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Combining Thermal Radars 360

Camera System with IECs WereWolf

Positioner and Deterrent Platform.
Initial detections are generated by the low power Thermal Radar system and escalated
to the 100mm Thermal and Day/Night 25mm by 225mm Zoom Camera Systems of
IECs WereWolf Platform where they are assessed, classified and escalated. Escalation
can include automated audible warnings via the LRAD acoustic system, highly accurate
positioning and firing of Class III lasers and/or Variable Beam Width Spotlight. If warnings
fail, an Eyes On determination can be made to use any or all of the three warning/deter
devices to provide non lethal force.

Thermal Radars unique, low power continuous 360 detection system is the workhorse
of the system. This device provides 24/7 blanket thermal coverage for the protected area.


Intrusions are escalated to IECs powerful WereWolf platform where its 100mm Thermal
Camera and 25mm by 225mm Day/Night Zoom camera systems classify each potential
target. Once classified each target can be pre-programed to receive any mix of audible or
visual warnings with its onboard systems.

The WereWolf platform allows an operator to escalate to the use of nonlethal force with any of
the installed devices with a touch of a button. LRAD 300X Acoustic Hailer: Beam width +/15. Maximum output of 143 dB. Spotlight: 12,000,000 Candlepower with adjustable beam
width of 1 to 40. Class IIIa Lasers: 530nm (green) and 680nm (red). Considered eye-safe.

sal es@ the r m a


the rmal r ad m

2015Thermal Imaging Radar, LLC. All Rights Reserved. THERMAL RADAR, INTELLIGENT 360 RADAR CAMERA are trademark applications
of Thermal Imaging Radar (TIR). All other company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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Banshee Features and Specifications


Search and See all Threats

Live uncooled 360 thermal panoramic camera providing human detection to 300m
for accurate targeting in all weather and in complete darkness

360 camera separate from assessment camera and warning devices, maintaining
continual situational awareness

LRU approach: all payloads can be taken off, swapped out with no tools

Sensor configurations:

336x256 or 640x512 uncooled amorphous silicon thermal array

Thermal Optics from 7.5mm to 25mm


Intelligently Identify and Track Intruders

Slew to Cue uncooled thermal camera and visual camera for target recognition at 1000m

640x480 uncooled VOx thermal array

Thermal Optics from 100mm to 25/225mm continuous zoom

380k visual detector

Visual Optics - 3.5mm to 122mm

Middleware: IEC Intruder Alert

Gives easy point-to-click user interface, using panoramic image to provide

visual go-to reference

Slew to cue target on contact

All systems controlled from one interface, by one user

Can be integrated with other sensors (UGS, Ground Surveillance Radars, CBRNE)

Can communicate with other C2 (Command & Control) platforms

System covers all tactical aspects: all-weather target detection, threat assessment,
target geo-location, then stepped deterrent response


EOF Modular full range of deterrance

Maxbeam 12M cp Ultra Bright Spot Light from 1o to 40o To Illuminate

LRAD 300 X, Long Range Acoustical Device at 143dB To Warn

Class III 530nm (green) and 680nm (red) Lasers To Track and Deter

sa l es@ the r m


the r m al r ad m

2015 Thermal Imaging Radar, LLC. All Rights Reserved. THERMAL RADAR, INTELLIGENT 360 RADAR CAMERA are trademark applications
of Thermal Imaging Radar (TIR). All other company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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