American Legal Experience

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aN SCHOLAR ‘THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE COURSE LE E Professor Lawrence M. Friedman, STANFORD UNIVERSITY To access this courses web page at ‘ tue this password: 1026LFR The American Legal Experience Professor Lawrence M. Friedman Stanford University ‘The American Legal Experince Ptestor Laurence Mt Fridman ean Execute tor Dona F.Camhan RECORONG Pradoe- Davis Maro recor Mathew Cavnar ‘counse GUIDE stor sae Galas Ccertroutng Ear Karen Sparcush Design -Etware Wie (car use 208 by Raced Boos, AS 204 Racres Bos LE a nce man ang ere ae ‘About You Protease, es ectre 1 Inocucton ote Arran Legal 9 Lectre 2 The Clo Legal Exparence Lectse 3 Conia Justa Clon Pari. Leche Ravoutn and ie New Reps LecureS Low and Economic Developmen nthe 12h Canty Lecture 8 Buck and Whe: Sve as Afemath Inte tom Cony Lectze 7 The ther Arcane: Natives an iran ects 8 Family Law : Lecure 9. Crme ent Punshment inte th Cantu. tect 10 Conf and Stugye: Lor an Soil Lagiston Lecture 11 Crime and Puishrnt inthe 208 Canty Lecure 12 The Rise cf he Wotore Regular State Lecture 18 Race Raton, Cv Rs, na Ct Uber Inte 20m Corey = Lect 14 Cut, Policy and Law he Late 20h Canty. Course Metre i : see 86 wn 780 ABOUT YOUR PROFESSOR: Lawrence M. Friedman Pretessor Friedman is the Marion Ree Krkwood Professor of Lew at Stontrd Law School. He roeived is AB in 1948, is JD in 1951. and an LLM 1953, all fom the University of Chicago Professor Faedman served on te facutes of St Lous University ard the Unversity of Wisconin before his aval at Stanford in 1968. He has served as President of the American Sok for Legal Histo. Pretgent of he Law snd Society Associaton, and President f the Research Commitee on the Socclogy of Law, Inlematona Socclagcal Associaton ‘among his many awards and onars, Professor Friedman isthe winner of he anacann Bat Foundation Research Award (200), the Saver Gavel Introduction ‘Rward othe American Bar Assocation (1994), andthe Hary Kalen Prize {0 dtsinguished Research on Law and Society fom the Law ard Society The legal system in America is the basis ofreedom as we know it [nsoclaton (1982). He s aso the recipient of ve Honorary degrees frm uni taday. The system is based, uttmately, on the common law of erties n te Unt Stas and sewer England, but thas grown, developed, and changed over the years Profesor Friedman has wien mote than twenty books on a wide range of legal swjecs. These inoue Aisin of American Law, Lew ard Soci Btrcodcton, Your Time Wi Come: The Law of Age Disriminatin and ‘American law has been a cial factor in American life since colo nial times, Ithas played a role in shaping society, but society—the 1 structure, culture, economy, and politics oft fandotoryRetemert, The Hoizoral Society, Cime and Punishment in ¥y, and poliics ofthe country—has dec i ty a Anantara nh 2 Coty Pleat shel shaped the lew ree Friadman hes ao published over 150 articles and papers for professional ‘Through history, the legal system has been intimately involved with fa ourals and pubseatons ‘every major issue in American Ife: race relations, the economy, the family time, and issues of equality and justice Tho tue dng ofthe American ga to Ks in abit fo adapt to new and difficult issues. % eee Cetera aad ‘Before begining this lecture you may want to Read Lawonce M Friedman's Law in America: A Short Misr, (Random House, 2002) pp 1-13 Consider this 1. What do we mean when we tk aout "eps ys? 2 What ae the major families or groups of gal systems inthe modem world, and how do they df from each other? 2. Where oes the American legal sytem come fran? ‘mati a Legal System? There have been many stamps to deine Taw and legal system” There's no exact, agreed-upon defnton, There are afferent defnions, depending ‘on diferent purposes. Law can ba formal or informal # can be ofa or no (Oficial Ever large instiuton, such as a big corporation, university of Roop fa. nas a kind of internal lgal sytem” (fat is, rules andrequatons, ana sate cr government), Al of us have at least some idea of what we mean assed by Congress o he lgislatires of he slates les and equation of times and decsons of courts constutes avast bod) of cos and dont. pret the laws: members of Congress, cy aldermen, slate senators, judges menbesctecwisenca importance in our ives. The egal system affects almost everyting we do— cing ax oangia war, bang debes a Spat business life, work life. even grivate fe laws of marriage, div ths system evowve in the United States? Why do we need al these rues, lectures rest on one basic assumption: the legal system is, scaly, a prod: Uc of sosely Is ndependenes ited Polical econom, and Cara Every county, of couse, has algal system. No wo legal systoms ae the ‘One method classifies them by ther ancestry n a manner somewhat analogous tolanguage Using tne metnoa wa in wo Groups of lngl stam o pari procedure and ao of substance. Also, to common aw snot a codid sys- cle of Sxng ac cases, cated he asc rnc end dec LECTURE ONE ‘There are many other tals that st of rom the oer aga ystems of the word, There ls for example, the ines of the jury Moat cil ow aye ‘donot havea uy: judges desde on gui or nnoconc, fo example Common aw procedures stongly olin nature. The fair drama of he ‘courtroom. dominate by layers and consing of winesses who are exam ined and cross examined. speciialy common law. Te claw systems, historical leaned more Neawly on wren cocument, an avoices he ro mai lawyer dominated tas ofthe common law ‘ahin the commen law wor, the American fgal system has its own pecu- lates. Fer one thing, sa federal system: @custer of sats, eath of whlch is soverag in many ways within ts borders, and conros such ratios {+ ord ermes, education commercial law, and family inw. The Unig States also has a witlon constiuton and jugs whe can review the work of ‘her parts of the goverment. Some ofthese stuctral trate were developed ‘ter indepandence, Butte s2ecs of & dicta legal sytem wore sown uring the clonal prod, which is he subject o the next wo lectures. CARES ee 1. Wat makes law such a conval part of American ite? 2 Compare American law and Bich law. Are there fundemeralsestes? \inat ae the rote ofthe ferences? [i Suavested Reacting | Fiedman, Lawrence M. New York: Simon & ‘Schusar, 2nd eon, 1865, pp. 17-29. x= Hal, Keemt. The Magic Mizar: Lam in American History. New York: Oxford ‘University Press, 1000. Kagan, Robert A. Boston: Harvard Unversity Press, 2003. Moryman, John Hon. The Givi Law Tradlon: An Inrducton to ho Legal ‘Systems of Wasiem Euree and Lain America. Calfoms: Sanford Univers Press, 2rd- ed. 1885, Rheinsein, Max (ed). (Cambege: Harvard Unversty Press, 1954. Ter, Tom R. Wiiy Pao bey tn Law. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982 VRC 1. htedhwwne supremeccurus gov - Oficial goverment wabsitfor the ‘Supreme Cour. 2 - The Oyez project ste by Nontwestem Universy ‘ortains one of the most iteresting multmeda databases about ‘Supreme Cour cases onthe web, Fiedman, Lawrence M. UNABRIDGED. ‘Recorsed Books (& casetons 73 Rau) Call (800-636-3399 or visit www to order "Recorded Books. Avallable for purchase or rental by ma Before beginning this lecture you may want to. Read LawronceN. Fredmar's A isor cf American Law, (Smon & Schuster, 2nd ed, 1985), Chacter 2 conser this. 1. How ai he robgon and ideology of he colonia sets affect he way In which ther lagal system developed? 2. What aepects of American law, nthe colon! parad, were simply ca ‘ied over rom English aw, and which aspects were ew and diferent? 4. Wy did savory and ndorured serie fours in the colonies? English-speaking people ave on the Atlantic Coast in he early 17th cen tury. They founded setterentsallalong the coast. They wore not fe oly ters n what snow th Une Stats. There wera the Dut in New York the Spanien in Fonda, and Naive American peoples thoughout the area ‘Te Engen pushed out ho Outch and dleplacd ts gal sytem: hey Ignore, by and lage, the legal systems ofthe native bes. The colonss ought wth them the conan law twas the any kw that they loow and understood. Butte logalnstuons that they st uo were ‘ery aferent from the snstivtons n Englan. Inthe West pace, English ow ‘Specal impact on colons ina Bul mostly, American aw veered afin sown tte Englsh stunton The eary coonies were smal, recanous communes ‘They were ais, in many cases, deeply vlgous and even theocratic comm rites Ther law was sh ough wth ules and istlutons that elected ther sz, aims, and her reigous hertage. That hertage wasn mary ‘Soni not he sare asthe established church of Engl Every colony hada sysiom of cours. The clories didnot reproduce the compl ungle of overlapping and confusing jracictone hat exist in England: toy spied graty. In goneal, te colorial courts were cheap, accesso, and hanced a wis range of business. They were nol st ours inthe modem sense; thay handled alto whal we would cal adrn- istrative ard legislative work, long with the orinary work of ating disputes People enor wils and documents n cout: they registered earmarks. The ‘ours were realy basic nttutons of povermment forthe coins. The aw they applied, however was aso much spor and more seamed tan the law of Engand, both n substance and procadure ays, funedonaly indepen. Sent. They were pat of an Spr, but the cape of the mre was thowsards of ‘recaious ane the Bish Sense of how to govern felonies In theory, colonial Statutes (or example) could be cisapproved in Londen {din any vent, tok years ‘The coors were hardy cexperments in laissez fero—the ideas of Adam Sith were fain De future ‘The clonal aunties ted te manta po the and he quality of commodt 1c. They contllog, for ‘xample, te pce and Staple product ‘society developed that sins fondamentaly une English soziety. This was "han of ereurstance, The English clas system —and "he contol of land by @ smal elie, the landed genty—was impossible nthe ‘onal stuaten. Thee was an abundance ot and The lags aystem Fetiectes tis now reaiy For example, mest ofthe sothem clones reject 4 preogentur (pertance of and by the oldest sor. They tected al ‘curen equally ‘The esionies also devised systems for recording transac tone inland, a system that not extn England In England land was the bans ofa herarchial sail systm. In the colonies, land was becoming ‘Something quite eiferen-—bascaly, land was commodity, an em to be bought nt sold Labor There was no shortage of land, but there was @ shortage of labora the inere were two ater iypes of pre modem labor indentured servitude and hail slavery INDENTURED SERVANTS. Wai slavery ithe stctest fom of epandert bar oer toms, pamely soto, peonage, tnd indentured anor, have Spung up tous histo. n ‘oer Arnica, ndetred se ‘ants paves a prominent. dn ingore servant was 2 servant bound oa masta or 8 pote! per me 1 poy tha det of some sort Many (Gome extmate as many = hat of Americas ear Setors ‘greece toms of natures ‘Servtude to py for tor passage fononm Armonia ‘Ta ely ral dstinon between amindentsed servant Sra sve that th indore Servant had a legiimste ae ed ine toe for achiewng eedor ‘The contac orindotured s- tea urualy crcained pe- sons of retease such ss 2 um ‘fron orand loc. Some sso became rsertures errant arn ade that hoy uid prctes upon competion of lnmany stances dere servants may have been est ‘mor ari tan saves, he ‘stone bong tat the sates ‘wuld ve rete indefintyby the mater we he ered nto was nl Tent ope) In action to aking {o'be Canatuan ofthe ates Stats put anor ‘denied srs ‘Bram ower An indentured servant was a kind of temeorary save. The Sevan worked for {a master, Ived in the masters house hol. and was fed and cones by the Iasi but earned no wapes an Rad ro fight to qui ho Jo. The masta was sup posed io reat he sevanthurranoly. ae {he servant coud go o court and cam plan fa master was excessively cre. But the serant was Sound to he master. ‘Arunaway servant could be forty retuned, and punshed. Servants worked {fora specif lng of time, often 2 ‘sevenyear term AL De end of is per: 06: they wer re. But before this, te Servant coud be bought and sod. and ¢ the mastr dod is hors npertd te fest ofthe servants poled of work any immigrants pal for thes passage by eoling emsetves into servtude for & period of years Essential, the slave was a servant for es and te status was associated for the very Beginning wih back people Imported om Aca. ne coute of ho {Tn century. the inw of slavery was Gystalized and formalizes. n Veg, for exemple, states in the 17th contury made tear ha slavery was an nhert tt status. The cisten ofa slave mother wee themsowves slaves—regardess of the deny of tho faher. “There were slaves in avery olony, even Intlassachuset ard Now Hamat. But the slave population was most sant ‘ant inthe southem clones whch ‘evloped a system of plantaion agricul ture, By te medi of he 18h cerry. ‘back peor almost a of them slaves, conetiuted 40 percent of the poptation virginia. Vegnia and the oer suth- fen cones but anelaborate body of ‘Save a. The law rolled the conduct of eaves (andi a dogre, the conduct ‘of masters) anc, n pareutar, deat wih the issue of how fo Sacpine slaves and prevent slaves rom rebeling aganst thei masters. ‘THE ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND OF THE AMERICAN COLONIES Inthe 178 centiy, Europe was ss ecoveng Wom dashes between Protestants and Cattoies cura the Fetomaten ang Counter Fefomaton, The marty of te ty iter of he NO (Gout deidnts who ed Europe 0 ‘scape persecution, “The ear! ster wes he Pigs «Protestant sec hat sed o separate sut'tom fe uch of Engand in ie bee! Wat he chu Pad net competes Wort nine Refamaton. Tey nundod fe Pout Colony i 1620. “The Purtans, begining in 1690 aso emigrated ftom England and sates in vaseahusets and Nev Haven (Cannesteat. Though not Separatist Ie ho Pilgrims the Putra wise put th Church of England of fe vestiges of fs Roman Cathote rats, Aahough ey wore persecuted forthe ath Engine, he Petar tnt practen taraton nthe new clones stead ‘ray botaved tat a Sle’ clzene ms achere oa afer region, Purn eins mereforeexpeted Geer, such ax Roger Wiles, who was faced ‘Tom Massechosts he witer of 165 ad later founded ne clon of Rhode [Sang one pinope of feedom of conasence anda otal separation between Uke thor Protestant breve io Masscruset the Vg eters tare re jour unfemay the eso. However, lke the Prt, ey ware 0 tay ‘Rear tnthe Church fEnfad, ae Vigna wa ounded by businessmen werk ina eth Urgria Company of London. antstek corporation charged wih st- {ing he ony under 2608 chao fom King Jes | ‘ered fom sting her colonies, he shes by Wiliam Pen, ounded pesyani 181, Ao krawn asthe Soc of Fence Quakers formed ESSE Tose ana ha bette oon viewed er Perea by he coteporares. Manfard became a heme for yet anther oct persecuted in England, be ‘caoles Eager snd a retoge for thse who shared is ah, George Cave {seo 1682) sotined a char forte try between Penny sn (repiaan 1622 Though be char id nt conan ary cers on region \toz assured that ne colony woud be safe for Cabo sellers "Asmallr group Jewish Portuguese sees so ave in he American canon ne th cary. A conmunty of Jews seed in New Arstersom {ator New You) n 1054, and by 1658, had lo sotted in Newwor. Rede (Saray 1776, many symagogues ha been bul oughout he colonies, mest yim seagon towns Scarce: Te ascent Present Vepet ees, wa a ey) 3 1. Hom was the colonial cour system tore tote inthe clones? 2 In what way does slave aw represert a lnk between the economic system ‘and he legal system? | Swen Redeg ‘Konig. Davi T "1829-1692. Chapel Hil University of North Carina Press, 1978. Bet, ‘Noth Amara, Boston: Harvard University Pros, 1998, Hofer Peter, i rev od, Battmore Andrews, Richard NL. Managing he Enicoment, Managing Ourselves: A Hislay of Aenean Envronmenial Poicy. New Haven: Yale Univers Press, 1980 Nexo fie Craig, Barbara Hinkson and David M. OBrien, alts. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1983 arom, Oa J ‘of Roe v. Wade. New York: Macmillan, 1994. ad yz, Cistopter 21 ‘Chapel Ue 00 ‘Sia as rapt rit Uwversy ot Neth Cara 1. hitpitww plannedsarentwod og! - The Planned Parenthood home | Contains the lates: news on Pro-Ghaice issues a 2. tw ami. ocoraint- Aste ose by Faso he Fa Contains the latest news on Pro-Life issues. rs reer 76 Recorded Book ‘eaman, Lawrence Mt UNABRIDGED. ded Books (#casoota/s. 75 hours). Call (900-696-3399 or visit www recordedbooks. com to order "Recorded Books. Avalablefor purchase or rent! by mal, Suggested Reading: Frankin, John Hops and Alted A. Moss, J. Fram Stary ta Freedom: A Hist Atrean Ametcads. Alved A Krop ne 8 ed 2000 Freedman, Lawrence M. American Lain the 2h Gantry. Yat University Freedman, Lawrence M. Crime and Punishment in American Mistry. Now York Base Books, 1953 Freedman, Lawence M.A Hstoy of American Law Simon & Schuster, 2nd ed, 1885 Friedman, Lawrence M. Law in America: A Shot Misty, Modern Library ‘Chronicles New York: Random House, 2002. Fragman, Laurance M, and Robett V. Percival. The Roots o use: Crime ‘and Punhment a Alameda County, alfcnia, 1870-1810. Chapel Hi: Universi of Nort Caoine Press, 1981 ‘Andrews, Richard NL, Managing the Envronment. Man Histon t Amancan Environmental Poicy New Maven Yale Universty Press, 1090 Ayer, Edvard L. Vengeance and sce: Crime and Punishment athe 10 ‘Century American South. Now York Oxford University Press, 1864, ‘Banner. Siva. The Dea Penal: An Amercan Hstary. Boston: Harvard j (vers Press, 2002 ‘elinap, Michael. Federal Law and Southem Onder: ResialVolence. and al Confit the Post Brown Soult Alana: Universi of Geerga Press, 1095. erin, “The Fst Two Centures of Slavery in ‘ Noch America. Beston: Harvard Unversity Press, 2000 Blake, Neon M, The Road o Reno: A History of Divoree inthe United . ‘Sales. Now York Macrilan, 1962 Clark, Blue, Lone Wolf. Hichcock: Trealy Righis and Indian Law athe Endo he Nnciserh Ganka. Lincoln. Univers of Nebraska ; Press, 1994 Cott, Nancy F. Pubic ows. Histon of Mariage and ine Nation. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2000 cetera COURSE MATERIALS: (other Books of interest: continued) ‘Craig Barbara inkson and Dave M, Oran. Abortion and American Pols. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1893, (Coshman, Bary. Rthinkng te New Deal Cour The Stuctu ot (Consiitonal Revasten New York: Oxord Unversty Poss, 1008 Danies, Roger. Guarding te Golden Door American Immigration Policy and Immigrents Soe 1882: New York Hil and Wang, 20D is, Rcherd & The Jeffersonian Crisis: Courts and Polis inthe Young Republic. New York Oxtord Unversty Press, 1871 Fenrenbscher Don E. Slaven Law. and Politics: The Ds istonical Persoacive. New York: Oxiord Unversiy Press 138t Forbam, Wim €. Law and te Boston: Harvard Uawersty Bross, 188. Froyer. Tony A. Hamony and Dissonance: The Sit np ‘American Federals: New Yar Now York nversty Prose, 1381 (Garrow, Davi J to Privacy andthe Meking ually: The Fight. ‘oe. ade: Now Yor Marian, 1534 Gitinan, Howard. The Constitution Besieged: The Rise and Demise of Leche Ea Pca Panera Durr Due Uesty Gordon, Sra Saringe. The Mormon Questo: Plaamy and Coston ‘Gita Nietaanh Century Ama. Chepe i Uniesty of Nat Ceraina Press 2002 eat ze ‘reenter, ogi ime and Eaforcament ine Clon of NY. {81778 tne: Comel Unverty Bese, 1576 = Gosstera, Michel. Governg the Hear: Lay anh Famiy in Neen ‘CenluxsArorcs Chae! Ha Unsere f Nath Carina ras 108 Hot, Kermit The Magi Mor. Law in Anarzan Hi jor Ones Untory Pros 190 parait Hamm, Rchar . Snap the 18h Amend ‘ute aa the Ba a8 a0 Chapel Ht Unvoiy a Rom Carotna Press, 1985, Harnsen, Rober. Site a sn Contry America. New York Lng Publahing Group 97 Hetog, Henk Man and Wie in Amsrca: Aston. Combo, MA anvard Unversity Pres, 200 2 ig, i Ona. Making and Remaking ian Ametca Though oly, 880-1980" Stare, CA: Stanford Unveraty Press (108) isch, Adan. The Rise fhe Pentenay: Prisons ang Punshmen in ary ‘Ainetca, Now Haver: Yale Unverty Bross 1008 Hofer Petr, c in Colonial America. rev. ed, Batimore: “Johns Hiopins University Press, 1998 ‘ther Books of interest: (continued) Hotter, Peter C. The Great New York Conspiracy of 1741: Slavery. Caine, and Colonial Law: Lawrence: Unveraty Press of Kansas, 2003 Horwitz, Noron J. The Transformation at Ametcan Law. 1780-1860. New York: Onto Univerty Presa 187 Jacob, Hebert Silent Revoltin. The Transformation of Divarce Law a the United Sales. Cicapo: Unversy of Gricago Press, 1908 Jones, Nakdmyn Allen. American immigration. Chicago: University of Chicago, ress, 2nd od, 1052 Kogan, Robor A. AdversarilLeaatsm: The American Way ct Law. Boston: Harvars Unversity Press, 2008, Katz, Micha! 8. Inthe Shadow of ne Poomouse: A Socal Hasty of Wtfre in America. rev ea, New York Basic Books, 1996, Kote, Meron. Regdaing a New Economy. Public Policy and Economic ‘Ghange in Amencs 1000-1933 Boston Harvard Uriversty Press, 199. ‘ger, Richard. Semple lusice New York Aled A. Knopf, 1976. 'yza, Christopher M. Who Controls Public Lands? Mining Forest. and ‘Graung Pain, 1670-1990. Chape! Hat Universi of Norm Caran Press 1000. Konig, Dav. Law and Sociotin “629-1692 Chapa Hit Unversiy of North Carona Press, 1979, utes, Stanley. Puviege and Greate Destucton: The Charles iver Bison “Gass, Priaelpha Lippinest, 1977 Langum. Oavi J. Crossing Ove he Line: Legislatng Morality ang the Mann "Ac. Chicago: Unversty of Chicago Press. 1984. Louchlonterg, Wiliam €. The Supreme Cour Rebom: The Gonstusional Revoir inte Age of Roosevel. New York: Oxford Univerty Press 1095 LUtwack, Leon F. Toubl in Mlod: Black Southerners nthe Age of im Grow, ‘New York Krop! Publishing Group, 1996 ‘Mann, Bruce H. Neghbors end Sanger: Law and Community in Eat ‘Connectsa. Chapel Hi: Unter of Nor Coroina Pree, 200% Merman, Jon Heny. The Gv Law Tradition: An Intesucton tothe Legal ‘Systems of Westen Castors’ Stators UUniverty Press, nd 0d. 1985 Mile, WiburR. Cops 2d Bobbies: Police Auhodty in London and New "Yor 1830-1870. Columbus: Ono State Univers Press 197 Mors, Thomas D. Sovhem Slavery and ihe Law. 1619-1860. Chapel i ‘Unversty of North Caosna Press, 1006, Novak, iia JJ. The People's Wefare: Law and Ragulaton in Nintcent- ‘Geniuy Amen. Chapel Hil Unversty of Norn Carona Press, 1096 7 ABOUT THE COURSE ABOUT THE MODERN SCHOLAR: Be) Tele Shkreincinprobpl ome ter Books of iter: (continued) Khliainicriidiniaae | site Ghat peeetares aeleomel fp steers eh heron ye ser, May €Dainaurt Dashes: Prtetng and Polkng Adseacent lt acini, | ean meee ama Small fu ted Sues ia 1GG0 Chops tt grees en meso banter Unversity ef Noth Crcne Bos abe Satriani | nog Patan, Jes. Sonn . Ban of Edun: A.C lgts estore poeeeere aed at is True Lacy New Yar Oca Una a ae Sscempsimeediom | gor rae woRssoR Pelener, Richer ahing Fath: The Aba Cant Summe Gout, | cus upc brtogh :* Tenaiae meetin | SoGemectoanes | me vam ra mtu MoT YEAR Reon see ain ihe Sotitendaptpodjace enya | MeberFainn eo oy Law as Beene sch cevel pu of ‘Law School Among his may aan Rann Max (e) Mas Wet on Law n zonemy and Sct inci he git eee enor ‘anbaoe Hand Uersy Pras Se Permnnien ee beg scan ‘ote Ceo. aan Gare ne: HeUrony Pt en _| bla ht on Seek oan Rey, end. Qhorce Amarin Linco: Unverey of mliyioecmplecmen | umm es A eS Gr Nebraska Press, 1991, pln can ml che |e cn As Sears Pie Twice Condamsc: Sms anne oa Law ot Sede ncnog af ops ele paula eed Vagia.rts tes Gaon Roe Cocsane Sas Ones oe, cetaeyiafndier cs | nie mde Amin” amas ‘sbi hs cum il cue ook. erg fel nbs Thence Hy of Seavoy, Roa . The Osis of Anancan Business Coeraon_788. aoe ene. ‘ts: cadena ie Canoe Puc Serve Buns ioe, ae eae Vals Wespot. Cr Creemecd Pussies aa Fog loipar y=. Selonan ee Tne Tastaaton fal Stet Now Yo Heugion couRsE STLABUS pera eponl parpeyeedpst Tu Company Ose mca Shin, Jan Eva to Maa Dec Nate New Yer: Hany wet er ist and Compa sec ean? TeOirdespewe oredr Spin Donna J.C and Scie in Noh Caring. 163-178 Baton cat Emme : ‘Rouge’ Louisiana Siate University, 1088 Saeed sets password: 1026LFR lak, Rona Stapgon fom a leet Share soy oan eon meted iNew Yar Uite- Bown and Company A A ee Fe soln akg few cm cng Tomins Chsoper Law, Laban Seay nine Early Repub: sa ee leona 9058158 Cartp! Cambrge Unersy Poss 1a Sey, cw chat recacicom "Wer Tam Wy Poole Obes th La Now Haven: Yle Unversity miStanceuy ss TP 1982. um ectre7 Bieta one ssf nomaerolee Wot, Sel ep ate Hat ot Angin cial ate = Seeds ea Noe vor: Ota Danesh Pea a can wa Fo eonacah : Wels, Same! The ihe Revluon: its and Cenmuniyn Madsen cae sures ‘ietn New Yo Oxo Unrest oy me oo : ‘Wood Gaon 8 The Graion abe American Regie. 176-187 Capa Soe Biguiitasany Het Tit UnwersyoRt Sana 1058 vant Coouafonmee iced as 2 ood Gaon 5, ne Racal le Anatcan Reva New Yor Siemon, | mameerimacn ; *inage Bock wa ose 2 Al books are valle ontne through et nin Ca i ory caling Recor Becks easy soe et ant oe Since

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