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1. Ethics - This group operates on the objective of informed choice. The
group exists to provide personal and friendly support to mothers and
fathers, to help them make fully-informed choices of how best to birth
their babies. Mothers are to be reminded of the following ethics when
providing information and support:
(a) Provide information and share experience about birthing and related
topics with objectivity, and with respect for the unique needs and values of
individuals. The information provided is with the objective of enabling
mothers and fathers to make informed decisions, and not to deem if one
way is better than the other.
(b) Facilitate respectful and non-judgmental communication in the
discussions and postings
(c) Recognise and exercise informed judgment within the limits of her
qualifications. Volunteer doulas who are accredited to offer information
and support regarding birthing and related topics may do so within the
limits of her knowledge, and medical practitioners may provide
information and personal opinion, but should not engage in medical
consultation or any other professional activity. This group is not the forum
to seek medical advice. Any mother needing medical advice is to be
referred to her doctor or caregiver.
(d) When a mother seeks help because of advice received from her doctor
or caregiver differs from what she knows about birthing, the mother is to
be provided with information that allows her to consider all possibilities
and decide on the best course of action for herself and her baby.
(e) Where a mother is unhappy because of her birth experience, her
feelings is to be validated and she is to be helped to accept this situation,
and encouraged to be aware of the importance of skilled and loving
mothering in all its aspects, of which gentle birthing is just one.
2. Modesty - Sisters, please note that in the spirit of promoting gentle
birthing awareness, the membership of this group is not screened with
care. So do take extra care when posting ie don't post anything that you
will not be comfortable to be viewed or read by men. InshaAllah, may He
guide us to observe our adab and modesty as Muslimahs, in the course of
seeking/sharing ilmu and promoting gentle birthing awareness in our
community. Please do 'tegur' (remind) each other. For questions of a
personal nature, you may personally email any of the volunteer doulas,
and one of our volunteer doulas will try to answer your question,

3. Selling and Advertising- To ensure that mothers in need do not have to

sieve through "clutter" to find information, promotion of business or
personal interests is not allowed on this group. STRICTLY NO ADVERTISING
(sales, promotions, teasers, product updates, announcements, tester
seeking, etc), either in posts or comments, be it directly (eg: "I am
providing massage services", or "I am selling this supplement", etc) or
indirectly (eg: "I am thinking of selling this" etc) EXCEPT for products that
helps mothers prepare for a gentle birth eg birth balls. Please begin your
posts with this header ***VENDOR'S POSTING*** and please do NOT spam
the wall with repeated postings, only a SINGLE posting for such
announcement and a maximum bumping of once a week is allowed, .
4. Recommendations and Giveaways of Supplements - Promotion of drugs
or health supplements (including maternal milk) of any kind is STRICTLY
NOT ALLOWED. Mothers should consult their doctor before taking any
medication or supplements.
5. Postings - New members are encouraged to read the Documents and
FAQ section of the group before posting a question. Where an
issue/problem has been discussed in previous threads, members are
encouraged to tag on these threads for further clarification to make it
easier for other mothers with the same concerns to refer to / follow the

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