Invisible Cities Online Greenlight Review

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Invisible Cities

Online Greenlight Review


Chosen City

It has earth instead of air. The streets are

completely filled with dirt, clay packs the
rooms to the ceiling, on every stair another
stairway is set in negative, over the roofs of
the houses hang layers of rocky terrain like
skies with clouds
We do not know if the inhabitants can move
about the city, widening the worm tunnels and
the crevices where roots twist: the dampness
destroys people's bodies and they have scant
strength; everyone is better off remaining still,
prone; anyway, it is dark.
From up here, nothing of Argia can be seen;
some say, "It's down below there," and we can
only believe them. The place is deserted.

Mission Statement

I choose Argia out of all the nineteen cities explored to be my final design because as soon as I
read the passage, images of what it would look like started to flourish and the thumbnails lead
me on a story as I began getting inspired from real life locations, insects and movie genres.

The green in the thumbnails is a massave stand out point and the reasoning behind it is
important. When I was reading the passage it states that Argia has earth instead of Air its
completely filed with dirt and that its dark. I was inspired by caves as caves are pitch black and
are underground but I wanted to be able to show details in my thumbnails as I was asking
myself the question How would the civilians of Argia be able to see anything in the depths of
the city and it was from that question that developed the main theme of the thumbnails
which is the fluorescent lime green and blue of the colour palette which derives from a
fascinating fungus gnat called the glow worm from New Zealand.

The glow worm or its technical term Arachnocampa luminosa is unique to New Zealand as
Thousands of these tiny creatures radiate their unmistakable luminescent light while clinging
to the tops of caves. The glowworms are found in both the north and south island and are
generally widespread and I am getting my inspiration from the Waitomo cave. The green and
blue of the glow worms inspired me to make the wormholes mentioned in the passage glow

with the same colour and I then started to get inspiration from horror genres in particular
swamp tropes.
Stalactites and stalagmites are something that I wanted to really incorporate throughout the
interior with the glow worms in between also with confusing stairways set in negative.

For the exterior of Argia I was really inspired by insects and the homes that they build in
particular massive hornets nests. Because Argia is underground I wanted the exterior to fit into
the environment so I researched structures made out of dirt and set in caves and I found a lot
of inspiration. I was inspired by the houses in the hobbit and caves set in cliff faces and hanging
off edges. I want the exterior of Argia to have many burros from the interior to show off the
lurid green in the wormholes from the glowworms and I want this set against a gloomy sky to
really make it pop.
Colour Palette

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