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Meaning of Design, Organization, Condition

1. Concept and meaning of design.

1) history
`it plans', `it instructs', `it expresses', `it accomplishes' from the Latin word meaning
[Designare] which has the intention which is it is originated. There is a France word meaning
[Dessein] transient fire tube from meaning which it expresses. The design from the fact that
it applies a mould element from the past pure fine arts, the civilization and industry advance
to follow produce, under grafting are understanding a function and moulding with meaning.
2) Meaning
Narrow meaning - the design or design, decoration, plan and plan back which is simple. Wide
meaning - synthetic plan or the plan against all moulding activity namely, when having a what
kind of schedule one objective A the man with underdeveloped genital organ whom it $R-will
make doing in the use the most proper function or act of all which harmonizes multi bud. The
design gives and it attains a position objective to be a rational cognitive process for, there is
a possibility the low of entity anger seeing mould with result.
3) Intention
The design most the industrial society made the basic life of the human being and the
functional result aesthetic sincerity artificial flower leads in the field which is value and it
sees more abundant it makes, it is convenient and there is the objective of the place where
it creates multi bud. Namely, the design as science of America with the artificial flower of the
technical part productivity with character and art is contributing in development of human life.

2. Organization of Design

Establishment process: needs process-formative course-material process-technical process

Natural water and found the material through the observation of the artifact.
The purpose of the design and purpose, as determined by.
Determined by the material used.

3. Condition of Design
The design is consistent with the purpose of which is the sum of this nature have
sex for the purpose. The possibility and practicality of the design of the primary
condition, rational, reasonable, objective and are characteristics.
esthetic appreciation
Feel the beauty and aesthetic consciousness, rational purpose and the conflicting
concepts of unreasonable, subjective, emotional part.
Other design features the distinctive characteristics of the note, noteworthy, sex,
etc. is to get through. Complete creation does not exist, create a basic imitation on
my 2 takes place the third creation.
economical efficiency
The principle of affordability in design are applied to gain maximum effect with
minimal investment, says part of the. The best results within the given conditions,
the conditions for creating.
The sum of the four conditions of design, purpose, creativity, affordability, as well as
esthetic harmony with each other is kept.

Design of the classification and characteristics

1. Industry a design
Modern industrial society, since the amount of industrial production methods, replication,
and bulk and mass production for the purpose of design areas.

1) Visual Design
Graphic Design
Typically, such as shapes, images, or even on a flat surface to visually represent the
technologies collectively says.

Commercial Design
Company or the company's design for commercial purposes to achieve efficient
sectors, product design, advertising, packaging, displays, etc. Consumers than by
increasing the desire to buy with interest.

Advertising Design
Product or service, and delivers the message to the customer, the customer's
purchase to increase profits by increasing the desire for commercial propaganda.

Editorial Design
Printout is expressed, such as newspapers, magazines, books and publications to
visually represent the areas of graphic design, editorial design is the author of the
manuscript, photography, typography, illustration, print, paper, etc. to visualize the
entire publication.

-.Help you understand the contents you want to convey more than a picture or
illustration, printmaking, etc. is secondary
-Publications or advertisements, an element that is used in photography, painting,
Visual, and weakened.
a. Carton: Emphasis and exaggeration, omitted the comic or satirical representation
of the technique at the news or current affairs magazine used a lot.
b. Caricature: The material characteristics of the person, nonsense, satire, humor,
zany representation of the picture.
c. Character: Who says that can be represented as a Visual landmark characterizes.
d. Cut: Newspaper, magazine, catalogue, pamphlet to explain the contents of a
simple picture.

Design letterpress or characters are designed in part to the technical operation of
the formative. In other words, the character needed for the editing and
representation or design works central to the character.

Each of the letters in a consistent format, making letters directly through the drawing

Corporate Identity
Corporate image visually features the uniform to at an unspecified number
throughout the advertising medium to communicate.
a. C.I basis point
-VI(Visual Identity): Company or the company's Visual integration.
-BI(Behavior Identity): Companies and the unity of action at the temple.
-MI(Mind Identity):
b. basis a system

Basics system
Application system

Symbol mark, logotype, signature, only the color, font, glyph,

character, and so dedicated to only.
Format (business cards, envelopes etc.), vehicles, packaging,
signs, uniforms, banners, etc.

Symbol Design
Symbol mark, also known as the '' character, shapes, symbols, or any
representation of a particular purpose, as businesses, companies, organizations,
etc., of ideology or policy means that a Visual symbol.
- Symbol design
Companies or company symbol mark
Traide mark
Companies producing goods for the use of the mark
Picture of the characters that can be used as a common worldwide
as having the display features.
Symbols, letters, shapes, such as symbol
Logo type
The symbolic meaning of the name or name of company or
company to design.
Symbol mark and logotype of the meaning of the sign in the form of
multiple combinations to represent.
Events, campaigns, such as the insignia of the symbolic meaning.

Package Design
Based on the permanence and protection of the article to give a boost to the Visual
representation of the merchantability and purchase POP advertising, labeling,
shopping bags, as wrapping paper, etc.
POP(Point-of Purchase) Design
Sales to customers directly from the place to point of purchase displays, advertising
announcements related to the herbivorous or water.

2) Product Design
Industrial product design a functional and aesthetic quest and for example in the
areas of manual and mechanical mass production through the (Craft) industrial
design (Industrial Design).
-Type: electrical appliances, electronics, furniture, kitchen appliances, transport
equipment, accessory design, etc.
3) Environmental Design
Human life has never been a formative part of the environmental activities of all
design disciplines that comprise as comprehensively as the parent concept, which
includes design, industrial design, architecture, design, interior design, and
integration jade and design concepts. The surrounding environment and achieve the
orderly, integrated, and pleasant and is aimed at fostering an chosen environment,
Interior: Human indoor living space, rather than the more efficient and
aesthetically pleasing design, and planning. Fields.
Display: Derived from the Latin heat (Displicare) is shown a , words
exhibit is meant is . Goods, works on display in the configuration item with
a space or an Act passed to Visual.
Street Funiture: Street's design for facilities used for the announcement.
Street bench, phone box, public toilets, design or open water.

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