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Unit 6test


4.38 Listen. Complete Amys notes with a

single word. Use words from the dialogue.
(10 marks)

Energy-efficient light bulbs

government will stop the sale of some bulbs
encourage us to use (1) _________________
use less (2) _________________
help (3) _________________ climate change
Solar power
government probably wont
(4) _________________ us to use it in the
home, unless global warming becomes
(5) _________________
Endangered species
an issue all over the (6) _________________
makes me (7) _________________
World Wildlife Fund
runs (8) _________________ programmes to
protect animals (9) _________________
speaks out against the
(10) _________________ in endangered

3 Complete the text. Use adjectives ending in

-ing or -ed. (6 marks)
Im on holiday in Marrakech. The hotel is really dirty,
which is irritating because its quite expensive. The
bathroom is (1) d______________ ! I was very
(2) e______________ before I came here but now
Im a bit (3) d______________!
There are lots of little roads in the market. I keep
getting lost. Its very (4) c______________ . There
are snake charmers in the main square. I hate
snakes so I was very (5) f______________ . It isnt
all bad, though. There are lots of interesting things
to see the culture is (6) f______________ .
4 Complete the sentences. Use adjectives ending
in -ing or -ed. (8 marks)

Im at a comedy show. Its very a________ .

I was i________ by my neighbours loud music.
Im s________ that Toby was so rude.
His marks are e________ I think hell do well
in his exams this year.
Dont be a________ . Its a practice fire alarm.
I dont know where my keys are. Im p________ .
I cant wait for the party. It will be e________ .
I dont like horror films. Theyre f________ .

5 Complete the dialogue. Use will and appropriate
verbs. (10 marks)

2 Write words for the definitions. (6 marks)



Energy generated by the sun.

solar power
Examples of these are coal, oil and gas.
This is caused by excessive amounts of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Animals that are at risk of becoming extinct.
The impact of our activities on the environment.
Power generated by the sun, wind, rain or tides.
The areas where animals live and thrive.

Dan Will you invite me to your birthday party?

Kay Yes, of course! Its next Friday. You
(1) ____________ a great time, I promise.
Dan (2) ________ there ________ a lot of people?
Kay Loads, but dont worry, there
(3) ____________ enough food and drink!
Dan Great. I (4) ____________ you there, then.
Kay I promise I (5) ____________ late!
6 Correct the mistakes. (8 marks)


I going to see the Clan in concert on Friday.

Im going to see the Clan in concert on Friday.
What do you going to do during the summer?
They arent going get married in a church.
Sam going to stay with us when she comes?
We go to go home soon.

Unit 6test
7 Complete the sentences with will or going to
and appropriate verbs. (18 marks)
Im going to be a vet when I leave university.
I think global warming ______________ worse.
That bag is heavy. I ______________ it for you.
Whats the secret? I ______________ anyone!
They ______________ married next year.
I can see that you ______________ successful.
______________ we ______________ at a
campsite again this summer?
7 I ______________ skiing in December.
8 It ______________ later. There are lots of black
9 There isnt any chocolate ice cream? OK, I
______________ a strawberry one, then.

8 Read the notes and write first conditional

sentences. (14 marks)
I / not have / any money I / not go / out
I / not see / Katie Harry / ask / her out
Katie / say / yes they / have / a good time
I / not be / happy I / not go / to work
I / not have / any money


If I havent got any money, I wont go out.

If I dont go out, _______________________


4 How is the council responsible for the flooding?

5 What is the result when it rains?

Dear Editor,
Im writing about the recent floods in our town. Ive
lived here since I was a child, i.e. almost forty years,
and I cant remember a time when the flooding has
been so alarming. Of course, the surrounding fields
have always become inundated following a heavy
rainfall. The flooding has never been on this scale
before though, and never within the town centre.
This problem has increased over the past fifteen
years, and it is going to get worse.
It has become very fashionable to talk about climate
change, and to say that the flooding is caused by
rising sea levels. This is a convenient excuse.
Although I agree that we all need to reduce our
carbon footprint, I think that the problem Im
describing is the result of a more local issue.
If readers take a walk along the streams that run
through the town, theyll see that most of them are
blocked by rubbish. It is well known that the council
has reduced the amount of money it spends on
keeping the town clean and the waterways clear.
This means that when we have bad weather, the
rainwater in the streams has nowhere to go but out
onto the streets. If the council doesnt act soon, well
all need boats!
Yours faithfully,

9 Read the text. Answer the questions. (10 marks)

1 What has always happened when it has rained?
2 How has the situation changed in recent years?
3 How do some people explain the problem?

Douglas Porter

10 Write a campaign leaflet for an issue of your
choice. Describe the problem, outline possible
solutions and say how you want people to help.
(10 marks)

Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Grammar _____ / 50 Reading _____ / 10 Writing _____ / 10
TOTAL _____ / 100

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