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; Topic Bysarciing i Intel - The Component Branding Saga What Merah 10 sofware, nel is to herbar: a marketing and echnoegy ‘monster that's ceninglyanstoppable +A tlouston Chronicle News Artic in 1997, DANCING ITS WAY TOWARDS LEADERSHIP TANCINGTIS WAY TOWARDSLEADERSMP ‘What coulda computer tardvare company manufacturing miceoprocessrsposbly ave in common with dso dancing? lo if one gos by an aversementcompaiga ‘eles bythe world’s largest microprocessor company, the Califia bse’ nat > Corporation In, in 1987: The television (TV) commercials designed to promote : Intel's MMX technology fstured people (refered to as bunt peopl ty the ompony) deessd in sry asonat suits dancing 10 & pop song, Senin" Hse! (Refer Exit (One ofthe isis ofthe campaign was Company Chief Exccuve Craig Barret Gare) going on sage, ascompanying the song wih tambourine! Twas even ‘spot that ‘the BeeGes casi now sounded marek the theme song to Bart's ffs to reo Inte's glory days.” Posters fr the campaign depicted a minbow merging from the Intel MIMX logo, giving ita colori, shiny look. "The catchy and ‘unusual campaign reportedly went ont become one of te most wel remembered ne rom nel Forth company was yet anothers towards becoming the “ly ‘rand one could think of when i came io microprocessors ne hed toi eed the Aistnction of single-handedly transforming the microprocessor matkel ove Ue yeas, ‘The company had begun operations in days when people wer ol very anae ofthe {erm microprocessor and its significance fer he computes they were buying (Reler Exhibit fora pte on microprocessor) Even those consumes wio were soma compotersavy did ot know much about them, But by the eary 21° cy, astomer all ve the wold were abe to recite thet proceso specications like ‘use ye. Thanks oI! tat made the chip inde the personal computer (SC) popular. Intel ad been ble to ring aout this change, primal det is Fecused RAD and brodoct develops: eA. Hower, oie sens ty phage in well ‘che an exerted marketing strategies devised, ovr the years to promi Inne brand. Trough its efforts Ine Became synenymous wt computer mictoprosscor ip and ie undisputed indus leader. The company had tn ‘80% share ofthe ‘lbal microprocessor mae leading not alin ems of sales evens but ska a ‘erms of novation, voe BACKGROUND NOTE, Intel was ested in 196, by tne engines, Robert Nuyee, Gurdon Moor, end Andy Grove. Unhappy wit the stat of alas the company they were working fo, Frircild Semiconductor, the tio dvided to stan their own company and develog Uehnology for sicon tastd chips The ret was the formation of lel (os revatio fr Inteated Electronic) t Mountain Viw, California, Its teat commercial product was the ‘3101 Schethy bipolar Gi sate random somes senary” (SRAM) chip. "The sng, sng ty he US abd pop music rep Bags, was vex poplar all vere ‘vor and vas eared in he ses Hla mote Sona Noes ‘To soot the cajuietens of @ Japanese company, Busiom, hal manufactured calls. nt dea microprocessor chip ta perored the fancton of 12 silicon hips pu togetes. Named 4004," th word's fist mictopoctsor chips released in 1371 Tis chip coud compute as fast as the ENIAC. te fsest computer aaibble tase dy, Commesting on his ievenion, David K Alison, a technology hisaian, a the ‘Smithsonian sid“ thik it (he microproesoe) ranks inthe se league asthe invention ofthe seam engine, the automeile rte alae. The microprocessor fas Ine kindof transforming quality fr civilization, Contrast the miropoceser with its predecrsor, the ENIAC, which fad 18,000 vacuum tubes, Tad, We do something fra excess ofthat -blions of diferent componenis on someting the siz of your fingemai The se changed evenyting™ Te inion oh 0 clip as jor olga aceenet bl woul tbody oe tan Daim beitcetdin bang oad tech a ar oe tt oi! ha te cao? Commenting ssn, Rabe Nave ad Sein GAS ot ny a osc auston vas wich he wer enuph apples see tan Caevitoro make wore" tt nas eon wae Mach chipset we Tomes hich tk wp he kof eating enc conmniy ato se pent of projanmable mcg cp ha cate ea ey como wed pric hie wae ligt ames, es pone al he atl ns an sold tals esas ae Site hips pas wt. Inala sated ug as a pa nea Ter vein by Il pene inthe lcm Nees maura (lr Pe sad sailelage users Figure i: Intel's First Pr nt Advertisement Source wwe com Flowing the success ofthe 4004, Snel released the 8008 microprocessor in 1972 is chip was twice as power asthe 4004 and was used ina computer called the ‘Mart:8, on ofthe words frst home computers. Then care the ecase ofthe 8080 in 197. which bcame the brains ofthe est PC, Alsi. Teas of thousands of this PC costing $95 wer snd daa elles the 8086-8088 chip. The 8088 was chosen by IBM's PC Avision fr making nw PCS. The chip went on to become a huge succes and gave 9 Js lp wu eh ong ad cei inh wie and costed of 2300 ‘MOS tans (en Option Score, MOS is we aly i ace communica lei qu of evi at th destination ed of tc * av in 16, Heron Nomercalntaptr and Compas (ENIAC) ws the St etnies wed fr ompatig I weighed 30 enc, onted 00 cub gue ‘cited 800 mens eon ° | | ‘THE NEED FOR A Ct ‘major boost Ine!’ sles and goodwill was also ranked among ihe Fortune 50 companies, and Fortune magazine named Il as one ofthe ‘Basiness Tramps fof the Sovemies’ Intel emerged as the most widely accepted supplier of microprocessors. Computer manufacturers ard operating system splits increasingly been bulges prodcts wit ntl hips 1 1982, nel released the 80286 microprocessor chip (aso known athe 286). was the fist pres tht could run programs writen fo its pedeoesor It was a hage ‘sucess; within sx years ofits releas there wer around 13 milion 286 based PCs in the worl. Intl lowed up the 286 wth he launch of 386 and the 486 chips in 1985 and 1989 respectively. These chips algo went on to bcome highly successful prods (Refer Exhibit IT for tite of nel’s mierprocessor Inches and 9 brie scription ofeach miroprocesso), Intl aso licensed the echnology ofthese chips ‘compan ike Advanced Mero devies (AMD) make their own versions ofthe chp As Ine launched newer and more advaneod microprocessors. PC performance improved. Greater processor spsis Inped P's 10 ran qucly, eiably, and smoothly. Tne payed vial ole in transforming the PC from a. business Imanageront ol oa device that offered information entertainment, and education a "ch multimedia format DMPONENT BRAND Sinoe the development of PCs inte ft-1970s, the marking of T related saftware and arava was mainly driven by computer vendors and software publishers Fovever, Ine lod completly en ils computervendor customer terse kw 8 Original Equipment Manafctarrs (OEMS) ocoavey end uses the Benes of ‘sing an Tel processor. Asa esil consumes had very Title awareness abot Il and i profucts Most PC users were not aware of the avalbiity of advanced processors ander ost saving peeormance Ielreaied tot it needed to create re awareness abou isl and its pods among consumers. The realization was inspired by “Moors Inv," an indus ‘suing penile: develop by Godan Moore According o this knw the namter of tnssts onthe microprocessor ugly doubles every 18 month 1 vo years This trast ino pester rocesor soe. Tus customer could save costs by uperading to newer chip versions rater tan buying mip chips- something cusomers were scare, “Ths vas bom the Hist fcused makeing nie by Ine in 1990 to market he 386SX (@ new version of the 386) miceprocesor. A small group of makeing esonnel iterated with IT managers who came to buy PCs for busines purposes ad briefed the about the features and advantages of he existing microprocessors ak well asthe ne releases As a result ofthe above, cstomer awareness about the [84S proceso increased and wanslatd it ineasing aes. Even a he company inated makeing actives, iad to deal with catia problems. Arcival AMD, whi hd been given ie Ticens to manfictre chips by Tne began making use ofthe laters processor numbers to markt is wn pads By offering chips at comparatively cheaper prices, AMD caprred 52% ofthe market ‘by 1990. According to ns sous, the company hd ‘asured tha the 386 and 485 ‘brocesors ere prceted trademarks and ato aber company could make se of ‘hem Intel then made aempts to protect the technolony of the 386 and 486 cess, Asa result AMD sed Intl fr breach of eon. Intel los the ae ad ‘he Couns sated that the processor numbers were ne taemarks, Tis opened the loos fr ober companies Yo we them. Intl realized the need for beter makeing program ht woud preet is hs o This episode made the company realize that nanberne for microprocessors were ambjguous and unroted. Ini needod to tafe de brand equity frou these ‘umes othe eompany fs This change vas expected to comet communicate te ‘enfits of the new processors othe en wre and tthe se time eesteavarencss tout the company ntl hus sought cra aso brand to communicate beter vith consumes, jusify the bilins of dell invested in product development and igi the supe pefrmance and relly of spd, ‘The decision to go in for componcat branding was also ten because of the company’s observation Ut ahough a microprocessor was a Key component ofthe PC, vas lagey sen as just ane amp," Tnel has decided to work cosy with PC manufacturers. Is marketing eam began to sy the markets closely and adopted various consumer marketing techniues ht hd ben sbcesflly eared cut by wellknown companies tht were sopping a component or an ingredient of Sinise rode ike Teflon, Dalby atd NuvaSwee!™ Based onthe experiences ofthese companies, Ine conducted various marketing experiment ofnd out how 3 banded component program would workin the PCs MARKETING THE MICROPROCESSORS The company devioped a component banding strategy that sted a gaining Cone niece hed ars Sl ob amis Sao ea a ee a ee SRE dina vik extn Tas ata ey od os me ‘Sil tour nea war eee he Smock company in nny hd cones Kee ope ‘Senay it econ a ht en Il hee ogo head wih is plan with lca aeisng tern Dalia Saad Wedd emp rises The soa Sip anew gi“ Ti tpt nn 1 Tsao ‘copa nptat ETT copra FT enn eee fact acs pecs ne la, id ekogeay atone ae tcrog in wich he wd iTS pear sc tes igi ‘Be ogee lds tt weeny compen GEC eT ‘aie an atl omg toy The dese ins et Niall etre igure Ti: The ft Tse Lago Source wninteeom Th wy munksing program consisted mainly of an iaccive Vase coopsaive advising (Coop program. ttel created a cooperative fund wierein 3% of the purchase price ofthe microprocessors was kep aide for advising finds and made ‘alae to all PC makers. nel shred te advertising crs withthe OEMs for pin sdvertisement hat ineuded the Intel logo, This sagem became very populay and many OEMS joined the progam. As ares ef he anangemeat OEMs could nat a eee ny increase ter ad spend, they could also be assured that their computers were powered by the latest miroproceor technology. By the enol 197, ar 300 PC ‘OEMs ad oid Intl in support ofthe Intel Inside coop program. Arte soscess of this program, Inel tated to adverse inthe prac media around the world to clan the Intel og to gobtcustoners. In released its first TV avetsrment in arty 1992, This ad was made by India Ligh Magi" fr th new Intel 4860 pressor, It suesied onthe power, spect and Mlordabity ofthe chip. The advertisement was designed using stato thea socal effects and featured 2 trp trough the inside of computer, TV provided Il the ‘ght platform to effectively communicate the Tne Inside program's message to consuners. Intel's colorful TV akerisement which agplayed the lil loo, accompanied by a distinctive and exc jingle which were together known athe signature ID audio-visual logo. With this adveisement, Intel was reportedly able to tol asinine, ant pov image inthe minds of consumer the world oer Ine had a seis of high poi launches for its new chips over the next couple of years Peau and Pend Pro were launched ia 1993 and 1994 vespetvl. ‘The company had now decided to use mane instead numbers ors microprocessors (Qe word Penn was derived from a Grek word eating five). Inthe means Ine’ investment in rein seemed to have paid ofA company sar reveled tha while on 24% of European PC ives Hod ben fami withthe ltl Ine ogo in e191, the igure increased ly 80% i 1992 and 94% in 1985, CCommeeting on ths, Denis Carer, I's Marketing Manager, id. “I believe tha tere as been alot more ads wid) advenisng Bocuse of the Ine Inside ‘rogram than tee would lave bee eterwise. Tat has Helped to cent more PC enand Ifyou belive tat advertising works then more poole ae etn educated aot the benefisf the PC because f thee side rogram” In’ mating ffs not ony increased the demand fo hips, hy alo increased the demand for PCS around the worl. Tis was intresting considering tt the dlnand for PCS was growing sharply n spit of isease in PC pies. The nur of people who otnedhome-PCs va inreasng even asthe PC emerged asthe most ‘Viale too for business. eduction and cleaner, It was the etal inthis PC ‘evolution that swept he entire word Inel’saivensement campaigns and coop marketing strtegy had become a well Known marketing success sions of i 15905. Eas ue campaign i te pil electronic of outdoor media ataced signet attention. However, exen Use ho Fad aeeptd Intel as an unconveatonal marker were nat prepared forthe Stn’ Alive campaign in 1997, Commenting ons sucess, Advertsing Age sid, "They ‘became nothing les tan the whimsical ena fa gogo PC indy” Inthe same yar, Intel sured advertising onthe Web and lo encouraged PC makers ‘o we this media, Intl also allowed them fo use the company logo and mscags in the advertisements. This sped he company coney to cstomers he inportatrle its chips played in giving hem a ood lntemet browsing experience. Aste Interne gained in popula during he at-1990, consumers began ting to ifr gaining information on produ and pucasing predate onine Conse, Iiel ok steps to become a leader intent economy. The company Spaced tp Ine Inside Program to prone and suppon e-Commerce marketing activites tundeaken by taken up by computer manufactures. Intl entered into te ups ith ‘many companies around the word, ranging from experienced vendors inthe US 10 newcomers from cous ike up atd Poland, for novatve web-based marketing and ses deals. This way Intel could soossfuly markets che as component brand during online PCpurciasesDoughot the word. “or te Ose Luce poup. Ose Lea ise mal of ne ofthe mos ssi Ftywod movie series ins, Star Wars. o To leverage the popularity ofthe ne fogo, the copay eve stared selling pods like took (for engineers and TT profession, cps, This, key chai, ps afce rugs and dol. These products, mde avaible though the company’s website ame wi the ne Inside log prior embroidered om hem, The pened mater onthe merchandise generally eure he ates prot) launched bythe company, {n 200, in another innoatve moe, Intel setup the ltl Inside Online Network This was esentlly a web-based too that heed manage business tansctons ‘elated to the companys coop aiveising program. The Il Inset Online Network which was available 24 hours ada, provided services in languages ahr than English (Chines an apne) Intel's emphasis on marketing actives 1 support the launch of new products Continued well imo the early 21° century. In 200001, te company ran a Sees a TVCS featuring lide alin exjosing the benefis ofits eps The ts on produ evelopment coined, and RAD experte increased fom jus $780 ml 1992 fo § 3.8 billion in 200. The company fossed heavily on mavkting is new igh wusopocesor Uke the ltl Aeon and Ine Hansam™ fat nore ‘mostly usd for Infermet tele. Intel concentrated on promoting i chips ss ial ingredients for bldg mision crea cent sere slutons. THe cna "pot spent $1. bilion on coop advertising forthe year 200 In's conssem efforts tovards providing casiomer stsacton tuough quity services and is innovative effons at component Waning fetched tcommenarate ‘uls. The company’s net income of §.731 bic in 199 increased to $1039 billion in 2000 (Refer Exhibit V&V). ttl earned 35% ofits taal evenves fom Noh Ameria, 31% trom te Asia Paci regen, 25% fem Europe and 3% fom Japan. Besides PC manfitrers, the conpany marketed ts pods ovations eet Industries such as industal equipment, nulitry equipment and conmuncatons indus, WHAT LIES AHEAD? All was not well wih Il ast moved into the 21 century ~ in 2001 its profits zereased drastically to $129 billion. Though the company felt ht the gel TT slump and the US economic hodown wer pry responsible for hs delin, the lower average sling pies of miropeacessrs and decreas in sls in see exe em eps, ‘The decline in sales was telieved tobe aused bythe bad publicity cased by att lavesiguions cared out on the company by the European Commision This iavesigation was cared cut because of several complains agains ne fer using ‘shave marking practices [A new ep rm wines com) sae ha mel gave subsidies to PC vendo lo opting for Ine microprocessors and wing ie “Il Insde” logo or tunes in heir advertisements The issue trove back ie ‘memories of another similar case tat was ld in Lte-999, in which tl ad he Federal Trade Commission ofthe US lad made a seldement out of public iew in 2000 lnte’s bad fortunes continned in the year 2002, when it fced a mtonwide (USA) clas action suit regarding the performance of the Pen 4 Proceso. Th panty ‘cused Intel of misleading eusiomers about the seed ofthe Pentium 4 Prcesor ‘They stated thatthe Pentium 4 chips were less poverul than the company's oe Petium I and AMD's Alo hie For AMD, this was one of those arenes at it seemed tobe one-up ea Itt Duo ‘he laters virtual stall on te micrprossor marke. AMD (an ean Players, VIA Techaoogies and Motorl) had remained far behind thoughout Ue 1990s (Refer Table I fr Inland AMD's mketshares and Eit VI foe abit ‘ole on AMD, VIA and Motor). fe jo vseeues tn er esnrIndustry = Marketshaes aid [AMD wa fs war) ea 167 Son FAI or Mage Resch dan seth De ay 98) However by le-2002, AMD ances its fc on marking its processors ike never before and launchd 2 malimedacanaign sna (ofl These moves, along wi te fact hat AMD's poesors were more easombly priced an ft’ nthe grosing public persptin ha AMD's processors were as ord or better thn in’ could ead tot campeon rn Mean, the people wo lived ht nel had ohing to worry about semed 0 curr the hepsi mained the oly company in the world th vas able {oak ie PC ju a pckage a came wih nel chips sii nels marke share Ha cimbed back to 8% in 02. The tht cusiomers rushed to uprade thet PCS vesting Intl released ane ep spoke volumes about the ult of nel aside es" he comp hd ced and muted ore years (Questions for Discussion: 1 Examine the business mitonmeat ia which tel began sling its rmcrprocstors inthe ath 9805. Why id Intel desde 10 tuensfy is marketing activites inte 19508 Diss. 2. Examine Its daison @ age the PC end-users dough its marketing campigns. Algo, coment on he coop marketing strategy andthe execution of the tel Inside campaign, What are te mers and demeis of « component ancing sates? 5 Tn hasbeen aking estas ford by overpricing its chips and offering les efficient process than is conpetior.” Catizally comment on this sffement in it of he fat hat ntel’s performance bad dined data in The earls 27 century. What King of marketing sates should Intel adopt now oooreas is prot nas? ‘OICRAf Cote fr Mazon Reech rights sere n Exhibit 1 ‘The ‘Bunny People’ Advertisement ‘Source: ICFAI Center for Managemen Research Eshiie 1 What's in a Microprocessor ding, subtracting, comparing two numbes, Faching oumbers fom one aca to hc oles Ge Te Brocesor can peor these functions as thy frm 3 pat ofthe inaction coded at the ane of s dons the operating sem othe apletion progam deste functioning ote rover sing sven i the system ished of The effiecy ofa proce sede by the Spex wi which i caies ou he instatos~ te greats the sped the laser the een he Exhibit Inte’s Microprocessor Timeline Prat Cae Desipian Pats Ts cops ~ tis eakvoigh ena Wane TE ‘vinings of the eof microchips for embedding intligence in| ‘nninate bjs and PCS “Tice is poverfl she 40% : ‘came the bas of Ala the worl HRT PC [OSE NL ws te Raa rae MT ne econ me pea ie rca 7 iteosaia 2] AASE Maia aie roma oe Intel Net Revenues & R&D Expenditure (1992-2001) Yar Naan ~ RED Kipenaiares {in ition) Ta 3B A ols cee a 15 1S 162 1936 me i997 aT De Ey 1a Be 7000 =e, 7001 6S ‘(Belding purchased research and development) Source: wit com Intel Consolidated Statements of Income (1999-2001) (n$ iia) 001] 3H |, 199 HA | 336 |W Ca oF les B87] 680) 116 Research and elope 36] 3807] 37 [ Rakting gone and adisratve a |S | STF] ‘oration of good and oer acquisin eed intangibles and costs 738) 1586 | aT ureased paces esearch and develope THE] 105) HE Opeaing os peas Tas Ba] ae Operatingincomie "2286 | 10585 | 967 “Gains (oss) on equity ares, net Gah 3% Tegal aaa a, ond ia 8 Taine before aes 2,189 H5t6r Poni rime TBE AsO Netiacone TB] WARS ee Eshibit VI Inte’s Competitors [ RARaRRE Mero DEVICES (AMD) ="AND Was Toanded ih TORT W Sima, CSAC) ‘campy manufactured and supplied senienaducors, microprocessors, Nash cry devices, tnd | suport cicuiy for networking an communicaions appitons Is manuactur facies {US Europe, Japan and Asia and offices oughout he word, AMD, Ines closest competitor ha pied large share ofthe low cost PC mare! wih the release ofits K6 microprossms in {997 ‘The reese ofthe K7 suit of microprocessors in the fist quarter of 201 was aed a pines foimpetion to Ines chips. The company posted revenes of $39 billion in 201 In te 2002 ns feslng under te burden of losses for five consecutive quarters. Reporiedy,every tine AMID cae up with new produt, Intel's financial and marketing msc espeilly in he form of ender, Brig) wiped ou any benefits dha ould ve actuc 6 AND, ‘Via Technologies - Founded in 199, ie compaiy fate fists rows iy The iy prod cove lei chips, which could be ued as ah atralive ll’ hf, and red treat inthe fv end markt, VIA acquired Cy rom National Seconda nd Cone fom Inierated Devices Tecinology in 1999 and Doane a poblely traded company VIA ence only onthe design aspect ofthe ehip en usr he cul pdcan fe clips {his Helped te company do away with ved cos. Indy observes believed VIA tad eh exh me annul pe i cmpettin wel 210, ec eee da | Sbilion, [Scr — Fatih WHF a Os, Mas ie Gat Natang Cop mnfted ca adios before changing ts name o Motorola, nein 1947, Th eompanyfectons ‘nly in tre business units ~ the Communications Enters, Semiconductor Pads Secor od the Imegrted Electronics Systems Secor The company manficedmicprccoos, senicondoctrs, switching systems, ellar systems and many other rodots. Apa Tom nck Nomols conpced wih Lael Tesnlp,Naki Tasty, Nate sees es | leony and Tevas Instruments. The company's evens in 2000 send $132 bion [ieee psi ak Souree:ICFAI Center for Management Research 6 eaoe -. ro Additional Readings & References: a” 21 a a Dig iver, Rial Chips Whit a net's Lead Mlcraprocesr Makers Tout Peformance, Pri, ww cnc, 853, 197 ‘Aas Ale, What s branding? Future of Branding Based on Curse Trends, ‘nr ca, Deer 198 (thers Bk, FTC Faces Tough ntl Tia were cam canary 29199 Stump La Ani, was a, Fea 221985 ‘Shes ohn a Eawoo! Alon, Branding, spt, Api 10200 Clement. Wh, Intl in tern Tins, pow discover cononplin ok, Sepenbe 8208, ‘avie MJ, The Changing 2100 MaDonalé Tim European Regulators Probe Intl Marking srw coeretins com, Apri 6301. ‘What Males Ths Brands Tick, wonton, aly 16200. Syone Gs, AMD Chips vay In wate com coy, ary 2200, Chats uv, Taking Clr Stas Hono, Fey 14202 Mage Mik, nel Martin Ahi he Impose? wow gain, Mach 7 ago Mis, AMD Make Sernd Prot Wari a Two Weeks, ww tinge, diya Nags Mile, Celeron Crash in Pr, Soar in Spd, wwe: esac, Jy 26 Naini Ton, Int PC Mkars Sued Over PY Performance, wspovsm, ‘Augs 16202 Incl HP, Gatenay Stel nr Pentium 4 Performance, www thingies, Ags 17 200, Magee Mie Ite Contr Cs Aton Dt, hsm, ay 24 00 aps Mls Pema 4 Flo Undocumented Fetes, Bag ww: dese, say 2200. Tal Launches loal Consumer Advertsing Campaig, worn eon, Sepenbe wan ‘Wate Thoms, Component Banking: Making One Praduct Indispensable fide Another, sw sit con Brands in Busine Mars, door os ‘Whats Branding? Ingredient Branding, ww doco, sw hic cf Brand Managment, None cm, Oster $ il am ——— Hors" How posioning & Brand Bouiiding Chongee! the @nbre marxer of chip Indudy ¢ foyTn rer. Leaxning for Tnter weg tn Neos op Clips. The stalegy for Ade budget Lon ems Coniginat Equipment manufathrers>, Torers Be CS Q catelyse 7 the PC Yevaiution. Quarity Semirces g innovate efforts belie tm the ise Worat 16 Alousve Manceting Praclices. Takeaways: Hod intensifying the Maweebng achvibes in Metos heiped Tnler [6 bund a brand. The Success of “Inter Inside Campa. the Co-op Shealegy Cf Ady. What 6 Component branding

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