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Mubarak Ali Rao
(14PG10) GL
Farhan Ali Narejo
Mustaqeem Patoli
Yar Muhammad
Naeem Khamisani (14-13PG119)


Horizontal Drilling

Definition: Horizontal drilling is a technique which drills the well at 90 0 from the
vertical angle.(A vertical well is one with zero inclination angle).


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To avoid gas conning and water conning.

In case of Natural Fracture or Induced fracture we use Horizontal
Drilling Technique.
Reduce Shale oil.
Increase flow rate (because of greater well bore length).
Increase contact area in low permeable zones.

Types of Horizontal Drilling

1. Ultra-Short radius well
Technique used:
CTD Rig (coil tubing drilling) used
well drilled through jetting effect


Build Angle 450 to 900 per 100 ft

Tubing Dia: 1 to 2 inch
Turning radius 1 to 2 ft

2. Short radius well

Technique used:

Wiggly collars used which are flexible, whose Dia is 4 to

6 inch.


Build Angle 20 to 50 per 100 ft

Turning radius 20 to 40 ft
Length 250 to 450 ft
Maximum Horizontal

Section 889 ft yet

3. Medium radius well

Technique used:

Special Designed Machines are used or some time RSS is



Build Angle 60 to 200 per 100 ft

Turning radius 300 to 800 ft
Maximum Horizontal Section

2000 ftto 4000 ft

4. Large radius well

Techniqueused: Common RSS is used.

Build Angle 20 to 60 per 100 ft

KOP to Build-up Section 1000 to 3000 ft
Length 1000 ft

Historical Background

Russians drilled 43 horizontals

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Esso, modern horizontal, Alberta.


Arco drilled to overcome high GORs and gas coning.


Elf test 3 onshore horizontals; Elf and Agip drill firstOffshore horizontal.


50 horizontals worldwide. Cost 1.5-2 times greater than vertical wells


Horizontal well test theory and productivity assessment Guidelines.

Numberof horizontals increased dramatically


265 horizontals drilled worldwide.


1000 horizontals drilled.


First Australian horizontal drilled


Over 2,500 horizontals drilled worldwide - 75% in North America

(mostly low permeability, gas/water coning regions) Developments in
hydraulic fracturing, perforating, computer models and screen
completion failures in unconsolidated formations


Horizontal wells are drilled world-wide and become routine wells


From Effective lecture of Sir Muhammad Zubair

Book Well Engineering and Construction By H Rabia




Introduction to Slim Hole

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Wells can now be safely and effectively drilled or sidetracked, evaluated and
completed in small diameters down to 4 1/8". The resulting slim wells can provide a
total well cost reduction of 30%. At the same time, crew exposure, location size,
cuttings and waste mud volumes are drastically reduced.

Definitions of slim holes vary from a well with 90% drilled with a diameter of less
than 7 inch to a well with 70% drilled with less than 5 inch.
A goal of slim hole, however it is defined, is the drilling of a well with a diameter
smaller than that used on conventional wells in the area. The reduced diameter
helps cut rig time and cost and reduces the cost of the tubular.


Technical advantages

Reduced well costs

Slim hole drilling with a small fit-for-purpose rig ensures lower costs of
. day rate
mud products
location preparation
waste disposal.
Health and Safety Environment HSE
Slim hole drilling also results in substantial HSE benefits:
Smaller location and camp
Smaller crew reduces exposure
Less logistic support required
40-70% reduction in cuttings and waste mud.

Smaller mud volumes allow more efficient mud cleaning or use of low solids
(expensive) formate brines, resulting in a reduction in formation impairment.
Technical possibilities increased by ability to drill, evaluate and complete
through smaller casing strings.

Potential disadvantages

High equivalent circulating densities (ECD) can limit mud weight

Limit petro physical information obtained

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Limit completion options

Limit production rates
Limit potential for future sidetrack options

Early concerns about the robustness of well control procedures originally
proposed for continuous coring have now been resolved in the light of field
experience with improved computer-based kick detection system (KDS) and
minor modifications to traditional well killing procedures.

If the geology is sufficiently well understood, the cheaper drilling method can
be used to complement seismic exploration, by providing a cheap series of
throwaway wells with wireline logging, occasional spot coring over the
reservoir, and seismic check shots. The slower, continuous coring method can
be used where there are substantial uncertainties over the geological model.

Safety of personnel
Smaller wells mean smaller individual items of equipment and tubular and a
smaller total amount of material to be handled, which reduces the total
exposure of personnel. Smaller rigs require smaller crews, and are easier to
mechanise/automate than bigger rigs because the range of tubular size to be
handled is smaller. They thus have the potential, in the longer term, of
reducing total exposure even further, though consideration must also be
given to the smaller dimensions of the workspace available.




Introduction to Manage Pressure

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Introduction to Manage Pressure Drilling (MPD)

Drilling operations have always been challenging, wells are getting deeper,
temperature and pressures are getting higher, and the industry is starting to focus
on more remote and complex reservoirs such as in the arctic regions. Proper
procedures for remedial actions are essential to keep drilling risks controlled and
minimized. Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) is a drilling process that enables
accurate control of the wellbore pressure faster than by conventional methods.

The objectives are to ascertain the down-hole pressure environment limits and to
manage the annular hydraulic pressure profile accordingly. The intention of MPD is
to avoid continuous influx of formation fluids to the surface. Any influx incidental to
the operation will be safely contained using an appropriate process.

Definition of MPD
MPD is defined by a subcommittee of the International Association of Drilling
Contractors (IADC) as;
An adaptive drilling process used to precisely control the annular pressure
profile throughout the wellbore.
Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) is a drilling process that enables accurate control
of the pressure faster than by conventional methods. Pressure variations can
thereby be reduced, influx and losses handled at an early stage thereby reducing
the subsequent challenges, and wellbore stability can be improved.

1. MPD allows for drilling into narrow pressure margins in a safer and more cost
effective manner while mitigating drilling hazards and thereby reducing
Non--Productive Time (NPT).
2. MPD can be used for specific purposes such as drilling into depleted
reservoirs, narrow Mud-Weight (MW) windows or sections with massive losses
where other drilling methods are inadequate.


Drill through Narrow Drilling Windows

No loss in Bottom Hole Pressure during connections
Increased visibility of unfavorable well conditions
Greater control of down bottom hole pressure
Early kick detection

Different Managed Pressure Drilling Techniques

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The four main MPD variations and providers are the following
Constant Bottom Hole Pressure Profile [Schlumberger, Weatherford,
Mud Cap Drilling [Schlumberger, Weatherford, Halliburton]
Dual Gradient (with and without a riser) [AGR, Clean Drill, Reel Well]
Return Flow Control method

1. Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP):

CBHP is a MPD method whereas the annular pressure is kept close to constant at a
given depth. The method is based on maintaining control of the annular back
Objective: The objective for this method is to eliminate cycles of kicks/losses that
are common in deep wells where fracture gradient are close to the pore pressure.

2. Mud Cap Drilling :

Mud cap drilling is employed when normal techniques have difficulties to maintain
circulation. To prevent and control kicks and lost circulation while drilling in
fractured or layered (different pressures) formations, drilling fluid together with
water and cuttings are pumped into the wellbore and drill pipe.

3. Dual Gradient (with and without a riser):

Dual Gradient Drilling is an MPD technique that employs two different annulus fluid
gradients to find a closer match to the natural pressure regime; one above the
seabed, another beneath.
The Objective is to reduce formation damage and the related fluid losses when
drilling deep formations with lowfracture gradients (eliminating mud density

4. Return Flow Control Drilling (RFCD):

Return through Flow Control (RFC) Drilling is a MPD method that reduces risks from
drilling fluid, hazardous gases and well control incidents to the personnel and the
The objective of this method is to focus on RFCD primarily.

Research of Norwegian University of Science and Technology



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Brief Introduction to Offshore

Offshore originally means islands in the open sea belonging to a country. The term
offshore means off the coast. In oil and gas extraction, offshore refers to the
development of oil fields and natural gas deposits under the ocean. Offshore drilling
is a mechanical process where a wellbore is drilled below the seabed. It is typically
carried out in order to explore for and subsequently extract petroleum which lies in
rock formations beneath the seabed.
Most commonly, the term is used to describe drilling activities on the continental
shelf, though the term can also be applied to drilling in lakes, inshore waters and
inland seas. These include bottom founded drilling rigs (jack-up barges and swamp
barges), combined drilling and production facilities either bottom founded or
floating platforms, and deepwater mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) including
semi-submersibles and drill-ships. These are capable of operating in water depths
up to 3,000 meters (9,800 ft). In shallower waters the mobile units are anchored to
the seabed, however in deeper water (more than 1,500 meters (4,900 ft).


After First oil company was founded in Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859.

The first offshore drilling platform was created in 1890
o By Henry L. Williams
o It was a success!
Around 1891, the first submerged oil wells were drilled from platforms built
on piles in the fresh waters of the Grand Lake St. Marys (a.k.a. Mercer
County Reservoir) in Ohio. The wells were developed by small local
companies such as Bryson, Riley Oil, German-American and Banker's Oil.
Around 1896, the first submerged oil wells in salt water were drilled in the
portion of the Summerland field extending under the Santa Barbara Channel
in California. The wells were drilled from piers extending from land out into
the channel Other notable early submerged drilling activities occurred on the
Canadian side of Lake Erie in the 1900s and Caddo Lake in Louisiana in the
1910s. Shortly thereafter wells were drilled in tidal zones along the Texas and
Louisiana gulf coast.

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Offshore drilling is a mechanical process where a wellbore is drilled below the
seabed. It is typically carried out in order to explore for and subsequently extract
petroleum which lies in rock formations beneath the seabed.

1. Fixed Platforms:
These platforms are built on concrete or steel legs, or both, anchored directly
onto the seabed, supporting a deck with space for drilling rigs, production
facilities and crew quarters. Such platforms are, by virtue of their immobility,
designed for very long term use (for instance the Hibernia platform). Various
types of structure are used: steel jacket, concrete caisson, floating steel, and
even floating concrete. Steel jackets are vertical sections made of tubular
steel members, and are usually piled into the seabed.

2. Compliant Towers:
These platforms consist of slender, flexible towers and a pile foundation
supporting a conventional deck for drilling and production operations.
Compliant towers are designed to sustain significant lateral deflections and
forces, and are typically used in water depths ranging from 370 to 910
meters (1,210 to 2,990 ft).
3. Semi-Submersible:
These platforms have hulls (columns and pontoons) of sufficient buoyancy to
cause the structure to float, but of weight sufficient to keep the structure
upright. Semi-submersible platforms can be moved from place to place and
can be ballasted up or down by altering the amount of flooding in buoyancy
tanks. Semi-submersibles can be used in water depths from 60 to 3,000
meters (200 to 10,000 ft).
4. Jack-Up Drilling Rigs:
Jack-up Mobile Drilling Units (or jack-ups), as the name suggests, are rigs that
can be jacked up above the sea using legs that can be lowered, much like
jacks. These MODUs (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) are typically used in
water depths up to 120 meters (390 ft), although some designs can go to 170
m (560 ft) depth.
5. Drill-Ships:
A drillship is a maritime vessel that has been fitted with drilling apparatus. It
is most often used for exploratory drilling of new oil or gas wells in deep
water but can also be used for scientific drilling. Early versions were built on a
modified tanker hull, but purpose-built designs are used today. They can drill
in water depths up to 3,700 m (12,100 ft).

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6. Floating Production Systems:
The main types of floating production systems are FPSO (floating production,
storage, and offloading system). FPSOs consist of large mono-hull structures,
generally (but not always) ship shaped, equipped with processing facilities.
These platforms are moored to a location for extended periods, and do not
actually drill for oil or gas.

7. Tension-Leg Platform:
TLPs are floating platforms tethered to the seabed in a manner that
eliminates most vertical movements of the structure. TLPs are used in water
depths up to about 2,000 meters (6,600 feet).
8. Spar Platforms:
Spars are moored to the seabed like TLPs, but whereas a TLP has vertical
tension tethers, a spar has more conventional mooring lines. Spars have todate been designed in three configurations: the "conventional" one-piece
cylindrical hull; the "truss spar", in which the midsection is composed of truss
elements connecting the upper buoyant. The world's deepest platform is
currently the Per-dido spar in the Gulf of Mexico, floating in 2,438 meters of
water. It is operated by Royal Dutch Shell and was built at a cost of $3 billion.

Main Offshore Fields:

Notable offshore fields include:

the North Sea

the Gulf of Mexico (offshore Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama)

California (in the Los Angeles Basin and Santa Barbara Channel, part of the
Ventura Basin)

the Caspian Sea (notably some major fields offshore Azerbaijan)

the Campos and Santos Basins off the coasts of Brazil

Newfoundland and Nova Scotia (Atlantic Canada)

several fields off West Africa most notably west of Nigeria and Angola

offshore fields in South East Asia and Sakhalin, Russia

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Environmental Impacts:
Offshore oil production involves environmental risks, most notably oil spills from oil
tankers or pipelines transporting oil from the platform to onshore facilities, and from
leaks and accidents on the platform. Produced is also generated, which is water
brought to the surface along with the oil and gas; it is usually highly saline and may
include dissolved or un-separated hydrocarbons.
Oil Exploration
Seismic Surveys: Seismic surveys are conducted to locate and estimate the
size of an offshore oil reserve. In order to conduct surveys, ships use air-gun
arrays to emit highdecibel explosive impulses in order to map the seafloor.
Drilling And Processing Oil
The process of drilling releases thousands of gallons of polluted water into the
ocean, known as drilling mud (containing toxins like benzene, zinc, arsenic,
radioactive materials, and other contaminants that are used to lubricate drill
bits and maintain pressure). Unfortunately these discharges are largely
Oil Spills
Oil spills have the ability to ruin entire ecosystems and can take numerous
years to clean up. Nearly 20 years after the Exxon Valdez spill, more than 26
thousand gallons of oil still remain in the soil on the shoreline. Under this
settlement, BP would pay up to $8.8 billion for restoration. Based on the
Trustees' assessment of impacts to the Gulfs natural resources, they
determined that the best method for addressing the injuries is a
comprehensive, integrated, ecosystem restoration plan. The draft plan would
allocate funds from the settlement for restoration over the next 15 years.

Offshore Drilling Advantages:

Offshore drill rigs provide jobs, stimulating the economy

The government has the potential to increase revenue through royalties.

Domestic production of oil reduces the reliance on foreign oil.

Domestic production of oil could reduce gas prices.

Offshore Drilling Disadvantages:

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Pollution caused my offshore rigs has negative impacts on the environment.

Oil spills such as the one in the Gulf of Mexico cause damage to animal
habitats for years.

Offshore drilling is very expensive



Activeness of Group Members during Making Assignment

Mubarak Ali



Farhan Ali Narejo



Yar Muhammad soomro



Mustaqeen Patoli



Naeem Khamisani





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