AeroQuart19 1968 Pg149 MorleyElement

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Branch Main Library Lending Page 38 of 42 id #:-1613915 Ariel IP: 3 THOM aN status Rapid Code Branch Name ‘Start Date Pending TxA Main Library 2/15/2008 11:19:49 AM CALL #: TL501 .A3287 LOCATION: TXA :: Main Library :: stk TYPE: Atticle CC:CCL. JOURNAL TITLE: ‘Aeronautical Quarterly USER JOURNAL TITLE: AERONAUTICAL QUARTERLY TXACATALOG TITLE: The Aeronautical quarterly. ARTICLE TITLE: TRIANGULAR EQUILIBRIUM ELEMENT IN SOLUTION OF PLATE BENDING PROBLEMS. ARTICLE AUTHOR: MORLEY LSD VOLUME: 19 ISSUE: Part 2 MONTH: YEAR: 1968 PAGES: 149 ISSN: 0001-9259 octc # 1461321 CROSS REFERENCE 383015 ID: VERIFIED: BORROWER: PUL PATROI PATRON ID: PATRON ADDRESS: - PATRON PHONE: : PATRON FAX: ; PATRON E-MAIL a PATRON DEPT: : PATRON STATUS: : PATRON NOTES: Interlibrary Services, Firestone Collaborator,PPPL RAPID. ‘This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code) et. ‘System Date/Time: 2/15/2008 1:36:32 PM MST |https://rapid2.library.colostate.edw/Ill/ViewQueue.aspx?ViewType=PendingByBranch&ld.. 2/15/2008 the integration with respect to The Triangular Equilibrium Element in the Solution of Plate Bending Problems i LS. D. MORLEY (Royal Alrcratt Establishment, Farnborough) Summary: Further details are given of a recently developed triangular equilib- rium element which is then applied, in conjunction with the complementary energy principle, to the finite element analysis of some plate bending problems. co jth the value; The element is demonstrated to have a straightforward and satisfactory applica- ee oa tion and to possess advantages over the conventional triangular displacement ' element. 1. Introduction 1D, Treadgold, who suggested it with him on a number of 10 Dr. J. C. Cooke for a pene- A recent paper’ provides the main details of a new element of triangular shape for the finite element analysis of plate bending problems. This element strictly satsGes all the equilibrium conditions between adjacent elements and is used in conjunction with the complementary energy principle. Certain details of this element are taken from the analogous plane stress analysis of Fraeijs de Veubeke? who, along with Argyris, considers a displacement triangular element with linearly varying strain, Doctoral Thesis, California Insti ‘The book by Zienkiewicz' provides a useful account of previous work on the solving boundary value problems + finite element method in the solution of plate bending problems. Briefly, the early terferons. NACA TN 3875, 1957. research was directed towards displacement elements of rectangular shape which are non-conforming, ie. they satisfy only partially the required kinematic con tions between adjacent elements. Although discussion prevails as to the assuredness of convergence with the use of such elements, they have nevertheless provided ‘many useful results in actual applications. More recently, and under the stimulus 7 of the need to deal with irregularly shaped boundaries, there has been developed the triangular displacement element, both of the non-conforming and conforming varieties. The latter element, in conjunction with the potential energy principle, soni ow. Mathematika, Vol. 13, ign of swept wings. RAB Report ference. Mathematika, Vol. 14, 1 of wostedy supersonic motion provides assuredness of convergence. Unfortunately, however, this conforming dis- kes Vol 3, pp. 182199, 1950. Placement element is more complicated to use and, as Zienkiewice’ notes, it does lic integrals for engincers and tot generally provide such a good approximation as the corresponding non- + conforming element. In contrast, the present element, which strictly satisfies all the cquilibrium conditions, is found here to have a straightforward and satisfactory application. ‘The paper commences with a recapitulation of the basic equations and limita- tion principle and goes on to provide a more detailed account of the finite element process which includes explicit expressions for the normal bending moment, Received July 1967 May 1968 149 The Aeronautical Quarterly i LS. D. MORLEY Kirchhoff normal force and twisting moment which act at the boundary of the plate. In order to apply such statical boundary conditions it is necessary to impose their relative constraints during the variational procedure and an Appendix illustrates how these Lagrangian type constraints may be applied without increasing the order and without necessarily destroying the banded character of the flexibility matrix. Numerical results are then provided for a number of simple test problems and comparisons are made with results from displacement elements. While the present equilibrium clement provides a remarkably good accuracy, it should be ‘borne in mind, when making comparisons with the corresponding displacement element, where the order of the square K matrix is 3N (with N the number of nodes), that the order of K is now equal to, or less than, 3N+37 (where Tis the umber of triangles) fi There are occasionally over-enthusiastic applications of the finite element! method to problems which are not really suitable for such direct treatment. The final numerical application which is made here is intended to provide such an illustration; it concerns the difficult problem of a simply-supported square plate under uniformly distributed load where there is a concentric square hole with free rdges. There is singular behaviour in the bending moments at the internal corners and the finite clement solution now displays appreciable discontinuities in the distribution of bending moments, even away from the internal corner points. It is clear that such problems merit further attention, although it may be appropriate to recall that large discontinuities in the bending moment distribution occur in the application of the triangular displacement element to most problems. Notation A area of triangular finite element¢, arbitrary constants, see equation (4) CC contour surrounding the region flexural rigidity column matrix, see equation (30) ao column matrix, see equation (38) mo, concentrated normal force acting at the boundary C, see equa- tion (10) H* prescribed value of H 1 positive constant, see equation (45) K square flexibility matrix L_ length of side of square plate Mu My, bending and twisting moments acting at the boundary C Mx prescribed value of My M.,M,,Mzy_ bending and twisting moments of the xOy coordinate system 150 The Aeronautical Quarterly | | — N NuNaNy P Po q % Qu Oot 2. 22, R s T uy Ue vy ve we m ay Bae Foe. Yoo Xo. Yo a a Ae Be, ete, 2.95. A few additional symbols are they are introduced. Mey 1968 PU ‘outward pointing 3x 12 matrix, see 3 12 matrices, se intensity of conce ‘component of the column matrix o ‘Also denotes the applied normal to intensity of unifor #* element of the * element of the normal shearing f ‘normal shearing é finite region occu distance. measure sense, ‘The meani affix to denote tha two functions defi ‘components of th Kirchhoff normal prescribed value c normal deflection prescribed value c weight function, s rectangular Carte coordinates of a v coordinates define angle included b normal n 3x3 matrix defi clement, see equat 3x3 matrices defi column matrix, se Poisson's ratio loading parameter a —_ ‘ ‘hich act at the boundary of the uy conditions it is necessary to ‘ional procedure and an Appendix ‘may be applied without increasing banded character of the flexibility ‘a number of simple test problems isplacement elements. While the ably good accuracy, it should be 1 the corresponding displacement ‘x is 3N (with N the number of css than, 3V-+37 (where T is the pplications of the finite element le for such direct treatment. ‘The + is intended to provide such an 2 simply-supported square plate ‘concentric square hole with free 'g moments at the internal corners appreciable discontinuities in the nn the internal corner points. It is , although it may be appropriate ‘moment distribution occur in the to most problems, on) 40) 58) ting at the boundary C, see equa- Co) ‘acting at the boundary C of the xOy coordinate system The Aeronautical Quarterly a PLATE BENDING ‘n_oatward pointing normal from the boundary C NV 3x12 matrix, see equation (21) NuNaNy 33 12matrices, see equation (23) P_ intensity of concentrated normal load Pe component of the complementary energy column matrix of generalised displacements, see equation (21). ‘Also denotes the intensity of the distributed loading which is applied normal tothe surface of the plate intensity of uniformly distributed load Qu, # element of the column matrix g, see equations (31) and (32) Qn * element of the column matrix g’, see equations (39) and (40) Q, normal shearing force acting at the boundary C Q.,Q, normal shearing forces of the xOy coordinate system R finite region occupied by the plate 5 distance measured around the boundary C in the clockwise sense. ‘The meaning of s is changed for the purpose of Section 4 T affix to denote that the transpose is to be taken U,V two functions defined by equations (1) ‘components of the complementary energy Kirchhoff normal force acting at the boundary C prescribed value of V. w normal deflection wh prescribed value of w W, weight function, see equation (17) Xy rectangular Cartesian coordinates 4,91 coordinates of a vertex of the triangular finite element oe Yoo Xe.Yo coordinates defined by Fig. 3 7 angle included by the intersection of the Ox axis with the ‘normal n ‘A 3x3 matrix defining the flexibility characteristics of the finite element, see equation (24) SoA ete. 3x3 matrices defined by equations (27) column mattix, see equation (20) » Poisson's ratio 9,0,,9 loading parameters, see equations (2) and (3) A few additional symbols are used in the Appendix, but these are defined as they are introduced. Mey 1968 151 LS. D. MORLEY 2. Basic Equations In the earlier paper’ it is noted that the equations of elemental equilibrium ar satisfied if the moments and normal shearing forces are calculated from the two functions U (x,y) and V (x,y) such that w _ 3 (2%, ®) Mea Feo, Mam oy Magma (GE SE F a (au _ av) _ an, “a (aU_ av) oy 3slF ) ax @ in? ix) ay The two functions (x,y) and 5(x,y) may be chosen in any conver to satisfy the equation v0, , Wane Fat Fe @ where q represents the distribution of the loading which is applied normal to tbe surface of the plate, There are, however, some algebraic simplifications if it is stipulated that M4=9,=0 (say) 0 and this is adopted in the sequel since it involves no loss in generality. It is seer that any solution for U and V may be compounded with the functions u. ~erten @ ye where cy, ¢,and c are arbitrary constants. ‘The plate is considered to occupy a region denoted by R and is bounded by the contour C. The outward pointing normal is denoted by n; the distance around C is measured in the clockwise sense by s (see Fig. 1), while the intersection of the ‘normal m with the Ox axis includes the angle y. On the boundary C it is usually ‘mote convenient to work in terms of the quantities My, Ma, and Q,, which are respectively the normal bending moment, twisting moment and shearing force acting at the boundary. Figure 1. Notation for flat plato. 192 Tho Asronautical Quarter + ‘The boundary value problem of C of one of the following pairs 0 wowk wit where the star (#) denotes that th is found convenient to put MO=M, At the comer points of C, and H¥(s) is applied on C, then where In the finite element process principle aU where, for an isotropic plate, ‘yo \(ix) + May 1968 ions of elemental equilibrium are ‘es are calculated from the two (aw eZ a a a chosen in any convenient way 5 @ “i 2 which is applied normal to the algebraic simplifications if it is ) ° sno loss in generality. It is seen ided with the functions exten @ denoted by R and is bounded by fenoted by 7; the distance around 2. 1), while the intersection of the ‘On the boundary C it is usually ities My, Muy and Qs. which are ‘moment and shearing force acting ‘The Aeronautical Quarterly SSE PLATE BENDING © w\_ on ~ ae (0059 Ge +807 Fe] — Se © 2 loony ‘The boundary value problem normally requires the satisfaction on each part of C of one of the following pairs of conditions wewt wh dw /tnedutjon so siny % yerey ® wee within peony Y wr—siny MY sony =Itce anianmonrion wit 2 (cory Meany) ave | os win 2 ) om where the star (*) denotes that the quantity is completely prescribed and where it is found convenient to put MA=M+0, Vik=Ve+ 00/0. ® At the comer points of C, and wherever a concentrated normal force of intensity H14(s) is applied on C, then Hk (=H (9), o av 5 ao wee Hom [rate [oo sing In the finite element process recourse is made to the complementary energy principle Ue+ 6U¢'+5P,=0 an where, for an isotropic plate, 3 [ical (ie) + (ap) 2a oy + Se + He) Jae . (2) May 1960 189 Ls, 0, MonLey : ff 2 fora (2 = )) ax ‘The weight functions W(x, 3). et ve= | fasinw (0-8 (ie) | om C9 | Stier paper. Moreover, sions ow ¢ U()=U,- * GU,+ U.- and Pom | (A wey} ds [eno]” 5 4) SoH : ) V=Vi- OY V4 where the expression in square brackets is evaluated at each corner point. In ue equations (12) to (14), » isthe Poisson's ratio and D is the flexural rigidity, both of Equations (17) ensure the co ‘which may be (Smooth) functions of the planar coordinates. Tt is to be noted, continuity of the normal bending furthermore, that across the finite element boundarie 8n=0 as, ike Hf (see equation (10), at the u row matrix and that on the boundary C it is necessary for the U, V fields to conform with the ‘actions M,, V_ and H, wherever they are prescribed, before commencing the varia- tional process.” In virtue of the fact that a complementary energy principle is ‘employed it is known that the strain energy enjoys the following limitation principle (W), Un Us Ue and by ¢* the row matrix strain energy PLD ‘onforming displacement (angular FORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD x ‘Strain energy — 105) '@with concentric square hole. “Elemental divisions. 1s lear than . M (eee equation (44) Te a7 © | ooo0s2180 S115 (O10 | Goousist? Bus (ios | east oot cor 7 D113 (0103) | CoousiTag ] : ous 009183 | ‘ z oi 690081730, | oe (ee ‘BqL51D 7 7 ‘Sonforming dxplacement rectangul + 19g diagonal = erase AA and KX melee) walla) DENTRIG SQUARE HOLE UNDER Load ‘election w sxe ‘oon0s i i | Somis ,] = {AC renssne i= = | L | oon oauine | | | s | SiONe beh ae ee EE a oT Figure 7. Bending moments in square plate with concentric square hole under unitormly Glstributed Toad (12%12). May 1968 165 [acement rectangular elements. The Aeronautical Quarterly LS. D. MORLEY (62). The corresponding distribution of M, from the non-conforming displacement triangular element displays excessive discontinuities at the element junctions and Zienkiewice' suggests, in practical problems using this element, that attention should be focused at the bending moments at centroids of elements. Values of M, for conforming elements are not available. Table TI lists values of the central deflection w (0,0) obtained by the straightforward integration of equation (49) and ‘making use ofthe fact that w'=0 on the boundary and dw/ds=0 atthe centre of the plate, The value calculated for w is dependent upon the path chosen for integration because, in our equilibrium analysis, we satisfy only approximately the conditions ‘of compatibility. The values listed in the last column of Table It are extracted from Zienkiewice for conforming displacement triangular elements. Tables III and TV provide the associated results for the clamped square plate under uniformly distributed load. ‘The distribution of the bending moment M, along the centre line, as calculated from the 8x8 mesh, is also shown in Fig. 5 and again follows the exact curve very closely. The corresponding distribution from the displacement triangular element is not available. ‘Table V lists comparative values for the case of a central concentrated load using the 8x8 mesh. Zienkiewicz* suggests that the finite element analysis of a comer-supported square plate might be expected to cause difficulties because of the concentrations which occur at the comer points. Table VI shows values of the bending moments and deflections along with the comparative results of Zienkiewicz for non-conform ing displacement rectangular elements. Reasonable agreement is obtained with the exact values taken from the book by Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger® (these values differ slightly from those quoted by Zienkiewicz' and attributed to Marcus) ‘The final problem to be considered here concerns a simply-supported square plate under uniformly distributed load where there is a concentric square hole with free edges, as shown in Fig. 6. It is known that singular behaviour of the bending moments occurs at the internal corner points and its effect upon our finite element ele y Figure 8. Square plate with concentric square hole. Paths of integration to calcul ‘the detlections 166 The Aeronautical Quarterly Pu solution is illustrated by the diferen M, through the cross-sections AA provides, of course, a finite value ev

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