’s people), receive
the most terrible curse = the heaven, earth and people had all cursed Him; God, the
Father departed from Him <Mt 27:46> “My God, my God, why have you forsaken
- All the Lord’s ministries were done with temptations <Mt 4:1-11; Jn6:15; Mt 6:22,
17:4, 26:39, 27:38-44>
• When the Lord Jesus Christ came onto earth, He was flesh. Thus, He would definitely feel
the pain when beaten
• From men’s perspective, the Lord will surely be afraid when he faced the Cross. This was
why, He was “sorrowful and troubled”

(2) The Lord’s submission and victory: “Yet not as I will, but as you will”
- The Lord triumph all temptations and defeated Satan: “Away from me Satan!
Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only!” <Mt 4:10> “Get behind me, Satan!
You are a stumbling-block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but
the things of men.” <Mt 16:23>
- Every time, when Lord Jesus was tempted, He used “God’s Word” to defeat Satan:
“It is written…” <Mt 4:4, 7>
• Why did Satan use bread to tempt the Lord? Because Satan knew that Jesus would be
hungry also
• Satan always uses the things he had tempted Jesus Christ with, to tempt us. He uses
things of the body and things that will make us proud to tempt the Lord and us
• However, the Lord rebuked Satan with God’s word “It is written”
• The important purpose for Satan to tempt Jesus Christ is to make the Lord not go to the
• When the people want to make Jesus Christ King, He escaped from the crowd. If the Lord
really became the earthly king, he would become proud
• When Peter rebuked the Lord “He cannot go to the Cross”; these words come from
Satan. Thus, Jesus Christ told Peter, “Get behind me, Satan”. He was telling that to Satan
• When Jesus brought them to the mountains, Peter thought that the place was good and
said that they should stay there and not go down the mountains. If Jesus didn’t go down
the mountains, He would not be able to go to the Cross
• Many times, the Lord customized our Cross. Some people must take up the cross of
finance, some take the cross of relationship, or the cross of facing family members who
are not adorable
• Satan is the one who makes us suffer, however, God has allowed it because we will
receive our crowns in these areas
• The Lord wants to use us. Only when He has absolute reason, absolute purpose,
absolute perfect will and absolute cross for us, will He allow us to meet the problems
meant for us
• Satan continuously causes us to receive accusation, to be weak and fall away. All these
happen so that we cannot discover God’s purpose, or submit to His perfect will
• After we’d fallen, just need to stand up, and cleanse ourselves. However, men was not
able to stand up again after they’d been accused

(3) He who becomes Jesus’ body has to face temptations. But he who has learned Jesus’
submission will receive life, enjoy authority and power, and obtain crowns = Lord
Christ still triumphs through his followers today.
<He 5:7-9> During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions
with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard
because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience
from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal
salvation for all who obey him.”
<Ph 2:5-11> “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in
very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but
made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human
likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became
obedient to death-even death on a cross. Therefore God exalted him to the highest
place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
• The best method used by the Lord when He was faced with all kinds of temptations was
prayers. Thus, before He faced the Cross, He went to Gethsemane and did concentration
prayers three times
• Concentration prayers are not done to ask God to remove the problem. The main theme
of concentration prayers is “not by my will, but by your will”
• Concentration prayers are not about asking for money when we are poor. Instead, we will
discover how to be contented, be able to give thanks and testify for the Lord. As we
testify, the money we need will come to us
• If we use a certain method to pray continuously and can’t get any results; we are using
the wrong method. Therefore, we shouldn’t be asking God to change our situation or
conditions, but to use them instead
• We need to know our priority. The priority that leads to success in career and relationship
• Those who are single shouldn’t be asking God continuously for a partner. They should
use their conditions as singles to be used by God and to glorify God
• Submitting to God = Glorify God with the conditions we possess now
• People always worry because they always focus on their personal will. As we live in fear,
we cannot live in God’s blessings
• We fear = before we face any problems, we were already defeated
• We need not be afraid if we use God’s perfect will to perceive any problem. The things we
fear could even be used in serving the Lord

2) How can the weak disciples become “apostles with great ability”?
- When apostles understand the secret of “death and resurrection”<Ac 1:1-4>, grasp
“their life’s goal and promise (the great mission)” <Ac 1:5-11>, restore to the secret of
“prayer” <Ac 1:13-14>, be filled with “Holy Spirit” <Ac 2:1-4> and empowered to
witness the Lord <Ac 2:14-36>, see God’s work and presence, be followed by divine
powers and supernatural abilities <2:37-47, 3:1-28:30>
• Was it because of changed conditions that turned those weak disciples into “apostles with
great power”? Indeed it was. Their conditions had worsened
• The important thing was that they had understood God’s will better
• Only when we submit to God, then Satan will be afraid of us
• If we still hold on to our sadness and complaints, we have yet to submit
• We need to have a submissive life. In other words, we glorify God with our lives, conditions
and not try to escape

3) The secret of your concentrated prayers being answered lies in your “knowing God’s good
will and submitting thereto”
* Concentrated prayers are fights against “the rulers, against the authorities, against the
powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
realms” <Ep 6:12>
• We all have to learn from Lord Christ and his apostles to “know God’s good will and
submit ourselves” thereby performing wonders and miraculous signs.
• Submissive will leads to the change in our lives direction

(1) The submission in dying to live <Jn 1:12; Ro 6:1-11; Ep 2:1-10>

- Seeing through world, flesh, Satan’s bondage (repentance), willing to die and
resurrect with Christ (baptism), receiving life of Christ (born again)
• If believers were to look at the world all their lives, they will not want to do the prayers like
what Jesus Christ had done
• Our lives’ direction must be towards God. This is submission after born again

(2) The submission leading to receipt of inheritance <Mt 6:33, Ge 12:1-3, Mt 28:18-20>
- Restored to the Kingdom and the eternal vision, reaffirm lifelong goal, willing to
seek God’s good will in me
• Submit to the covenant (the great commandment) that God has given Abraham
• No matter what we do, we must see this Great Commandment

(3) The submission leading to elimination of all problems <Ro 8:28; Ja 1:2-8; Ph 3:7-14,
4:9-13; Mt 12:28>
- Gain single-mindedness (about regeneration, promise and the Lord’s teaching); in
all the problems, seek and find Christ’s good will and submit; trust in the Lord
• Submission as we face problem
• Whenever we meet any problem, we must resolve it with God’s word. On then, will we
able to cast away the evil spirits and to bless others
• When we have shortages, we must see how the Lord is helping us and we must really
see what God’s abundances are
• If we become sorrowful whenever our children fall sick, we won’t be able to bless other
• Therefore, the important thing is not to have our conditions changed but to see the Lord’s
will revealed to us in that particular situation
• What we need is not to “have more” (i.e. resolve problems). What we need is to know
God’s perfect will and submit to it
• The answers that we receive from God will not give us a guilty feeling. Only when we
have received such answers then we can bless other people
• What we are emphasizing is not about what should be done and what should not be
done. To whatever type of people, we must become that type of people, for the purpose of
evangelism. All for the purpose of freeing others and edifying others
• It is only through experiencing problems that we can receive answers and to share the
answers to others. Whenever we meet a problem, do not just let that problem pass us by.
Instead, allow that problem to go through the laboratory of our heart

(4) The submission leading to being filled with Holy Spirit <Gal 2:20, 5:16-24; 1Th 5:16-19>
- Give up things of the flesh, follow the heart given by Holy spirit
• Only when we do that, the angels, heavenly hosts and holy spirit will work
• If we have the desire to remember God’s word, our lives will not be the same
• If we don’t want to recall the message we have heard, no matter how much message
we’d listened, our lives will not be changed at all

(5) The submission leading to keeping your ability <Ro 12:1-2; Eph 5:15-21; Ph 4:4-7>
- Offer our bodies as living sacrifices (body of Christ, the temple for Holy Spirit); test
and approve God’s good will and follow God’s will anytime; and sing and make
music in our hearts in testimony of the Lord
• First, live a congregation centered life. Secondly, have a fixed time prayer early in the
morning. Thirdly, no matter what we do, slow down. Slow down means “reflect first” (pray
• Everyone has different perspective or opinion. If we do not slow down for a moment, we
can easily have conflicts with others. Therefore, we should slow down and listen to others’
opinion first

3. Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is
The problems that saints encounter are not those of “health, wealth, spouses, children,
and relationships with others” but one of “not praying”. As long as he has grasped the
reason for and secret to “watching and praying”, a saint will live the easiest, the least
burdensome and the most abundant life.
• The Lord asked the apostles to pray, but they had all fallen asleep

1) The greatest attack from Satan

(1) Do not ask <James 4:2>/ all the apostles are asleep / saints do not ask in faith / they
only know how to worry and they often forget to pray in order to receive
• If we do not ask or pray, then we must be prepared to get eaten up
• God doesn’t need us to be of very high standard before we ask. We should ask in
accordance to our current situation and conditions
• Those who didn’t ask from God are like people who protest against the father

(2) Ask with wrong motives because of having been deceived <James 4:3> always ask
with my own motives and will, Peter’s weakness <Mt 16:22, 17:4, 26:35>
• Some people always pray, but they had never tested and approved God’s perfect will
• God’s word tells us that no matter what we ask in Christ’s name, He will surely give us.
Thus, we must see if we ask in accordance to God’s perfect will. E.g. when we ask for
money and money doesn’t come. Then we must discover to see if gaining money really
God’s perfect will?
• God isn’t our secretary. Therefore, do not ask with the wrong motives

(3) Deception, accusation and getting lost <Mt 4:1-11> When Jesus Christ prayed, Satan
tempted him with God’s words <James 1:5-8>
Prayer without the single-mindedness (rootless and without basis = with no identity,
direction, promise or evidence) will not lead to the receipt of God’s good will.
• A lot of people are willing to like God but they always receive accusation. Satan always
likes to ask us “why?” “Why are you behaving like that when you are a Christian?” “Why
are you doing this as children?”
• We must change all our accusations into God’s purpose

(4) Knowing God’s good will but not willing to summit to it <1Sam 15:22> “To obey is
better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”
<Gen 34> Jacob did not listen to God (must return to Bethel=live the altar-centered life)
but stopped over at Shechem and endangered himself.
• Some people understand God’s perfect will, but they don’t want to submit. In other words,
they do not like God’s perfect will
• We may know God’s perfect will after praying for 3 years. However, if we don’t submit, we
will have to pray for another 3years
• Some people always say, “I don’t want to do or go” but they did or went. While some
people claim that “they will do or go”, but didn’t do anything or go anywhere at all. The
Father will like the first type of people more

2) Saints cannot afford to disregard “the hibernated state” of their hearts and soul but always
“Keep watch with prayer, so that you will not fall into temptation.”
* In today’s scripture, compare the state of the apostles’ hearts and soul with their
encounters later (impulses, escape, disowning of the Lord, fear, inability…)
* Lot in Sodom/ Jacob tarrying at Shechem / David indulging in desires of the flesh / the
failures of Israel over generations
# Are my heart and soul in the state of hibernation? How to diagnose? → Do not want to
pray? Do not hunger and thirst for spiritual food? Interested in the flesh, the world and
the temporal? Fail to see God’s presence? Fail to hear the Lord’s commands? Live a
meaningless, powerless and fruitless life? Experience a lot of contradictions? Run in
with the wrong crowd, things, and situations? Have anxiety, fear and worry for
• Do not continue to be asleep. Asleep = “just let it be”
• No matter how weak we think we are, our weakness will not depart by itself. If we just
continue to wait for God’s helping hand, it will not happen also. It is because God is already
helping us everyday
• The moment the Lord has prayed, all His difficulties will become His motivation
• God will not let those who pray, off easily. God will make sure they receive strength to go
through the most difficult times
• A lot of people choose to give up, go after the world or do whatever they want uncontrollably
when they are weak
• Even when the SSG Leaders were weak, they might cancel the SSG. They thought, “Since
I’m so weak, how can I lead others?” In fact, that’s the time for he/her to be aroused to pray
• When we face some setbacks, do we wish to depart from the group and go into concentration
• Some difficulties or people are not avoidable. If that’s the case, we need not escape but go
into concentration prayer quickly, receive answers and power to face them

3) “the spirit is willing, but the body is weak”; what to do about it?
(1) Must build up an operation system for your life and living so as to be able to “protect
and keep”
- build up “a system for life and ideology” → gain Jesus’ “view on world, value and
- strengthen your view on “the focal point of life” → glorify God, benefit people and
build up the Kingdom (The 4 Gospelization)/ enjoy “Emmanuel, Kingdom”
- work out the “priorities of life” → spiritual > flesh, eternal > transient, Kingdom >
world, my receiving grace from God > interfere in others’ affairs
- everyday, every week, life centers on “prayer, altar and limbs” → get healed,
receive gifts and inheritance, meet honored people and run into honorable things
- pray at designated time → Pray anytime → pray with special concentration → Pray
(2) Especially when not wanting to pray and to seek because “feeling depressed, bored,
incapable and discouraged <1 King 19:1-8>
* you need a set of secrets in order to get yourself out
# Elijah’s method = seek death → God sent an angel to help him → let him have
enough rest → made him eat and drink → ordered him to go to Mt. Horeb → not
tired even after walking for forty days and forty nights → saw God, obtained the
God’s great and more difficult plan→ accomplished God’s good will
# Acquire a personal method: a simple prayer of “Lord, help me” → eat and drink
what I love for my body needs plenty of rest → listen to messages by God’s
servants that I respect or audio bible → witness changes in my spirit (power and
peace) → dwell on my calling and the lifelong vision I have received, think about
the great work the Lord has done in the past and what he will accomplish in the
future, witness the honored work the Lord is doing (the honored people, things,
circumstances / thanksgiving and praise) → I have already begun my prayer and
am hearing his voice and seeing his help and entering into a state of concentrated
prayer (driving out demons by God’s word, Christ, and the power and authority
from the Holy Spirit, having been restored to strength of the body, mind and soul/
received God’s message and command and follow) → walk with the Lord and
witness to him and bless people and help them
→ those who have no formatted system for life and living will never receive such
secrets and therefore have no vision and no focus, and refuse to submit

4) The Lord has already revealed to us God, our Father’s good will, the secrets of the Holy
Spirit and the Kingdom, and things of the future and eternity; he who has triumphed
forever, through his death and resurrection, is now sitting at the right hand of the throne
and praying for us. <Rom 8:26-27; 34; Heb. 7:25>
→ The failures of a saint vis-à-vis himself, family, relationships, work, ministries are but
one, i.e., he “does not pray” and “does not know how to pray” → because he does not
know Christ, he does not want to pray and he does not know how to pray.
→ Knowing Christ in the most correct way = from the perspective of “how to enjoy the
power of prayers in Christ”, try to know Christ and you’ll be able to meet Christ of the
most correct, the most practical, the most abundant and the most powerful.

Sharing and Prayers Topics

1. The Lord prayed three times in deep concentration (the power of concentration prayers) at
Gethsemane. Diagnose: Do I like to pray currently? What are the results arriving from
prayers? In my life so far, have I experienced or clearly seen any “results arriving from
concentration prayers”? Do I understand when I need to have concentration prayers?
2. However, not by my will, but by your will (the secret to concentration prayers): Have I
acquired the secret of “submitting to God’s perfect will” as listed down in main point 2,
sub-point 3)? Currently, is there still any prayer contents that has not been answered? In
your own quiet time or seek the guidance of “brothers or sisters who are ahead of you” to
find out the reason and resolve it!
3. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” (how can we watch and pray?):
Do I feel that there seems to be “a force” preventing me from praying? Whenever I “don’t
feel like reading the bible, don’t feel like praying, don’t feel like attending any meeting or
don’t feel like serving”; how can I overcome the attacks by the army of demons? Share
with one another, your secret recipe and experiences…

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